That’s either Melania’s dress (on stage) or a copy of it.  Interesting…..For me I still don’t know who to trust or believe – other than myself and what these two eyes see and this heart feels and both must align for me to know it as Truth.


10.24 Synch and Stuff….


Titling these things are a challenge for me – just as coming up with titles to stories or songs I write.  I just want to say “it’s uh, you know….something to read…something to listen to.”

I wanted to share something fun – cosmic – that I experienced today.  In recent weeks I reconnected with someone I knew in childhood.  Her grandmother was my prayer pal when I attended a local baptist (and wonderful, actually) church.  I adored her.  I also had a crush on her brother for awhile as a teen only he was dating an “older” woman (by one year which was a huge difference for me – I just couldn’t compete – lol).  A few years later after graduation, he began visiting me at work trying to get me to go out with him.  I wasn’t as interested at the time so it was just more about flirting and innocent teenage fun.  A few years ago I learned he had died in a violent car accident.  I had a couple of dreams of him at the time (I think I may have already shared this).  A few weeks ago I began seeing his sister’s profile on social media – like daily.  I felt that was a nudge to connect with her – which I did.

A couple of weeks ago, I had another dream about him and when I woke up, felt the nudge to share it with his sister.  I hesitated as the dream confused me – and so I said I would need a sign to share it.  So today, I was organizing the bedroom – my clothes in particular (been on a “nesting” splurge this weekend).  As I opened the closet door, this journal fell out – literally.  I caught it – looked at it and realized it was from the summer after I graduated.  I read the first page, smiled (I was a wee bit into partying) – but then when I went to the next page, I saw I had written about this same boy mentioned above.  It was one of those “OH WOW don’t know what to say” moments.

THAT was my sign.  I shared it with his sister and will see if she can make sense of the dream.  Hopefully she will appreciate the “God nod” too.

Other than that, still feeling this holding pattern.  Still focused on the goal (love & freedom).  Feeling like things are at the same level as they are with some volcano’s which aren’t erupting but having a lot of quakes.  A pressure building – that is what I am feeling.

Here is what I am finding most interesting today.  Hope you’re all well, protected & safe.




No matter – I still don’t align nor like how this is playing out.  At all.  Roll the credits and open the skies.

If you look hard enough you find that Trump is still President.

You might find that white hats have been working on blockchain voting tech for a long time.

You might find that CISA digitally watermarked ballots.

You might find that CISA promotes NCSWIC.

You might find that the plan was created to put an end to [their] coups when JFK was murdered.

You might find that the Anonymous hackers that hacked the Federal Reserve are on our side.

You might find that Trump took control of the Treasury.

You might find that Gitmo is controlled by the good guys and is still being added onto.

You might find that B1d3n is an actor/CGI.

Most things people are complaining about currently are designed specifically to wake up the liberal and rhino sheep. They are not designed for you, although Anons doze off every once in awhile.








Sharing in case anyone is still interested in puzzle solving…

🕊🙏 🕋 Ezra > Huma >> COINCIDENCE? 🕋🙏🕊

From: Official McAfee✅⚡
💙”You will be full of joy when you find out who
“Ezra_Cohen” is!🕊

YEC TEC JHL FTC> 1253J 720E 120S >
👹The China Virus, Crimes Against Humanity,
⚖The Truth, The End Is Here

🤔Q720 Do people believe in coincidences?

📆October 21, 2021 2:21 PM >
✏10 21 2021 221 >>1212 [2] 1221
>33 [2] 33 >> Q2
🕋Q2 Where’s Huma?
Whoever controls the office of the [presidecy]
controls this great land….[Misspellings Matter]⚡
🤔McAfee posting a lot about Huma lately…

Presidecy > 624E 104S >
💙JFK Jr Alive, Take Back America, It Is Time

🤔Q624 Coincidence?
🙏Q104 Time to pray…
God Bless the USA…🦅


This is pretty funny….

Jul 24 Q
You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

[3] years [3] months

Oct 24 POTUS
Our Country is being systematically destroyed before our very eyes!



‘Bomb cyclone’ slams the West Coast


Black Ash everywhere in italy! Explosion of Etna Volcano Eruption on Sicilia, Italia



Another excellent video from Jon Levi…

Lost for 2000 Years



I align with this one….Especially the first sentence…..

