TheLightReports ~ Constitutional Militia Protecting Border- BACK OFF FBI


editor victoria’s comment ~ SPOT.  ON.  calling a spade a spade….he speaks the truth – no sugar coating it.  new age types like to say “we must forgive” or “we don’t get out until we end our own judgments and duality thinking” (nonsense!) or “the trauma and pain being done to the children is an illusion” (more nonsense) or “we are ALL playing the game here” as though my role of running a website is the same as a pedo……….NONSENSE…… comparing the masses to those who prey upon our children for fun….we are One but we are not the same.  know the difference.


Published on Apr 21, 2019

2019 DOJ Report on Vaccine Court Reveals Vaccines Continue to Injure and Kill People: $110 MILLION in Damages Paid Out First Quarter


editor victoria’s comment ~ from what i have read/researched, only about 1% of all victims ever file a complain….and now states are pushing to mandate….their vacuity knows no bounds…


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their first meeting of 2019 on March 8th.

These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death.

This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $5 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines.

The CDC’s annual budget of $5 BILLION to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies with American taxpayer funds, and the NVICP law which gives legal immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, are facts that are routinely censored and withheld from the public in the corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media, as well as in government legislative hearings that seek to mandate vaccines by force.

If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government and go up against their attorneys in this special vaccine court.

Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached, as can be seen from the report below. One flu shot victim litigated for 7 years before reaching a settlement, and one Gardasil HPV vaccine victim litigated for over 5 years before reaching a settlement, for example.

Another Gardasil HPV vaccine victim who suffered cardiac arrest and death, took over 3 years to settle.

As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these DOJ reports on vaccine injuries and deaths each quarter. Past reports can be found here.

The March 8, 2019 report states that 307 petitions were filed during the 3-month time period between 11/16/18 – 2/15/19, with 153 cases being adjudicated and 125 cases compensated.

The DOJ report only lists 83 of these settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths.

The total amount of damages paid out by the U.S. Government so far in 2019 for vaccine injuries and deaths is over $110 MILLION. (Source.)

DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 1DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 2DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 3DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 4DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 5DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 6DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 7DOJ vaccine injuries and deaths 3.19 report page 8

Mandatory Flu Shots on the Way?

67 of the 83 vaccine injury cases listed in this report were for the flu shot.

Currently, state legislatures across the country, as well as federal Congressional hearings the past two weeks, have considered mandating vaccines for childhood diseases based on a measles “outbreak” of about 130 people in 10 states over a several month period.

Only one person in the U.S. has died from the measles in the past 12 years, while the The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) lists hundreds of reported deaths due to the measles vaccine. See:

ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported

Since the CDC claims that tens of thousands of people die each year from the flu (although those claims are estimates, and not based on facts – see: Did 80,000 People Really Die from the Flu Last Year? Inflating Flu Death Estimates to Sell Flu Shots), is the next step in legislative mandatory vaccine efforts going to be mandating the flu vaccine for every American all in the name of “the greater good?”


Some Stats on Measles and Vaccines


editor victoria’s comment ~  it’s a fight here in my state.  the democrat party is pushing their legislation that will mandate vaccine compliance for children if they are to attend public schools and from my understanding, places that house daycare and other child-related activities.  it’s a battle for certain with the parents opposed (and their supporters) fighting back hard.  the democrats and a few sell-out republicans are intent on pushing this all the way through, using lies and fear-tactics to promote this agenda.  here is some info to counter-act their current propaganda which is their claim that 1 in a million experience severe reaction due to vaccination.  as was pointed out – perhaps that stat is true at the moment of injection.  but complications later?  that number goes up.  i had 2 seizures as a toddler – brain swelling. both times i turned blue and lost consciousness.  vaccines also resulted in skin allergies and later, nasal allergies and a host of sensitivities to chemicals, perfumes and the like.  also diagnosed as having autistic tendencies later in life.  the bottom line on this issue, regardless of where you stand on the issue of vaccines is that where there is risk of injury, choice must ALWAYS remain.  

