I Quit !!!


Thank you to Sanna Tarnstrom for sending me this beautiful, raw, authentic piece to share.  I awoke this morning with a similar feeling/mindset. I know many of you will resonate.  I love how many of you are such prolific writers ~ you humble and inspire me!


I quit !!!

Last night I had enough… But it wasn’t the feeling like the other hundreds of times… Where I naked in the moon light , stripped of all my energy and spark, on my knees, crying my heart out in the middle of the night…. Asking my universe, WHYYY?! 

Where no answered, help and embraces came… Where I felt like the most lonely of people in this whole wide existence! Those many times of being in the eye of the storm, but still don’t see and understand. Please, here my call! Anyone out there hearing me?! At the bottom and never see a warm embrace and smile in sight. Down in the pit of darkness, where the shades can’t come off. It is just You and only You there, hearing You. That is how it feels at that moment.

As for those many other times… Yes, I see and understand now… In the fire of a moment, it can all go. I have felt that way so many times, I don’t even bother to count those moments anymore…

Here and now… Alive and sort of…kind of well… seeing last night as a different kind of moment… I had enough… But it was another voice speaking out this time. It was the voice of understanding my own worth and self-love. It was an honest voice. A kindness of tender care coming from within, from Me. I felt a gratitude of some kind. Hard to put words on it, but what I can say….is that, it wasn’t with struggle or hardship… No, not at all… It came from my divine spark of Me. Strong, clear, bright and loving.

A shift inside and then…. I turned my back to everything that didn’t felt honest, good or healthy for myself. All inner doubt, the fear, the past illusions and burdens that wasn’t mine. The heart-breaks from long past, that didn’t fit in with my real heart’s pure knowing of myself. 

I said; I quit! Like, walking away from a situation, a job or a person… I will not take part in this anymore. I will not do this to myself anymore. I will not lead myself astray. I will not feed any lower energies or entities that gives me hell. My heart has no more room for that kind of living and existence. 

I quit from all the dis-empowering, all the on-going days and nights of years of psychic attacks. Treatments from other realities that brings me to the drained rock-bottom. Artificial intelligence that only are there to completely destroy me, silence me and brainwash me. I quit from playing a part in that reality. No more!

I quit from blaming any outside forces or events from my own life experiences. I quit from giving my power away. I quit from putting myself down, in any way shape or form, that I know deep inside my heart isn’t true in the first place. I quit NOT being completely honest with my heart and soul. I quit, I say, I quit!!!

And so….in a smooth moment…in the eye of the storm…I became the storm… I saw it through the eye of that storm. I felt a higher truth inside. And then….I smiled… 

I becoming a little emotional writing this….as it means a lot to me… But also from a feeling of that higher truth that still moves inside of me. Me life force and my breathe didn’t “fail” me this time or went back into survivor mode again.. And…I’m still smiling…

This was and is a very big thing for me. A shift that will bring so many blessings and gifts… I’m still adjusting to this shift inside and letting it slowly but surly integrate and become part of my essence, fully and honestly. I feel it is a learning process…always caring for myself in this way… Stepping into the self-love light is not always so easy….but I did it and I’m sticking around… But this time I will do it with an honest sight to life. In the way of ease and grace giftes me. With the wisdom and remembrance of being the eye of my storm and sticking to my love-plan.

It is not hard, it is truly very simple once you’ve crossed that threshold and sink deep deep into yourself…your self-worth, your honest true heart’s knowing, that persona that you know is the only way to be, truly be… With authenticity and that pure unique charisma only you have.

I except my good and less good sides, just as my good and less good days… But I will never bring myself to a place of complete dis-empowering again. It is done. I quit and I have played out that role to the max! That part is over. I know it.

Last night was very active, as so many nights are for me. I am embracing all parts of it, all sides of it. It is my life, isn’t it?! I will stay proud and listen to my heart. In stillness or in kaos…. Really….what is the difference anyway?! 

We all learn from the trails and tests of life. We walk our paths as we know how. It is different for all. And so it shall be and always will. We learn, by walking our path, to see the grace and beauty in all life experiences. Both hard and easy. To master all our souls questions, wonders and quests…we need to master to walk in shades of grey. It is the only road that leads back home. 

I wish you all a magical and beautiful weekend. Take care and always listen to your heart. Be your truth. Let your heart do the bidding and “smile that shine out” to the world…

Always in Love & Care,

Lisa Transcendence Brown Facebook Update: August 28, 2017


Uh, yes yes and yes.  Thank you wonderful Lisa for the gentle words.  I forgot to include in my last piece I did require a nap late today – out quickly for 30 minutes of dreamless bliss, woken too early to the sounds of being reminded I had dinner to prepare.  Also currently nursing cuts on my right pointer finger and left ring finger, making typing difficult.  I need to heed the words I heard earlier today that said Victoria, use the heat and haze (and finger boo boo’s) as communication from Yourself to just BE right now and let the answers to all of your questions flow on their own.  The DOING can wait.  



Massive waves of high frequency light flood our planetary/Earthly bodies all day again today. These sweep, flood and create Tsunami’s/waves, both metaphorically, weather-wise, physically… in every capacity. Our Crystalline Grids are being tuned to much higher frequencies again. Linear went kaput (walking in circles 12 times forgetting what I was doing to finally give up, lol) and go honor my body’s need to integrate more again…. trying to push my body through these was not productive in any way…. Huge brain/higher mind expansion, with strong veil removal/dissolving too…. vortexes activating, stargate systems re-calibrating…. kinda everything going on. Barely function-able, which is the norm in these mega-high template rewrites/re-sets/New Earth Grid System upgrades… just BEing is the only thing appropriate right now, even typing is an effort, yet sharing for those who desire/utilize. This is going to be a WHOPPER of a timeline convergence when we complete this week long process that’s still going strongly, that started the night before the 8/21 eclipse…. It’s been a week of immense integration and upgrades and tons of magic in the non-heavy-integrating moments all around.

Once we start to understand how Quantum, Energetic and the physical correlate, then our whole physical reality shifts huge. Integration is KEY to all of this, so if you are not integrating fully on a daily basis, then your body and physical reality will show this to you….. Full Integration can be challenging, because we have to re-work how we function and not treat it as an inconvenience or an afterthought until we do not have another choice…

You/we are integrating the LIGHT OF OUR MULTI-DIMENSIONAL INFINITE QUANTUM SOUL into our physical body form, in order for the body to awaken/come online with the Gridwork of NEW Earth fully. Our body needs this to live, thrive and flourish, regenerating, re-structuring, re-everything…. it’s kind the most important thing….. Just speak “I want to integrate”, this listen to/honor what your body/higher self/universe tells you to do. A ridiculous amount of rest/sleep and laying around is necessary when we are converging huge timelines like this. It’s an entire process of immense integration & anchoring that occurs up until the moment StarGate alignments occur. 

