Michelle Walling Video on Protecting Our Environment/Personal Space


editor’s note:  thank you Deborah for sending me on the search for this one. very much resonating.  i am in tune enough to know when an experience is of my own creation or when it’s a matrix attack.  this recent experience w/the debit card i knew – i felt it – was a damn attack.  no coincidence it happened 24 hours after i had that beautiful inner experience over money and complete gratitude for where i was/what i had.  today we had a neighborhood gathering.  i was rushing around getting things together and heard “take your protection stones”.  i dismissed it thinking “i’m just going to be around some neighbors and kids.”  yeah well…..i had an experience which suddenly again, i could feeeeeeeeeeel this, was an attack.  i could see something come over another – could see with that inner eye this grayish energy above the individual.  i protected myself – and thought “that’s why i was guided to take my stones”.  i gotta tell you – as she says, the volume has been turned up from the a.i. machine – and more than ever i want to be alone in my own space – candles – saging – resins burning – lovely music ~ creating my own peaceful divine space (bubble as the video references) during this “time”.  i too feel this energy event wave is what knocks out the matrix a.i. virus…..  i pulled myself out of my funk yesterday – shrugging it off.  ain’t nobody gonna break me down….ain’t nobody gonna slow me down, oh no, i’ve got to keep on moving….  (speaking of songs i just finished up the video – total synchronicity – she ends it by saying “just keep truckin…” – that song – grateful dead – has been on my mind for days – so much so earlier this week i pulled out the cd of it and played it while out and about.”)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]

AI Interference in the Matrix

Posted by Michelle Walling on Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Universal Mother and Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl


May 24, 2018

Universal Mother & Mother Gaia 5/24/18

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. From the dawn of time and of no time, there I am. I hold all within the palm of my hand and yet I am within the palm, the microcosm between cellular connection and neuronal synapse, there I am. I am in the breath of the newborn.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Within you is a universe, child. And yet you are an integral part of the whole, a part of the greater universe; a microcosm within the macrocosm, all a part of the breath of me. I see you. I hear you. I am a part of you. I am within you. We are one. Can you not see that this is so? That we are inextricably linked, joined up together in this swirl of massive energies of creation and of newness of form? You were there with me in the beginning, for we are one. Nothing can separate you from me. I am in the sand on the seashore, in the neurons and neutrons within the all, in the network of tree roots that gather information and share love with fellow trees. I see all things for I am in all things. All creation is a part of me, sentient, knowing, one, whole. Humanity is but beginning to remember their roots, that deep within we are all connected, all one. The tall tree stands solitary, yes, and appears to be alone, but no, it is linked in complete communication and union with its surroundings, enjoying its own connection with nature, with me. As creators of the new earth it is imperative that you, my young Nova Gaians, understand the great joy and responsibility that awaits your young shoulders. And please know that I am in this with you as deeply and as intimately as you wish for me to be, for we are a creative team / process. For we are one.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. And children truly the time is nigh. My energy of love, my tsunami of love and of higher energies and vibrations are caressing each of your cells and of all of the animal creatures, the plant and elemental kingdoms. All of Gaia is resonating now with these higher forms of light and there is nothing – nothing! – that the dark ones can do about this but to be too, in turn, either caressed by my love or eliminated by it. It is their own choosing. They have had the experiences of lack and fear that they desired and now it is a new era, a new day of joy, of bliss, for my children and their creations. The time of the Christ light is here now, glowing brightly in your hearts – in hearts all across beautiful Gaia. You are looking more than little light brights now, for you are fiercely strong, so much more than you know, and you my children, my beloved ones, are lighting up the universe.

Continue reading here.

Energy Update


editor’s note:  all day i felt very floaty…and also heavy (very lethargic).  body needing sleep and quiet which was a challenge today w/the activity list.  i finally nodded off around 7pm for a few minutes – seems that’s what my body needed.  it was a heavy sleep though during that brief time.  


