Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships

Digital Art, Artwork, Together, Couple
Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy.  Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that are being interconnected.  The unconditional loving from which fifth dimensional relationships emerge creates change by offering an environment in which the opportunities for evolutionary development are gracefully accessed and successfully utilized by all involved.

There are distinct differences between third and fifth dimensional relationships, based upon the purpose of the dimensional experience.  The fifth dimensional qualities defined below facilitate an unconditionally loving experience.  By providing the criteria by which to monitor your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors you can both build and support fifth dimensional relationships out of the third dimensional relationships in your own life.

Built to break verses built to sustain themselves.

All third dimensional relationships were built to break.  Our job as third dimensional human beings was to experience separation, loss, and fear.  Humanity agreed to participate in this divine experiment of amnesia that required our civilization to find its way back to its Source of its own free will.  Humans are experts in suffering as we took this task seriously and became quite skilled in hurting ourselves and the kingdoms of nature supporting our experiment.  We learned to destroy connection rather than honor it, to the point that we were in danger of destroying our civilization and the world in which we lived.
Fifth dimensional relationships are built to sustain themselves.  They eternally exist within the context of Creation and their experience on the Earth plane is one of reconnection with our divine nature, the essence of our being.  Your fifth dimensional soul family supported your journey on Earth through an ignorant human mind, by providing you with a group of beings who incarnated with you over and over again.  Known as your Soul group, these individuals played different familial and community roles over your multiple incarnations always supporting your growing evolutionary awareness that there is more to life than fear and pain.  Because your human mind could not conceive the Soul connections continually supporting it, you felt abandoned, alone, and often emotionally tortured through specific patterns  of behavior lifetime after lifetime.  Until now.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.