4.5.23 ~ More finds and reflecting



So it seems I am not the only one who had some amazing experiences in the astral last night.  Spoke with a few more who had something unusual/unique happen.  Sharing my experience with my mate allowed his mind to remember his own experience/dream (and he rarely dreams) – he was on a ship (likely his) and saw rapid flashing of chess pieces and other artifacts (historic).  One of the chess pieces was the Knight – in the same color as the uniform he has seen himself in. The Knights, in chess, have the ability to capture and check the king, queen and rooks –  plus they can hop over the pawns to escape capture.  Interesting.  That’s what we’re doing.

There were other things I “got” today but have since forgot.  Not fully here today – plus had an intense healing session – feeling like I am looping and unlooping and swirling and twirling.  Oh yes – I remember – talking with Sister LH (who is so intuitive – she has a better knowledge of this place than many of the big dudes/dudettes) – reflecting on the feel that we broke “their” time spell on April 1.  Something is definitely different since then.  Time no longer feels relevant.  Even Sister D shared an image this week of a clock and in the middle simply said NOW.  Money spell I feel is next to go.

Also forgot to share this – mate received info last night – the time controls are broken.  The clock is spinning faster and faster.

So uh here’s what I’m seeing.  Please as always support my work by sharing and leaving a donation.  Love hearing from ya’ll too and seeing how you’re doing!


















now this is interesting…………



Project sandman……………


GORGEOUS!  (i love love LOVE the song too)

(must include the song):










THERE’S MORE – Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Shows Complete Ignorance and Manipulation of Basic Accounting



Uh shouldn’t he recuse himself?  lol

REVEALED: Committed Leftist Judge Juan Merchan Who Oversees Trump’s Sham Case in NYC Court Made Political Contributions to “Stop The Republicans” and “Biden For President”



Scripts…………….interesting uh left eye there…….

Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden (VIDEO)



Robert F Kennedy Jr. Files to Run for President in 2024 Against Joe Biden





“Whatever Reason He Is in Prison is Good Enough For Me” – Members of the Press Speak Their Mind to Undercover James O’Keefe at Trump Arraignment (VIDEO)



Did I share this last night?  NPR = state affiliated media…………

Elon Musk Applauded After Twitter Makes Big Change to NPR’s Profile: ‘Been Asking for This for a Long Time’




following his script……………


Perhaps “we” are the good “aliens”…………





Starz4stripes Lmm @Starz4stripes
05 April, 06:10












Florida Lawmakers File Bill Draft that Could Repeal ‘Resign to Run’ · The Floridian

A bill has been filed in the Florida Senate minutes after the announcement that President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan Grand Jury on 30 counts related to alleged business fraud. The bill, “SPB 7050: Elections” could change Florida’s “Resign to Run” law which..




Well, we will see…………..the flags have changed before………….we need to see the REAL flag instead of the war flag – which we will – when it’s over…….








Yeah – happening under JB…………Crash the old under 46 – bring in the new under 45.  Or 19.













Carole Parnell  @MagaMutt

So I traveled all this way – see myself and realize HEY!  I’m cuter than I thought!  



So uh this is coming to the forefront – alcohol companies showing themselves – now the military………






Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Dan Scavino, Jr. – On the “17” Team?




End of day significant and fun finds and some gematria ~ 4.2.23



Tonight I saw 11:11 and 11:22


This is probably my fave.  lol  I’m a TT.  You are too.  We’re ALL tt’ing outta here.  V coined that phrase a few years ago.  And today – it feeeeeeeeeeeeels smoother – it’s still bipolar – but the smoother moments are becoming more noticeable.  And frugging frack AM I TIRED.  And WHY is that?  T.T.



Well you don’t see this every day…………….LOVE

Vincent Kennedy⍟  @VincentKennedy
02 April, 09:39
🙂 >>> 🙂


Remember an outlet talking about cataclysmic happenings in Japan?  Could it be that the cataclysm was “their” timeline for Japan but what is actually happening is a good thing operated under the WH?  Dominoes falling in process………..




I wonder if 8.22 (VK drop from 2020) is 4.8…?  I remember when he shared that image………..Storm………..