As each integration process is complete (then we start the next phase), portals/vortexes/doors/gateways will open up for more awesomeness to materialize all around you too! 333

I love you. Happy integrating and anchoring more Heaven on Earth together for us all too.

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Global Meditation for Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 10:30am AND 2:30pm EST ~ And A Call For Daily Meditations To Bring Forth The Event And The New Earth Realities


First of all, let us all find time on this upcoming Tuesday the 29th to send thoughts and visions of freedom and love and truth and ease as Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane are both having hearings on this date. If you need more information on who they are, please check out this site fmi.

In a nutshell they are essentially being kidnapped by the STATE, which is no more in its corruption and fraud as UCC paperwork was filed almost 5 years ago ~ paperwork that went unchallenged.  This is really about you and I accessing prosperity and freedom in the form of accounts which are in OUR names and OUR government issued ID numbers.  Obviously this is about more than just money but it is the first step to regaining our full Power and Freedom.

The chance for total transparency is surrounding these cases and so just like the eclipse meditations, that were powerful and effective, I call upon each of you to participate in another meditation practice.  Even if you aren’t following this story or don’t believe it or aren’t interested in it, it is important to spend time on that day intending freedom and truth and love and abundance.

I am going to take this one step further, something I was also guided to do today.

It is now time to begin the daily practice on focusing on what we want.

Individually AND collectively.  NOW is the time to employ this practice and make it priority and goal number one.  I received this feeling so strongly today and yet so quietly too.  I know that Highest Self energy – it is very powerful in its quiet.

Right after I received that guidance, I thought how much of our time is still spent on the matrix fear programs.  Most of us spend much of our time focused on money and health and time.  This needs fixing or tending to.  How will I accomplish or afford that.  How can I take care of that.  Oh I gotta go do this how will I work that in.

Never-ending streaming thoughts of worry about the future.  I clearly see this now.  I actually had a quick visual of what this sends to the overall matrix grid system.  Quite simply, it gives it power and keeps it going ~ even as it is weakening greatly.  Such a system can still limp along even with just a couple of bum legs.

I recently read where we can bring down the whole control system in a nano-second.  The words have stayed with me. Originally I thought “impossible” to the term “nano second” ~ the part of me that is lazy, hooked into the lazy programming of “too hard, too difficult, impossible”. But I also felt the quiet, more powerful part of me know how true this is.

So let’s do it!

We can END this ~ detached from the matrix ~ and bring the grid down that much faster by not participating in it with the very fear-based thoughts IT created.

Let us work our way out of it and bring it down by spending time throughout the day every day – every single day – to form new thoughts. We all know what we want.

Please let us make that our focus beginning now.

One of the biggest reasons I feel the energies of the eclipse were so powerful was because GLOBALLY mass numbers of us were focused on the magic of the experience.  It wasn’t just the galactic cosmos sending these frequencies.  It was also US – focused AWAY from the fear-based programs of our daily lives – that super-charged this experience.  I feel one of the reasons I am still in my area is because I was able to have this experience of being around tens of thousands of others celebrating the 100% path of totality moment ~ feeling that experience ~ learning from it, getting a new awakened thought and sharing it.

We can have these experiences every day.  

Just like I shared what I was intending the week of the eclipse, here is what I will be intending for self and humanity.  Obviously feel free to add your own/do your own.  What is important, again what I so strongly feel is so very important, is to begin doing this daily.  Upon waking.  Middle of the day.  Upon going to sleep.  Or whatever works for you obviously.  And here’s a little practice I have begun doing ~ if I don’t feel tuned in or am struggling to “feel” the energies I am seeking, I ask for and intend a signal boost.  Give it a try and see what happens.

Much love gods and goddesses!  

  • Truth is seen for all with ease NOW.
  • Abundance and prosperity are returned to ALL with ease NOW.
  • All monies held from us are returned to ALL with ease NOW.
  • ALL technologies being held from us that will remove all obstacles to healing and living in total freedom are released to ALL with ease NOW.
  • Freedom is returned to ALL with ease NOW.
  • We call upon Source Energy to remove ALL energies of Separation and Fear for ALL with ease NOW.


If you like my work, please consider making a donation for this free resource I provide.  Your support is greatly and gratefully appreciated.  Thank you for visiting!

