Upgrade To The Next Level of Now


Editor’s note:  This one gave me chills…  I love the gentleness in it.  The flowing energy of acceptance.  We are all on our own paths and there is no “one” way.  Perfectly divine words…


High Vibe Tribe, Contributor
Waking Times

All things are new. The old systems and paradigms are crumbling before our eyes and minds. Outdated mechanisms of knowledge and understanding have shifted and are passing. For those who are open and ready, it’s an amazing time for letting go.

It can be conceived as timeline or dimensional shifts and bleed-throughs if you like. For those experiencing and tracking these changes you will understand, others may sense something fundamentally different but are having a more difficult time just yet, but all will continue to progress. For those wanting to move with this energetic shift it will come, and more understanding as well as awareness will seep in. It can be subtle, or sometimes one psychic or transdimensional experience can trigger a big leap forward.

While we have so much in common we are all on unique paths. There’s no “one way” but there are commonalities that we all experience.

This energetic shift simply requires letting go into it, because it just is. As sure as we’re alive and Source eternally exists, our progression is assured one way or the other. The move “forward” is always there if we’re willing to move into it, but even if we hang back the overall field is moving anyway. This gets to the crux of our learning experience here, as there are several paradoxical aspects to all of this.

Those who’ve been seeking and learning and growing and working to bring about a better world as well as a more realized self expression have gone through much. While our most profound realizations are incredibly simple, all we’ve gone through to get there has been essential. Each of our paths are distinctly individual, yet we are a form of collective soul at the same time, each yearning for mastery of our being with the best possible outcome for all. This obviously does not apply to all those we share the planet with at this point, but the opportunity is available to all.

While many of us have striven to bring truth and openness to a deliberately darkened world, we’ve gone through many stages in the process. We’ve been the dreaming child, the system slave, the dropout, the student, the philosopher, the hungry researcher, the activist, the warrior, the preacher, the pundit, the angry cynic, the tired observer, the insider, the outcast, etc. The list is long, but these stages, whatever they’ve been, were essential to our development.

We eventually learn we cannot impose receiving the truth on anyone, only offer what we individually have learned, and it’s up to others what they do with it. Increased communication has been one of the driving forces for this recent acceleration of awareness that’s sweeping the planet, in addition to other unseen influences. For those engaged in these activities it’s right at whatever level they’ve chosen, but we must be aware of being drawn back into their vibrational level.  We need to help in whatever effective way possible but we can’t force it or interfere with free will, despite the fact that the matrix operates this way.

It operates on a judgmental frequency. Source does not.

Whatever our outlook, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And the tide is rising.

The Dissolving Past

Not only is the external structure collapsing, albeit somewhat violently, old manners and frameworks of perception are dissipating. How much each old system is sustained depends on how many cling to these often self-projected or believed paradigms, as nothing can override our choice to progress or hold on to the status quo. This is causing a separation of worlds in many respects, as realities split apart, much like worlds or timelines.

This is real.

This is not always obviously manifested externally, certainly not to the satisfaction of the skeptic or naysayer. It is evident, however, in changed lives, raised and lowered vibrations, new discoveries and ideas surfacing, and new social trends taking hold. In fact, it’s quite remarkable once you can perceive them.

A Place Called Now

For the sincere seekers, our search has been for meaning, for the full experience of living, and the Truth that permeates all things. We look for answers to the fundamental questions of life and eventually come to realize we’ve contained them all along in our heart of hearts . We have a knowing about a Source that emanates from within and without and have always been set out to connect with it.

It appears in the timeless state of Now. We get glimpses of it; our feelings draw us towards it, and our hearts long to experience more of it. A certain amount of information helps us along the way, but the reality we seek is beyond it, as what we perceive through this limitation only provides arrows pointing towards the unspeakable which we experience in moments outside of time.

This has long been known, yet even this experience is transcending the old concepts and belief systems. We’ve accumulated many helpful understandings from past teachings, yet in the light of this truly new energetic shift even those are outdated in many respects. Reference points can be anchors if we’re not fully conscious, which is clearly seen in the fullness of a truly fresh Now experience.

The Now is a portal. It’s always there, it’s always here. The Now is the ever present zero point everyone is striving for, yet it is always with us. It exists – over and over, yet timelessly. It’s we who have the difficulty in turning into it fully. Again the paradox, finding no time while inhabiting a world seemingly bound by time.

The Now just is, yet we struggle to find it, to understand it, as it slips through our fingers. Or so we think. In fact we’re flickering in and out of it continuously. Sometimes we can feel its ecstasy, sometimes not. We know we should live in it, yet time sweeps us along like the current of a mighty river, only allowing temporary glimpses of the majestic Now. Our minds then scurry to understand what only the heart can perceive, our ever present conundrum in this denser world of duality.

