First ONE SMALL TOWN Mayor To Implement The UBUNTU Model


Received this awesome news via e-mail.  


The First ONE SMALL TOWN Mayor, released his first media statement this week about implementing the UBUNTU model. 

Mayor Ron Higgins announced his six month plan to initiate the UBUNTU plan that will convert the town of North Frontenac into a community of prosperity and abundance for all its people. The plan will bring new technology, innovation, economic stimulation, investment and the town’s own supply of electricity. This simple plan also provides work for every single resident of the ONE SMALL TOWN if they participate in the community projects about to be initiated.
Only six months after launching our ONE SMALL TOWN Can change the world – strategy, the UBUNTU Movement has achieved what nobody could have predicted. The first mayor to embrace our simple plan for a better world for all. By the people – for the people.
To read the press release, click this link.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.