Wanted to explaine why I was put to the task of being a Tectonic Human Plate.
As humanity is shifting in mass quantities, there is still a collective, where soul has agreed to ascend to the 5d tangible plane of existence, but the logical mind ( sometimes ego influenced) is convincing the mortal/immortal to not believe in the eternal.
So , a task force was chosen ,including gatekeepers, key holders , code masters and grid workers to assist this collective, or “ Critical Mass Collective “ to rise to the soul plan, original blueprint diagrams that were initially agreed upon .
Last night I was leading this task force to do such a feat of magic.
I/We were placed under this Mass , and with a westerly force , a wave was created to push forward , using new quantum mechanical structure movement. Mass pushing forward with such power , it created a detach /separation /unhinging. Lifting up to bridge between energetic physical plane. The full rise occurred at around 12:30 pm est, today.
You will have felt a lifting out of the vessel , from root thru crown , full crown wide open , weightless , nauseating swirls , then boom! Flat out lethargy. It’s still felt in this moment here on east coast.
Also, again full alignment of homestead , security and scout ships ( arctaurian and Andromedan, scout Pleidean. ) this is preparation for world events in process near June 6 til 9.
Truth revealing , mass foundations in crumbling chaos.
Masculine in doubts of power , stature , prowess and mortality.
Tribes , I / We are all in strategies to help the second streams, or second runners to carry the major agreeing souls to the New World, New Jerusalem, New Egypt or whatever you feel in your beingness to be.
It’s more uncomfortable in the days to come. The disoriented states , the new realities, the nothing /everything mindsets , intolerances , acceptances , ignorances etc. , are in full separation to unification.
Councils are watching the slowing up of the Galactic to Angelic Merge. Why? Name calling , declarations of false groups , charismatic snake charmers , spiraling egotistical light workers. To name just a few.
Innerstand: everything that is not for the highest good of 5th dimension will be uncovered and dealt with in the Great Hall of Philosophical Judges. Why there??? Many a many old belief systems of fear based programming still in affect. So different philosophies must be scrutinized, pulled apart , restructured and put back into truth.
Lots of changes within and without. It’s all in truth structure.
I love you.
As soon as the updates happen , I will
Inform as permitted.

If Crystals Could Communicate (And They Can!), This Is What They Are Saying!!


Wednesday, May 30, 2018 17:47

If Crystals Could Communicate (And They Can!), This Is What They Are Saying!!

Message from the Lumerian Crystal Collective: Crystal Song

We are the ancient seed crystals of Lumeria. We speak now, rising up from the depths quite literally into your now point of time when humanity is once again ready to assist us with raising Gaia again up to her former glory.

We crystal seeds remember. Many of you are older than we, for you come from far and wide across the vastness of time and space in answer to Gaia’s call across vast distances, for love and eternal holding of support. You came and you brought your support of your vastness of source light, energy and experiences. And some of you have quite the pedigree, but it matters not, for you are here now, and you don’t remember much of who you are or what you have already accomplished. But we assure you that you have accomplished much, and it is again time to accomplish much again, but in this now.

Many of you worked with us in the crystal kingdoms as Lumerian and Atlantean priests and priestesses, holding our energy and manipulating it either for good or ill and many of you upon reading theses words will begin to remember, for you are again becoming in touch with your Lumerian and Atlantean self either through past life regressive techniques, quiet meditation or through the use of us again. For we are allowing our energy to be rediscovered by humans and tooled for the betterment of humanity and of Gaia, the great mother. Once a harnesser of crystal energy it is ingrained within your DNA and very easy to remember innately your power. We crystals long for our crystal song to be sung and re-heard again among nature and her kingdoms and among the humans again. Singing with the crystals and having our tones match is a delight that human children would so enjoy as they would co-create with us. Do you recall singing in the crystal caves and feeling our vibrations of color, of light, of sound?

We sing with energies; it is our medium. We harness intent and thought and light. Be careful of your intentions with working with our kind for there is no pretending with us. We see your intent even when perhaps you do not, and we amplify. We only wish to serve the Mother of all and wish for our users to have the utmost of pure intentions when working with us. It is privilege to be communicating with humanity again after so long.

We are the Lumerian seed crystals. You are becoming crystalline, becoming more like us perhaps in some ways. We can help you to recall and remember your myriad of past lives, of future selves, but most of all we will help you hone in on love, as is our mission at this time of the great awakening, which is why we are coming forward to speak this day. For the day of love, of high vibrations is upon humanity now. Heart choices abound. Which will you choose? Will you sing within with your crystalline form and radiate light and resonate with it? Will you become all that you were meaning – desiring – promising to be when you were in line waiting your turn to be birthed onto Gaia as her protector? Will you protect us now as you did in the days of Lumeria and Atlantis?