How do we escape time and explore this amazing realm of Now? It’s not always easy, yet it happens spontaneously with little or no effort. Mind gets in the way to make work of it, or identify when it is happening. Filtration mechanisms working overtime dull our nowness. Concerns and habits shroud our sensibilities. Circumstances and physical conditions blind the senses. Ever new as well as old ephemeral belief systems cloak our awareness.

Yet inspiration opens the door continually. Imagination lights the way. Each of our developmental stages were paving stones that led up to now, and they will continue, albeit in continued transformational manifestations. Yet those too must be let go of in deep energetic and forgiving ways in so many respects so as not to hold us back from previous perceptions.

Everything Is New

The truth is we can all be more in the Now than we are, but the inspiring realization is we’re there a lot more than we think we are. Besides always being in it whether we’re fully conscious of it or not, our lives are filled with breakthrough Now experiences.

Techniques such as meditation and more quiet time and deep experience in nature enhance this, while moments of emotional release, insights and creative imagination and inspiration abound in our lives, often spontaneously, resulting in the same. Making room for more of all of these aspects being a higher priority than ever in our lives soon goes without saying, once we’re really serious about this transition personally as well as for all of humanity and our planetary condition.

Therein lies a commitment to be made.

The Letting Go

We each experience a great falling away of many things in this process. Old unfruitful relationships, locations, living conditions, modes of expression and cherished belief systems. All of these shift or evaporate altogether. Let them pass. The new will manifest almost immediately and in many cases concurrently.

While we may experience times of isolation and solitude, it’s all a wonderful growing opportunity. It can be quite an emotional journey facing ourselves honestly and seeing former close acquaintances or beliefs fade from our lives. The beauty here is that our true friends and family become manifest.

And we are many.

Depending on our rate of acceleration as well as preparation, this shifting process can be a bit disconcerting. While our previous efforts may appear to have been off course or pointless in light of what we learn down the road, they weren’t. Many ideas and concepts and viewpoints will prove to have been quite off course in relation to what we come to learn is true, but they were what helped get us here. It’s seeing that and letting the old go that are at issue.

It’s easy if we’re malleable and trusting. Call it faith in the divine nature of it all, but that is something we can all be securely confident of, despite the seemingly bizarre nature and consequences of many of the choices that have taken place on this evolving planet.

There are no mistakes. There is no condemnation except what we personally ascribe to. Outside of us everything is beautifully neutral. There is no judgement. We invent and comply with that, in accordance with separation. When we realize all is One in different facets and stages and in the process of expansion we don’t judge, we accept, and in love, seeing the wonder of Creation both seen and unseen.

The Paradox of Three Dimensional Life

Yet paradoxically there is the part we are each here to do, most of all to truly awaken and raise in conscious awareness and enduring unconditional love. The ultimate solution. Nothing to wait for. Just be it. The rest will follow as we let go of old triggers toward less fruitful endeavors. It’s very tempting to get into the fray and all things reactive and fight it out in our minds or on the streets or in the staged informational platform at their low density level, but it’s to no avail and only muddies the waters.

Steer clear. Don’t feed the miasma. Be aware of it but don’t even touch it. It’s a tar baby designed to short circuit our connectivity to Source and who we truly, deeply are. That’s what they fear. Not our activism or exposure, although that’s all part of it. It’s us getting the real understanding of our true power as well as what energizes them and keeps them in business, which we then refuse to supply as we rise to a higher vibration with much more effectiveness.

That’s non-compliance.

Get free. Stay free. Help raise the planetary vibration. Share love, speak truth, live in the true joy of real Knowing that transcends these tricks and traps and manifestations of ignorance. Live according to your passion. The world is starving for love, kindness, gentleness, hope and happiness. We’re awash in it if we look around. Don’t let them drag us down to their level.

Let’s rise up and be the living solution. All is well and right in the grand scheme of things, the BIG picture.

Creation keeps expanding and learning, and we are an amazing and integral part of it all!

What a wonder!

About the Author

High Vibe Tribe is a contributing author to Waking Times.

This article (Upgrade to the Next Level of Now) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to High Vibe Tribe and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution and author bio.

Sourced from here.

