Energy Can Be Harnessed From Simple Ideas – Learn The Occult Technique

By Arno Pienaar

harnessingenergyUsing ideas to harness energy may sound like science fiction,  but it’s actually a secret reserved to a very small number of initiates. The amount of energy that a simple idea can generate is unrivaled. Here’s how you can generate and harness energy from ideas:


Firstly, let us get to grips with what activation of the human body means. I can use a few metaphors, like coming online, awakening, piercing the veils, being reborn or ascending into a higher vibration.

Many of these analogies are likened to the first part of just realizing that everything you have become was based on a big fat lie.

Activation is the grace and bliss awaiting a soul after a complete deprogramming of matrix-based constructs. The collapsing of a whole world created out of ignorance and the reconstruction of a new one by the creator you have acknowledged in yourself, the eternal and sovereign soul.

This new world is indeed the one you may have heard prophesied about, and will come about for everyone as soon as enough souls have reached this unavoidable conclusion: the realization that we are above the control of the control setup of what has kept reality as it is  (i.e. a tape that’s been stuck for thousands of years).

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.