

Meditation, Spiritual, Yoga, Meditating

Well, I guess it’s possible to feel your body expanding then get on the scale and not notice any changes.  I did that earlier today after putting on a pair of jeans that normally fit just fine.  Today they did not.  It wasn’t just a “too much bulge” issue really – my entire body felt uncomfortable in them.  In particular my thighs.  Am I becoming the She Hulk?  I have been doing weights with bands, yoga, planks ~ and I look at my body and I see with interesting eyes that I am expanding.  But this feels beyond physical stuff here.

The scale, as I said, showed the same weight.  Impossible, I thought, calling my mate to get him on.  He as well is changing physically and in other ways. I figured at least he had gained weight.

Nope.  Not one pound.

Today I headed out for some sweet treats for love day.  I have continued to be unusually tired/wonky so before heading out, I grounded myself.  I’m doing this a little differently now.  I am calling upon my highest greater selves, filling myself up with the highest energies, canceling out all other timelines where I have believed myself to be weak, vulnerable, fearful, etc. by visually seeing them merge into total Wholeness of Super Power.  lol That just made me laugh out loud.

It was effective and helped give me the charge I needed to head out into the world outside of my little sanctuary.  I was fine at first ~ then heading home, a wave of anxiety then panic came over me.  I pulled myself out of this space by first saying this is not Me ~ that is an old version of me ~ and I continued to imagine it disappear altogether in the realm/space in which it resides.  I did this in a relaxed state, over and over, silently, until I felt the experience leave.  I charged myself back up, smiled then went on.

All of that being said, I MUCH prefer quiet, even-energy environments ~ or energy that resonates with Me.  It is still a challenge for me to be in what I can only describe as “manic vibing” environments.  I will continue to remove and clear all of those timeline/experiences in which I believe I am powerless to rise and be in my Fullness.

And I continue to create my new experience:


Peaceful, joyful interactions with my tribe of friends.

Small community living.

Flying cars and teleportation and total healing.

My big beautiful house.

All surrounded by big pine trees, the ocean and a lake or two.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.