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Harvard Pilgrim study, funded by a grant from the CDC: “…fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or
slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”

Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?

NY to Mandate Vaccinations ~ lookie who De Blasio put in place at the Health and Hospitals Board of Directors


more nonsense…..i read where lawyers are working with RJK Jr in stopping this fascist agenda….

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link to the emergency press release:


Libertarians for Forced Vaccinations?


editor victoria’s comment ~ don’t let the title fool you.  this is a great piece and covers a topic i am quite passionate about:  vaccination and lately, mandating the vaccination of our children if they are to be allowed in schools and even in public places.  (“your papers please”)  my state is one of those w/this nazi-like agenda.  through all of the hysteria and absolutely, deeply misguided logic and belief on vaccine effectiveness, it comes down to this very basic truth:  No one has the right to force another to undergo a medical procedure.  Our bodies.  Our choice.  P E R I O D.  i began reading through some of the comments in this piece and had to stop at the comment of vaccines being mercury-free today.   thimerosal is still a mercury-based preservative.   vaccine manufacturer’s can legally label a vaccine as “thimerosal – free” if it contains an amount below a certain percentage.  (had that one verified by a nurse who was trying to berate me into getting a certain vaccine at the time of my pregnancy – i said i had mercury sensitivities (who the hell doesn’t??!!) and needed it to be free of the substance.  she said the vial was labeled thimerosal-free.  i had to ask her several times about what i had read about manufacturer’s being able to label a vaccine as t-free.  she finally closed her eyes, nodded and said “yes you are correct.”)  



No, you don’t have a “right” to demand that others are vaccinated.

It’s hard to think of a more fundamental right than the right to determine what happens to one’s own body. Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates this most basic of rights—the right to be free from physical assault. Yet even some libertarians have jumped on the mandatory vaccination bandwagon, arguing that one person not taking every possible precaution against contracting a disease constitutes an assault against another. But this line of thinking requires some very tortured logic.

To begin with, nobody has a “right” to a germ-free environment outside of their own property (and good luck establishing one there). Proponents of vaccine mandates assert this “right” as if it is a long-standing social or legal norm, but it is not. Human beings have been living among each other for millennia, and there has never been a widely asserted right to freedom from any and all pathogens at others’ expense.

This is a much more intrusive demand and a potentially dangerous one.

There has, historically, been a widely held and asserted expectation of quarantine in the case of exceptionally dangerous illnesses. However, this is not at all what the proponents of mandated vaccines are calling for. Quarantine is simply the demand that those who are already infected with a disease remain isolated in their homes or elsewhere until they are no longer able to infect others.

This is profoundly different from what the pro-mandate crowd demands: that those who are not infected undergo a medical procedure to minimize their chances of becoming infected. This is a much more intrusive demand and a potentially dangerous one.

Furthermore, measles—the scariest thing the mandate pushers can come up with—is not even on the list of federally quarantinable diseases. And rightly so, as it hardly qualifies as an exceptionally dangerous disease in the developed world.

Long before the vaccine was available, the mortality rate had fallen to around 1 in 10,000 cases, and it was widely considered to be a benign childhood illness that nearly everyone contracted.

So what has changed in the last few years? How is it that all of a sudden, measles has gone from a disease not even worthy of mandatory quarantine for the infected to one that has generated near-mass hysteria and demands for the far more intrusive forced medical intervention against those who are not infected?

In 2016, then-Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson announcedthat he had reversed his position on vaccine mandates and now supported them. The reason? Someone told him about herd immunity:

…I’ve come to find out that without mandatory vaccines, the vaccines that would in fact be issued would not be effective. So … it’s dependent that you have mandatory vaccines so that every child is immune. Otherwise, not all children will be immune even though they receive a vaccine.

