Use Your Heart To Beat the Matrix


The Only Way is Up

I was watching a very interesting YouTube video with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggart (you can watch it HERE). Something struck a chord with me when Dr. Dispenza said that working with the heart center moves us away from the particle state and into the wave state (as in the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics — an object can behave as either particle or wave or both in some cases).

This makes sense in a very woo-woo way to me.

Let me explain:

The fundamental principle of this life seems to work on fear (particle state) or love (wave state).

The Fixed State of Fear

Don’t you find that when you are in fear — which is primal, fight or flight kind of stuff — it hard-wires you to feel ‘heavy’ and fixed in this reality.  We use terminology like ‘the weight of the world’ and things/situations ‘weighing us down’.

It’s a feeling of helplessness and burden, load or pressure. It’s what fixes us to a state of physical matter or materialism and keeps us in that ‘particle’ form.

There’s no doubt we need both to ‘survive’ in this matrix system. However, having an awareness of the decisive action you need to take for self-preservation (fight or flight) doesn’t require we stay in a permanent state of fear.

Unfortunately, this current world system seems to be pumping the fear-factor at us — it feels that that’s all they want you to be focused on. This doesn’t have to be your truth.

If you can cultivate a healthy awareness and can become the ‘observer’ of your reality, you can face your fear and transmute it into valuable data that can keep you safe and sane in an insane society.

The Freedom of Love

When we are in the state of unconditional love, we feel elated. It made so much sense to me when Dr. Joe Dispenza said that love puts us in a wave state. We become a frequency and ‘rise above’ so to speak. This is the vibration that keeps us connected to each other and ‘tuned in’.

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The Quickening is Happening


by Morgan Lee,
Guest writer,

The self has been focused on what needs to be transformed within the field of one’s own energetic center and has spent much time either consciously or unconsciously, or at times both, clearing, clearing and more clearing.

This has been a time of rapid expansion for the human and has created much discomfort for the wounded ego mind. And some may liken this energy to what is known as The Quickening.

As the lower vibrational energies of fear, shadow are transformed back to love, the self has been delighted with enhanced connection to higher self and multi-dimensional self aspects, which are energies of Oneness, Universal Love, Universal Wisdom and Intelligence.

Many at this time are allowing the small mind and the wounded ego to transform and hence quieten and in doing so, are naturally aligning with the expanded self.

This will continue with full universal assistance in the coming weeks in readiness for the 11.11 Gateway which occurs on 1st January, 2018. 1.1.11. ( more information coming on this gateway soon) Effectively a doorway to residing and aligning with The new Earth.

As the mind and it’s hidden fear returns to love, it ceases to manifest unconscious repetitive loops and cycles of pain and begins to actually create joy and love for the self.

New experiences, expansive beyond what the human can even dream of at the moment become the natural new way of being.

The Human remembers that all external is of the self and begins to experience all external as the intended gift, it always was, rather than an energy to resist.

The human remembers that what is presented within the imagination of the mind, via visions, messages, clairvoyant connection, etc. is also accessible for The Self to play with, communicate with, and command in the pure collaboration of Oneness etc.

He or She remembers that higher self, multidimensional self aspects, deities, celestial beings, galactic crew, ascended masters, arch angels, angels etc. are simply aspects of the self, part of one’s own Oneness, and SO, here begins the real fun.

As the human allows his/her mind to align with these aspects of self he or she can consciously instruct, these powerful energies in co-creation for fast tracking of transformation for the self. Accessing DNA activation’s, Geometric Activation’s, transformation, manifestation, co-creation, expansion etc. for the self and what is done with pure intent and love, will be fully supported.

When He/She remembers how to do this for the self, then he/she remembers how to do this for and with others. Showing them the possibilities and opportunities of their own multi-dimensional conscious divinity too.

Conscious creation for The Self, by The Self. Powerful transformation, Healing, manifesting, co-creating in full consciousness, etc. mastered by the Human Being.

Conscious play via the New Human done in full conscious is The Creator Self embodied, which is The Master Self practicing self mastery.

Welcome Home, New Human to your place of being.

Sourced from here.

Paul Ryan Sees His Days in D.C. Coming To An End


He felt he was ‘made for this moment.’ But now, on the verge of achieving his long-sought legislative dream, he’s got his eyes on the exits.

Spirits were high inside the House chamber on Thursday, November 16, when, in the early afternoon, the gavel fell and a measure to rewrite the American tax code passed on a partisan tally of 227 to 205. As the deciding votes were cast—recorded in green on the black digital scoreboard suspended above the floor—the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, threw his head back and slammed his hands together. Soon he was engulfed in a sea of dark suits, every Republican lawmaker wanting to slap him on the shoulder and be a part of his moment.

Ryan was the man of the hour. Having spent a quarter-century in Washington—as an intern, waiter, junior think-tanker, Hill staffer and, since 1999, as a member of Congress—he had never wavered in his obsession with fixing what he viewed as the nation’s two fundamental weaknesses: its Byzantine tax system and ballooning entitlement state. Now, with House Republicans celebrating the once-in-a-generation achievement of a tax overhaul, Ryan was feeling both jubilant and relieved—and a little bit greedy. Reveling in the afterglow, Ryan remarked to several colleagues how this day had proven they could accomplish difficult things—and that next year, they should set their sights on an even tougher challenge: entitlement reform. The speaker has since gone public with this aspiration, suggesting that 2018 should be the year Washington finally tackles what he sees as the systemic problems with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Tinkering with the social safety net is a bold undertaking, particularly in an election year. But Ryan has good reason for throwing caution to the wind: His time in Congress is running short.

Despite several landmark legislative wins this year, and a better-than-expected relationship with President Donald Trump, Ryan has made it known to some of his closest confidants that this will be his final term as speaker. He consults a small crew of family, friends and staff for career advice, and is always cautious not to telegraph his political maneuvers. But the expectation of his impending departure has escaped the hushed confines of Ryan’s inner circle and permeated the upper-most echelons of the GOP. In recent interviews with three dozen people who know the speaker—fellow lawmakers, congressional and administration aides, conservative intellectuals and Republican lobbyists—not a single person believed Ryan will stay in Congress past 2018.

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