St. Germain ~ We Have Come To A Place Where We Release The Idea of War


Editor’s note:  I found some good info. interwoven into this one, in particular the insight shared that we also have our own inner war going on.  Also resonating with me is the idea of new earth being more temperate ~ something I have seen and felt.  In fact, last night we hung out with friends and I was telling one of them, just rather out of the blue, that I imagine a climate that is temperate 10 months out of the year with a couple months of winter/snow.  70’s.  Sunny skies with occasional rain.  Everyone thought that would be perfect and I said “it’s coming”.  Yes, I am the woo woo one in the ‘hood…


Ashtar On The Road Teleconference

September 12, 2017 


“I am St Germain, and I stand before you, most Beloved Family, with open Heart and open mind!  And I invite you to join with me in this energy because I have an announcement to make.  We have, as you might say, turned a corner, opened a new page, or come to a new place on our journey into the Higher Dimensional levels!  And because we have reached this place, it is not only not a time to put an end to war, it is a time to remove all war from your Hearts, from our consciousness, from our subconsciousness, from everywhere in your beings!!!


“Now, I have an overview. I’ve been around for quite a long time, and I could very well recite to you the details of every war that’s ever been fought on Planet Earth.  But I don’t go there.  And I ask that you not go there anymore!!!  We’ve all learned the lessons.  It doesn’t matter which war, or how many people were involved.  It could even be war within your own selves.  That’s the big one that you’re all struggling to get past now to some degree or other, some more than others, of course.


“It’s about any kind of war that is harmful or dangerous or hurtful.  And I’m not just talking about Humanity!  I’m talking about all members of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms.  What do you suppose happens to those kingdom members outside your door when someone sprays Roundup in the gardens?  That’s war!  What do you suppose happens when there is drilling into the very Earth, and poisoning in the search for the treasures, the very lifeblood of Mother Gaia?  That’s war, a form of war!


“Now, before we move on up and start envisioning the way things will be, I am merely telling you it is time to let go of whatever sorrow, whatever grief, whatever anger and, yes, whatever fears – because this is all fear-based – you may have. 


“This constant propaganda about war!  Look at yesterday on your calendars.  That was the anniversary of 9/11.  How many of you saw something that dredged up the emotions of that day so that you could feel all of those 3D emotions all over again?  And how many of you – and be honest with yourselves – how many of you are afraid that there’s going to be another 9/11, or that North Korea is going to bomb Los Angeles, or some such thing?  It is not going to happen!!!  WAR IS OVER!!!


“And it is time for everyone to give up war on all levels – all thoughts of war.  You can’t bring them with you!  You can bring an overview without emotion of fear.  But you cannot bring the emotions of fear that war creates, war of any kind, with you.  So give it up!  Don’t go there anymore.  Release it and say a prayer if you wish, a prayer of release, a prayer of forgiveness and, yes, while you’re at it – and this is very hard, and I have no desire to demean in any way, the sorrow of anyone who has either himself or herself been a victim of war or has had a family member who has – but this is time to stop grieving and start celebrating LIFE!!!


“It is time to say, ‘Thank you, we have learned’ just like in the song.*  What she is singing about is a massively conscious determination that there is a better way.  And we all know that anyway.  So give it up.  Don’t celebrate war and its events.  Rather celebrate Peace and Freedom because, Beloved Ones, the Golden Age has all of that for you and more.  You just can’t bring the anger and the grief and the sorrow and all the fear-based emotions with you.  Leave them at the doorstep, if you want to see it that way, and come on in!


“Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful time we’ll have!  And there are going to be many, many changes.  You all know about all of the weather, the upsetting weather that’s been taking place Worldwide.  And yes, some of it has been aggravated and induced even. 


“Well, remember the weather in the Golden Age is temperate everywhere – except in the very highest of mountaintops – conducive to growing whatever you want to grow.  And you’ll get to a point where you’ll simply think it and there it will be – a field of flowers, for instance.  There will be no more harshness in the weather.  Mother Gaia will be singing with you to partner.  The lion shall lie down with the lamb.  And predatory plants and animals, along with predatory humans, will not be there!  It’s that simple. 


“Perhaps one day the transcripts of Ashtar can be accessed to recall his immortal poem – I shall say that I can say that.  He wouldn’t say that, but I can say it.  It is called ‘Ode to the Extinct Mosquito.’  You will enjoy that tremendously!  And so when there are more people to help at Ashtar On The Road, perhaps that can be accessed.  There are boxes and boxes of transcripts and tapes from those early years, as well as the later years.  So!  All I’m telling you is to let your imaginations go!  Access your Divinities and be in that High Dimensional place, and all of these concerns will not be there.


“By all means, follow what’s going on – with Love.  Seize the moment, it’s not just about carpe diem – it’s seize every moment!  You start thinking, ‘Oh, oh, somebody’s doing something really bad.  Turn that around and send them Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and ultimately Gratitude!!!


