Energy Update – Leaving The Human Behind

By Jenny Schiltz, 11/04/2016

The energies of the 11/11 gateway are already upon us and it is as if we are being squeezed though the eye of the needle. All that is not truly our soul is being shown so that we can make the conscious choice to leave it behind. In conversation with my team they explained that the human is being released. When I pressed them on what that means they went on to say that what is considered human is our duality, lack, limitations, and fear. What is not considered part of the human is our personality, our likes and dislikes. Who we truly are is not going anywhere, what is leaving is all that we are not.

However, even with this explanation many are experiencing fear associated with letting the human go. Right now many are feeling extremely anxious and depressed, as the resurgence of lack, limitation, doubts, and duality programming is looping throughout your form.  It is so we become so uncomfortable with these feelings that the anguish of hanging on is greater than our fear of letting go.

Another component to the leaving the human behind is having to understand deeply that we are worthy of the life that we desire. We are worthy to have the relationships, career, happiness and joy that we so desperately want. We can have life filled with the beautiful flow of the universe and a peaceful existence. As you read these words, what emotions arise? Do you feel the truth to these words through your being or is there a fear underneath begging to be heard? Do you feel selfish for wanting it all? Do you fear that when good things happen, the bottom will soon drop out? Do we dare to believe with all of hearts that we are worthy?  Look at all the insecurities these energies have brought up in the recent weeks. They are showing us where we hold a lack or not good enough vibration within us. Once we see it we can shift it.

Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.