Use Your Heart To Beat the Matrix


The Only Way is Up

I was watching a very interesting YouTube video with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggart (you can watch it HERE). Something struck a chord with me when Dr. Dispenza said that working with the heart center moves us away from the particle state and into the wave state (as in the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics — an object can behave as either particle or wave or both in some cases).

This makes sense in a very woo-woo way to me.

Let me explain:

The fundamental principle of this life seems to work on fear (particle state) or love (wave state).

The Fixed State of Fear

Don’t you find that when you are in fear — which is primal, fight or flight kind of stuff — it hard-wires you to feel ‘heavy’ and fixed in this reality.  We use terminology like ‘the weight of the world’ and things/situations ‘weighing us down’.

It’s a feeling of helplessness and burden, load or pressure. It’s what fixes us to a state of physical matter or materialism and keeps us in that ‘particle’ form.

There’s no doubt we need both to ‘survive’ in this matrix system. However, having an awareness of the decisive action you need to take for self-preservation (fight or flight) doesn’t require we stay in a permanent state of fear.

Unfortunately, this current world system seems to be pumping the fear-factor at us — it feels that that’s all they want you to be focused on. This doesn’t have to be your truth.

If you can cultivate a healthy awareness and can become the ‘observer’ of your reality, you can face your fear and transmute it into valuable data that can keep you safe and sane in an insane society.

The Freedom of Love

When we are in the state of unconditional love, we feel elated. It made so much sense to me when Dr. Joe Dispenza said that love puts us in a wave state. We become a frequency and ‘rise above’ so to speak. This is the vibration that keeps us connected to each other and ‘tuned in’.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.