Had Johnson looked just a little more deeply, he would have learned that the theory of vaccine-induced herd immunity is not as solid as its proponents would have us believe. The idea was first put forward by A.W. Hedrich in 1933, based on his observation that measles outbreaks were suppressed when 68 percent of children had contracted the measles virus. This observation had nothing to do with vaccination, as the measles vaccine had not even been developed yet.

This is an important distinction for a few reasons. Perhaps most importantly: While the immunity conferred by contracting measles lasts a lifetime, that conferred by vaccination does not. What this means is that a 90 percent vaccination rate does not equate to 90 percent of the population having immunity. As Dr. Russell Blaylock says:

It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

The larger point, though, is that even if the idea of vaccine-induced herd immunity did hold up to scrutiny, it would at best be a positive externality—not something that anyone has the right to demand from others at gunpoint.

Others have written more comprehensively on the fallacy of usingmedically fragile people as an excuse for forcing everyone to be vaccinated. So I’ll just say this: Nobody has an obligation to vaccinate themselves or their children in order to protect the most medically vulnerable among us.

My own daughter is intellectually disabled and suffers from seizures. Much of the outside world is a dangerous and scary place where she could easily be badly hurt or worse. Yet I would never dream of using force to compel those around me to make the world safe for my daughter. Keeping her safe is my job and my husband’s job—not everyone else’s.

I doubt that those who promote this line of thinking have really thought through the implications of what they are asking for: requiring everyone to alter their lives and actions in order to accommodate the most medically fragile, at all times and in all spaces. What they are demanding has implications far beyond vaccines.

And if they really do believe that not being vaccinated constitutes a form of aggression against others, then why confine their demands to children?You do not have the right to force a medical procedure on another person.

Why should you and I and the vast majority of all adults in the US be exempt from the requirement to be completely up to date on all of the vaccines the CDC and its pharmaceutical industrycronies have decided we should have? Are we not also committing aggression every day we go out in public, exposing others to diseases we do not yet have but might possibly contract?Of course, if disease transmission is really what the proponents of vaccine mandates are worried about, then they should also demand that those recently vaccinated with live-virus vaccines not be allowed in schools or any public spaces. And if they aren’t demanding this, then one has to wonder whether the transmission of disease really is their primary concern.

The bottom line, though, has nothing to do with the science behind vaccines, nor with herd immunity, nor competing claims about vaccine safety and vaccine harm. Nor does it have to do with how serious diseases like measles are or are not. It is simply this: You do not have the right to force a medical procedure on another person.

This is libertarian thinking 101. You are free to do whatever you wish with what is yours—and other people are not yours. You do not own them, and you do not get to make decisions over their bodies and their lives. You may exclude them from your property if you wish, but you may not force them to undergo medical (or non-medical) procedures against their will. You don’t even have to be a libertarian to understand this. The right to bodily integrity, to be free from assault, is the most fundamental of all human rights. If it is not protected, then no other rights even matter.

New York Subarb (Rockland County) Banning Unvaccinated Children from Public Places


editor victoria’s comment ~ just when you thought they couldn’t amp up the insanity….as my mate just said “this is a war up until the last second…”i asked the question “how would this even be enforceable??” and someone had this to say (person speaking in the video addresses this issue around the 10 minute mark): “No law enforcement per se is going to be checking vaccine records, but if someone is found out and about and is not vacc***ated (again, how are they going to find this out) the parents will be referred to the district attorneys office…..”  and yet again – HOW will they go about “finding out” such a thing? patient doctor confidentiality is protected – parents don’t carry around their vaccine records.  police can serve a warrant to obtain such documents from the docs offices?  this is a huge slippery slope….


A New York suburb has declared a measles emergency and plans to ban unvaccinated children from public places: more states do the same?

Posted by KOAT on Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Updates on Trump’s Veto


SerialBrain2 ~ Secret Societies: RIP JFK – we will succeed.