Chris CdnPatriot @CdnPatriot1017
03 April, 12:30

Arraignment Twosday April 4th

4/4/2023 > 8/7

8/7 > 15 WRWY

Julian Calendar = 3/22

3/22/2023 > 7/7 > 14 > 5 < > 5:5

March = Jan on 13 month SOL Calendar

3/22 = 122 JFK Jr Lives

122 > 311 < > 113 Q

113 > 23 ☠️

23 > 5 < > 5:5

8/22/20 > 8/6 > 14 > 5 < > 55

The Perfect Storm 🌊🌀🌪️⛈️⚡️

Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
01 April, 02:42 (E)
“These people are sick.”
(Q said this 40 times.)DJT was indicted on 3.3 (2023)
Reagan was shot on 3.3 (1981)

DJT is scheduled for arraignment on 4.4
MLK was killed on 4.4 (1968)
55th anniv. this year

JFK — 11.22
11, 1+1, 1+1,
11, 1111

MLK — 4.4
2+2, 2+2
1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1
1111, 1111

RFK — 6.6.6 (1968=24=6)
3+3, 3+3, 3+3
1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1
111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111

Malcolm X — 2.21.21 (1965=21)
2, 21, 21
11, 11+1, 11+1
11, 111, 111

We can read their numbers because of Juan O’Savin, and we break their curses in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Also, we don’t run our lives by the numbers like they do. But because they do, we can figure out what they’re up to.

They have to “announce,” throw things out there (“casting,” like casting a spell) in their dark “religion,” just like they’ve been doing with football game halftime shows, music awards, and Olympic opening ceremonies (where they showed the Corona virus years before it happened).

Yankee Doodle@YankeeeDooodle
02 April, 11:20
Call sign awoke. Awoke is 55= storm tweet. Get ready for a storm tweet/ebs. 8 = 17 ( Q= military) Thanks
for the post
Significant events in April for the states:  Sinking of the Titanic – 4.15…..American Revolution began on April 19 (shot heard around the world)…………..First President George Washington inaugurated on 4.30………..
All of the 17 posts (4) that share The Shot Heard Around the World were dropped in January 2018 (5 years ago) which = April.  It’s been a long. arse. 5. years.  “they” really did stretch it out – our bodies – our Souls feel it.
Jimbo _66 @jimbo0566
* Massive intel sweep. , Manafort was a plant. , Trace background.
* Why is Mueller going after ‘inside plants’?
* JA? , Seth Rich? , MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?
* The WALL means more than you know. , The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
* TWITTER. , CLOWNS. , Operation Q-T2810C.
* Hussein timeline. – 1/20/17 – today. , This will become very relevant very soon.
* The Analysis Corporation (TAC). , Happy Hunting!
* We don’t say his name. , Adios. , The protected flow into AZ is no more.
* POTUS will be up all night. , Pray. , Watch the news tomorrow.
POTUS up all night – 17 post – one (of just 2) from 4.4………..(interesting double use of 45 too):


Apr 04, 2018 9:45:45 PM EDT
Watch the news tomorrow.

Q is for us.  The movie is for the normies.

NY Times FINALLY Confirms Gateway Pundit Reports on FBI Operative Planting Evidence Inside Proud Boys Case | The Gateway Pundit


He is one who has it all………….
Doq Holliday @doqholliday
03 April, 12:21
Boomerang awaiting
This is how they bypass “their” comm methods……..
Doq Holliday@doqholliday
02 April, 11:48
could this tie in?  jan = april……….stay at home…..hmmm…..


Jan 22, 2018 2:05:49 PM EST
:stay at home<
Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00
i decided to gematria STAY AT HOME (and just noticed/realized – gematrix dot org contains the word matrix)………..
Day of Vengeance
Wrestling (the next WWE is called Backlash – May 6 – hosted by Bad Bunny – we know we are in the year of the white rabbit)
Hello George R
JFK is Q
You Can Do It
I also decided to gematria STAR SHIELD (above)….
The Bird is Freed
Passover (4.5 – 4.13)
On The Ready
The Old Guard (9 17 posts w/that phrase)
Code Good Night Q  (4 17 posts w/goodnight)
Work in progress – esp. while in this storm and tt’ing adventures……..Go easy on thyself.

additional finds….puzzle piece…..and a Wrestling Comm…….4.1.23





Wrestle Mania:  The Bloodline defeated for the first time in almost 3 years (what started 3 years ago?  invisible enemy/shutdown/lockdown).  All that is left?  The Beast (for tomorrow).

