Benjamin Fulford Update: Something Big Is Coming


Posted by benjamin, October 9, 2017

Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others.  They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.

The most colourful character to renew contact was a Mr. K, who was introduced to this writer years ago by Japanese military intelligence as the top assassin for the Yamaguchi-gumi mutual protection syndicate (this was before it splintered into three factions).  The diminutive and serene-looking Mr. K says his job consists of chopping peoples’ fingers off, one knuckle at a time, until he extracts the information he needs.  He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean, something Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence independently confirmed.  Mr. K also says that he has done work for the Mitsubishi banking conglomerate (presumably helping them locate missing funds).

It was an associate of Mr. K, the daughter of former Yamaguchi No. 2 boss Masaru Takumi, who insisted on meeting this writer on March 10, 2011 to set my mobile alarm to ring at exactly 11:00 AM on March 11, 2011, the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.

Trucks were also spotted bringing large amounts of emergency relief supplies to the Yagamaguchi-gumi’s headquarters in the days before the January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake, according to Kobe residents who live near their headquarters.  As a result, their gang was far faster than the central government to provide relief supplies to quake-stricken residents of Kobe.

Now Mr. K says his group has become “spiritual in nature” and that starting in late October…

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Vision Alignment Project: A Vision For Trails of Glory


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Trails of Glory

The following Vision comes to us from our new friend, David Tenneson. David writes:

Dear Intenders,
This is David in Spain envisioning a return to England soon! I so link with all of the wonderful visions you send to us all round the world.
Thank you very, very much.

This is my vision …

I see this vision as a bright reflection of my constant prayer:

That harmony, healing, peace and love are the foremost beliefs, thoughts and feelings of all sentient beings.

That all consciousness desires equilibrium, the best of health for the highest good of all.

That man, the highest state of earth bound consciousness sees beyond the solid state, and is understanding the true nature of life and leading the way for all other beings on earth.

That we are relating to the many other states and energies that exist in our cosmos and acting as the conduit of cosmic cooperation for all levels of consciousness from source to silica to self.

And that the golden light of the central sun shines with ever increasing intensity in the pure hearts and minds of all conscious beings leaving trails of glory wherever we go.

Thank You, David!

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
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by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Era of Light: Stars Closer ~ Global Currency Reset


Greetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

Stars Closer

First I will begin by saying that from now on I will do my best to avoid using the words lightWARrior and lightWORKER. These terms are of 3D, they both have negative attachments to them. For we are now leaving WAR and WORK behind.

As we move forward, we will find it that our daily tasks are changing. We will no longer be WORKing, for if you LOVE what you do, you do it with JOY, in truth it is not WORK. If you enjoy meditation, if you enjoy visualizing a world of peace, sharing your gifts and enjoy helping others, this is not WORK. This is simply LIGHTLOVE in action, this is our natural self.

You have noticed in the beginning of this writing I greeted you as a lightHOLDER, in truth that is what we are, that is what we have been BEING and doing, holding the light. That is what is needed, really. YOU ARE and hold the light wherever and whenever you are, that light will shine all around and pierce through all that which is not light.

Now we find ourselves in a new wave of light yet again, and there is more waves coming, but let us say that with the new waves you will find a whole lot more joy and peace. You may even begin to NOT see this as a process of some kind but instead just flow with the tsunami of light.

As our hearts and bodies become more pure, as this light continues to increase exponentially, this has all ready created a timeline for a very special event, and now the doors are beginning to open wide, for the “stars are getting closer”. I shall say the hearts of humanity are also expanding for this event. And sooner rather than later, we shall open our arms, for the time to finally meet our family from the stars is here.

It has been a while since I actually stared at the night sky, though it is rarely clear to where you can see the stars. But a week ago I once again begun looking up, during the day but mostly during the night. What I noticed, did and did not surprise me, but certainly brought me joy. I noticed more “stars” moving around, not only that, but they were much larger in size and sometimes flashing, one disappearing while another would appear, and aligning in positions that formed symbols, triangles, which is most common. Once again I must say they were a lot closer than I’ve ever seen them in previous times.

They were, are, will be here. It is a matter of time before they land and we are face to face with the family. We will all begin to see more of what I just described above, all in preparation for what is to come.

In the very near future many lightholders will be contacted by their mentors to prepare for the grand events that are ready to unfold for all of humanity.

Global Currency Reset

When I sometimes stop and review my life, the recent years and months in particular, I can see with clarity that the Universe has plans for myself and that everything that has occurred up until now was by design for my own spiritual growth.

Everything that continues to unfold is by design, I CAN SEE all the pieces falling into place.

For quite a few years now I’ve been finding myself doing and dealing with things differently, in a more peaceful manner, creating new, positive habits, and releasing old ones. But that is not so surprising for me. What has my attention, again I have noticed this for a long time, but it is now that I’m beginning to accept this, what is most astounding is how once again all the pieces are falling into place.

