Lisa Transcendence Brown ~ Light Power Increases And Is Off The Charts In Every Way


Beautifully enough, I am feeling this ~ and really felt it early this morning with a little experience I will share later.  


Aloha beautiful love family,

Strong reality alignment energies… flooding our bodies, the earth and every aspect of our existence now…

The galactic corridor is wide open and we are infusing light into everything more powerfully than ever before!

Today’s supporting newsletter is simple. Open your eyes, open your heart, open your mind and be open completely, choosing to release everything that is unable to easily fully align on a Soul Level.

Your relationships with everything will undergo a huge transition/transformation as we all hold more LOVE in every way. No longer desiring that which takes up our precious energy (consciousness), the appeal is no longer there… what once was changes to honor a whole new way of life here.

If you truly look, you will see how magical, magnificent and beautiful your exchanges are/can be, how you can let go easily and “don’t need” to continue the inner struggle like before. You will see OTHERS living in JOY and SHARING, supporting each other through kindness, compassion and realize that our LIGHT GRID spans the whole earth and how connected we all are.

We will always be faced with unconsciousness, yet in the face of it we have to choose. This is part of COMING INTO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, and what plays out in our physical is a representation of what we hold inside. It’s up to us to determine whether it represents our old unconscious programs still or our NEW. This decision creates REALITY. ♥

I’ve written a couple very long new articles to assist in various ways. I’ll share them below for you as we continue through this powerful passageway. Keep anchoring those new realities, keep creating, uniting, supporting, sharing, shifting, transcending and calling forth that which you are truly ready for now.

I will try to send out another newsletter before we transition over to linear 2018, if my own Gatekeeper and physical schedule aligns with this. If not, may every moment bring through new awareness to empower you further in the most amazing ways too!

I’m so very excited for what prepares to materialize for all through pure consciousness here! ♥

p.s. A code is YOUR new vibration/program/programming … your full consciousness, Self-Mastery and Highest Aspects hold this as your new way of BEing all of the time here. ♥

Gratitude, kindness, love and all as Unified Light ♥


James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 12/13/17


This is an excellent piece.  Swallowing ~ humbly ~ some red pills w/this one.


December Update

The Microcosm of the Macrocosm – Personal Responsibility and Self Mastery

by James Gilliland

December 13, 2017

I began to write this newsletter as a letter to the ranch while away in Mexico, but I realized it is the microcosm of the macrocosm.

micro macro

Everyone is processing. We cannot take away their process or act as if the wound is not there. We cannot avoid the process no matter what we do to numb ourselves. We can however choose how we react to it.

I began to write this newsletter as a letter to the ranch while away in Mexico, but I realized it is the microcosm of the macrocosm. It has to do with dealing with the consciousness and energies pressing hard on the Earth and personal responsibility or what we call Self Mastery. This is coming up in almost every aspect of society, individual and collective consciousness. There is no running away from ourselves and we no longer can blame outside sources for our own personal wellbeing, peace, and happiness. The entire planet is in process. Power spots or vortex energy amplifies all of this. What is done in a vortex or contemplated will manifest almost instantly. In social consciousness it takes a bit longer due to the vibratory frequency. In a power spot or vortex, the veils between worlds are very thin, the manifestation time between consciousness and manifestation speeds up. Whatever is of a lower frequency, the wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences cannot be ignored or suppressed in a vortex. Now they cannot be avoided globally. Everyone is processing. We cannot take away their process or act as if the wound is not there. We cannot avoid the process no matter what we do to numb ourselves. We can however choose how we react to it.

There is no running away from ourselves and we no longer can blame outside sources for our own personal wellbeing, peace, and happiness.

blaming otherrs


A wounded ego has to be right even though on a deeper level it knows the truth. It also will project its demons, unhealed wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences on others rather than take personal responsibility for their own attitudes and emotions.

unobserved ego

A wounded ego has to be right even though on a deeper level it knows the truth. It also will project its demons, unhealed wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences on others rather than take personal responsibility for their own attitudes and emotions. Despite the obvious these attitudes and emotions have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a frequency, cooperation and finding a loving if not rational solution. In the interest of peace, harmony, and cooperation we must become the observer of self. This means suspending the egos need to be right along with defending, blaming, and projecting. Self-righteous ego is still ego. We cannot claim to be masters or superior if we have not mastered ourselves and still living in the false belief in separation. Are we at peace, calm rational, open to seeing things differently or are we embroiled in chaos, confrontation, and separation? We have to become self-analytical, brutally honest with ourselves especially if we are not at peace practicing loving detachment. The attachment is where we give our power away and there is a little child in all of us with an agenda. That agenda is to fulfill what it didn’t get as a child and defend against what happened to it as a child. These are very powerful yet simple words.