“Detach, detach, detach, from the program” is the message for today given by the Higher Realms.
As You detach from the old program, the enslavement program, You attach to the New Reality and become refinely aligned with the New.
You truly do not need to write Your Self out of the old program through extensive paper work, You merely attach to the New with a simple proclamation of Your Freedom and what that freedom contains and means for You. You are the main Creator of Your reality and existence and that does not need to be proven to anyone.
Last night, it was Etherically decided and agreed upon by certain Ones Higher Self/Divine Self, that Each would allocate 2 Ships to the Australia air space as support to the People, and the Ground Crew present there for this time. Command have positioned all ships above the major cities of Australia as well as some other energetic areas of Australia, to assist in balancing the energetic effects of the People moving forward there, however, not limited to.
The governments of Australia, Canada, and the United States will be among the first to be removed.
Love and Light
Divine Council
I’ve read of this before.  Night owls in this house (stand guard – well for me it’s also that I feeeeeeeeel the world around me shuts down and I can truly think/be)….And in recent weeks/months I’ve been sleeping for awhile – getting up – getting something to eat/drink – reflect/be – then return to sleep….
No photo description available.
Some updates from Yellow Rose:
We agree.  Forever, too.

10.23 Finds…..and Reflection…and a JFK Jr dream (yeah, another one….)




Our local university had a football game.  20,ooo plus poked people – all in one space.  Talk about a spike protein overload.  (you have to be poked to attend the games.)  As my mate and I were pondering – we let this kind of ugh go years ago so why the f’ing hedoublehockeysticks are we still occupying the same space?  Doesn’t that violate some sort of energy/frequency principle?  Two opposing energies at some point repel, right?  Ah, not inside a simulation.

I’ve been watching Anne with an E on netflix (based on the Anne of Green Gables book series).  Overall I love it – fast forward the unnecessary revisits of her netflix-created violent past.  There is a scene in one of the episodes where she was wondering if her parents abandoned her or died and left her in that way.  Was she ever really loved?  Or was she a true orphan.  Any of you wondering that yourself – wondering if you have that “real family” outside or if you’re an orphan?  I have been.

I woke up pretty early this morning with some thoughts – had to get up and record them.  I had dreams of John Kennedy Jr. again.  My parents were there with me – both of them younger – 50’s.  We were in an old childhood home family room.  My dad says to my mom “don’t worry – Trump is coming back and John Kennedy Jr’s going to be his VP”.  I looked at my dad and said “WHAT?  Where did you hear that?  Did you read that on my site?”  And he said “No” and I said “I’ve been talking about this for YEARS.  You could have gotten this info from my site but you chose not to.  I am your daughter.  You’re supposed to be supportive of what I do!”  He got very uncomfortable with what I said – guilt was on his face.  But I was still excited that they were finally seeing.  The scene changed and my mom returned to say good-bye.  Her energy was totally different.  She was bright – glowing – she gave me a hug (then my mate too) and told me she believed me and saw me.  I’ve never seen her look that way in my dreams.  It was a beautiful experience.

So maybe things are switching at that outside/other level.  Perhaps her Soul is prompting her subconscious awake – which would be wonderful and is something I have wanted for years.

Then John Kennedy Jr. came into the room – validated things with my parents – and gave me an interesting handshake.  He was young – very big – stout – solid.

I feel the closer we get to this end, we’re all showing what we’re really willing to see – how much we’re willing to embrace the true nature of this reality.  I’m only interested in exposing it and then expunging it.  I have no desire to fix it.  Expose it.  Expunge it.  Extract from it.

After the dream, I lay in bed and reflected.

I reflected on love – and I want that experience again so much.  I am hungry for it.  It’s been so hard to truly feel it here for all of us.  It isn’t just because of “them” – but the systems – pay to live, the indoctrination, the struggle, the limits.  Life is to be an endless buffet – constant creation – without extriction.  That is how we create and we do it from that state of love.  We don’t have that here.  All these walls and blocks people talk about – that’s their energy they put out to STOP our natural/organic pre-matrix creation/creating.

I also reflected on the schumann.  The energies coming in is allowing all to be seen/exposed.  We feel that in our bodies and it helps further trigger our own awakening and ability to see.  It’s detaching us from the matrix – allowing us to get our power back and at least reclaim it.  Remembering who we are and where we’re at.  Deep within WE KNOW.  I am also feeling this giant filtering taking place – where I am naturally gravitating towards those who are at my frequency and vice versa.  We get our true power when we allow ourselves to see the full sham this place has been.  NO ONE can look at this reality and say with full transparent authenticity “hey it’s paradise”.  It COULD BE but it is not.  You could say this reality was made by cheap labor and cheap items from china when we want good ‘ole true durable long lasting made in america (or other place that creates QUALITY items).  Think the military reused/rebuilt/refurbished the cheap sheot it had been given over the years or did they get NEW?


For me – I need a new creation.  I will never fully shine in any place created by them.  When it is easy, we are Home.  Original Organic truly created by God experience.

Here are some finds.





Alec Baldwin Shooting Victim Is Wife of Clinton Connected Lawyer Involved in Durham Indictment






Uh, okaaaaaaaay now……………



Teachers in 2021.. But you’re not allowed to attend school board meetings..




Who in their RIGHT mind would do this to their child………far too many, right?