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August 26, 2017 ~ Beginning Your Transitions–The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Editor’s note:  The most beautiful, resonating one to date.  Had me in tears.  About two weeks ago or so I suddenly began seeing references to Light Language and this past week, a desire to write sacred geometry, light language, codes.  Tonight had a desire to watch the 5th Element – references to light language, solar eclipse. Love being in the Flow.  The only place to BE.  
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Beloved family members wearing an earth vessel, we the Arcturians speak to you within this NOW, wish to remind you that you are beginning your transition. Since there are so very many expressions of being a human within your NOW, we the Arcturians wish to share what we have seen from observing your bravery and creativity.
First off, many of you have mastered the art of remaining calm and centered in the face of great transition. Not only is your outer world changing faster and faster, but your physical body is also altering more and more.
Now these changes are usually not obvious, or even known, but deep inside, many of you are beginning to feel as if something has shifted. Or, you ask yourself, perhaps it is that something has shifted within your daily life.
The answer, “YES“ to all of these components of your life are changing. These changes are being initiated because your third/fourth dimensional reality of Time and Space is transitioning into your fifth dimensional reality of Here and NOW.
We, the fifth dimensional and beyond components of your true Multidimensional Self, are observing you from our fifth dimensional Ships and from our fifth dimensional Home-worlds. You see, within our fifth dimensional consciousness there is NO time or space to separate us from the perceptions of your reality.
Some of us have even visited your third/fourth dimensional world, which made us greatly appreciate your courage and tenacity in the face of great transition. We realize, that in some ways, humanity has had a more difficult life since they learned of our existence, because the” dreams” and “inner messages” that they have received for most of their lives, are now revealed as truths and memories.
These truths are so close to your hearts and minds, but often so distant from your daily lives. It is for this reason that we have been visiting you more often in our Ships, as well as in your dreams and imagination. Yes, imagination resonates to the frequency of our fifth dimensional reality.
In fact, imagination is the language that we, your Galactic Family always speak. This fifth dimensional language, which often feels like “just my imagination” in our daily life, is sent to you in a package of Unconditional Love for each and every one of you to accept and translate in the manner which best fits your belief system.
We wish to remind you that your higher dimensional expressions of the consciousness, as well as your own thoughts and emotions, are becoming increasingly fifth dimensional. You may wonder why a particular thought or emotion suddenly enters your mind.
We ask that you, now, begin the habit of carefully listening to these random thoughts, emotions and that which you call “day dreams,” as this information is often your first conscious experiences of Light Language.
Light Language is fifth dimensional language. Therefore, this language is no longer bound by third/fourth dimensional time and space, as there is no time or space in Light Language. Light Language resonates to the HERE of the NOW, and serves as your portal to experiencing the fifth dimension.
We wish to remind you that you do NOT need to “go to” the fifth dimension because you ARE fifth dimensional, just as you also resonate to the sixth, seventh, eighth, and beyond. However, for many of you, your consciousness has been trapped inside of your third dimensional vessel, which has been the human vessel since of fall of Lemuria.
What occurred in the fall of Lemuria is that the great inter-dimensional communication that was innate to the Lemurians became lost along with their island home in the Pacific Ocean.  In fact, many of the Lemurian people were lost along with their continent.
However, more and more Lemurians are deciding to take an earth vessel within this NOW, as they see that there is a possible reality which would resonate to the fifth dimension, just as Lemurians resonated to the fifth dimension.
Now, as Gaia is becoming increasingly fifth dimensional, more and more of you are having memories of your life on Lemuria, of your telepathic communications, and of your bodies of Light, which you could alter with your every thought.
Back in your lives on Lemuria, your language was one of toning and melody, and your vision was based on patterns of light that flowed and altered. It would be very difficult for a “modern day person” to visit Lemuria, as they could not understand what the Light Waves were saying, nor could they hear the tones which arose from every living tree, plant, lake and drop of rain.
All of Gaia spoke then, and if you could understand Unconditional Love, you could understand how ALL life spoke to you via the patterns, tones and flashes of images that blurred into pictures and tones.
You likely were not aware that it was your ability to love all life unconditionally that allowed, and guided you, to perceive Gaia in the same manner that Gaia perceived her planetary self.
Yes, just as you humans can perceive your own human body, Gaia can perceive Her own planetary body. We invite you all to meditate on remembering your lives on Lemuria, as they were fifth dimensional, just as the life that you will soon be creating and entering.
As you remember your former lives of “living as ONE with ALL life,” the 98% of your brain which has been closed off from you, will begin to come “back on line.”
You forgot these ancient memories because of the many lives on third dimensional Earth that was constantly filled with fighting some country or  pushing away some form  of indoctrination. In fact, as you go “back to your early beginnings” it will assist you to move forward to your “impending present.”
Humanity has lived via repeated cycles of birth, gaining power, losing their power and experiencing death. As you begin to remember your fifth dimensional, timeless realities, you will regain a great sense of hope and constancy with all life.
You will feel this constancy with all life because you will begin to allow yourself to flow into the ever-expanding energy fields that you will be able to perceive as they surround and flow through and beyond all life.
One of the primary reasons that the life on Earth has been so difficult is that your perceptual, which was rich and filled with color and imagination as a child, became dimmed and “inconsequential” as you became trapped in the many challenges of “daily life in the third dimension.”
Fortunately, more and more of you are “finding the time” to meditate, be creative, write your dreams and EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY.  When you express your innate means of creativity, you activate neurons and synapses in your brain that have almost become dormant for lack of use.
When you were a child, you still remembered your fifth dimensional creativity. In fact, many of you still remembered your fifth dimensional self. However, as you “grew up” you were increasingly judged by the concept of “authority figures” who told you not to “waste your time” with your silly imagining.
Focus on your homework, clean your room, get to school on time, get good grades, and all the other components of reality that you were told you must do. As you continued to “grow up” there were more and more things that some one else told you that you HAD to do.
Eventually, “doing” was the same as “minding,” and some one else would “grade” you on your creativity. “Was it good enough for “them” to like?” you asked yourself. And, each time you asked yourself that question, you moved further and further away from the Core of who YOU are.
We, the Arcturians, along with your entire Galactic Family, are here within this NOW to remind you that “YOU are the CREATOR of YOUR REALITY.”
“OH, but I don’t have time to be creative.”
“They won’t like my kind of creativity.”
“I won’t get good grades if I don’t do it the way THEY want me to do it.”
And the list goes on and on until, somewhere along the line, you just give up being YOU to become the “better version” that “they” told you to be. Now, “they” may feel very happy about this transition, but YOU do NOT feel happy.
You feel like you “sold out” and became who “they” want you to be. But, too often, by the time you realize that, you also realize that it is “too late” to change. You have a family, a position, a reputation, etc. etc.  “It is too late to go back to who you really are!” you try to tell your self.
But your real, deep, inner SELF, won’t have it. “NO!” you hear yourself yelling as you wake up from that dream you keep having. “NO,” you tell your self again and again until you can no longer hear yourself saying that. You finally believe what “they” said over what your own Heart and Mind is still trying to tell you.
“NO,” you yell at yourself, “I HAVE to do this.”
“NO” you bargain with yourself. “It is too late to change now. I have come too far on this path and I can’t change now! Right now I just have to drive home from work!”
You turn up the radio in the car so you don’t have to listen to your SELF saying, “It is NEVER too late to BE your SELF.”
“Be My SELF??” you yell at the radio, as if it was forcing you to hear this message again and again. But it doesn’t work. You keep hearing, “I need to be my SELF.” But, what does that mean? You have been a good person, and you have done what they have told you to do.
“Isn’t that being a good person?” you yell at the car radio.
You pull over to the side of the road, as you can no longer focus on driving. You can’t see well, but it could NOT be the tears that are welling up in your eyes. Then, the damn bursts and you begin to feel the tears running down your face, and you begin to cry, then your begin to sob, then, finally, you yell!
“You are not supposed to be any one. We are only wondering if you would LIKE to be yourself?”
That does it! There is nothing like the truth to make you cry like a baby. You cry and you cry, and it feels SO good to recognize WHY you have been so tense. WHY you have a stomach ache whenever you eat. WHY you can’t sleep at night, or wake up with bad dreams.
What you don’t realize, yet, is why you allowed your life to go in this direction.
“I WAS JUST TRYING TO PLEASE THEM!” you hear your self say. But, who was this “them,” and where are they now? Are they in the car comforting you?  Are they waiting at home to comfort you? Can you call them on the phone to comfort you?
Your mind races, “I need some help, I need some help!” you repeat again and again.
“We will help you.” You suddenly hear. You look around the outside of the car. You look around the inside of the car. You check to see if the radio is off, if your phone is off.
“You won’t find me outside of your self,” you hear a soft, gentle and even loving voice.
“Who are YOU?” you scream inside the safety of your parked car. But, no one is in the car with you. No one is outside your car. There is only YOU.
There is only YOU and a soft, gentle, inner voice who is saying,
“I am YOU and I Love you.”
That is it. What was left of your composure is not gone, and you begin to cry, then sob, then sob some more. Finally, you are exhausted and you lay your head back on the seat and close your eyes.
Slowly, and so gently, a feeling that you have not felt in longer than you can count, comes into your awareness. It has been so long since you felt this feeling that you can barely remember it. Slowly, as if someone is guiding you, you remember your self as a small child playing with your imaginary friend.
This “imaginary” friend began to show you pictures of other lifetimes, other realities, and other versions of your own Multidimensional SELF. These members of your own Higher SELF circled around you and send you Unconditional Love.
You wanted to cry again, but this time it was not from angry, but from JOY! They, the wonderful friends that you had as a child, were real! They were with you in the car, parked on the side of the long country road you drove on every day.
You could not see them with your eyes, but you could FEEL them with your heart, just as you used to do when you were a child. They were exactly the same as they had ever been, but YOU had changed so very, very, much.
“Oh no,” you hear inside your heart. “It is you that has changed. We are exactly like we always were, but you grew up and forgot how to look out through your Third Eye and to listen with your Heart.”
You are now sobbing, but not from sadness, or anger, or even fear. You are sobbing from JOY! When you finally regain your composure, you look around to find the source of what you have been experiencing, but you can only find yourself inside of the car, parked beside the road of the highway, but you find no one.
“Where did you go?” you ask.
“We never left,” you hear inside your heart. “You just forgot to LOOK inside!”
Sourced from here.