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Despite the obvious these attitudes and emotions have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a frequency, cooperation and finding a loving (if not rational) solution. In the interest of peace, harmony, and cooperation we must become the observer of self.


We have to become self-analytical, brutally honest with ourselves especially if we are not at peace practicing loving detachment. The attachment is where we give our power away and there is a little child in all of us with an agenda. That agenda is to fulfill what it didn’t get as a child and defend against what happened to it as a child. These are very powerful yet simple words.

“We rise above our childhood wounds and traumas, the unfulfilled aspects of ourselves ignoring the fact that is still has an important part in how we perceive things.”

“The deeper the wounding the stronger the defending, projecting, and blaming”.

Within the greatest of all Tyrants is a wounded little boy/girl. We all express a little tyranny at times especially when these unresolved issues are triggered.

There are also unseen negative energies that feed off the pain, suffering, anger, againstness – disrupters trying to stop the awakening and healing process.

There are also unseen negative energies that feed off the pain, suffering, anger, againstness – disrupters trying to stop the awakening and healing process. They know you better than you know yourself. There is a powerful saying, “Know Thyself’. This included the inner child. These unseen negative influences are extremely threatened by the awakening and healing process in fact if the frequencies of Earth continue to rise they lose their food source and their domain. They are doing all they can to disrupt, create division, block all efforts to alleviate pain, suffering interfering in the higher consciousness and energy behind the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. This includes activating the unhealed wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience, the wounded child. Yet by clearing out the hooks, the wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experience they have no power over you.

unity consciousness

We have to ask ourselves are we creating Heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

It is really that simple.

wounded ego

The wounded ego will say “what about them”, “what they are doing is wrong” and it will try to build a case, find allies avoiding responsibility for what is happening within. It is a master at avoidance, denial and blame. All the while the unseen negative entities are cheering activating the wounds and traumas, creating more division and disruption. The real question that needs to be asked is what about me, what am I feeling, has this happened before, and why am I attached to the outcome. What does the little boy/girl within me need that it didn’t get as a child? The deeper the wounding, the stronger the defense, the need to be right, and the greater the division and disruption. My question is how is that working for you? How did it work in the past? What was the end result? Are you happy? Last but not least whose job is it to fill that void? “Luke. I am not your father/mother.” Little Star Wars Humor. For many your true father and mother aren’t even on this dimension and if you really want to expand make God/Creator/Great Spirit your Father/Mother.

In the days to come the microcosm and the macrocosm are coming together. There will be nowhere to hide from the awakening and healing process.

In the days to come the microcosm and the macrocosm are coming together. There will be nowhere to hide from the awakening and healing process. Some will take the downward spiral others will take the upward spiral. Those that take the upward spiral have a future for they are striving to match the frequencies of Earth in her own ascension process. Those who choose the downward spiral will eventually find themselves expressing somewhere else.

The greatest power is Love, and Love heals.

There however are consequences to resisting Love as well as the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth.

At every second in life we have a choice to be in reactionary mind or creationary mind.

To be in denial, project and blame or take personal responsibility, to allow the God/Goddess within to steer our ships or the wounded child.

You are loved unconditionally yet for every action there is a reaction and for every thought there is a manifestation.

That’s the free will experiment.

Practice loving detachment, kindness and speak from the heart always seeking a solution aligned with Universal Law.

power of love 1


James Gilliland field

Pass this on far and wide. Be Love.

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.


Sandra Walter Newsletter ~ 12/19/17


I was not aware Sandra was in a car accident just a few days ago.  Talk about a Divine Miracle!  Thank goddess of All she is ok ~ read below for more details.  She will be needing support for healing and manifesting a new vehicle (although I am intending the New will be revealed prior to that need and her Flying Craft/Inner Tech will be all she needs!).


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Greetings and Gratitude for our connection during this Sacred passage of our Ascension. Our complete devotion and focus is amplified right now, and cosmic events are aligning to deliver heightened states of our personal and collective reality choices.

We are the Creators of this Ascension, and we are about to merge consciousness with our Higher Selves, Christed Selves, and Multidimensional Pure Source aspects.

Sandra is okay!
News spreads quickly through our community, so I will clarify what occurred with me last weekend. I was in a dramatic car accident last Saturday and miraculously walked away with minimal injuries. It was a strong Phantom Death experience.

As the crash began (three strong impacts, one with an 18-wheeler truck), I immediately felt the timeline/transition point of leaving the body and asked, *just don’t make it too painful.* White-gold light came into my vision and I was shocked when all was over and my body was still in tact. My car, the trusty sidekick Mitchell who was my home-between-homes and Gateway-traveling partner, was totaled. No one else was involved or injured.