As shown above – WE DO NOT NEED THEIR POISON.  If adults want to inject themselves, go right ahead.  But hands off the children.  


🔔 All vaccines are toxic poison. No exceptions. The name vaccine itself is extremely misleading. No vaccine provides immunity against anything at all, and many—if not all—vaccines are created for fake diseases that don’t even exist.

🔔 Germ theory has never been proven. It is a scam from the fraud Louis Pasteur, who was a demonic Freemason. Big Pharma built up its vaccine scam based upon Pasteur’s sloppy and inconclusive experiments at the end of the 19th century.

🔔 [They] claim that you must inject some Big Pharma concoction into your body to protect you from an invisible, microscopic pathogen floating around in the environment that you may never even encounter in your entire life. I cannot even begin to describe how insane and nonsensical this is.

🔔 Vaccines are the biggest scam ever, the biggest medical scam ever, and the biggest crime against humanity of all time. All vaccine makers and collaborators deserve to be executed and hung in public.





The final days. Massive fast-rotating heavily-cratered planet very close! Earthquakes, volcanism UP


It sure is.  And in a nice little synch, social media showed me a post I made 3 years ago on this date where I said “young children are in NO mental position to say they need to change their gender”.  Adult topic – adult decision.







As I said the other day – this feeeeeeels like a distraction (as in I am not drawn to sign up)……..


Trump knows exactly what he’s doing, the website isn’t up therefore, it currently violates nothing. Only when it’s about to go online fully does it require full transparency and a git to publish the code and licenses etc

He did this to cause the liberals more grief and stress! And it worked!

This is an example of why you shouldn’t trust Trump’s execution on his “digital strategies.” This is a basic compliance issue that could allow the Mastadon team to file suit against TRUTH and potentially win millions of dollars.

Flagrantly violating a FOSS license like this is not a trivial matter; it makes you guilty of commercial copyright infringement.


Trump’s TRUTH Social May Violate Terms of Open-Source Code It’s Built On – Slashdot

ISayWeOnlyToBePolite writes: The new social network founded by former President Trump may violate the terms of use of the software on which it is based. On Wednesday…



The reason?  Who knows.  Depends on WHERE these cargo ships originated…And wth is out there?  The places I shop – the food comes from the States – American Made.  And yet we are seeing bare shelves here – from food MADE in America – which means this is likely deliberate.  Still – the question remains – where are these ships from and what’s in them?


🔴BREAKING! Record 100 Ships Waiting to Unload Sit Off Los Angeles Coast.

A record 100 ships are now waiting to unload desperately needed supplies. Reports are saying The Backlog is so severe it could take through summer next year just to catch up.









I don’t usually have violent thoughts – but I do when I see evil like this…



I’d even remove the word “schools” and replace with indoctrination camps…





HAARP out of Alaska?  Something man-made is directing that storm.  I had some dolt come at me recently on social media (who has since been removed) laughing at me for talking about evil and weather control.  My feel is while this will put an end to the man-made fires out west – especially in Cali – this is also going to create potential flooding.  Create traumatic fires then put it out with mudslides and flooding.  Those with eyes of wisdom can see what is right here…..



Satellite view of the developing bomb cyclone and extreme atmospheric river, being pushed east by a powerful Pacific jet extension.
US Storm Watch





This is not a human you are seeing.  It’s a controlled NPC with an agenda….

Retribution? Doctor Refuses To Treat Teenager Without COVID Test


European friends standing up…….





More excellent work by Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby….

🔴Best of the week:

COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER




Articles of Impeachment Accusing President Biden of ‘Treason’ Have Been Introduced in the House of Representatives




10.22 Finds…..


I think we have the washing machine issue taken care of – at least for now.  I’m still squirreling money away “just in case”.  Thank you EVERYONE who donated.  We rent – and it’s complicated – and quite uncomfortable when something goes wrong.  Most of the time we just take care of it.  Obviously more to that but I am not comfortable sharing anymore than I have.

I have an apple pie baking – giving the house a really homey cozy delicious scent/energy.  I’ve been baking apple pies since college and tonight I did something different.  Instead of using 2 crusts I made one giant one and wrapped the top around the apples.  I had to piece it together so it doesn’t like the way I wanted but as long as it tastes good – that’s what matters.  Kinda like people.  Not everyone always looks put together on the outside – so it’s what’s on the inside and how being around them makes us FEEEL that counts.

Here are some finds.  Love, Victoria




Prisons are as prisons do….








I used to believe in the over-population myth – until around 2005/2006 when I listened to some PhD give a lecture on it and spoke of releasing a virus or something similar in order TO reduce the population.  The applause he received gave me sickening feeling chills and snapped me awake.  I shared the info with my left-leaning friends who accused me of really being a closet republican.  They couldn’t discuss the ISSUE of course – program only allowed them to accuse and label.  




