An Excellent, Easy-to-Understand Explanation of the TDA Accounts and our Value


Editor’s note:  This was copied with permission from a facebook viewer.  I have been wondering why and how these TD accounts were created as well as the idea that we are the collateral of these accounts.  A simple explanation for you to consider.  I should add that when I hear people say “yeah but they will remove the money” or “it’s just numbers on a computer screen that can be removed” I say research the OPPT and you will learn these accounts are backed by gold (and I believe silver), all as stated in the filings.  


“It took me awhile to understand this.
The money exists because WE are the collateral. We are the value! When they got rid of the gold, they started backing the money with us…our lives, our energy! So instead of gold, the money was created when you were born. You are the true value-the collateral for the money.”

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.