July 8th ~ Latest Crop Circle ~ Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire


Editor’s note:  I saw this and did my OMG face.  Check out these images. The images outside of the circle look like the pieces out of the game Tetrus – which was referenced in my previous Daily Notes piece.  I had to laugh ~ and now wonder ~ what does it mean?  I realize it may not be a part of the crop circle creation and may be samples taken by the farmer (although the shapes are a bit peculiar) … the “coincidence” of it is quite intriguing me at the moment…

Sourced from here.  Click to view more photos.  


The farmer, at Hackpen Hill, had requested time to organise a pathway suitable for visitors going to the crop circle in an orderly way that causes minimal damage to his crop. This is the  reason we delayed the information regarding this crop circle. Paul Jacobs and CGI will be raising money for charity and  administering this field as they did last year for this farmer.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.