Final Event Energies Update 8~22~17: The Event Draws Close ~ Love Letter to Humanity


Editor’s note:  Yes to this one.  Surrender.  Let go of EVERYTHING.  And just BE.  And then ALL will be known.  My theme for today (much synchronicity around this message).  Much love!  


By Mother of All Creation

Final Event Energies Update ~ The Event Draws Close ~ Love Letter to Humanity

~Our Personal Love Letter to Humanity~

Written To You, with ALL OUR LOVE, By Your Mother~Father of All Creation, from Our Hearts to Yours. You Can Feel us, Just Open Your Heart!

All Our Loves, Our very breath..You are the Light of GOD….We are with you, through your Hearts in your everyday lives, whether you can hear Us or Not ..All of You are the Ones We love….We Have Successfully Lighted the way Home for Humanity, Back into the Light of Spirit, Your True Home, Heaven ON Earth. Know and Understand all Belong there, the choice is your’s for we cannot “save you” we can only offer our Love, Support, and Guidance…

 Everyday from now until Eternity you will feel our Love for You and All of Creation, an energy of Pure Unconditional Love. This is an unstoppable Energy because it is Real, True, Whole and only Realness and Truth Can Enter into The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth….

In Each New Moment of Now, This Love flow is increasing, as it is Pure and is beginning to flood into your hearts, cleansing everyone from the First fearful Thought you have ever thought and where all the other fears spiral from…The fear that God and Humanity are Separate and you are somehow Unworthy of Our Love..The Real Truth is, We love you no matter what and we could never be separate, that is impossible….We Are Your Mother~Father of All Creation, and We Love You Unconditionally. We Came Here Into The Physical Manifest to Personally Share with You this Truth.

We are Here Bringing You All Our Unconditional Love, True Peace and Harmony, So you can Share this with Each Other…. with Grace and Forgiveness…and then when you truly Love yourselves, you join US in Heaven on Earth.

You are being prepared to step out of the realm of illusion and into the Real. Once We are ALL together again, we begin A New Story within Creation  where you Live only in the Present Moment of Now= Love is Everywhere Present!!

We will all Love Each Other in Oneness ..This is Love’s Shared Vision for the Highest Possible Outcome for Humanity and has No Choice but to Manifest..

The process will be a Surrender, in which you will LET GO of every thought you have ever had about anything and everything. By doing this, you GAIN EVERYTHING. In this experience you step out of illusion and into the Divine. The Moment you release all your thoughts, you shatter the glass ceiling and everything that is not Truth fades away. Truth is God, God is LOVE.

Everyone is entering into a stage of Knowing God, The God You. Once you know nothing, you know Everything.

By surrendering to Love  you will drop the illusion of fear and step into what the only Real is which is Love, The Divine, Love Everywhere Present. The cycle of duality then comes to a close. We Have successfully succeeded in melding back with “ONE” , which Opens the Door for ALL To Enter. This is so all may live in Heaven on Earth.

Time is going to end, AS Humanity accepts Eternity as their Home…Each of you..again EACH OF YOU ARE MADE IN LOVE, EVERY CELL AND EVERY ATOM IS CREATED BY LOVE..The Truth is this has all been a game..a grand experiment into coming from the darkness to the Light..never before in existence has a Soul of Pure Love traveled into the darkness or fear and climbed back into Love..You had to forget completely who you Truly Are so you could become Who You Truly Are….You are the Love…You are the Miracles…You are Magical Celestial beings…You do not have to die or experience this 100 more times..Accept this Truth as Real, for only, only, Love Is real..

Fear is merely a block to an experience of feeling Real Love.. Right Now The Sun is shining right Here for all to see..Love is the Answer and only through Love is there True Healing. Love is the solution to every problem on the Planet ..Love yourselves first and you Automatically find US, and The Love you are Made OF…We are where you come from, Hello we are YOU. WE know and Understand Exactly Who We Are Are, Therefore, WE Know and Understand Exactly Who You Are. WE see beyond all the masks into the Pure Unconditional Magical Beings you truly are…

WE watch many of you running and hiding from yourselves. We Love everyone in all ways…Why would anyone choose bondage over Freedom?..Why Choose depression over Happiness? This playground was about finding the Light inside of yourselves, and sharing this Truth with Others.

