Hurtin’ Today ~ Ouch Ouch Ouch


Backpain, Back Pain, Back, Pain

So the schumann isn’t doing anything significant – after several days of 40hz plus spikes.

Must be catch-up time for I’m feelin’ the results today.  As KP put it – these upgrades sometimes create some physical pain (!!) and it is those times to visualize releasing whatever energy is stuck there.

Also received this message this morning (private message):  Love this quote from article .. “As you clear away dross of past history karma, and traumatic wounding, your zero point vacuum initiates new cellular growth ( electrons) in its place . All of existence originates as energy waves looping in coherence, storing quantum packets of electrical charge that materializes as physical matter ( spinning atoms) the electrification of matter produces creative renewal, self- generating VITALITY HEALTH AND WELL BEING” And so it is ❤️❤️❤️


This is certainly a baby-myself day.  Heat.  Stretching. Rubbing/massaging.  Grounding/earthing.  Lots of lemon water.  Going to the pain and visualizing/tuning in to see what’s there and releasing it.

And lots of movement.  My arms and legs want to move – some of this movement punching motions.

Growing pains in this Now moment.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Hurtin’ Today ~ Ouch Ouch Ouch”

  1. well i feel like crap today myself..alll over..what is that several times in the last 3 days…walking barefoot inside the house..and outside..several times it felt like a little electric shock on parts of my was odd..never had that before. I am so amazed at the amazing technology of the human body..and yet..all of this stuff that brings us to pain..I almost feel as if pain is the norm..I wonder what it would be like to be pain free.

    1. it’s coming. these are indeed growing pains. electric shock to the feet – i would say that’s gaia sending you upgrades. i did half my walk tonight barefoot. wow am i out of it and achy all over today. zzzzzzzzzzzz

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