Tiffany Stiles Energy Report for 12/10/17 ~ Energy Shift Update~ Timeline Split- The Matrix & AI


I really like the words and energy of this piece.  I have been “seeing” this “ai” as a spider-like web of cords attached to the back of my body that I pull off and send to the cosmos.  I am not sure if I “felt” this energy as she shares ~ but around 6pm PST I felt something powerful go through that made me feel blissful and sleepy at the same time.  I wondered “hmm, I wonder what just came through.”  My need to ground, reflect and absorb these energies is so powerful, I need to love myself and discipline my choices to do just that – at the time it happens.  When I don’t honor this, when I allow myself to be distracted, the experiences turns yuck. Sticky notes are good – I Honor Myself First.  My awakening and integrating is priority #1.  


Holy Shit Beautiful Souls! We just had a major shift! This occurred approximately 40 minutes ago. Whoosh! Vertigo! Pure Source Energy surge through the body. I will liken it to a vortex of swirling energy around the body.


This is assisting one in opening their personal portal at the heart chakra to align this energy with the encoded number portals in a few days. This will further assist in anchoring New Earth frequency here! Rainbow energy frequencies are pouring in now to create the bridge to higher consciousness and physical reality. When this energy came in it felt like a power surge through the entire body! The expansion in the heart’s electromagnetic field is like KA BOOM! There was a timeline split that just occurred! We are shifting to a future timeline without AI! (artificial intelligence)

The Portals~


We are rapidly approaching the TRIFECTA (3) Energetic portals of The 11 Master Energy. 12-12 December 12th— 12-21 December 21st & 1-1 January 1st. January 1st – (11) is when the Energetic Pulse shifts to MASTER Energy! 11 is the Master Number in numerology. 2018= 11. I’ve written about this several times over the past month to prepare you all for what is coming, so that you take this time at your Zero Point to practice your manifestion abilities!

Michelle and I have become very close since we started talking in September. Her and I vibrate at the same frequency, Soul si-stars.
I don’t even know how to articulate the 2 1/2 hour conversation I just had with Michelle Walling it is so mind bending! But I will try my best to put it in terms that are understandable. When we no longer run linear it’s difficult to put into words what easily flows through the mind. Every time Michelle and I get on the phone it’s 2 to 4 to 5 hours of talking about, You name it! And time flies we have so much fun talking with each other. Today was The Matrix and AI, (artificial intelligence holograms). Please check out Michelle’s website .

Co-Creating Your Reality~ AI Interference

I want you to think about every single thing that had occurred in your reality, just today, and then in the past, KNOW YOU CREATED IT! ALL OF IT! I want you to think of the people in your life who repeat themselves over, and over and have not one thing new to add. See how they “glitch,” because it is AI interference lowering your vibrational frequency to CREATE from a distorted space of lower vibrational frequency. When these AI are not in your reality, your vibrational frequency raises back up and BAM, you’re manifesting BLISS! YOU’RE MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE IN ALL FORMS. YOU ARE CREATING EVERY SINGLE THING IN YOUR REALITY RIGHT NOW!

Notice when you are communicating with AI it is like groundhog day all over again. And when they glitch it is a repetitive action that begins to occur. Whether you’re trying to remove them out of your reality and they keep ringing your phone off the hook, or they keep making the same body motion; foot tapping, rapid blinking, whatever, know this AI is running interference on you.


Image Credit: Listed on photo

And now that you know this, YOU have the power to shift this reality FROM YOUR HEART SPACE With PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! When you bring this pure Source Energy into your heart’s electromagnetic field you exponentially increase the electromagnetic field to Infinite time/space! Now you manifest from the pure template of Love. We manifest and create with emotion. That is the driving force. When you manifest on a lower vibrational frequency emotion your reality doesn’t look so great, does it? When you manifest from the Purest Divine Spark of Love you create BLISS! You manifest abundance! You manifest healing! YOU ARE THE CREATOR AND MASTER over your REALity.


A Couple Of Personal Experiences Just Today~

I had an entirely telepathic conversation with my daughter this morning. I knew everything she was going to say before she said it. Helen witnessed it all. This occurs often for me. Another example today, when I was talking with Michelle I mentioned Julie Ann Lindeen also being a Master Creator. I hang up with Michelle to open a text from Julie stating the Rainbow Ray is here. She attached a photo of the frequencies pouring in. I felt Julie’s energy when she was texting me. Telepathy is becoming more prevalent which will force complete transparency and authenticity. There’s no choice, it is happening now. So if you are not in full alignment with your authentic self, now is the time to get there.

Do A Check On Your Heart Space~

Huge shifts are amping up with the TRIFECTA of Portals right around the corner. Be the MASTER OF YOUR REALITY! Be cognizant of your heart frequency, is it open, loving, compassionate? Or is it closed, fearful and unforgiving? From this very space is where you CREATE your here and now! What do you wish to see?