I read something blah blah about energies incoming blah blah picking up in April blah blah more of the same ongoing endless it’s the energies all about the energies (which interestingly enough i don’t see these peeps talking about the war) – only one in which I aligned was end this movie already get us out and all i wanna do now is sleep.  D I T T O.



an extra [G] above…………just one 17 post w/that one:


Dec 23, 2017 3:58:14 PM EST
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!







This is one of the funniest videos I’ve seen in awhile.  What an awesome kid and a very patient dad.  Who of us here wishes we had such patience when we learned to drive?


3.30.23 ~ Finds – puzzle piecing (a really good one) and a check-in



So……………..a few months ago the news of the day would have had me in a bit of a tizzy.  Tonight/today?  I’m ok with it.  I see it as part of the process.  I have been feeling In The Air Tonight throughout the day – so interesting it’s in the video below.  My sense?  Things are about to snowball fast.  Tomorrow – last day of the year.  4.1 – New Year.  I continue to remember how all last year I said I am NOT energetically giving my support to this plan past 2022.  DARK TO LIGHT.  Hold on and hang in there friends.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Wait until you see this first puzzle piece/synch.  Did I just say THIS IS IT?




Remember – T is insulated.  This one – actor.

BREAKING LEAK: Trump Hit with 34 Counts Related to Business Fraud!

17 post 34:


Nov 01, 2017 10:56:16 PM EDT
Q Clearance Patriot
MY FELLOW AMERICANS, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).



ADSB exchange – some craft up this late in the evening (1:30am EST)….






30 March, 08:36



Yes – observe and watch it play out.




The DOW ended at 32,859…..very close to that “magic number” of 33 – maybe it hits 33 then tanks……….?



















“The Only Solution is to Shove it Down Their Throats and Put Him Back in the White House!!!” – Donald Trump Jr. Gives EPIC Response to Garbage Trump Indictment



“Florida will Not Assist in an Extradition Request” DeSantis Statement on Trump Indictment



San Tarot:  Things getting straightened out after long term frustration…………walking towards something new…………

Pisces – There’s no comparison.




Vincent Kennedy – Wrestlemania Storm (Andy Kauffman WWE Hall of Fame Edition)



Prof Horatio F. Melonhead

The US Dollar Will Be Changed in 3 Days(?) | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris







O Sole Mio………….Merry Christmas Eve………….



May be an image of text that says 'There's theory that says that life is based on a competition and the struggle and the fight for survival, and it's interesting because when you look at the fractal character of evolution, it's totally different. It's based on cooperation among the lements in the geometry and not competition. -Bruce Lipton'


I had to sing this song – on an urge earlier this evening- just needed to – to change an energy I was feeling over an experience I was having.  I never sing that song – even though I happen to love it.  Anyway, I did and it shifted the moment from frustration to humor and a smile.   Still at a level of tired I didn’t think possible – but hearing from others having the same (as in WTF is up with this kind of tired??) – and it gives me hope and a knowing I can trust myself when remembering those words I felt/heard 4 years ago:  the closer we get to the end the most I would need to sleep/rest.  NEED to sleep and actually sleepING though – yeah.

Decided to gematria O Sole Mio:  Final Battle.  Sure feeeeels like it.

Had another one of those “here I go walking drunken sideways” again – as I spoke the experience aloud in the kitchen to my mate – he says the words as well.  Same experience.  Exact same moment.  And in the same bodily direction/pull.  Head feels verrrrrrrrrry strange.  3rd eye wonky.  Can’t talk very well.  Sloppy use of body (could I have a bib and maybe the use of my hands – no pain and no weakness – it’s like half the energy of me is missing).  Forgetting words mid sentence.  Seeing that perhaps sleep is going to be in short bursts – hard crash – then BAM awake.  Repeat.