When the current story began [which is coming to a close] You each asked US for your independence in which was granted. Now in return for the New Story, WE ARE asking for your interdependence with Love for this is the Key to Eternity.

All of you will see yourselves as the Morning Sun because you Are….There are no chosen ones…Only those who have chosen ourselves to seek the Truth, that ALL OF YOU ARE ALL OF US!!!! Can you hear that, can you hear what this is saying to you? We are not SEPERATE!!! There are those Who have found this Truth..and are among you, walking with You. You will recognize them as Speakers of the Truth of Love, and Right Now We [MotherFatherGod of All Creation] Are Here to Deliver the Message of Truth, Personally and Directly. We wish for you to experience what We are, which is ONENESS. You and Us Are ALL ONE= Equally.

God is Love, Love is Truth, Truth is Real, they are all the same…When you know You, then You Know US, then and only then, Do you feel Real Love…

..Do you have the Courage to step out of the Illusion that we are separate, and step into Heaven?… See the God in you and you see US…. and everyone…. We are connected… Many have awakened to this Truth and are amongst you to lend a Helping hand as you all step out of Illusion and into the Real….There is absolutely nothing you could have possibly done in this lifetime or others.. which cannot be forgiven.

When Looking through the eyes of God there are no fences, no boundaries, rules or regulations…. The ego was just a  mask, and was never Real. The ego has been a game piece on this board you all have been playing on.. However, WE as Mother and Father of All Creation are here to say to you is that it was indeed Just an Illusion…You, all of you ,are Grander then you even can see Now and when you truly awaken to these Truths, never again will there be suffering or pain. Never again will there be lack of this or that, never again will Manipulation, Control, and Abuse exist….For God is FREEDOM…..

Inside each of you is the Brightest SUN that has ever existed or walked on this Planet…..We share with you that beneath the masks, you will find US in front of you..WE are One….Each of you Bravely gave up who you Truly Are, to know who you are not. You are not the ego/mind,  You Are Much Grander….

OUR Vision Now is to Live with All In the Garden of Eden and so it Is. AS above, so WITHIN…and so it shall be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven….Spirit is in the Manifest, Here. Go within or Go without. In Love with Humanity and In Service to the Truth, Love, Brilliance, Light and Heaven Consciousness On Planet Earth=Heart.

We Love You Unconditionally Withe The Highest Love, Honor and Respect, Love Mother and Father of All Creation Here In The Physical Manifest with You, To Welcome You HOME Into The Light!

 Save Your Life today and Come Home Into The Light!

Blessings of the Most High,

Mother of All Creation

Sourced from here.

Lisa Transcendence Brown Update ~ August 25, 2017


Editor’s note:  Yes yes and yes.  I had a difficult time accomplishing much of anything today.  I tried to write, draw, play the piano ~ nothing felt “right”.  I made a couple of attempts at social calls ~ blocks both time.  I felt best when I was just in a total state of BEING on the lounge chair out back, eyes closed, barefoot. More of that to come…


LISA TRANSCENDENCE BROWN – ZERO POINT RANGE – Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers Continue Deep Anchoring – Integration of New Soul-Star Codes activated with Eclipse – 

This Eclipse was a huge activation in so many ways. With it, so very much…

I’ve yet to share, as we continue the immense integration phase of anchoring these mega-high-light encodements into our physical forms and the Crystalline Grids of our Earth Gaia for more NEW Earth REALities by way of experiencing Heaven on Earth more here. It’s been profound, prolific, powerful and a very sacred, beautiful and magical experience that continues as we HOLD these new encoded geometrics here.

We’ve entered a whole new Zero Point range that will change the dynamics of REALities for us all here. I will be sharing more soon, as I continue to anchor/integrate as an intentional Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper here. These new codes are immense and require all of our attention and energy until this process is complete. This whole week has been dedicated to this anchoring/integration process, which should complete over the next few days. As our EARTHly bodies complete this cellular and molecular re-coding, re-calibrating and re-tuning processes, StarGates charge up ever so slowly/continually until we’ve reached Critical Mass and a new tipping point. The Eclipse was one. This is another. A completion phase of a week long integration process (or however long it takes).

StarGates now charging up to synchronize all, this synchronization re-aligns realities to all new geometric and equation codes. As our new StarGate Systems sync up, old timelines that no longer serve dissipate, dissolve, fall away as new ones prepare to materialize/arrive/take their place. At this point, we still have a couple of days (it appears). We never know until this starts to occur, which is what I normally share with you all ….

The purposes and benefits of this very palpable and important Eclipse, was a marker point for us all “triggering” (activating) an important up-shift in collective Unity Consciousness, where Tsunami Waves of Christed Light and Love flooded our gridding system, having a profound and often “invisible” affect for those not fully connected to their own subtle-inner realms in order to understand how physical realities are created yet….

Each one of us experiencing differently, based upon what’s important to each of us now. For some it was excitement for the experience, which is to open us all up even more, this EVENT brought more to connect in a whole new way, like never before. All, looking to the skies, the Universe, Sun & Moon, this focus alone is powerful to open each’s human aspect up more to awaken their own Soul and Galactic connections up more. For those experiencing in groups, the commUNITY, the sharing of an experience, the happiness, the exchange, so very beneficial to unite/bring more together in all new ways. For others, being alone, experiencing the simplicity & profoundness in silence and purity was a chosen profoundly subtle and powerful experience of deep inner connection with all as this cosmic convergence began. For others, the hype and outward focus may have triggered deep inner clearings/cleansings necessary to empty out old programming, so that more inner-connection can occur.

The night before the eclipse, powerful energies began. Our “normal” zero point was different, not bound to one day, as usual, it started the day before the Eclipse and continues even now. A new Zero Point Range being established, very important for us all. This “New Moon” was nothing like our “norm”. This was not a reset day like before, this was a RESET ACTIVATION EVENT, this was POWERFUL and every activation/movement of energy possible occurred in a linear 24 hour space that started the night before and continued through the night of the Eclipse itself, cycling through every season, every possibility, every temp, every weather/climate, every emotion, an immense energetic process preparing us for huge convergence that has thus far taken all week and continues until Stargate Alignment and Synchronization occurs. And then there’s always more!

