The “System” Using Tactics To Compare Truth Seekers to Nazi’s



Children, Heart, Forward, Skin Color

(let me begin by saying it is no coincidence that the piece i reference below was put out at this time)

We have an alternative, left-leaning magazine in our area, put out by a neighboring city.  Like many right-leaning publications, it contains a lot of bias, rarely taking an issue and fully examining both sides.  It is as though these types of publications consider it a disease to think perhaps the other side has some valid points to offer to the topic.  Label-wearing is the real disease.

Ridiculous and why I really have no one news source in any form I follow regularly.  Bias is everywhere.

In the above referenced magazine, there was an article put out by a woman who was once married to a man who, according to her words, became a Nazi.  I felt for her experience for if what she shared is true (and I have no reason to doubt her), her husband was more than a Nazi ~ he was an arrogant self-entitled narcissist who believed whites (his version) are superior.

If she had left it at that, I would have nothing to say here.

However, she didn’t.

She spoke of “red-pilling” as though this was some sort of a gas-lighting technique.  Gas-lighting is a psychological term when one attempts to manipulate another person to question their reality, way of thinking and/or sanity.  (And interestingly enough the only definition of red-pilling offered up in the article was stated as a term derived from the cult hit The Matrix [yes, “cult” – a passive-aggressive attempt, a form of gas-lighting, ironically enough, to insult anyone who uses the movie to awaken others] for “manning” up to reality and swallowing truth with a capital “T”.

A little short-sighted and yet just added fuel to her “my ex husband was a monster” argument.  What about “womaning” up too?  Aren’t both genders involved in this current red-pilling phenomena?  Maybe I need to take a looksie in the mirror to make sure I still have my women parts.

But I digress…

Gas-lighting others to get them to see things from our perspective.  Yes, I can see where some do this regularly,  knowingly or unknowingly.  Most of us probably have at one point or another.  But not all of us and not all the time.  This gave me pause to consider and conclude this magazine was attempting to discredit those of us who use the term “red pilling” by lumping all into one neat little category.  You share your truth, especially when it sounds bizarre and “conspiratorial”, you’re a gas-lighting white supremist nazi (hereby referred to as WSN).

Spin, spin, spin the narrative.

Another form of gas-lighting, I would say.

The woman also went on and said her husband was following all sorts of sites, in his “conspiratorial rage” (another passive-aggressive use of words) including 4chan and 8chan, implying these sites too are full of WSN’s.  Those of us who follow “Q” on the 8chan site know that you cannot lump together the masses who visit and post there into this one category of WSN’s.  Yes, there are some who hold these views just like there are those who say they can’t wait for America to become a Christian nation once again.

I scroll right on past, even as I cringe.

But many who not only post there but who also follow this site are much like myself and like you as well~ honest, open minded, spiritual people who simply want the Truth, who know there has been a “government” behind our government.  Who know the system is rigged.  Who know our government, for decades, has not worked for you and I.  We want the wars to end.  The corruption.  The trafficking.  The human right’s violations through their variety of practices.

In short, in very simple terms, we want peace and freedom for ALL of us, male, female, black, white, brown, conservative, progressive ~ even the WSN’s.

I feel for what this woman went through.  I really do.  And yet she is so blinded by her pain, she totally throws out the entire bathwater along with all of the bath toys (I do not like the traditional term so you will have to settle for this one).

And that serves no purpose and only keeps the division going, which is what those of us wishing peace and freedom want so much to end, and we KNOW it is when articles like this one above to are allowed to be published, especially during these times, the very Deep State itself laughs as it knows it still has one more “victim” doing their bidding.

In spite of all of that, we continue to do our work as we do in whatever capacity to create something new where all we see and feel when we look at one another is ONE LIFE.  

And if by sharing our version of truth in order to assist in creating a world of freedom and peace for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US we offend some people with our “red-pilling” intentions, in so long as they come FROM that heart-centered space of ALL ARE ONE/ALL ARE WORTHY OF FREEDOM, then so be it.

For I know all of the judgments and attacks and ridicule will be worth it in the end.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.