EDITOR VICTORIA’S COMMENT ~ SB is spot-on once again…from the dumbing down of humanity through public education and other system tools to the illusion of choice in elections, he is at the very least showing us the truth as to how vast and rigged this has been…..has…was….the house of card crumbles more each moment.


So where were we? Yes, following the Maestro’s clues in the previous post, we found the beautiful equation:


We now know she’s a controlled opposition political operative hired by secret societies and activated by HRC to divide Trump’s base for 2020, just like she did for NoName in 2008. And of course, since the Cabal is organized and would want to cut costs, they gathered all their controlled opposition operatives in the same drawer and labeled it: “Circus/Clowns/Distraction”. How do I know? It’s right here: Img1 Circus Clown Alex Jones invites the other Circus Clown William Gheen to discuss how he wants Circus Clown Ann Coulter to run for 2020. Pretty cool right? Of course, we, the Q community, are not fooled by these belly dancers with their shenanigans. We know what they are all about from Q1870 and Q2102. In Q1865, Q reminded us about Alex that “Actors will act”. AJ is wasting his time trying to perniciously undermine POTUS and thinking we don’t know what he’s really trying to achieve. In the same drop, Q says:

Q1865 We are in control.

So? The William Gheens, Alex Jones and Ann Coulters of the world who thought with their masters that Trump was HRC’s best candidate to beat: we can’t wait to see another episode of your fake celebrations and worried faces the night Trump gets re-elected. Can’t wait…

Now it’s time to compare our results about their puppet master HRC. What did you find about their family tradition consisting in going to see the Tchaikovsky ballet The Nutcracker? In addition to the link I gave you, I’m sure many have been led by their investigations to meet with the wonderful Hillary Nutcracker and all it can do! A big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who went through the Mail article I linked and noticed there was one particular area with many “typos”. Did you ask yourself why all the “typos” were concentrated in 4 consecutive paragraphs? Coincidence? With the training you have now received, you know this is where the Mockingbird Media is hiding its message to their network of operatives on the ground. This is the perfect type of article that will help me illustrate a very important fact about the Cabal. You already know they use the media to send coded messages between themselves and push their social agenda. You also have to know they use it to renew their secret allegiances, praise their satanic hierarchized sub-divinities and praise each other for being loyal to Satan and to his project against mankind.

Another function of the media is to allow them to comply with the Disclosure Rule I told you about in my Q Occult/Spiritual Series. Because of the following verse in the Bible:

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11

Satan and his buddies have to disclose to us what they are up to. They bet on us exercising our free will with ignorance and they systematically win this bet because they have already successfully dumbed us down in their schools and made us doubt they existed… They make us watch movies and call them fiction while in fact they are documentaries describing their strategies to destroy us or are questions aiming at collecting our unadvised consent:

Q142 Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

What an amazing secret I have just revealed to you! I am saying it is through wisdom you will gain power and through this power, you will become what you were meant to be when you were divinely created: the Representative of God on earth. Let that sink in. So you thought Satan was just going to wait for you to figure it out and become your slave without trying anything? He had to try to enslave you before you realize who you really are…

The last major function of the media is to use it as a dissemination medium to cast spells. Yes, you read it right. It’s right here:

Q128 What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind.

Everything you read, everything you hear, everything you see is designed to have an effect on your mind. If they are the creators of the content, hate you and fear the day you realize who you really are, do you think this content would be harmless? While they made us focus on studying their lies to get a PhD, they were studying us to control us. I have a simple question for you: if it is proven subliminal messages are efficient, shouldn’t our lawmakers protect our children, our freedom and regulate their use in cartoons link or at the mall? Why is everybody silent about this? Do you see the problem? We were taught in their schools the representative system was the panacea. Then, when we picked these representatives and trusted them, Satan hired them through his secret societies and voilà! Then, to minimize his work load, he added some sophistication to the system by making sure we could only pick among people he already hired. Whatever door you pick, you are headed to hell but at least you are under the illusion you exercised your right to choose. That’s what the Maestro means when he says about migrants at the border: they make a left turn or a right turn. He’s so right: wherever these migrants go, Satan has his reps in both parties to host them…

Now you realize the vastness of the challenge facing POTUS and Q.