“Every, every, every event that you and all of Humanity have ever lived has a bright side to whatever has taken place.  Find that lesson, find that Light, find that Love and rise up into the place where you are secure and free and joyful and, most of all, where that Loving Peace fills the entirety of your being and you have become a Golden Age Being of LoveLight!


I am here with you now, and yet I am here to welcome you to that High place.  So be joyful, Beloved Ones!  Check your baggage at the door – you don’t need it anymore – and come on up and join the great Gathering of Loving Beings who are already here to welcome you, because this is what you have ordained for yourselves as your destinations here on the Higher Planet Earth in the Golden Age!!! And so it is.  Namaste!”


*St Germain was preceded by “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream,” sung by Joan Baez.



Transcription by Marta.

Given through Susan Leland, September 12, 2017. www.AshtarontheRoad.com  

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Sourced from here:  

The Time Has Arrived! Finally, Our Realities Are Splitting


Editor’s note:  One of the more important pieces I have read and shared.  I particular love and resonate with his thought that New Earth exists at a another vibrational frequency ~ something I am fully in alignment with.  Have any of you been having these experiences as mentioned?  Walking between two worlds – the old and the new?  Having objects disappear?  Noticing things that were not visible to you at an earlier time?  New people in your neighborhood (and I don’t mean they just newly moved in but they have been in your ‘hood for years and you are now just seeing them)?  I have been saying and continue to say “not in my reality” then focus on what reality I WANT since the start of summer.  It is a visceral experience in my body and I now immediately energetically, within, reject anything that does not resonate with me.  Sometimes that means I have to leave the space I am in.  So be it.  I am here to return to New Earth through intending in that experience.   She is so “close”, I feel her more and more ~ as though all I need to do is pull back the final curtain…


by Fred Greaves,
Guest writer, In5D.com

This is the most important article I have ever written, and although the beginning portion of it is of a personal experience, you will see the importance it leads to. We have the power within us to take back our world, and remove all negativity from it. We are one with Gaia (Earth), and are literally part of each other, so any so called “natural disasters” can be affected and directed by our thoughts.

The “Space” In Between “Spaces”

We have been told for some time now that the New Earth is coming, yet we have all asked “well then where is it”? It has been in front of us the whole time, just existing on another plane (dimension). For many years as I have raised my vibrations, I have been able to see the “space” in between “spaces”. Meaning where others see only air, I see a ton of activity; beings mingling, ships, etc.

Many people may have noticed that things are beginning to disappear. I’m not talking about their friends/family, jobs or situations, I’m discussing little items here…like a cup, crystal, shirt, bar of soap, etc.

Small Items Disappearing Mysteriously

I have been perplexed as to why this has been happening, and have asked my Divine Twin before, where is it all going? The definition of a Divine Twin is on my site thetwinflameproject.com. Yet as I have learned in the past; I do not ask many questions, as this affects your vibration because the answers may not line up with our beliefs (which were all lies anyway). Causing our vibration to lower, or not to rise at all. Well she would tell me, “now is not the time, so don’t ask Fred”.

Yet as always, and another thing I have noticed is this; when the timing is right, the answers do come. We need to take and absorb things in stages. Well I have just found out where they are going, because just last night as I took my sweatshirt off to wash some dishes I said to her “don’t take this one”.

I said that because just last week one mysteriously disappeared from the house, never to be seen again. Well just then, she says to me “I’m not taking them Fred, your reality is changing now, and they are just in another dimension”.

Noticing Things That Were Not There Previously

It was then, everything that has been happening the last few weeks began to make sense. I walk the same areas daily, and for hours on end (I have been doing this for many years). Yet now I am noticing flowers or bushes that were not there the day before, and sometimes even in the same day on the return trip!

Sidewalks that were crumbling, were suddenly new, yet not recently fixed. I also noticed that the congestion was lower, as well as the noise. I have loud cars and many motorcycles in my area. Yet I suddenly realized that there were less people on the road, and rather than the louds cars, etc., I was hearing birds.

I then remembered an incident that happened a few weeks back, and again things were coming to light. I was out walking, when suddenly I could not stop myself from walking sideways. It was as if the Earth itself was tilting. So I asked Lucina (my Divine Twin), what is happening? She told me, your reality is shifting Fred, and soon you will begin to notice many differences.

Being In Two Places At Once

Flash forward a week or two later; I was at a family gathering, when towards the end of it, everyone began to mention how they saw police all day long. The reason is because no open bottles are allowed in a public park, and they were patrolling it…checking. Yet I saw none (not one), and said what police?

Continue reading here.