Remove the AI from your reality. As you become more and more cognizant of your heart space, and you remain in a high vibrational state, the AI will automatically fall away. The more you engage, the more they delay you. They wipe your memory and you forget as you sleep. You have to re-remember all over again. Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror; “I create my reality from the pure template of Divine Source of unconditional love. I am powerful in my creations of love!” You see it every morning, and you remember to be cognizant of your heart space, what you’re creating and where you’re creating it from. Because yes, you created the AI too! When you see why you created it, what you see, and are shown from your Higher Self, you fully see the “big picture.” Then you can just as easily un-create it. The AI is glitching so much right now because we are on the brink of shutting it down! We are creating a new timeline without AI by realizing how we created from the distorted space of low vibrational frequency. Now we reverse engineer it to create with love in an authentic template. We are all players here in this game called life. Now you learn to be the Master, not the player! There is no spoon, as the movie The Matrix states. When you realize that, you clear a ton of programming and distortions out of your reality, and you create from a pure space that is not distorted.

Try and eat high vibrational foods, (organic) whole healthy foods from Mother Earth. It is very important to keep your vibrational frequency high as we approach the final portals of 2017 going into the Master Energy on January 1st, 2018. This is what I’m snacking on today. So yummy!


Master your creation and Create The World you wish to see here on New Earth. Once this Energetic Pulse shifts on 1-1 – (January 1st) — 2018= 11 = 11-11 manifesting your reality will be instant! This is the time to anchor, and hold the New Earth Frequency here through your personal portal, and through the Rainbow Bridge of Higher Consciousness to physical reality.  I can’t wait until January 1st, 2018!

The Matrix~ “Do not try and bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth…there is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

Much love, Tiffany 💞❣️💞
Metaphysical Life Coach

Sourced from here.

A Vision for the Secrets of the Skies Revealed


I awoke this morning with the desire to see ALL that has been kept from us in our environment/skies.  I wish to see ALL that is beyond the veil, the firmament, to see exactly where we are and who our neighbors are and where we have been “kept” (and where we have been moved to).  It is NOW that we create this.


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Secrets of the Skies Revealed

We see a world where the Secrets of the Skies have been fully revealed; where humanity, en masse, has awakened to what’s going on over our heads; where we know the reasons for the man-made clouds that cover vast areas of our beloved planet; where we have been made aware of the locations of the massive network of air bases, pilots, crews, and planes that spray us almost daily; where our leaders and politicians have come out of their denial and openly talk about this issue; where we know whose idea it was to block out our Sun; and where we understand the larger cosmological context and significance of it all, and that, with this understanding, we now see ourselves and the Earth as having been part of a containment orchestrated by those who were treating us as if we didn’t matter.

As a result, we now live in a world where all has been brought to light (literally and figuratively), our skies are once again clear, our air is once again pure, and our freedom from unloving forces is assured, now and for always.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened


I would think someone would have checked the date.  This is getting comical at this point.  This Trump-Russian collusion narrative is so obviously false and the american media is so ridiculously desperate to find SOMETHING so they don’t have to look more foolish than they already do at this point.  Just eat the damn crow and get on with telling some truth for a change.  Image result for rolling eyes images


December 9 2017, 7:17 a.m.

The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST, when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC emails before they were published on the internet. As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media.

This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its possession. The email was sent by someone named “Michael J. Erickson” – someone nobody had heard of previously and whom CNN could not identify – to Donald Trump, Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.” The email was a smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 – ten days before WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online – and thus proved that the Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the Kremlin.

It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement, breathlessness and gravity the network conveyed as they clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow to the Trump/Russia collusion story:

There was just one small problem with this story: it was fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story – and then hyped it over and over and over – the Washington Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.

The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed, but rather September 14 – which means it was sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC emails online.

Check out the original article here to read it in its entirety.

FULL: President Donald Trump EXPLOSIVE Rally in Pensacola Florida 12/8/17 Trump Pensacola Speech


There are a lot of interesting bread-crumbs in this one.  He speaks of taking down the deep state, the “rigged” system.  He speaks of parents raising their children – not the state.  He speaks of only God (Source) giving us our rights – and not the state.  This speech was full of references to restoring us back to the Republic.  As I told a friend today (who is slowly changing her mind on Trump), like him or not, you cannot say that all of this corruption being brought to light is a coincidence since he was elected.  It is because of his election that we are seeing (FINALLY) the fall of the corruption and darkness we call the system.  Victory of the Light leading to Freedom for all.


FULL: President Donald Trump EXPLOSIVE Rally in Pensacola Florida 12/8/17 Trump Pensacola Speech