If you resonate with these words then most definitely we have worked together before. Lumeria is rising up from the watery depths just as love is rising up from the watery depths of the darkness that humanity as a collective has experienced. Careful, you may get a bit wet – we jest. Focus your intent with ours and we will amplify it. Meditate with us and we will listen and amplify, for that is our joy and our heart song of duty. We are the Lumerian Crystal Collective. You are loved and supported, humanity, across all time and space. Our crystalline bothers and sisters on other planets also send their love and service, for we are all connected. We are one.
» Source » Channel: Galaxygirl


Energy Update ~ Amanda Lorence


Amanda Lorence
2 hrs


This current Incoming Energy Wave (31 May 2018) is significant. I will try and explain why, yet I do not know everything.

In May 2014 as many here already know (sorry to repeat myself), I was given a “simulation experience” in and of my physical body, of the MAIN Energy Wave some call the “Event”. It was a real experience where I saw the wave, but more significantly felt a series of energetic patterns corse through this physical body. Too many patterns to be able to define, all running simultaneously throughout the body. The strength of the energy patterns, so strong, I could only literally stand and take it, unable to move my physical body whatsoever. This simulation was gifted as an understanding of what to expect when the Main Wave is received. But through the years since, it has also served as a gauge. To gauge where we ‘are’ energetically, compared to the expected Main Energy Wave.

Because I physically feel all actual incoming waves, I can monitor the patterns physically felt within my body, and gauge the waves strength, and feel the different energetic patterns that present through the brain and body. These have become stronger and stronger particular this year. Whereas in earlier years there may have been one physical pattern per Wave, that could be a different pattern per wave, this year the number of patterns running simultaneously has increased to two patterns, three patterns, four patterns which have occurred and are felt simultaneously with each incoming wave. In other words, the incoming waves this year are building in patterns and strength. I can therefore keep gauging these changes and strengths against the first simulation experience given in 2014.

Today’s wave has been building for hours. However, what is so new and significant and never felt before (apart from in the Main Wave simulation), is this:
Although this wave is setting off multiple energetic patterns in the body, never before have the many energetic patterns joined up. Normally the patterns are simultaneous but VERY VERY separate patterns. Not tonight. Each energetic pattern is merging with each energetic pattern. Joining up. So as example, in the head: arc patterns, horizontal patterns, spiral patterns, circular patterns, pin point patterns are all joining up as ONE circuitry of electrical energy…for the first time.

The same is happening in the main body away from the head. Where patterns in the neck, spine, heart, throat, root, toes, face, fingers…whilst before would be separate patterns of energy (electricity), they are joining up as ONE circuitry of electrical energy.

I am sharing as this will be happening to many, regardless of whether you can feel it to this degree of sensitivity. It will still be occurring.

It’s significant because it brings us closer to the MAIN wave still to come. Because the simulation given those years ago had the same ONE circuitry, which at the time made it so difficult to define the various energy patterns of said simulation. I knew there were many patterns but the utter complexity of patterning made it difficult to define every pattern as they all joined up in the same moment.

Comparing the actual strength of tonight’s wave, I will add that the intensity, or strength of the current incoming energy wave is strong but we have had stronger. Based on the strength of vibration to that of the simulation experience, I can say we are not there yet and will need to increase more so. But the joining up of physical energy patterning within our human physical bodies, is very significant. And so welcome.

I’m aware there is much debate about the Main Wave, where some say it is not a main event and some say it is a personal event. Both are true, as the anticipated wave is based upon the individual’s frequency and what can be withstood for the physical, mental and emotional body. I just share based on actual experiences given in the physical whilst keeping an open mind and open heart to all possibility.

Tonight’s alteration in physical energetic patterning, merging into one electrical circuitry is new, significant, and above all, real at physical human level.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
31 May 2018

Sourced from here.  

Why Anger Is Very “Spiritual”


Anja Malsch
May 20 at 1:19pm


Spiritual teachings that tell us to extinguish our anger, that call anger a ‘negative’ emotion, or ‘unhealthy’ or even ‘unspiritual’, can be very dangerous teachings indeed.