Divine Protection intervened, and I AM grateful for it. My consciousness has shifted again, the body is recovering, my focus remains on this powerful Gateway, and manifesting a new car vehicle can be addressed later. Right now I AM testing crystalline healing techniques as they are presented to me, which may benefit others as the energies shift. I need a lot of rest to heal properly; it feels like my etheric work is stepping up to compensate.

Kindwhile, thank you for your prayers, healing energies, and support during this passage.

Solstice December 21 at 8:28amPT
The culmination point of years of preparation is upon us. Can you feel it? Excitement, wonder, and the beautiful mystical sensation we get with Galactic Center alignment. Don’t avoid or downplay this passage; it is a potent cosmic trigger (shift point) for the Division of Worlds and collective reality shifts to New Earth dynamics. Keep your heart focused on Divine Love!

SUNday December 24 Global Meditations
As the Solar shifts and cosmic energies intensify, we require stability in the heart, mind and energy fields. Join thousands of Lightworkers in dedicated service to the collective on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations. We hold this space for all willing hearts to align with Divine Love and Ascension.

Read the full article about what is about to unfold  HERE

In Love, Light and Service,

An Inspired Writing ~ Here Is What I Consent To


Image result for get er done images

This piece was inspired both by my own experiences in the past 48 hours as well as a beautiful e-mail I received from a reader and friend who was questioning WHY our New Earth Home has not yet been unveiled.  He is done with the waiting.  Done with the suffering. Enough is enough.


Interestingly enough, I was just having a conversation with my mate minutes prior to reading his e-mail.  (which btw i LOVE receiving e-mails from you all – i love the private conversations and hearing your insights and stories and words of inspiration – i do have much gratitude for this mode of communication as it has allowed me to connect with what feels like a tribe)

Both my mate and myself ~ we are just done.  We are so very ready to “go” to where we have felt and seen for so long.  For so many years.

Why the wait?  Who is in charge?  Seriously asking these questions now. This is either our journey or someone else’s and freedom to me is about us getting to make our own choices – without hindrance.  

When I hear our higher self is o\in control ~ I think “what about human me? Aren’t we a team?  What control do I the human Victoria have in this?”

And just what is “control”?  Freedom to choose, right?  And freedom to choose includes freedom to create that which we DESIRE.

When I hear I made the choice to come here – Who is “I”?  My higher self? Certainly my human self Victoria did not ~she is the result of the other part(s) of me.  The (0ver) use of this question makes me wonder why some even say “you chose to come here” when I HAVE NO FULL MEMORY OF THIS so what is the point in saying such a thing?  Not that it isn’t true but for me, it feeeeeeeeels this statement is often made as a means of silencing those questioning current spiritual paradigms and agenda’s.

Carrying this further, what part of me typing is Victoria and what part of me Higher Selves?  Future selves?

Aye aye aye all of this leads me to wondering just WHO in the cosmos life of all source of all AM I??!!  Who AM I in my Totality??


Last night I read a beautiful piece that I will share some of here.  It was written by the man who goes by the name TANK ~ he posts about the RV. Anyway, he wrote up such a beautiful piece on what he wishes and envisions to give to the world and to his children.  I cried so many tears reading this as it was in alignment with what I have been feeling lately about my own precious little angel and what I so long to give her.  Here’s a bit of what he wrote:

“This is not fluff or spiritual mumbo jumbo. This is science. The most powerful tool in the Galaxy tonight is YOU. Connect to the emotional reality of being free to express yourself as a father, a mother, a leader, a healer, an inventor, a sage, a puppeteer, monkey trainer, musical therapist, cruise-line director, ski instructor, Long Island medium, organic gardener, cosmic fisherman, Galactic horse trainer, or whatever else it is that allows you to connect to joy of being the full expression of yourself.

•I focus on bringing my kids to their new house on Christmas Eve, covered in beautiful, ostentatious, white Christmas lights, so bright that our new neighbors call the police because they can’t sleep at night because it’s too bright.
•I imagine having their dream puppy come running outside to greet them and having the ridiculous bedroom designs that my twin boys and I dreamed up together come to life.
•I think about those first few weeks of going back to fulfill every promise I’ve made and broken during this process.
•I imagine looking into the eyes of the few people who stood by me, despite their skepticism, thanking them, and giving them a chance to change their own world.
•I imagine an over-the-top marriage proposal to the woman I love and I can feel her energy opening up as she realizes it was all real.
•I think about opening a gallery in Miami and reducing the obscene prices for the art work and giving it all to help local families who need support, and to build schools to develop leaders and create better ways to do things in the future.”

