2 thoughts on “Dustin Nemos2 ~ How to Block Smart Meters, Wifi, And 5g – At least in your Home – fixed”

  1. Hi Dustin , my name is Gloria. I saw your very impressive and helpful video on 5G and was wondering if you can give me your shungite link. Thanks so much.

    1. the video i linked came from Dustin Nemo’s channel and so this is not his site. sorry for the confusion. you can follow the youtube icon on his video which will lead you to his page and in the description below his original video he gives you the site link for the shungite. as a side note i looked into this and found a video which clearly shows shungite does not protect against such radiation (i linked it here at this site as well). i wrote a woman who sells shungite and other crystals and asked her about her testing and gave her a link to the video – saying i just wanted to know the truth before i purchased a bunch of stones. she did not respond.

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