Incoming Energies Packing A Punch, Friends

Image result for sequoia tree image

About 4-5 hours ago, I was hit with extreme fatigue and nausea.  Within about 20 minutes or so, I sat down on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Deeply.  For about 15 minutes.  The demands of mamahood then took over as my child needed to take a bath before bed.  If she had not been here, who knows how long I would have slept.

You do the best you can when these energy frequencies come in.

One thing I have noticed is how quickly things are coming back to me, especially when it comes to my energies I put out.  It is easier to multiply those energies as well, hence the reason why many others in the Ascension community are telling us to be very grounded right now for what we put out is coming back to us quickly.  Today was no exception.

Both my child and I were frustrated – suddenly – at the same time.  Hers grew as did mine.  I took a timeout, stood in the sunshine and breathed.  I knew I had to get us on a walk and around some trees.  She was not crazy about this idea, instead wanting to go to the park.  Nope, I insisted we needed to ground around some nature.  On the walk, she lagged behind, upset she wasn’t getting her way.  Her frustration was only growing as was mine.  So I breathed deeply as we continued on our way.

By the time we got to the Special Tree, my child wasn’t talking with me and I was about ready to scream.  Instead, I walk over to my Tree and leaned into her.  “Help me,” I said silently.

My beautiful Tree friend sent me her energy.  I could hear the term “grounding you” and suddenly in my mind’s eye, I saw the infinity symbol, the mobius loop and I could feel that energy go through my legs and into the Earth.  It was brown with numerous flecks of gold.  I stayed there for a time, knowing the Tree was helping me as I had been too frustrated (in spite of efforts on my part to reduce that trend) to do so myself.  Hence the advice of Lightworkers and Ascension folks to get out in nature and ground.  Nature is a great source of assistance for this exercise.

After a few more moments, I felt my body relax.  I released some tears, thanked the Tree and its Spirit.  My child played around it, touched it some and we then left, holding hands and singing.

A completely different internal (and thus external) experience than we had both felt just minutes ago.

So as you can see, what we put out – even if it’s just a small amount – starts to grow onto itself much quicker these days.  Many of us are familiar with the recent internet chatter about how Source removed free will. However, many of us know this was not to be taken literally.  My take on it is that with incoming energies and frequencies, altering our DNA, allowing us to and Gaia to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, means that lower energies of anger and control and rage and abuse and all things harmful will not be able to exist long in these higher frequencies.  The two simply clash so these energies literally “bounce back” to the one putting them out – quickly.  It’s as though Gaia feels these energies and says “NO” and sends them back to the sender.  In the world of science, that is called “reverberation”.

Make sense?

Sending out feelings of Love and Joy and I am finding out that these are easier to experience.  Certainly, for myself, it is easier to get into these states. Easier to transition into them if I am in lower level states of Being.

We are being rewired, so to speak, like Neo in the matrix.  And as we undergo this process, we need to continue to treat ourselves like a newborn.  Lots of rest.  Extra sleep.  Sleep on command if need be.  Follow our bodies in terms of what it needs.  Hang out with a tree.  Hug it.  Purge old wounds.  Listen to music that centers you.  Drink extra water.  Food cravings – again, listen to the body.  I had an immense craving for spinach last week.  This week?  Bananas, salt and nuts.

Just Love yourself.

Love, love, love yourself.

Reclaim that Divinity.

And know that All Is Well.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.