I could and will say DITTO DITTO DITTO.

Today I was triggered – a deep mama guilt thing – oooh those are painful. One of my girl’s little friend’s mama’s was making special treats and asked if my girl wanted to be included.  I was so touched – but also felt this guilt. Why aren’t I doing the same?  We have plans on making cookies this week but this little treat was more involved.  On many days it feels like a miracle that I am able to school her, feed her and make sure dinner is cooked.  No joke.  When I say I feel weary at times – I ain’t joking!  It’s difficult for me to see otherwise normal little families where both spouses are healthy and fit and energetic and are doing well financially as well.  They take trips and enroll their children in programs and classes because they have the funds.

I see and feel my own life and I feel so far removed from their world.  And it pains me.  It just damn pains me.

*I too envision a new realm where I too can give my girl that puppy she longs for because we don’t have to worry about some landlord who holds power over us and who dictates how we live.

*I too envision my realm where when my girl asks to take a class or enroll in a program or go to a concert (where tickets are $25 each) and I DO NOT HAVE TO SAY NO.  No more.  No more because money is no longer an issue of enjoying our lives and living freely.

It PAINS me deeply to have to tell her no because of m o n e y.

I envision my realm where there is the kind of Learning my child deserves and needs.

I envision my realm where I NEVER AGAIN mutter the words “sorry honey mama cannot afford that”.

I envision my realm where I am healed.  Where my mate is healed.  Where all are healed because the technology to do so has been rightfully and lovingly returned to us.

I consent to this realm NOW.


WE ALL consent to this realm NOW.

Those of us who are weary and tired and just done with the suffering.

We SEE it for what it is.

We have awakened to it ~ for many of us as much as we are capable of ~ but always open to expanding our experiences and perceptions for Source Life is never-ending flow of Being and Doing.  But for this NOW moment?  We need a vacation.  Rest and healing.  Truly truly NEED this.

We are ready to forgive.

We are willing to forgive.

We are Love.

And Love does not wait.

Love. In. Action. Now.

That, I consent to.

I hope you will join me in creating that energy experience as well.

Let’s do this warriors!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Thank you for all of your amazing support this year.  Your support has brought me huge hugs for my heart, laughter, some pretty good tears and at times a much-needed challenge (even if at the time I resist).  For my first year in running this site, I feel pretty darn supported, loved and heard.  I hope this little corner of the Cosmos has brought you something you have been able to take and expand on the beautiful Human Soul you are.

Blessings to you all.

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Today’s Word: TIRED


Tired of waiting.

Tired of intending.

Tired of speculating.

Tired of the struggle.

Tired of letting go only to go through the same shit all over again.

Tired of doing all of the “spiritual practices” only to experience the same damn result.

Tired of feeling alone.

Tired of not having my ideas and heart SEEN and EMBRACED.

Tired of the same message of “try THIS do THIS” while those saying DO offer up nothing of assistance.

Tired of putting myself out there.

Tired of seeing the dark continue to have their way.

Tired of the those experiencing such extreme cognitive dissonance they lack the ability to SEE the suffering and instead dismiss it away with “they chose the experience” or “they needed the lesson”.

Tired of feeling I am falling behind.

Tired of anything that is not Love.

Tired of it all.

Just, just………… T I R E D.

4chan Users Find Evidence Atlanta Airport Blackout Was Part Of Intentional Cover-Up


A possible sting by the Alliance ~ showing that ONE cargo plane taking off (in spite of the mayor and FAA announcing no incoming or outgoing flights while the outage was in effect) ~ thus making visible what had always been hidden before:  Special cargo planes allowed to leave the US Border without inspection.

Focusing on this being a revealing moment ~ especially since no one was killed or hurt.

The plane’s path:  Mexico to Atlanta, Atlanta to Liege, Liege to Larnaca. From there, who knows.  Looks like previous stops was Tel Aviv…


Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world’s busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta’s mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have noticed one interesting piece of the story that no one in the mainstream press seems to want to mention. That right in the middle of this over 12 hour supposedly complete air traffic shut down, a single plane was mysteriously allowed to leave the airport. Which leaves us with an obvious question. Just what was so special about this lone permitted flight?

The plane in question 4X-ICB, is a cargo plane that arrived in Atlanta from Mexico City at 1:00 PM, just literal minutes before the alleged power problems began to make the airport go dark. The plane would then go on to leave for its next destination at 6:27 PM, right in the middle of the blackout that ran from about one to midnight. With the official record indicating that the first flight post blackout was not allowed to take off from the airport until 12:56 AM the next day, how then how do we account for our mystery flight?

Continue reading here.