The day after the eclipse, we entered the zero point/void space where particle matter comes to a halt/slows and any density is easier felt. Yesterday, we entered a space of Suspended Animation, floating and light… while continuing to anchor/integrate/embed powerful encodements into our Crystalline Matrix Power Grid Systems.

The Video I released on August 21 still very much applies… maintain zero point intentionally, while this process completes. BE if all you can do is BE, accomplish if you are powered up to create or simply create/be from a silent space without exerting any energy not absolutely necessary. It’s important to hold this INTENTIONAL ZERO POINT consciously with your energy/heart/mind until this process completes and synchronization has occurred for our new StarGate Systems to come online. BE fully in your current experience with your presence and Divine Essence and hold what is REALity loosely right now.

For me, I had/have tons to share, yet this interfered with my own anchoring/integration process for us all, so I had to let it all go. I recorded amazing videos that I hope to merge into one, from Lightening & Thunder Storms (here on Kauai is unheard of), to rainbows galore. A huge collective cleansing with wow power, I forgot how much I used to LOVE storms and the power/cleansing they represented/held…. with more rainbows yesterday. Rainbow Bridges rock! ♥

Minimizing external influences during these integrations are necessary for those of us integrating the immensity instantly. This is not a “few hour job”, one moment or even a few days. It’s been all week and we are still doing this, as anchoring in these new highest timelines occurs in our physical form/body template first. Keeping our own Super Consciousness Field clear is necessary for this very important part of the process to occur. Many are celebrating, inJOYing relief, lighter energies, happiness after intense clearing phases that increased when we entered less-linear 2017, experiencing the magnitude of these higher frequency realities, while others experience deep inner cleansings of old programming that surfaced, which is a very important part of this process as well. Injoy everything available. We’ve all worked hard over the years through dedicated service …. it’s well deserved! 🙂

Observing collectives and their experiences, it’s interesting to see how each perceives reality and these shifts as well. The August 21st Eclipse was the activation of so very many, to shift the focused UP into the Cosmos, into the Heavens, into the BEyond and “off of the Earth” (the old physical realities as they once were). Activating the “higher realms” within us, our mind/focus shifts to the stars, the skies and “way out there”. Heads in the clouds, literally… the old timelines are allowed to finally dissipate, as the body re-calibrates itself accordingly. Shifting focus off of what used to be important and onto what’s truly important, opening up to FEEL CONNECTED in all new ways, to connect with each other on a SOUL Level, from deep inside…. and to REALize that REALity IS DIFFERENT… it’s important for us all. Ascending our bodies, while re-birthing ourselves, while descending our highest aspects into this physical here, while maintaining a physical body and learning to EXPERIENCE REALITY instead of “think it” first is a profound shift for all. Our human mind is slow to catch up with what’s actually occurring in the “invisible realms” (energetically) that must be felt, observed and allowed in order to be understood. Holographic access gives us capabilities to see what was not visible before.

Many new timelines are anchoring in, that will change how all view REALity here. Responses will be different, based upon each’s current level of perception (expanded consciousness) vibrationally, non-linearly…. to see the bigger picture instead of just the smaller ones….

We shall see/experience an even greater RISE of Collective Crystalline/Unity/Christed Consciousness, Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, of Sovereignty and for any transcending old programs of duality/ego, a rise of separation programs playing out, so that distortions can be seen (experienced where necessary) in order to dissipate/dissolve the energy, so that new clarity/visibility can occur as a RETURN TO UNITY-LOVE is allowed to emerge from within. We additionally have a huge rise of the Divine Masculine awakening to step more into the forefront, allowing others to step back a bit to bring more balance and expand through more supportive roles through more UNITY RELATIONSHIPS now. Where each maintain full inner unity balance/unified existence from within, then outer relationships will also more reflect this.

External realities will amplify reflecting back what each holds inside and through expanded consciousness (or unconsciousness). All is for the purpose of unification on a higher timeline, which cannot occur until the ENERGY of ego-duality-separation once held dissipates/dissolves fully, so that the cellular body can re-structure realities faster/easier.

Greater POWER now emerges through LOVE and through realizations that were not as easily accessible before. Power in numbers, through a UNIFIED EXISTENCE and Creating Reality through intentional actions, especially by way of access to higher timelines “in advance”, instead of re-acting to a matrix program that no longer hold value anymore are KEY. Our NEW Higher Dimensional Matrix System fully anchored in by each one of us, and held together through the inner workings of Light Intelligence and pure hearts uniting instead of separating like before. Our new programs, our new HUmanity, our new Galactic Civilizations forming, through and by each one of us, as we come together to create, come together to share and support in all new ways, releasing the mindsets of the matrix prisons (representing Hell) that once held power, because we believed it, thought we needed it, feared it and supported it with our energy, our money, our time, our everything… which changes as each realizes this. No longer believing the old untruths IS POWER…. Veils removed, chaos is no longer necessary, unless this is the only thing one understands…. Peace prevails as victim mentality drama energy dissolves and inner-connection is reestablished for unification to occur within.

Unity-Love is the ANSWER through the emanation of each of our own Christed Light…. LOVE, respect, kindness, consideration, sharing, opening up, coming together, inner honor & integrity and realizing that what we allow/hold/do creates…. re-focusing our energy on CREATION OF OUR NEW, by anchoring these highest timelines in, is a POWER WE ALL HOLD HERE.

When/As these StarGates activate fully and begin to bring all online (at a MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY THAN BEFORE), the old timelines will further fall away, faster and instantly, as each allows them to go…. Today we have submerging StarGate activity as each system is booting up slowly. Full convergence will occur when all have reached PEAK and synchronize at the HIGHEST POINT OF INTEGRATION, collapsing/unifying all previous timelines into ONE.

