Request For Setting Intentions To Reduce The Strength and Size Of The Storm Irma


However you feel inclined, it is important ~ imperative imho ~ that we all set the intentions to calm this storm the media has called Irma.  It is my strong impression this is a manufactured storm and we have the ability to put a stop to this.

Visualize and feel this storm weakening.  Go in it ~ send it calming soothing energies and words.  Over and over.  Throughout the day. Visualize and feel the people along the eastern seaboard being safe, secure.

Spread the message among all of your peeps.  Together we can keep the people along the eastern seaboard safe.  We have the power.

We ARE the power.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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