Anger is life, a powerful expression of the vital life force that infuses and flows through and animates all things, and must be honoured as such.

Of course, we don’t want to be ruled by our anger! We don’t want anger to speak for us, put words in our mouths or control our bodies and behaviours. We want to have space around our anger, be able to use it consciously, as a tool, when necessary and appropriate. We don’t want to be consumed by it, identified with it, blocked by it, or lose ourselves to it. We want a healthy – and even loving – relationship with this most powerful of friends.

When we try to be ‘spiritual’ and suppress our anger, when we push it deep down into our bodies and into the underworld of the unconscious, it festers there and wreaks havoc with our immune systems and our sense of wholeness. We no longer ‘have’ anger. Anger is no longer a feeling that comes and goes. Anger ‘has’ us. We are angry beings now; anger is in our bones, we are identified with it. And we find ourselves exploding occasionally in uncontrollable rage, because the energy of anger needs to move and have an outlet or we will die of the poison of unexpressed emotion.

Or perhaps we become passive-aggressive, simmering with resentment and hostility towards the world and others – the neighbours, politicians, family members, our partners. We find other unconscious ways to express or deflect from the anger: lying, blaming, sarcasm, complaining, or simply giving others ‘the silent treatment’. All ways to avoid ourselves. We are still angry inside. Even if we think we are “spiritual” and “beyond anger”. There are stories of the most “peaceful” and “enlightened” and “anger-free” gurus and self-help teachers exploding with rage behind the scenes with students and staff members. The anger never really goes away, you see, it just finds new and creative ways to move.

There is a healthy, sacred middle between numbing our anger on one hand, and habitually acting it out and attacking others on the other hand.

In the middle, we breathe, and we FEEL our anger deep in our bodies. We come out of our minds – out of the drama in the head, the blame and the attack – and go to our own bellies, chests, throats, solar plexus, head. Go right to the core of the aliveness, to the raw sensations of the present moment. The intense, pulsating, throbbing, shuddering, fluttering, tickly, hot, fizzing sensations! And we breathe into them, bring our warm presence there, let them move in us, bless the mess of our bodies.

We drench ‘the angry one’ inside with the love he or she so desperately needs.

And from a place of presence, we can actually own our anger instead of projecting it all over the place, instead of blaming, shaming and attacking others. We can say “Yes, I feel angry!”, honour the vibrant feeling that moves in us, see it as natural, healthy, holy – not a mistake or a failure of ours, or a sign that we are ‘unevolved’ or ‘unspiritual’.

And underneath the anger, we may simply find a vulnerable, fragile human heart. A sadness. A disappointment. An uncertainty. A tenderness that longs to be seen, embraced, welcomed.

Anger was the protection. Not a mistake, but a protection.

And we can thank anger for serving its purpose. For trying to keep us safe. For guarding the soft fleshy sensitive frightened heart. For trying to help us get our needs met. For trying to get others to listen.

Undeneath the adult persona, see: an innocent child, calling, “Hear me. See me. Love me. Protect me. I am not a mistake…”

Follow the roar of anger to its spiritual source.

Fall in love with your great Protector.

– Jeff Foster

Sourced from here.

A Reminder: There is a Lot Unifying


Shared with permission…


Christie Hanalei 

A Reminder: There is a Lot Unifying ♡ ! ➡️➡️➡️

Personally– deep fears including feeling threatened, abused, etc, feeling a lack of confidence, just feeling bad stuff in general ➡️ this is Us in the proccess of Unifying to New Personal Timelines

Collectively– deep state, negative control, and conspiracies against humanity ➡️ are indeed going thru a huge meltdown and breakdown… I feel it in my body when there is a big shift in this area, and I have been feeling that the last 2 weeks especially, there have been intense shedding of the dark side ➡️ this is essentially a Collective Timeline Unification, to more Light and it is an important movement Towards the Event

As this is happening, some of us may be processing the deep dark happenings of our world.. as its coming out of the Grid, therefore it’s coming out of Us. You may have had a lot of conspiracies come to mind, whether to internally process or not. This is our way of coming to more Light on this as the Planet does it. You may see even more layers to the dark matrix than you did before. This is Progress in Light. The fact that it’s coming up means we are finishing it off. We may come to more understandings all of a sudden, or will in the near future.. and that’s bc we are now in the process of collectively shedding more of the deep dark matrix.