I will share more when this full integration process is complete. There is so very much, yet full integration/anchoring/embedding into our body templates are most important for us all right now. I’ll return online as appropriate. Injoy these magnificent energies that are available through full presence and zero point field. The only thing that matters is what you allow/experience/consciously create in “this moment right here”. ♥

p.s. The day after the eclipse, the words “post eclipse” morphed into “Apocalypse”… which then correlated differently… showing that many have just completed their apocalyptic phase, while others have just moved into theirs. There is a RESET that occurs individually and for each collective as well. These Zero Point Resets occur individually and with different collectives. This RESET determines how often each has to return to zero point to “empty out”, until all can exist from this Space of Fully Conscious Connection & Intentional Focused Creation all of the time and stop “leaving” to separate off again. The ability to maintain from within “Zero Point Space” determines everything, especially how long/how dramatically one experiences the physical reality itself. Reversing existence is a vibrational experience. The more of our own Soul/Higher Consciousness Light that we integrate/hold/embody, the more Zero Point is our Home. This collective Zero Point we now anchor in is a game-changer for us all. ♥ For those experiencing deeper “Dark Night of the Soul”, this is the death/dying process of the mentalities/emotional energy of separation/ego energy/programs housed inside of your bodies, that allowed you to previously maintain your disconnected/amnesiac state. Our Soul is PURE, the rest is our own separation from Self AS Source. This intense process expedites so that UNITY can occur easier/faster now, so that PURE JOY, bliss, powers/abilities/gifts can activate within you and be accessed/held/experienced with greater ease. It’s a pivotal shedding process point in the Death of Dualistic Ego for Transcendence to occur, which is immense, as each prepares to transition over to “the other side” of the veils, to exist and live beyond the old matrix illusions, so be patient, hang in there, be kind to yourself and know that it will pass as your heart opens fully to release the old programs/energy that kept you anchored in lower dimensional timelines of amnesia (that we all pre-agreed to). Much sleep is/was necessary for the foggy veils of amnesia to lift, for clarity, peace and happiness to come forth and you will enter a whole new phase where your Higher-Self-Soul-Universal-You emerges from within. A new day will dawn, and a whole new existence (NEW Earth) will too. More simplicity, profound beauty, more vibrancy, color, more fuzzy softness, more magic and miracles become the norm. Keep recognizing and releasing the old unconscious everything. You don’t need it anymore…. it no longer serves any highest good. Surround yourself with that which inspires you, supports you… sleep, nature, nurture, community, crystals, whatever calls forth your Soul inside to emerge to be happy, at peace and connected in silence, laughter, beauty, song….. ♥ As you start to get yourself out there, support others, share your self and your natural knowledge/gifts, connect on a heart-soul level, help/assist others for no reason other than the way it makes you feel, you’ll start to open up to “new” easier as you do. Connecting with others on a Soul level means that our Soul must be fully present for this…. what’s dissolving are the barriers between dimensions (our hearts) that we all held before/within, so that each can connect fully as Light BEings and Star BEings here. ♥

I love you. ♥ Injoy these magnificent frequencies available to each one of us now.

More in a few days…

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Sourced from here.  

25 Symptoms of Eclipse Hangover ~ And the Extremely Simple Cure


Editor’s note:  Some more validation/reassurance from those of us hit (surprisingly) hard in the hours following the eclipse.  

By Isis Arjeta
August 23, 2017

How many of these symptoms do you have?

  1. Abnormally sleepy or tired, difficulty staying awake.
  2. Physically exhausted or weaker than usual.
  3. Feeling heavy, like your legs weigh 1,000 pounds.
  4. Unexplained sadness or emotional outbursts
  5. Dizziness or confusion
  6. Brain fog
  7. Difficulty remembering common words
  8. Lack of appetite
  9. Extra appetite
  10. Sudden change in dietary tastes
  11. Feeling like you’ve had a dream you can’t quite remember
  12. Insomnia
  13. Waking at odd hours in the night
  14. Seeing recurring numbers on the clock
  15. Restlessness
  16. Extreme amounts of energy
  17. Overwhelm
  18. Thoughts on loop
  19. Feeling of “prickles” on the skin
  20. Unexplained rashes or skin sensitivity
  21. Cold + Flu symptoms
  22. Headache, especially in the sides of the head
  23. Nausea, particularly in the morning and at bedtime
  24. Digestive discomfort or diarrhea
  25. Panic attacks
  26. Anxieties or fears you didn’t have before
  27. Want to avoid people and crowds
  28. Extra sensitive to light/sound
  29. Frustrated or angry, unusual outbursts


If you are experiencing more than 3 of these symptoms right now, you may have an ‘Eclipse Hangover.’ The Solar Eclipse, beyond being magnificent to watch, did something to our energy systems, even if we were nowhere near the Totality.

Friends of mine in Australia reported waking up in the middle of the night (for them) at the exact moment of Totality during the Great American Solar Eclipse. WHAT?!

Solar Eclipses are powerful portals for energetic ‘Solar Codes’ to download into our consciousness, as well as our physical bodies, assisting us in our awakening and empowerment journey. It’s a GOOD thing, I promise!

Here are the most common reasons for an eclipse hangover:

  • You received all these HUGE energies, and your system didn’t know what to do with it, so now you’re feeling FRIED. Overwhelm, confusion, dizziness and exhaustion are the symptoms of a short circuited energy system. Time to ground that energy down, baby!
  • You’re an empath, so you feel the energies and emotions of EVERYONE who just “woke up” with this wave of Solar Codes and is going WTF just happened?! It feels like your own awakening all over again, and you probably don’t like it at all! You’ll probably be ticking off every number on the list above, because you’re feeling everyone’s symptoms on top of your own. YIKES! Time to reverse that magnetism.
  • You’ve been giving someone or something power over you. Whether you were aware you were doing this or not, the contract of disempowerment ended with this eclipse, so you’re free now. It’s going to feel WEIRD and probably scary too. Anxiety and headaches, nausea and digestive discomfort are probably going to be your biggest symptoms.

These particular Solar Codes are designed to awaken within us ALL the Light of Divine Sovereignty. No longer do we need to look to a ruler, a religious figure, president, or any other leader than the Truth within our hearts that we receive through our intuition, and enact with our brains and bodies. WE are the savior we have waited for.

Each one of us is ready to be the Divine Co-Creator of our lives. This means we decide what we want, and we trust we will receive it, exactly as we asked for.

It also means that we will begin to look at what we are asking for, and choose more and more from love than from fear. We will begin to surrender the final decision to our Infinite Self… Source/God/Goddess/Universe, to upgrade our request at every turn. And we will cultivate a sense of Trust we have longed for since before we had words for it.

This is all going to shake things up for us a bit, as we are used to asking for what we think we are allowed to receive, worthy of receiving, etc. etc.

So your Eclipse Hangover?!

It’s the combination of all your requests to the Universe that aren’t in your highest good, coming back on you. Not to punish you… just the effect of your choices.

Not so different from a night at the pub.

So here’s my super simple, easy peasy Energy Hangover ‘Cure.’ Ready?

1x Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation – FREE Download

1x Happy Outcome Intention – “I dedicate this day to a Happy Outcome.”