A Vision For Forgiving The World


A Vision for Forgiving the World

We see a world where everyone has forgiven everyone else for whatever they may or may not have done; where we have fully realized that the key to our highest calling and ultimate happiness lies in the forgiving of ourselves and others; and, more than that, we have seen the wisdom in forgiving those throughout history who may or may not have wronged us.

We see a world where the entire ancestral line of each and every person living on the Earth today has been healed because we have forgiven those in our family’s past who brought harm to others.

And, by the same token, we see a world where everyone has forgiven all the dictators and tyrants who ever walked this Earth, as well as the institutions and nations they represented. Now we harbor no resentment whatsoever because we have forgiven the world, past, present, and future, and in doing so, we have disentangled ourselves from it and set ourselves free.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba


Ya’ll know my thoughts, overall, on channeled pieces.  However, there are times when I feel drawn to share one.  I can’t recall at the moment how I found this one – or how it found me I likely need to say.  But I did and it resonates with me.  Also of interest ~ I awoke 2-3 mornings ago speaking something rather odd and yet interesting to me.  I was guided to be open to seeing a channeled piece whose channeler name sounded odd.  It was something like answa gukawba (I was in that half awake, drug-like state so my voice sounded a big garbled as I attempted to speak the name outloud).  So then…Check out the name below.  It feels too much like synchronicity not to share.   I will also add that I have been speaking with numerous people in the past week alone who don’t study ascension but have all said they feel inside something big big big is about ready to take place ~ and there is no fear to this change.  Two of them used the word “shift”.  When I share my thoughts on what I feel is happening and is going to happen, not one has been surprised.  We are all One and thus we all feel the energies of what is taking place.  How we interpret it is based on our natural state of who we are as People and not just Souls.  


By Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

September 13, 2017

Papa Force (Porda):

I would like to begin by greeting all of humanity with the greetings of freedom, empowerment, divine love and oneness. That greeting is known as Mushaba Greetings.

I come to you today as the voice of the Mushaba People. I have been given permission to speak on behalf of all people on the planet Mushaba. All of creation is now moving into what is called “The New Era of Evolvement” as decreed by The All That Is. The All That Is is the energy, the being where everything in existence comes from. This being created everything that exists before creation, as well as everything in creation. In this new era of evolvement, the Mushaba People have been given the responsibility to have the leadership position. Just recently, the planet earth has been put under the authority of the Mushaba People to take the leading role in the evolvement and ascension of planet earth and all beings inhabiting the earth on the surface and within the earth.

There have been many major changes that have taken place in the universe and the high dimensions. Many of the universal, galactic, and planetary council’s have been removed, restructured, or disbanded. All the beings of evil and negative darkness have been put on notice to work toward evolvement or be either sent to source, or quarantined and taken through training until they evolve toward the only way of being, which is love, light, truth and integrity.

Also those beings of the light that have been convoluted have also been put on notice to shape up as well. You see, The All That Is has intervened in all of what is going on in creation and have discovered many things that were being done by dark hearted beings dressed in the clothes of light. All of the universe, and that includes all planets in all dimensions and all beings, have been subject to the house cleaning decreed by The All That Is. No one or nothing gets away. All things are being made right in all of creation.

Beings everywhere not just on earth have not been given the appropriate assistance needed, especially those sent on missions on behalf of the councils. All is being rectified now and you will begin to see many changes taking place everywhere on earth and the universe. For earth, you have been witnessing the cleansing of darkness, evil and corruption everywhere. The energetic codes and established protocols have been removed and rewritten and all the built up negative energies are being swept away by the many tribulations of nature through, fire, water, and shaking of the earth. Earth is cleansing, blowing away, washing away, burning away, and shaking off the build up of negative protocols, codes and energies that have been causing great unbearable stress in all of earth and humanity.

These energies were feeding those in power to stay in power and to continue to usurp the free will of the people. The holding up of the prosperity and healing technologies from the People will all come forth now. No more do the negative dark hearted beings have unchallenged power anymore. The RV process has also been taken away on the galactic level from the ones that were in charge of it, and those beings were sent back to their home planet along with their mothership and scout ships. They weren’t doing their job so they lost it.


On the earth level, the elders have been completely replaced by a group of new elders. Also those around General Dunford that resisted his orders concerning the RV release have been removed and replaced. Other people in the entire chain of command from the highest to the lowest have been removed and replaced. Now we can expect a smooth transition to the era of prosperity. Know that the way for your President Trump to be removed has been cleared as well.

Why am I telling you all this? Because its total freedom time for you; it’s your independence day. You have some of the same beings that are of light, love, truth and integrity working with new beings with the same qualities on your behalf and on the behalf of all beings in the universe. These new beings have been ordered here by the All That Is to assist in getting the New Era of Evolvement well on the way and all planets and people in the universe on the right track toward evolving to be the living epitome of Love, Light, Truth and Integrity! A major universe wide wake up call has been sent out to all beings in the universe rather light or dark, good or evil. So dear loving brothers and sisters of earth, your prayers are now in the throes of being answered right in front of your face. Look for it because it’s there. Embrace it because you earned it.

