The Arcturians ~ We Have Begun The Unfolding of The New Earth

Editor’s note:  I am sharing this channeling as the messages resonate with what I experienced today.  My ego is fighting like mad right now – not really comfortable with my Higher desire to be free of my past, free of my pain, free of my need to experience the energies/emotions, which includes freeing myself from the need to blame.  My ego wants to play judge, jury and executioner.  Over and over again.  Today I asked, for how long? Seriously ego – how long do you want to play this pointless game?  What purpose does this serve me?  I like what this piece says about all of this pain and the darkness of my ego is being left behind in old 3d matrix energies.  YES!  I am so much more than that, so much more than my ego. So….What is it I want?  I want to align with 5D earth.  I have seen it.  I have seen myself and my family.  I have seen my house, seen parts of the community I live in.  The mountains.  The trees. I have been there in my dreams going back over 10 years. Today I visualized all of this energy as a layer that I saw myself shedding. It is time to just walk away.  Let go.  And remind myself this can be with EASE.  It is time.  It is time…


By Jennifer Neel, 03/17/2017

Written Channeling: 

Understanding your worth, dear ones, may seem light years ahead of you during these times, but let us remind you the abundance you are seeking of love and acceptance ARE available to you as we HAVE begun the unfolding of the New Earth at this time. Seek not for love and affection from your ‘common’ human being, but from your fellow guides as you ARE ascending into the light and need to collaborate, communicate and FEEL INTO the abundance of love, light and joy that IS your star seed galactic family transmuting to you here on Earth at this time. Yes, many of us beings ARE entering the Earth grid field at this time and transforming onto the Earth planet and will receive visitations and awareness of us soon.

This is necessary as the ‘veil’, so you call it, lifts off of your entire Beings (individually and collectively) to activate your awareness of the New Earth you are entering. Many of you are receiving visitations at nights, out of body experiences, strange awakenings during your dreams, light body activations, communications from other realms – open up to us dear ones, even those of you who consider yourselves awake need to be reminded of this too, for there are ALWAYS new shifts, light beings and upgrades you are going through. Do not let your ego precede you during this times, for the ego truly is being left behind. The ego’s job is something else now at this time and you must consciously rid yourself of any last remnants of fight/flight/survival mode.

This may be scary for some and ‘hard’ for others as many of you multidimensional beings when you DO shift back down to the physical realm that is how you enter – and you must no longer resonate with that/in that manner. Even if you work out to encourage tapping into this fight or flight realm, even if you still remain in a ‘stressful job’ on the 3D plane, even if there’s some bad habits you are currently purging away that are attached to this ‘lizard brain’ if you’d like to call it that, that doesn’t mean you need to tread lightly! SHED FEARLESSLY AND INTO THE LIGHT NOW! LET GO OF THE OLD IT IS DONE NOW! We cannot stress that enough as the veils have lifted and the other worlds, your ‘spiritual masters’ some of you call them, your different realities, timelines, all of it is SO close to your light being now that you must tap in, tune in and tune up your connection as fast as we speak. For the veils will expand yet again in some due time and it’s up to you which ‘world’ you’d like to perceive yourself in.

Fear not, gentle ones, for leaning into this light is NOT a journey to unfold that needs to be difficult, harsh, filled with any sort of brutality – the more you perceive this as such, the more you remain in THAT ‘society’. Change has come, recognize this, feel it into all of the areas of your body that hold onto pain – do not give meaning for the pain for it is not necessary to recognize where the wound came from at this time, it is necessary to feel into the healing of that ‘wound’ for you are already healed in our light. The sooner you come to recognize that the sooner your ‘worlds will become one’. Recognize that. Let us remind you too, of the abundance talks we’ve had, as you shift into the light you will no longer resonate with the ‘abundance’ you once had! Meaning the thoughts, feelings, desires, impressions and physical reality experience that were once ‘abundant’ to you and you ‘chased after’ no longer will mean the same thing – recognize that, let go of that so abundance can swiftly take place in your current reality.

Do not be surprised if your entire 3rd dimensional IDENTITY shifts for your IDENTITY is the EXPERIENCE of YOU in your REALITY and if your REALITY is to shift so is your identity as well. Also, this is because you are becoming SO SOLELY connected with your SOUL CORE ‘body’ that anything unrelated will shift into the ‘disaster’ earth has been having. Let it go like a snake losing it’s old skin dear child, take lots of showers when you are processing these emotions and makes ure you let them go the minute they come up no matter where they are to make your shift into this abundance that much ‘easier’ for you. The sooner you let go, the sooner you LIGHT UP, dear child, and EXPAND into the Universal light core energy which you truly already embody NOW. Flow into the light and all will be well.

We ask that you remain calm and present in your body through the rest of this week as we prepare energetic shifts for you and Earth prepares for this latest upcoming Solar Eclipse. Realize the potentiality for your reality during this shift and take into proper consideration the timelines you are about to shift. This is why the shedding of the old is so important to you, and we mean ALL OF IT – the memories, the ways of being, the feelings, the MEANINGS of practically everything MUST shift if you are to EMBODY the 5D abundance which you are incurring now in your light energetic bodies. The shift may be ‘harsh’ on your ‘bodies’, but only as much as you let your ego perceive it to be for YOU already have shifted dear ones, your physical be-ing ness has yet not. Fear not the letting go, and lean into the VOID with love, for when you close one time space reality gap there is a presence to remain in in order to open up the ‘walls’ of the new ones.

This is not what you’re A-B linear thinking perceives as being patient, lack of time, holding back, being held back, taking too long, etc… don’t let yourself play into that. This is a transmuting of energy and an EMBRACING the void so you become READY to enhance change and EXPAND into love. Recognize that. We love you all, with the same love light and abundance you wish to create. You have created it already dear ones, tap into that, and let ‘everything’ be at stake as you continue to NOT hold ANYTHING back. NAMASTE.

– Channeling from the Arcturian Galactic Council of Source

Sourced from here.   

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.