Kauilapele Update ~ 10/7/17


This was for yesterday and was exactly my experience as well ~ only I ignored the desire and had the dog experience.  :::ahem:::   Still feel the same way today.  And am listening… so instead of writing my own piece, I’m doing the “lazy” thing (love his insight for this term) and sharing KP’s words.  As my late beautiful friend Susie used to say:  Don’t let anyone, including yourself, shit on you with the “should’s”.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]


Today (the 10-6-17) was a complete un-connecting from what I had been doing, and essentially was a disconnect day from anything. I took no walks, no leaving the house, barely able to prepare anything to eat, and not doing anything.

Part of this has to do with an upcoming Energy work that has been “calling” for some time. I’m not really feeling “ready”… but sometimes I never do. I’m not looking anywhere beyond the next two days.

There are a lot of “planetary occurrences” been going on, and my interest in them has been essentially zero. And will likely remain that way for an indeterminate time. There will be such things happening, but this is what many of us have done our Energetic Works for. The dissolving of the old paradigms (and connected energy grids) combined with a massive uplifting of the “New Paradigm” energies of the planet. Old stuff is falling apart… New stuff is coming together… all because of that “Energetic Work” stuff we did. Stuff like that.

The next of my own parts in this comes very soon. And it is a key for the planet. That’s what I’m getting. And I’m not telling anyone, really, where it is, and when it will be. It is mine to do, and it is mine to BE on that journey.

There’s other things I could “report on”, but I’m feeling no draw to do so. Yes, some could say, “I’m just lazy”. And that would be correct. I’m “lazy” to do anything I’m not fully drawn to do. I don’t follow the “rules” like, “I should be posting 10 articles a day”, “I should be doing perfectly all the 3D organizational things”, “I should eat a certain way”, “I should take care of my 3D body in the standard Western medical way”… and a bunch of other things that the ego wants to put a “should” in front of.

I’m still releasing some of those ideas. I ain’t perfect… in those ways, at least.

We’ll see where all of this goes. The planet is going to be okay. I just know it.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.