You are dearly loved forever!

I am Porda known as Papa Force

Father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

Sourced from here.

Cosmic Factors Affecting Our Ascension: The List

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This lengthy update contains the key factors affecting our Ascension process at the moment. It is intended to provide some clarity on the cosmic events, effects of the last Gateway, and why Solar activity is so intense.

Apply hyperimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.

Events and Effects of the August-September Unfoldments

Convergence of the Trinity Stargates

The Trinity Stargates opened the flows of direct Solar Cosmic Christ frequencies from Source. This is an ongoing Solar rewrite on a stellar, planetary and incarnate level. As the gates converged on Solaris (the SUN) during the eclipse, it altered its prismatic effect, which in turn will change the way form is projected on Gaia.

We use the SUN to project our consciousness into these denser realities. When the SUN received the Cosmic Trinity encodements from the stargate convergence, so did we. It is a vital step in projecting a more crystalline form via our DNA. It also effects Gaia’s expression in form, as well as Solaris. Increased Solar flare activity is supportive of this Solar-system-wide shift.

Related article: Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN

Entering the Galactic Hot Zone and Harmonic Barrier Release

Two key events are unfolding at the moment. We are traversing the vibrational edges of the Galactic geometric hot zone which creates dimensional-shifting, reality-expanding dynamics. Cosmic Stargates serve as a conduits to this area of space, threading light between higher and lower realities. These stargate flows ease our entry, so we aren’t hit with intensely higher light all at once. However, the initial effects on the SUN and our consciousness are evident since the eclipse.

The stepping down of frequencies by the Galactics will soon come to a close. We can see and feel the effect of this colossal Galactic geometric hot zone already. The Divine Will of photonic density is evident, and we just touched the vibrational edges of this area.

The second item of importance is the release of harmonic frequency barriers. These veils or layers of light (they look like vast radiant silk scarves to me, perhaps that’s where the veil terminology came from) were released with the eclipse alignment. There are several layers to these harmonic barriers, which create the illusion of separation between expressions of Self, planets, dimensions, etc.

We were able to glimpse through the barriers by accessing the Higher Realms. Now our consciousness must adjust to the sensation of their absence. The sensation of time acceleration (more events at a faster rate) will assist in speeding up this realization. Kindwhile, attune your consciousness and feel the freedom. Our thoughts and telepathic intentions travel much faster between dimensions.

Related article: Cosmic Steering Committee: Convergence of Stargates

Complete activation of the Crystalline Grid and New Earth Grid Systems

The Crystalline Grid is a sentient structure. It activated to full capacity during the August Gateway, creating pathways to the interuniversal, intergalactic, and interstellar Gateways. Thousands of crystalline pyramids, crystalline structures, temples, crystal beds and etheric geometries were activated – and continue to activate.

These ancient structures are encoded to activate in tandem with the crystalline grid to usher in the Primary Timeline experience and the Divine Christed HUman template. Another reason many of you feel Divine, blissy, changed, and in the midst of reformation. Some of these structures appear to be rising in visions; awakening to the clarion call of zero-point photonic demands.

Yes, this booting up affects the elementals, and the collective consciousness, which also affects the elementals. The interface of the Crystalline Grid, Stargates and Photonic density opens us to a LOT of information and light, which triggers DNA to align with the new realities. This opens us up to a fluid Now-moment experience of all expressions of Self, simultaneously merging and expanding into purer Source-awareness.

Related Article: Crystalline Grid Activation

Christed Crown Activation

Sacred geometries, symbols and brilliant light of the Christed Crown continue to expand since the eclipse passage. The traditional crown chakra is not applicable here. Crowns of light, which appear in many forms, are manifesting as expanding layers of crowns, and are also manifesting around the heart. This is True Divine HUman DNA bi-locating into our cellular structure and energy fields, and activating due to all of these cosmic factors.

Related article: The August Eclipse, Metaphoric and Mystical

Primary Timeline Access

All of these events; the Stargate convergence, entry into the Geometric Hot Zone, Harmonic barrier release and Christed Activations, are granting willing, heart-centered Souls access to the Primary Christed Timelines. Embodiment is key to a collective experience of the higher timelines, and we are fully supported by these cosmic events to create this en masse.