Do not get discouraged/ disheartened… There are some very nasty realities beyond physical eyesight, that have traumatized humanity. This is Unifying to Higher Frequency Timelines, so as you find out more about the negative things that Darks have done on this Planet, Remember the Big Picture ➡️that it is almost Done Resolving. This is the End before the Event.

Also note, that with all this intense fear coming up collectively, and with our personal clearings too, it is easy to feel heavy and dark and just bad. Try to detach from fear energy as best you can… Center in the Knowing of Safety. My guides have told me so many times, Don’t Worry…!

Sophia Love ~ A Conversation w/One ~ 5/16/18


May 16, 2018

Is there someone who is available to connect?

It is I. It is One. Hello, Sophia.

Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

Yes, there are things to say. These things may help to inform some, to enlighten some. These things concern global gatherings on your planet. These gatherings do not directly include you, yet they concern you, or rather, impact you and the lives of your loved ones as well.

I don’t know what you mean.

I realize this, so I will be more forthcoming. These gatherings are focused on money, on criminal trespass, on deceit and on disclosure of all of that – to the remainder of humanity. The depth and breadth of the corruption is so much vaster than even your loudest pundits speak of.

These crimes against your sacred race have reached so far back into your beginning that their origin will only be discovered many generations beyond your current one.

The gatherings I refer to are of those ancient beings who are fully aware of the original seed and purpose of corruption. They meet now to help orchestrate its final days.

Many great and powerful masters are incarnate now on your earth as regular folk, military personnel, news reporters and government employees. They often work behind the scenes and even while seeming to be asleep – to manipulate events into a peaceful, abundant and compassionate conclusion.

To focus on the daily headlines and then react is a bit like reacting to shadows.

These headlines are not where all the action is taking place and there is no force there.

The players are gathering daily to see the outcome intended. It is happening. It is no longer a statement of “It will happen”. It is a declaration, an awareness of its immediate occurrence.

The birds are suddenly very vocal!

Yes, the energy is felt by them as well.

Truth is truth. The end has arrived.

Realize that as you play out your life in this dimension, you are fulfilling a long-held wish.

Each of you desired to show yourselves just precisely who you are. This is seen in your life. All of it can be changed.

The voice is particularly powerful in the process and here is included the written word. Pay close attention to what you say and what you write. For you are, with each utterance, creating your day.

Please be specific here.

Yes. It is such an emotionally seductive habit of the human. To give voice to what you imagine to be unfair or uncomfortable or even bad. What has not been ever completely clear is what power is held in that vocalization.

This is the power of creation itself.

First, there is the Word.

To state, more than once, and out of misplaced desire, words such as “I AM ______ sick, in pain, needy, sad, broke, etc. will not result in any permanent resolution to those things. Quite the opposite. These declarations are powerful creative statements and once repeated, particularly with emotion, (even in caricature form), serve only to perpetuate them.

This, dear Sophia, is the last hurdle of the human. Your (empirical) ego is strong and it has learned well how to identify and declare itself so that it gets noticed.

The mis-step here is when these statements move beyond mere noticing and into belief.

In actuality, the human has been taught to accept these shadow versions of himself and herself as truth. They are not.

What must be done now is deep introspection and self-nourishing love. Yes, this life you live now has been purposely manipulated to get you to this point, and to get others to a host of their own conclusions.

The conclusion for you is self-expressed and then realized. It comes in every breath and each expression you fill with your essence.

It was not meant to be easy. You knew this when you arrived. The longest lasting effects are gradually absorbed and assimilated. There is no other place to do this quite like earth in this moment now.

So, to summarize then. Be patient with each other. Many of you are living more than one life – all part of this evolution and ascension process. Realize that by the time its made visible to you, that it’s a shadow. The actual effect happened elsewhere. So, to argue with or complain about a shadow is nonsensical and ineffective. Look fearlessly within, for the real work is being done there.

Do not misunderstand and feel that you own life has nothing to do with what happens now in your headlines. The personal is global. It is the separation of these that has been the illusion.

Rapid alterations occur right now. Seek your answers in your individual lives.

This is the message for now.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. I will reach out again quickly.