Until we don’t.

Dare I see what’s going on “out there”?  Had Z E R O interest in that earlier today – but feeling a need to take a wee little peek.  Just read the storm is coming.  lolol  Coming?  It’s HERE.  Do not get why some ain’t feeling these experiences physically esp. – even those in the awakening movement.  They still have all this energy leaving me absolutely perplexed.  Perhaps it’s as I have continued to feel – we ain’t all from the same place – ain’t going TO the same place – and some ain’t original POW’s.  Maybe like the matrix.  Some born OUTSIDE (and brought in) and others inside.





There are intense storms and tornado’s in the SSE portions of the states.  Praying for safety.  We prayed the intention for safety and for the storms to cease at the dinner table tonight.  Holding moments of silence for the people.  MAY THIS BE THE END OF SUCH WEATHER.  This channel on twatter keeps updates.  Alabama looks to be the current focus.  Ryan Hall is also on it – livestreaming – atm there are no more current tornado threats – he says there will be more warnings but the big threat is over.

Well this also explains my lament all of last year of “I AM NOT SUPPORTING THIS PAST 2022” – and stillllllll feeeeeeeeeeeeeel the same.




So according to the Ramadan Calendar – we’re in the year 1444.  Uh…….



Ok – I went down a little rabbit hole.  VK shared that tweet last night (below) – about the future.  Someone asked when and I knew he said 9:01 – went searching for the response – and here it is:

Ramadan Calendar – 9/10 (mirror – 9/01) is 4.1.23 – the official New Year of 2023………

Saturday 1444/9/10 2023/4/1

We’ll see uh in another week, right?  Moving on………..Interesting what is coming to me now – I feel like I am in a new space – literally.  Also I remember next week is the WWE 2 day event – first time it’s been 2 days.



i can see that………







went to zerohedge – cannot look at the headlines……….


SAN TAROT…..foxes going through portals – half in one world half in another……..describes perfectly how i am feeling………..(san also having issues w/her hands too recently)…………new energy leading to abundance……..

Sagittarius – You’re glowing.


Surrendering.  Trusting in Me and Universe Consciousness.  ’tis all I got now……..







3.19.23 ~ Interesting finds


hey friends ~

feels like it’s gonna get even weirder.  love, v.


trending on twatter (2’s have been all over my space today):

3,518 Tweets
Politics · Trending
Lock Her Up
22.2K Tweets
Mistakes Were NOT Made
2,718 Tweets
1,675 Tweets  (the word “storm” has been around us all today………on Nascar “the eye of the storm”………tonight watching heartland “eye of the storm”……….)






Soooo cute!  Abc….easy as 123…………(mirror 3 2 1……..)



His APL has been going up the past few days……….


Taiwan Strait?







remember earlier i said his name is in a gematria…………..


Another theory…………Nothing is off the table until the Truth is shown…..one of the thoughts i had earlier today after i woke up was 17 post 34……….





Well this is another little synch…………(so often through music for me)…………earlier this week I was hearing “Mrs. Robinson” in my mind…………today i woke up and heard “put them in the pantry with your cupcakes” and thought “HUH?!”

Donald J. Trump


China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other Nations of a less than friendly nature, are busy “CARVING UP THE WORLD” as our once great United States of America sits back and watches. We are a Failing Nation, with Open Borders, Fake Elections, and a horrible Inflation Riddled Economy. We no longer set the standard, the standard sets us. Our so-called “Leader” does NOTHING except Eat, Sleep, and S..t! Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?”

Lyrics (of relevance):
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoonGoing to the candidates debateLaugh about it, shout about itWhen you’ve got to chooseEvery way you look at this, you lose
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?Our nation turns its lonely eyes to youWoo, woo, wooWhat’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away

Donald J. Trump





Donald J. Trump


There was no “misdemeanor” here either. There was no crime, period. All other of the many Democrat law enforcement officers that looked at it, took a pass. So did Cy Vance, and so did Bragg. But then, much latter, he changed his mind. Gee, I wonder why? Prosecutorial Misconduct and Interference with an Election. Investigate the Investigators!



