The Final Release – December 2016



The incredible anchoring of this Christmas/Solstice/Moon/2016 Completion Source Energies -(plus others I have no idea WHAT they are lol) into the new sacred geometry grids has reached such high  levels, it has truly amazed gridworkers and our assisting Light Families.

***(I am scattered in the winds of change and I am so happy to be able to write something down to share with you guys without also blowing up my computer, please bear with me if I am all over the place…but, well..I am. lol!)***

I was called in service to be in Sedona, Arizona, with many others, to anchor into the Sedona Vortex the highest possible Source Energies at the Blessed 11/11 Portal.

It was at the 11:11 time anchoring that THE Message came through from a unified MotherFatherEarth:


It was so loud it echoed through every fiber of my being, in the most loving  booming voice I have ever heard in my life. It reverberated through my entire system and raised my frequency so high I threw up when I came down. Didn’t care, it was beyond worth it. In that moment I understood things for which I have no words.

There is a new ascended Terra in town and the game is over.

Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.