Once again, you saw I miss my Q occult/spiritual series! I’ll get back to it someday. Let’s now decode each layer of the article.

Layer1: Political Orders

Img2 We correct the 4 “typos” and notice the correcting letters are the initials for Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Based on the Mob protest at Carson’s home a month prior, we deduce the decoded message.

Layer 2: Perpetuating the Cult

Img3 Just like we go to church, to the mosque or to the synagogue, satanists go to their temples. Most of what is called “art” is actually rituals. Think spirit cooking. Going through the symbolism in The Nutcracker, we notice this ballet is a one stop shop with the full menu for the experienced Satanist. Everything dark is in there. Check for yourself.

Layer3: Renewed Allegiance and Disclosure Rule

Img4 In this layer are disclosed all the secrets about the “cult”. Read very carefully, identify how each paragraph was decoded and read the confirming Q drops. To illustrate their disclosure about racism, let’s watch this video. Did you enjoy the hypocrisy of identity politics in real life situation when they know cameras are filming? HRC apparently did not have an African American in the team to take care of the situation in a manner that would not be offensive. At 1:02, they send the poor young Asian descent staffer who obviously has no clue what to do or say. Then, short-pants Podesta type (how many of those does she have?) comes at 1:08 with the water guns and the muscles to escort our hero of the day out. Point made. You will see in the complete video that to end this epic incident, without anyone’s help, Hillary sinks even deeper by saying: “back to the issues”, implying that this African American girl’s demands were not one of them. Did you catch Michelle Alexander’s powerful statement about the Clintons’ fight to make impossible social reinsertion for black people? Look how it contrasts with what Trump is doing: watch until 55:25. You got that? Now you know how the Maestro took control of the center of the political chess board and why they had to activate Ann Coulter and make her attack from the right… Now question: black voting population? How about far right voting population? Check. In addition to that, what happens when people know the truth about the wall and realize before 2020 it was already being built? Won’t the stolen M&Ms find their way back home? Checkmate.

Q999 These people are stupid. Q

Layer 4: The Spell

Img5 The article gives us 4 numbers: 71, 38, 4 and 26. By coupling them, we get the numbers 71+4=75 and 38+26=64. 75 is the Hebrew gematria value for the name Heylel in the original Hebrew text of Isaiah 14:12 (advice: always go back to the original text) which is Lucifer in the KJV and Morning Star in NIV. Coincidence? Then, the Witch coded LUCIFER=74 in the twtr timestamp: 7:40 AM. Coincidence? Do you see how this 74 inverts the DTTC=47 in Img2? This is why it was called “the opposition”. To cast her new year spell, she coded 64 in the capital letters and the 6 groups of “helpers” through their initials. And of course, you caught 64 is the value for SPELL.

Q 128 What is a spell?

Do you see it? In the tweet, the family is looking into the sky at their beloved Lucifer, their morning star, the light bearer, their god who they believed brought light into 2018 and who is now praised to cast a spell on us so that they can continue to rule and be protected. Well, no. Don’t you get it? It’s over. Since November 2016. Lucifer has today more problems than you do…

The Last Pieces of the Puzzle

Using the usual method with the capital letters, timestamps and highlighted lines from the Q drops, we get the remaining individual decoded messages. Read each of them very carefully and try to reproduce how the messages were deduced from the various clues. Img6 – Img7 – Img8 – Img9

The Final Message

video Img10 We have identified all the pieces of the puzzle. We can now extract the final message from the Maestro. Read very carefully.

Q3011 Sealed > Unsealed. Indictments coming. Q