(it’s 11pm – and twice in the last 30 minutes we have heard fast movers fly above – we check adsb exchange and see nothing.  transponders off most likely.  there’s a C17 at around 30k’ appearing and disappearing on transponder atm….others are showing the same…and then there’s this big white box in texas that is coming off and on……)








More finds ~ 3.18.23



energy feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel has not changed………………still highly charged……..there is irritation but also calm……….which kinda feels like it’s my choice……..took a walk along a creek……….found a particular type of spot in which i’ve been searching for since last year.  grateful for the basics.  here are some additional finds.  a really good find of what is coming up next week – and why – something i can get behind 100%.  love, v.



Donald J. Trump






Donald J. Trump


If you are doing poorly, as so many of you are, do not send anything. If you are doing well, which was made possible through the great policies of the Trump Administration, send your contribution to donaldjtrump.com/.

We have to take back our Country and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!



Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
18 March, 08:24

For flat earthers who use the argument that the water would fall off the south pole, please start researching emergent dark matter feeding into a holographic Universe.

“But Verlinde has a solution to save gravity and eliminate the unnecessary fluff. He postulates that gravity is really a property that arises from the field of statistics – that is, particle interactions or the kinetic energy model for thermodynamics. By examining the entropy associated for a portion of de-Sitter space and how it’s affected when matter is present near it (like with gravity), Verlinde was able to draw parallels between this dark gravity and the dark energy’s accelerated expansion of the Universe. For a given region, we can talk about a holographic layer for a space that conveys the information of the space on its surface. .” –











Terri Wilbeparadise@wilbeparadise
18 March, 06:15


$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE – YouTube

Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went… and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue…Dunno whether…

well obviously i am not a shill or a bot – just struggling like hell lately – mentally………….and quite finished with others in the same or similar position to pray and be patient without offering up anything truly useful or asking what they can do…………..sharing for the 17 post as i heard it in my mind today (T taking the hits/slings for the people)…………
Kat istheSea3  @KatistheSea3
18 March, 12:06
In response Mare Qay – WWG1WGA! to her Publication
🕊 I HOPE people can appreciate
that Q The Storm Rider
& Juan O Savin
have been TELEGRAPHING these moves
for YEARS!!People don’t like hearing “bad news”
but we are in a war for Planet Earth
& WE HAVE NO IDEA the moves
QTeam game out 24/7
on Super Quantum computers
or what the Plan To Save The World is
that they have devotedly been working on

I’m so over “impatience”
& “complaints”
& “Patriot bashing” in the Anon crowd.
Of all the people on Earth
President Trump & QTeam need right now
it’s our worldwide Patriot movement 💪

That said, I believe complainers
are A.I. / bots / shills.
True Patriots are in this all the way
& are loyal, helpful, beautiful & smart.
Victory or death 👊🇺🇸❤️‍🔥







no kidding.  we’re on a new form –  highly bioavailable – the effect is noticeable……..




Agreed.  Feeling off about this “protest” being pushed………..




“organized effort”………….

Boooo BooBoo  @Boooo
18 March, 07:45
Chuck Callesto
JUST IN: Video reemerges of emotional Capitol protestor admitting to being HIRED AND PAID to protest — Says he cannot revel who hired him..MEDIA DEAD SILENT..
5:27 PM · Mar 18, 2023




speaking of………….

Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
18 March, 08:25

George Papadopoulos shared this on TS.



follow up….







anything is possible now for me…………


Public education has always failed the children………….just been taken to a new level (that is far more obvious in its toxicity)……….




Now this theory – i can vibe with………..

Andrew Zebrun III @AndrewZebrunIII
18 March, 09:07
Every Time@soTELLme533
19 March, 12:18
In response Andrew Zebrun III to his Publication
There have been several photos of the Q Team.
where different players are indicated.
This is an interesting Q Team photo.
Laura’s View and Tarot, Too………….excellent insight….appreciate her “be cautious –  not in fear”………….recognizing when emotions are being played on and choosing otherwise…………Sister LH today called me as I was having a meltdown – lovingly guiding me to focus on how i want to FEEEEEEL…………start there.  It was the perfect thing to say to my heart.