I find myself more and more every day surrendering to the will of the Divine. I understand that I do not have to do things alone. I understand that I have the skills, yes, I have in the past and still continue to break barriers, but I also have the help of Divine Forces whenever I wish to call upon them.

The Universe is here to serve you. BE LOVE AND BELIEVE. And this is what we must understand when it comes to the Global Currency Reset. Everything in our world has reached its boiling point, including Mother Earth. All is ready to erupt, and all will receive different results and be where they are destined to be during these times. And the Global Currency Reset is another, major piece of the puzzle that WILL fall into place in the right moment, and no we are not talking in years or months from now, but days. Obviously the Global Currency Reset is not a piece of just my reality but for millions if not billions that will be affected by this blessing. We tend to run out of patience when we see the outside world, when we still let our old way of thinking interfere in our processes, it is understandable, by all. All hearts are to be calmed now, the wait is over.

One thing we should all think about when we ourselves run out of patience, and that is Mother Earth’s five billion years journey leading into this NOW moment of ascension.

Many of the things that have happened to this heavenly world of a planet are unimaginable by most humans that reside on her body today. Yet, here she is now, because she is destined to BE THE SUN OF THIS GALAXY AND BEYOND, AND YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE A FULLY CONSCIOUS CREATOR GOD, that will continue to assist other worlds, perhaps in much greater ways. This is why you have met and chosen to serve each other, YOU AND EARTA(the Golden One). And now the light from within us all is about to erupt like the Universe has never seen before.

The brightest light shines from within. I AM KejRaj!

Today’s Experiences or “What is happening to me?”


Ok so perhaps I could change up the title.  Call it “what am I going through?!”  “What is happening to me” is a little too disempowering.

I walked around my house today and took in a lot of things.  Early in the year I began to let go of a lot of the normal household stuff.  The dusting. Moving things to clean.  Even the regular cleaning.  It has surprised me how easy this was for me to just relinquish to the Cosmos so that the Universal Cleaners could take over.

Yeah, well there is no such thing as a Universal Cleaner and until I have my new realm with the return of my abilities and means of keeping my personal space clean, it is up to my arms and legs to handle the cleaning.

Of which did I just not say, I haven’t done much of this year?

Poor house was telling me such today.  Normally I have been a very tidy, clean person.  Going back to childhood, that’s just how I roll.  Today I looked around my house and noticed cobwebs and strange looking things on my baker’s rack (wth??!!).

So the house had a thorough cleaning like it hasn’t seen in months.  At one point I heard a song that reminded me of my “homeland” and I am suddenly in tears, lying down on the floor, wanting out of this prison.

I am becoming clumsy.  My fingers and hands aren’t working like they normally do for the normal 3d things – washing dishes, picking up stuff, brushing my teeth.  Sometimes this makes me laugh ~ only when I can feel this is part of the process of graduating upwards through the layers, getting my beautiful precious physical body used to, once again, being at a higher frequency state.  OH HOW I AM SO NEEDING THIS!!!!  My heart bursts open with a longing I feel for nothing or no one else.  It is that strong of a longing.

When I am honest with myself, NONE of this realm resonates with me. And guess what?  It isn’t supposed to!  It’s all been a lie.  Consumerism. The frequencies coming out of our phones and television’s and microwaves.  The lies we are told about karma and lesson’s and how pain allows us to grow.

If I could wave my magic wand and put an end to the spells of illusion cast upon us by Archons ~ I would.

In fact, I DO have that power!

We ALL do!

Let’s use it!

I no longer agree to wait for the Event.  The Solar Flash.

I want my freedom NOW.

Take time every day, throughout the day, to command this inherent Right of Freedom be returned to us.  NOW.

It does not matter how you do this.  So many of you have written me with your suggestions after my last article (which I have been doing my own creating with daily and hope you are too!), which I asked for ~ and I thank you for this.  I was and am so touched and empowered to see and hear from so many of you as ready and willing as I am to get this illusion ended and our true home returned NOW!

I don’t think it is necessary for us to use the same words.  The same methods.

It is the FEELING experience we are looking to FEEL and send out to the Cosmos.  We are being guided out of here and indeed have amazing awesome help.  And yet we still “wait” on this Pulse of Energy to bring down the last veil.

Let us FEEL that energy.  Welcome it NOW.

Daily.  Throughout the day.

We had our lives stolen eons ago.  We were removed from our direct connection with Source.  We were tossed down here and trapped in lower frequencies.  Heck, this is why I feel SO MUCH LIKE ME when the Schumann spikes – and maintains her spikes.  There is simply no room for fear in those energy frequencies.  It feels like HOME to me now.

THAT experience is the original experience as gifted to – given to – each of us.  Not “earned”.  Just GIVEN.

That is what Love does.

Ascension is not something we earn.