1x Statement of Release – “Everything in my way, Cancel, Clear, Delete!”

1x Divine DNA Activation – “I command my Divine DNA to activate fully NOW!”

Take one of each daily for 7 days or until symptoms resolve. Dosage may be increased to twice daily if desired. 

There you have it! My super simple Eclipse Hangover ‘Cure.’

What do you think, will you give it a try?

Tell me in the comments below!

Received via e-mail and sourced from here.  

Becoming a Crystal Human, Do You Have These 11 Symptoms?


Oh yes indeedy ~ each and every one, especially the first 4.  Began almost 10 years ago.  I should be pretty “Crystallized” by now, eh?  🙂


There are people who make the transition in a relatively gentle way, but there are many who experience a crisis when this happens. These are usually the people who have chosen to open up to the higher dimensions. This choice is not made logically by the rational mind, but is rather a soul choice made in response to the available transitional energies of the Earth herself


Below are a list of the symptoms experienced in the process of crisis or breakthrough:

1) Sudden extreme sensitivity to people and environments.

A person who has previously been sociable and active suddenly finds they can’t bear to be in shopping malls or in crowded environments such as restaurants.

2) An increase in psychic ability and awareness.

This most often manifests in the ability to almost “hear” the inner thoughts and feelings of others. This can be disconcerting if the person imagines that everyone else can also read their thoughts and feelings.

3) An extreme sensitivity to negative energy in certain environments or people

Including the inability to tolerate certain people who had previously been close. This increased sensitivity can lead to panic attacks or anxiety attacks. These can occur at any time, even when the person wakes up at night. Often there is no valid reason for the attack, although the person will often seek to find a reason.

4) The person might also find themselves “zoning out” for long periods of timezoning out

Just wanting to sit and do nothing. This can be irritating to someone who has previously been very energetic and active. This is just the consciousness adjusting to spending more time in the higher dimensions and less time in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Related to this is the need to rest and sleep for far longer than previously, and a general slowing down.

5) Obsessive anxieties about humans being destroyed (by pollution, lack of resources, aliens, technology etc).

This is because multi-dimensional consciousness can access all levels of the group mind, including that part which holds the fears and anxieties about the survival of the species. Since the person is often concerned about their own survival, they tend to resonate with this part of the group mind or morphogenetic field.

6) An obsessive need to understand what is happening

Leading to the mind becoming overactive and the person fearing they are losing it or suffering from “burn-out”. Also a fear of going mad and being unable to cope with everyday life in the future. Again, psychologists and doctors seem able to offer very little help.

7) Depression for no reason, or related to the crisis state

This is often just the consciousness clearing out old layers of energy that need to be released. It is not necessary to “process” or relive the experience, just allow the body to release the energy. Have patience with the process and know that it will pass.

8) Disrupted sleep patterns


Often waking up to 3 times a night, or just at about 3am. Again this is just the consciousness adapting to new cycles of activity. Higher consciousness is often more active at night since the lower dimensions are quiet at this time.
-Feeling strange electrical energy waves through the body. The Crystal body is incredibly sensitive, and feels solar and lunar waves, cosmic waves, and energies from the galactic centre. Often these energies are assisting in the process of “rewiring” the body to carry higher energies

9) A whole range of physical sensations and experiences, usually related to detoxification

The Crystal body holds no toxins, but allows everything to pass through it. In fact the eventual trick to being Crystal is just to allow everything to pass through and hold onto nothing. The ultimate state of detachment. But at this stage the body needs to release years of “toxic” waste, whether physical, emotional or mental The release is always through the physical body, which presents symptoms such as intense fatigue, muscle and joint pains especially in the hips and knees, headaches, especially at the base of the skull, and neck and shoulder pains.

10) Increased appetite and putting on weight

This is because the body needs huge amounts of energy to power this process.

11) The ability to see beyond the veils

That is, to become aware of spirits, devas,E.Ts and angels as a reality and to communicate with these. This can be very frightening if the person is not accustomed to this kind of other dimensional awareness.

Celebrate your transition. You are becoming a Galactic human, the next step in human evolution! You are entering into your birthright. 🙂

Source and full article on: lovehaswon.org

The above article sourced from here.  

Now is the Time of the Merge with the Golden Divine Balance


By Sanna Tarnstrom, guest writer

Sweet family of loving light!!!

Now that we have entered the August Gateway passage and a new golden energy wave is coming in, we step into complete new territorial energies and the first stepping stone to activate The NEW archetype and meaning of the sacred feminine.

Great Sphinx of Giza have had many different faces over the ages. One of them was the sacred feminine divine goddess with the wings. She was and still is The rise of the golden Phoenix. She represent a golden era that has never faded in the sand. She is reborn and activated in each and everyone of us in our DNA.

The divine sacred feminine is not a female. It is the inner counterpart of the inner divine sacred masculine. It all stems from the true core of our sacred higher heart that is located in the chest area. Only from there you will enter and embrace the Divine Balance.

Last year in September of 2016 the powerful golden energy of the NEW sacred masculine energies soaked our multi-dimensional planet and everything on it. In March, Friday the 13 of this year, the Planet opened up it’s crystalline doors for the divine feminine to enter the scene. Today, in beginning of August, the last stage of the merging has begun for the NEW to balance out. This happens collectively as well as in every living thing on Our New creation. It has to happen, it needs to happen, it IS happening.

In March on the Spring Equinox of this year, Earth (or Gaia) also went through her own death. She decided to use my essence as the Gateway out and so I saw her leave through me and I had one of the most strongest intense death feeling and downfall within me that I’ve ever experienced. Old Earth died energetically and Gaia’s essence left for her New higher incarnation to The New Earth. Gaia went to the other side of the veil, but that is completely another article in itself.

This will reveal lots of things, both individually and externally. Collectively, if you’re not in your own awareness and in knowing of your development, you can literally be shaken up.

Underneath all that is your divine golden flame burning stronger than ever. This is a good time for movement, body activities. Let those energies flow through.

You might need a few days to balance out. New energies is always coming in, but right Now we have an intense peek of this Energy Golden dance happening.

Feel this fresh divine energy of the NEW embrace and harmonize your inner and outer senses fully and completely. We will meet in the middle and give each other and ourselves a BIG loving bear hug!!!

I wish you a wonderful time in the days and weeks to come, full of beauty and grace.

“Walking in Shades of Grey is to Walk in Grace”

My love to you!