Primary Timelines are a very strong vibration; it does take focus and consistency to resonate with them. However, we are being blasted with influxes of pure photonic, Source-encoded, reality-shifting light. This enhances the lifting, raising sensations of Ascension; the pull of the high-heart and heart center.

With all of the cosmic factors converging in this Now, we have a Divine opportunity for complete transformation. Bifurcation of timelines will exponentially increase after the Equinox. Let the Light change you for the better. Decree your creation, create a new version of your Highest Self. Primary Timelines were created for creativity; the New Earth vibration of HUman Source-In-Carnate.

Galactic Life Review

A type of Galactic Life-review may present during this passage. The Gaia-bound version occurred in 2012 for many. Now we have a completion of expressions across timelines, dimensions and star systems. You might see this in lucid dream state or rapid-fire visions. It may get Universal depending on your journey.

This is a side-effect of the Photonic Light and release of the harmonic barrier; Higher Light gains momentum, organizing, sorting out, vibrationally merging the fractals of Self on a Universal scale. Non-linear visions of Galactic Selves, blending of personal timelines, and the familiar sense of closure or completion expands to the Galactic Level.

Stay flexible with your beliefs about what is possible, where you are going, or who you are. As we transcend archetypes and experience life without the vibrational roof, the illusion of the lower realities and what we created here will fade. The Primary Timelines provide launching pads to completely undefinable experiences.

September Intergration

The integration week influx of the Full Moon delivered Solar flares and massive amounts of plasma and crystalline frequencies, aimed at revealing and activating our awareness of the Now reality. You may sense this: We are experiencing the pure force of Divine Order and the Primary Timelines. And it is strong stuff.

Last SUNday’s announcement of incoming light arrived just hours before the latest X-flare (I only had time to post to social media before our Meditations began.) In my experience the consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting energies during our Unity Meditations were the strongest I have felt so far. Granted, I have been holding space and engaging in this activity for 17 months now, so my perspective is sensitive, however the undeniable alchemical merge was palpable.

New Earth Gateways: Gatekeeper Focus

Gatekeepers received the message to focus on New Earth Gateways this month. These pathways will allow prepared consciousness to experience Primary Christed Timelines, eventually leading to a complete merge of dimensional expressions; lower and Higher Selves expressing as One on the New Earth level.

The Equinox and Cosmic Trigger

Strong cosmic forces are in play right here, right now. The next weeks reveal that our reality choices – collective and personal – are being honored and amplified in a brand new way. Traditionally it had to do with magentics, vibrational match or mismatch. This month takes us into a higher comprehension of what it means to engage with Divine HUman evolution. If it is something I can define in words next month, so be it.

Upcoming Cosmic Events: Collective Participation and Focus

September 13-17: Gatekeeper Cosmic Stargate Interaction
SUNday September 17: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm PT – Beaming from our live event in Sedona for the last meditation.
Tuesday September 19: New Moon at 10:30pmPT: Opening for the Equinox Gateway
Friday September 22: Equinox at 1:02pmPT
Saturday, September 23: Cosmic Trigger, Timeline Shift
SUNday, September 24: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT

Divine Reflection: The Invisible Presence

Ascending Souls become Sacred reflections – mirrors of the Divine Light. Rather than the classic mirror dynamic, reflecting lessons and ego-mind-emotions of the lower levels, Divine HUmans may become clear, crystalline, pure prisms. This Solar aspect of the Solar Cosmic Christed HUman shows others the Divinity within themselves.

If you are able to hold that Divine Light with integrity and grace, as a neutral conduit of the Higher Levels, your DNA will vibrationally match the frequency of the New Earth expression. That is a passcode to the Gateways of New Earth and Primary Timeline experience. It is a fine intention for this sacred passage of our Ascension.

Blessings to all of us in these perspective-expanding moments in the Now.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

Jenny Schiltz ~ Temporary 5D Timeline Now Available


Ascension, Celestial, Planet, HeavenTemporary 5D timeline is now available.

In meditation, I was shown where souls are being moved into temporary timelines. It was an amazing sight, each soul was receiving an energetic boost and a clearing. I asked what was taking place and they told me that each one is being reminded of who they are and their intention of ascending. I saw each soul get a little lighter, brighter and then they were then put on the appropriate collective timeline.

Temporary timelines

They explained that a temporary 5D timeline has been made for those souls who are ready to leave the 4D frequencies behind but are unable to hold the 5D frequencies for long amounts of time. This temporary timeline allows each person to continue working on their soul, moving away from duality, victim hood, and belief systems that no longer serve. This temporary timeline is in line with the 5D and beyond timeline and as each soul masters holding the higher frequencies in their form for longer times, they will be moved onto the dedicated Ascension timeline.