3.15.23 Mind blowing finds and puzzle piecing


Nothing much to reflect on today………….just sharing what i am feeling/seeing below – antarctica is key – and interestingly enough is trending………outside comm – my feel.  love, v.


Interesting story………….Classified goes from HER to HIS……….He/whoever says part 2 coming next………could be d/s psyop (trans)…….?  something else – who knows……..absolutely not a fan of anything AI – even benevolent – can see it would be used in a war such as this one but other than that – not my thing….he now has a blue checkmark too…………apparently elon changed the algo to allow for a long character tweet…………(for blue checkmarked “people”)………….question is when is the real 11/11/23?  no dates as we know………disinfo and all that…….wondering if it’s someone AWAKE outside the matrix – unplugged perhaps – sending info inside to his avatar still here – but his avatar here still isn’t aware/awake?  if he’s giving a date, he can explain it all then………..including this impending catastrophe……….he’s also speaking in past tense……….as though it’s already happened (which i also feel this has all played out somewhere)…………





So I woke up yesterday morning thinking of this particular drop………..and have been reflecting on this concept quite often lately……….Stand





Remember the dream I had a few years ago where I was desperately trying to get to Antarctica?  Inside one of the frozen mountains?  I was so determined – risking my life in the dream – but the water was far too frigid for my human self to make the journey (had to take a back avenue because little grays were milling out front)………lots of melting going on down there the last few years….heather ann once said antarctica would be the end…….And I have said one of the reasons I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel at times we feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so unbelievably cold at times (for me it’s been ALL DAY today – and I still can’t get warm) – is because Us on the outside in pods in Antarctica……….(btw – u.s. elections held on 11.7 this year – 7/11 anyone?  jesus – we have to go that much longer?  REALLY??!!  UGH………or is that just the normie timeline – what they go through and we get out this spring – those of us already “in the know”………..or could just be some alleged date for the end of the “game” here – and we will have the healing abundance liberation unity here inside for a time B4 we all exit back Home – that’s been one of my theories)………….


How about flattish sorta roundish like Musk said this week……….


no. f’ing. sheot………best response is just observe – or laugh…………


learn – or remember





when you just gotta nap but your mind doesn’t quite want to miss anything….




as i share this – my mate is watching a news piece on utube watching the exact news story………..lol




Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Fauci Has Been in Charge of Developing Bioweapons for Pentagon Since 2002 (VIDEO)


Biden to Ban TikTok in US if Chinese Owners Don’t Sell



“We Were Wrong” – Evidence Shows “Puberty Blockers are Neither Safe Nor Reversible” Says Canadian Doctor Who Helped Pioneer Puberty Blocker Drugs


such a stewpid sheot show…………

Biden Gang Executed Hostile Takeover of FDIC – Now FDIC Bails Out SVB and Signature Bank But Won’t Say If They’ll Bailout All Banks



NEW: First Republic Bank Downgraded to Junk by S&P



He’s Back! James O’Keefe Announces New Media Venture – Joins Steve Bannon to Promote the “O’Keefe Media Group” (VIDEO)


trending on twatter:

3,566 Tweets
5,504 Tweets




3.13.23 ~ Check in and finds




May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. You are still in great company." A.O. Spare'



Not liking the experience today – the energy is rough.  Solitude (cannot emphasize that one enough) and quiet are all I have to give myself ~ and words above.  Walking two worlds – one still here doing the stuff that out there says must be done – and the world within which just wants to frigging go Home.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share, let me know how you’re doing and leave a donation.  Challenging month $$.  Always in position to receive the return of my abundance and wealth.





77 military craft up at 11:15PM EST


Trending on twatterville:

Politics · Trending
President Trump
126K Tweets
Business and finance · Trending
31.5K Tweets
5,572 Tweets
USB, B of A and W. Fargo still having issues


13 March, 04:51

🚨 New Investigation Reveals Wuhan Lab Funding May Be Double What Was Previously Reported

“Tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars could be involved”
10:58 AM · Mar 13, 2023








How many ways to sink a dinghy……….





it is indeed collective…………cookies……….chocolate…………warm blankies……..prayers/meditation stuff………..


like this one – a lot………..







lions and tigers and bears (and alligators) – oh my! (vetted)  any theories as to how these “rocks” make it inside the dome?




