GEORGE ~ A collection of videos from 9/11 released by the FBI


I still remember where I was when I heard the news.  I still remember the shock I felt – the disbelief – a feeling I carried for the first few days.  But then I began to question the media’s narrative.  I began to remember seeing buildings fall in the past – in controlled demolition – and knew – those towers were brought down with intention.  I started asking why did building 7 fall on its own?  I started asking why do they keep saying the name “Osama Bin Laden” and how could these news anchors kept saying “america’s new pearl harbor”.  And why did they keep showing those towers fall over and over and over again.  I wanted to know why we were so quick to go to war.  Something was very off and I kept saying that much to the resistance of friends and family who had fallen for the narrative and were supporting the war drum chants.  But not me.  I kept going and I never stopped looking for the truth.

These videos were put out many months ago – but given GEORGE is sharing these tonight again on twitter, i feel there is significance in this.  JUSTICE and TRUTH for the events of that day are upon us.


9/11 unreleased FBI videos. The Pentagon, Arlington, DC

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.