It is our INHERENT WAY OF BEING.  We were ALWAYS “ascended” which to me just says we have a direct, unadulterated connection with Source.

It is, as a human being, our birth right.

If it is not about freedom, it is a lie.

If it contains ANY energies of judgment, it is a lie.

An archonic lie.

Let the beasts be gone.  Source will deal with them.  Not our “job”.

We now welcome in the Frequencies of Love.  The Event.  The Pulse.  The Solar Flash.

Cause girl is tired of having to use ancient tools to keep her space clean.

Much love to us all ~



Schumann Resonance ~ Oct. 9, 2017


i am so very tuned into these frequencies ~ i can now wake up and just know by feeling how much gaia is a-spikin’.  this morning i awoke and knew it was not as intense as yesterday (which i now like and prefer those intense/ongoing spikes – feels very natural to my Inner Me).  I am creating and manifesting a solid line of white.  


Blue Ray Transformers ~ Time-Out to Prepare for Ground Zero


Posted by SpiritLibrary, 10/07/2017

By Shekina Rose

The Blue Ray Hermit Shell and the Need to be with the Trees

To the Ultra-Sensitive Empathic Starseed, your connection with Gaia is essential in feeling her response within you which empowers your spirit deeply. It is an empathic exchange that recharges, balances and stabilizes your energy field. If you have been exposed to toxic energy, overwhelmed or fatigued, this is how it can be released, recalibrated and make sense within your energy field.

Many Blue Rays and sensitive empath starseeds have a powerful strength in their Gaia connection of having a life as a Native American, indigenous and/or elemental being. Your innate connections to the elementals, faeries or fairies, mermaids, dragons, unicorns, sprites, gnomes, trees and Earth spirits are now essential in the raising of the frequency and ascension of the planet.

Through your energetic empathic essence, Nature calls you to tune into the sacred divine feminine healing of Gaia, the planetary grid of the cosmic field. Gaia and Nature are sending signals to your etheric blueprint field of awakening codes that are ready to be activated in your light body.

A tendency for the Blue Ray is to go into their hermit shell, going deeper into the separation of self from the outer worlds. As this has served as protection in your past while here on the Earth plane, now you are learning new ways that empower your abilities and strengths. Experience the allowance of the harmonization of your energy field which can require being alone and quiet and at the same time start sensing the unified field and Divine Principle of One. Using your intuiting and sensory awareness, be open to the unified field through Nature. Nature and the realms you have been part of on a grander scale will support and nourish you.

The Empath Ultra Sensory Integration

In the New Earth, Heaven on Earth integration requires the ultra-sensitive forerunners and Blue Rays to take some private and alone time. Taking periods of time to be in your own energy field will allow for your new sensory multidimensional upgrade integration. Many of you, the New World Servers, Light Bearers and Blue Rays, are the first in experiencing and carrying these expanded resonance field vibrations through for the New Earth. 333

Ascension Symptoms, Ultra Sensitivity and Emotions

For some Blue Rays, you may find yourself being ultra-sensitive and emotional, not being able to hold back, speaking your truth and not being silent anymore. The Blue Ray of Creation is healing the emotional body through the sacred divine feminine and male integration to strengthen your inner being and heart center.

At times you may feel alone due to the increase of sensitivity, emotion and the frequency dimensional shifting that can appear as a division. This space is taking you to your deeper core essence where you connect in the unity field.

 Blue Rays work empathically on many dimensions and sensory levels at the same time and when going through a shift, it can feel overwhelming. You may feel more psychically and emotionally vulnerable to outside influences and negative emotions can affect you. You may vacillate between happy and sad, feeling fine and then not so well. You may one moment want to be in “company” and the next seek solitude. Resist nothing; accept it all as part and parcel of the great internal transition, allowing you to receive, embody and retain higher and higher frequencies every 24 hours of the day for near-future transmission.

Gaia, the Trees, elementals. Archangels and the devic kingdoms are calling you to experience enhanced resonation with Source and consequent empowerment of your crystalline blueprint. You will bring a higher light field to the planet and harmonic communications from multidimensions, including planetary and galactic cooperation. Be still/silent so that you may hear and heed your ever-strengthening intuition, as you are being gently guided every step of the way. Relax. Breathe deeply; relax again, knowing you are fulfilling your piece of the divine plan and you are right on point.

Sourced from here.

Destroying The Illusion ~ Breaking Down Trumps “The Calm Before The Storm”


Overall I am in alignment with what Jordan is saying and appreciate his insight. Definitely agree some big arrests will be made public in the upcoming days which is going to shake those who have refused to see the people behind the curtain and their dark ways.  That is where the truth seekers will come in and help the newbies transition into the new journey of venturing down the rabbit hole. Remain focused inward, holding the light and know we are not alone in this chaotic beautiful mass change.  


10.8 – The Calm Before the Storm

Published on Oct 8, 2017