Death by – alligators??  Obviously j.k.  Just sharing…………










FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets | The White House

Outlines First Whole-of-Government Strategy to Protect Consumers, Financial Stability, National Security, and Address Climate Risks Digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, have seen explosive growth in recent years, surpassing a $3 trillion market cap last November and up from $14 billion just f..





Didn’t have a good experience with a credit union around here……

At this point, is your money safer in a credit union or a bank? – Trump Attorneys Release Massive Statement After Second Bank Colapse

In 2020, Former President Trump predicted a 1929-style economic crash if Biden was elected. What really happened at Silicon Valley




Doq Holliday @doqholliday
13 March, 03:51

If SVB was focused on diversity and safe spaces right before the collapse, can we assume this was a white hat operation?





Revealed: Here is the Democrat Senator Who Called For Social Media Censorship to Prevent Bank Runs | The Gateway Pundit



Personal bank experience today ~ mate goes in ~ 3 people came in while he was inside wanting to w/d all funds.  Bank employee said throughout the day they have had the same – instructed to tell customers all funds insured by the FDIC.  Question remains:  whose funds they talking about?
Kimmys ConjecturingAgain@KimmysConjecturingAgain
13 March, 04:08
In response Tree Tone to her Publication
The fine print on every new account agreement…that nobody reads.
“At the moment of deposit, the funds become the property of the depository bank. Thus, as a depositor, you are in essence a creditor of the bank. Once the bank accepts your deposit, it agrees to refund the same amount, or any part thereof, on demand.” The part that gets overlooked….”the funds become the property of the depository bank.” You are giving them your money to do with as they please….basically. When you want it back if it’s larger sums it could take them time to recall that money as it’s likely been loaned out or invested. This is an interesting article…but it doesn’t take into account the fact that they basically changed the “Fractional Reserve” percentage to zero recently. Convenient. “In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve reduced the reserve requirement ratio to zero across all deposit tiers…” The amount they HAD to have on hand & available to depositors then became…ZERO.
San Tarot……..collective Joy…………



I am sooooooo very ready to do this – once the weather warms up and dries up some.





May be an image of cat and text that says 'WHEN YOU'VE HAD A ROUGH DAY BUT YOU'RE TRYING TO STAY POSITIVE. "It's great. I'm great. Everything's just great."'





End of day finds ~ 3.12.23





This feeeeeeeeels B I G……………..




APL went up:

Opens profile photo
Vincent Kennedy
#FamilyIsEverything . America Pissed Level – 9.545/10








Courtney Webster @PATRIOT777_
12 March, 11:06




We all know this………….

Zanne Anon @Zanne63
13 March, 03:35



Economic Update EXPERTS WARN: BIGGEST LOSS in the Swiss National Bank in 116 Years | Economic Update

EXPERTS WARN: BIGGEST LOSS in the Swiss National Bank in 116 Years | Economic Update To Schedule A Time To Talk To Dr. Dr. Kirk Elliott Go To https://flyovergold.com Or Call 720-605-3900 Check out our other economic updates here ht…




Ron — The Best is Yet to Come @Ringo4maga
12 March, 11:37

Signature Bank was a subsidiary of Bank Hapoalim of Israel, which provided over $60 million in initial capital.

On 30 April 2020, Bank Hapoalim was found to be complicit in tax evasion and money laundering relating to FIFA and bidding for the World Cup.












Everything was once ours.  They took it and used it against us………..my feel has been “looking glass”……………



Mirroring……………remember when John wore that boot on his left leg – claiming he had broken his ankle around the time of the “Crash”………..isn’t it interesting that we have seen so many of “them” in boots on their left leg?

SomethingAboutJohn @SomethingAboutJohn
13 March, 02:57
Said to be the last picture taken of John and Carolyn, together, before the crash (June 29, 1999, NYC’s Bowery Bar & Grill, now demolished).




I didn’t even know they were on……….








Bill Wood said the closer we got to the end, the more power we have to manifest the outcome we want……….



Earlier today I heard in my mind a message about the msm falling……….



