Cells Vibratin’ Ma Body


Sleeping, Child, Napping, Girl, Kid

This is getting intense.  Again last night at 1am, as I was in the state of meditation-heading-into-sleep, I began to buzz/vibrate all over. So much so the bed felt like it was vibrating as well.  Wow!  I rather enjoy these experiences now.  Until today though I hadn’t really given much thought as to what was really going on inside of me other than “receiving upgrades.”  My brain tends to bounce around from idea to idea ~ (I am in obvious need of more discipline on being in the NOW) ~ that when I experience such things, I think “oh ok, cool”, give a few minutes to relax and visualize any areas that feel blocked ~ before my mind is going off in a new direction.

So this afternoon I was in need of a nap ~ desperately.  Adult company on top of a 2 hour addition of a younger child in the home wore me out.  In under a minute I was zonked only to awaken about 20 minutes later, buzzing again.  This time something told me to “stay still and listen”.  So I did. And it was as though I could “see” my cells.  I heard them speak.  It isn’t just me who is vibrating – it is literally my cells doing this. Wow!  I know, no surprise to most people, but to have this experience gave me my Tetrus moment ~ which is the term I use when I *think* about a concept for awhile until the meaning of it sinks in.  (For those who don’t know, Tetrus is one of those arcade-type games from the 80’s where you have to get these block-type figures to line up perfectly.  When you do, the row collapses – which is the goal – and you start over again with another row. For me, creating that perfect row is the moment where things just “sink in”.  Make sense?  If not, oh well.  It works for me.  lol)

So something synced (sinked) up for me today on this “my body vibrates some nights”.  Of course today this happened during the day time ~ and while I was in bed for the experience as usual, this time I experienced it as I woke up.  I believe that is a first.

I then heard not only my Higher Self but it literally felt like my cells telling me “this is why it is SO IMPERATIVE that you SLEEP WHEN NEEDED.  You are literally undergoing a metamorphosis here and just like an infant goes through mass cellular division and needs a lot of sleep, so do you.”

My cells, undergoing these transformations, probably frustrated with me, calling me to listen, take this more seriously, and sleep.  And perhaps Higher Self also saying this awakening/evolutionary process works best – for me – when I am sleeping.

So my lesson ~ when I am undergoing numerous episodes of “bodily vibrating” ~ SLEEP.  And take more time in embracing how wondrous, beautiful and amazing this experience is.

So it is and will be.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.