At the same time, those who have agreed at a soul level to ascend, but have not yet awakened are finding themselves being moved from the collapsing 3D frequencies and into the 4D temporary timelines. This is a very large group of souls and it will create a mass awakening that may look like mass chaos as many awaken to anger and conspiracy. This timeline will also be in parallel with the other two timelines but for a shorter duration of time. It will be important that this grouping is not met with New Age dogma and beliefs but with unconditional love and understanding. It will become more and more apparent that one does not need to even know of Ascension on a conscious level in order to take part. All that is required is the honest desire to reconnect with one’s heart center and soul. How that looks will be different for everyone. It will be important that we advise those looking for answers to go within instead of being outward focused.

The Ascension timeline which is of 5D frequency and above is fully functional and ready for all who can maintain the lowest frequency consistently within their form. Each of the temporary timelines is designed to funnel into the next highest until all who are willing to do the inner work are on the same collective timeline. This is not a one shot deal as we have agreed to ascend as a collective. This agreement does not stop people from moving forward but rather those that have moved forward are being asked to be the calming lighthouse for the others.

This experiment shows us that even if we are against something, we are still feeding it. That in order to strip the power from something, it is best to simply not give it energy. We can know that it exists as awareness of what’s “out there” is valuable, however, we don’t have to continue feeding it. This is a lesson we are all tasked to learn as we take responsibility for our creations.


Continue reading here.

Gem Analysis: Black Obsidian, the Smoking Mirror


Editor’s note:  I have black obsidian in each room in my house.  I often carry one with me when I leave the house – if I am not wearing my necklace w/the stone.  


Gem analysis: Obsidian is a volcanic glass produced by rapidly cooled silicic lava. Due to the fact that obsidian is a hard volcanic material it was used to produce sharp instruments and ritual artifacts. Atzecs referred to this rock as the Black Mirror, Smoking Mirror or Even Shining Mirror and they associated with the god Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca is a god associated with North, Earth, cold and night sky. He is a frightnening God. His qualities were both negative as war, temptation and strife but also very positive as divination, magic and Beauty!

A stone of Power

whose name in fact means Smoking Mirror, Obsidian
His name itself means Smoking Mirror, an epithet used to describe the Obsidian. For Aztecs the stone itself is a manifestation of the God and an instrument to access his qualities! When dipicted Tezcatlipoca’s right foot is an Obsidian while sometimes the gem .
Obsidian is one of the most Earthly Stones, dark and mostly black is associated with the Element of Earth and its planet it Saturn, the lord of time. Therefore the powered day to practice with Obsidian is Saturday.
Obsidian’s association with Earth makes it a perfect insturment for Grounding rituals and Meditations.It helps us connect with our deeper selves our deeper feelings and insticts. Worshipers of the God Tezcatlipoca were sorcerers and warriors of the Aztecs.
The Smoking Mirror of Dr. John Dee,
Queen Elizabeth’s alchemist and sorcerer
An item that can be found in the British Museum
Aztecs used the black one to make sharp ritual instruments and Mirrors to be used as divination tools. The power of the Smoking Mirrors (as the Black divination Mirrors are usually called) was so famous that the alchemist and sorcerer of the Queen of England Elizabeth the First, Dr. John Dee used some for his work. The legend sais that the Angels appeared in the Mirror and instructed him. It was brought to the possesion of the Queen after the conquest of Mexico by Cortés between 1527 and 1530.
Were they Angels? Where they Demons? Just Spirits? No one really knows.

Magical Powers of Obsidian

But what we do know is that Smoking Mirrors is maybe the most powerful instruments of Divination ever created. This is mostly because of the freedom it provides to the Mage/Witch/Shaman who preforms scrying. We will post soon an article on Smoking Mirrors and how to use them for Divination and Also magic.

But lets take a deeper look now to the magical properties of Obsidian, the magical properties of the Smoking Mirror. Use Obsidian in:

* Grounding and Centering Rituals and Meditations
Protection (the obsidian is a projective stone and acts protectively absorbing magic)
* Alluring and charming Spells

Simple Grounding technique utilizing the Obsidian.

Take one in your hands and close your eyes.
Take a few breaths and exhale reminding yourself that with each breath your relax and your feel more secure.
Stay there with your eyes close for few minutes and repeat a mantra like “I am safe, I am powerful”.
Repeat the words till they make no sense. Keep breathing slowly, easily.
When you feel ready open your eyes.
Go and wash your obsidian with running water. Its quality of absorbing magic makes it a very handy tool but we have to cleanse it from negativity.
You can find more Gems and Enchanted Jewelry at love prices HERE!
Change Yourself, Change the World!
Discover, Play, Love!
Sourced from here.