Yes, There Is Inner-Dimensional Help With Our Ascension

Editor’s note:  This piece essentially outlines verbatim what I myself feel and believe and know what will be happening.  What is happening.  ♥

merkabaascensionstargateI was listening to an intel report that was talking about the events that are unfolding and the man suddenly paused and said:

“Listen, I know you’re gonna think I flipped my lid, but there are aliens involved in this. It started about seven or eight years ago. There are Pleiadians, Draconians…”

It may be time for one of those what-the-heck-is-going-on articles.

So from a relatively wide perspective, let me start with the consciousness shift that’s transpiring.

These are what in the Bible are referred to as the end times. At the conclusion of every age, there comes a time when those who have attained a certain vibratory level or a certain light retention (same thing) can pass on from this Third Dimension of Reality that we’ve been inhabiting in the physical body (Fourth Dimension between lives) to the Fifth Dimension.

There are a great many stellar civilizations around the planet assisting us with what has generally come to be called our “Ascension.” It’s the first time that an Ascension has involved a whole planet – a mass Ascension – and it’s the first time that people have ascended taking with them their physical body. In past times, people ascended individually upon the death of the body.

The Ascension process is gradual with sudden ignition points that may involve large groups of people. We’re in the midst of the process now, the energies gradually rising and carrying us with them on their various waves.

If one increases the power of the microscope, we see a large number of preparatory events. We’ll see the lifting of global poverty through a number of financial reforms that will have abundance spread.

 Continue reading here.  


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.