We Are Multi-Dimensional Beings

Vortex, Portole, Man, Flying, Fantasy

I have been chanting the phrase “I Am a multi-dimensional Being” daily for months now.  It’s part of my nightly meditation I do before I go to sleep.  However, you can chant a phrase as often as you want.  It isn’t until you not only believe it but know the truth of the statement, which comes through the feeling part of our bodies, that the mantra will become a reality.

Today as I headed out to the store, I became tired.  I felt my energy drop. Doesn’t help we are having day number forever of cold rain.  I thought being out of the house and around others would help.  Nope.  Not happening.  I continued to feel tired and antsy.  On edge.

Driving home, I heard “you are a multi-dimensional being” run through my mind, coming from that left side again (call it my “Higher Self Channel”).  That snapped me out of my funk.  I gripped the steering wheel and said “you know, I really AM!”  I stated “I am a multi-dimensional Being.”  Then I called in other parts of Me who were having a more positive experience.  As I did, a chill went through me and my entire mood shifted.  I literally felt my energy rise up.

Is there any way I can explain this?


I just know that, like other experiences I have that come from within and cannot be explained away with logic, if they resonate and produce a positive result, and give me chills/good vibes, then it is Truth.  For me.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.