Trump: “The calm before the storm.”


Hmmm…  More than one way to interpret this.  I have mine.  The fact that he was smiling when he said these words doesn’t indicate this is about war/terrorism or the recent shootings in Vegas or nuclear armament.  We’ll see what transpires in the upcoming days…


Good evening from your substitute pooler. Around 7:10 PM, after a travel/photo lid was called, White House staff hastily assembled the pool to cover a photo spray with military leaders and their spouses before a dinner with POTUS and FLOTUS.


POTUS made no news, but he did offer some cryptic remarks to the press corps.


Pool was led into the State Dining Room at 7:18 PM. A five-piece Marine Corps band positioned in the entrance hall played classical music. It was a piece of music your uncultured pooler did not recognize.


POTUS and FLOTUS stood side-by-side in the middle of more than a dozen couples who were lined up for an official photo. CJCS Dunford and his wife stood to their left. An unidentified military leader and his wife stood to POTUS’ right.


“Tell us when youre ready,” POTUS told the photographer. “Be careful, dont push.


“Our faces are tired,” one of the spouses joked.


A couple of seconds later, POTUS pointed around the room and asked members of the pool, “you guys know what this represents?”


“Tell us,” one reporter responded.


Maybe its the calm before the storm,” POTUS replied.


Whats the storm? another reporter asked. “On Iran? On ISIS? On what?


“We have the worlds great military people,” POTUS replied. Thank you all for coming.


Kristen Welker of NBC News asked, what storm Mr. President?


“You’ll find out,” POTUS replied.


“Give us a hint on your Iran decision,” another reporter asked.


POTUS said “thank you, everybody” and pool was ushered out of the room.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.