Lin speakin’ it with ROARS….





Oh wow – was THIS what was meant by “the shot heard around the world”?  AB story?  REALLY?  I am so not interested in that story and the media seems to be salivating all over it which feels like a big distraction.  Much more “important things” going on – but could just be a marker for the anons….

Alec Baldwin
01/21 = 10/21
Think Mirror
Red October
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?


🔴Arizona AG Seeks Temporary Restraining Order to Stop Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

READ: http://w-j.co/s/df400




04/25/2017 at 1:19 pm

UltraViolet Light Blood Therapy aka Biophotonic Therapy-BPT In 1928, a Doctor had success treating women with severe bacterial infections by exposing their blood to UVC rays. By mid 1940s, UltraViolet Light Therapy began to roll. Dr Miley reported that using UV Blood Therapy cured viral pneumonia quickly. With absolutely no side effects, UV Blood Therapy effectively treats bacterial, viral & fungal infections, including HIV, shingles, pneumonia, e-coli, measles, mumps, polio, herpes, yeast, tetanus, malaria, typhoid, gangrene, etc. It can also treat auto-immune diseases: MS, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, etc. Respiratory problems: COPD, Emphysema are easily addressed. Arthritis, nephritis, circulation problems, hepatitis, some cancers, etc. also respond to UV Light Therapy. In the 1950s use of UV Light Therapy fell to the wayside as vaxes & pharmaceuticals took center stage. There’s no profit for pharma to promote UV Light Therapy http://drsubi.com/bpt/short-history



I’M IN!  

The matrix is collapsing. Please help me to kick at the legs of the stool to break them and watch it fall.


Gives me HOPE:




This is top reason to END THIS SS NOW:

This data is disturbing

A data analysist on Fox News finds that the average death rates in all age groups but especially the younger have risen disturbingly , but hesitates to blame the Vax but can not rule out another cause.The trend is bad as it is from official figures in Britain and Europe



I’ve been following Nancy Drew on TG and FB for a few months now.  I can’t recall seeing so much chaos – during the week – in DC.  Rather than sharing all of her videos, I’ll just pass along the link to Nancy Drew’s TG – showing the amount of activity in DC today.  It’s VERY noise – roads closed off – a lot of police sirens and military craft.  As she said:  “They are taking DC down, in a big fat way.”




Today’s Reflection….


Today is most DEFINITELY a Dutch Chocolate Ice Cream kinda day.

I am roaring loudly (can you hear me?  lol).  When I keep a truth to myself – when I am silent – I pay for it later by experiencing that energy burst forth as a wall of roaring frustration that comes out screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO SPEAK UP.  Had a conversation with a family member today who is pro-vax/supportive of the mask wearing, etc.  Beautiful person but so asleep and controlled by their programs.  I kept things neutral – but now I am dealing with that energy that needed to be expressed to begin with – which was FUCH the masks and deception and what is CLEARLY E V I L.

Especially when it concerns my child.  Anyone in our family units who are refusing to see and aren’t speaking out are contributing to the harm of my child.

And I am NOT having that.  Not silently.  I have to train myself to move past my fear and just speak my truth when I feel it.  I may experience blowback but I’d rather have that than regret for not honoring my truth.  “Speak your truth even if you are shaking in your boots.”

So the Lioness is roaring atm.  And it continues – for me – to be FREEDOM or bust.  P E R I O D.  I was listening to a couple share info on PMA’s and the guy says “Remember though it isn’t like you get to do whatever you want”.

WHY NOT?  As long as I or another aren’t causing harm to another – real harm – Why can’t we do whatever we want?  And an even more important question:  What gives this guy the right to even SAY that to another?  Who put him in charge?  

More power over b.s.  I have NO desire to be a part of a “cleaned up” experience here.  I have NO desire to participate in a cleaned up pay to live system where someone is STILL telling me what kind of wealth I will be allowed to have or what kind of creations I can create and HOW I can create them.


I WANT something COMPLETELY and TOTALLY NEW.  I want my FULL FREEDOM returned.  I want me fully activated.  And I WANT MY MEMORIES RETURNED.

Seriously – either we break free in FULL from power over/control/evil or we are still in it.  And “it” even cleaned up still stinks.

I had a vision earlier today (and I keep seeing it) – a first – where I see myself on the outside – fully unplugged – fully free of this place and I am ripping off the “matrix cords” or whatever was attached to me – violently – and as I stand up – rather dizzy – I say “I AM NOT F’ING DOING THAT EVER GD AGAIN!  You hear me??!!”  Then I storm out of the room to find my other POW friends from this place.  That is who I wanted to be with – in the vision – and I gotta say in my heart that is what feels right and has for awhile now.

That’s about all I have to share – my own words that is.  I leave you with some very powerful and VERY aligning words from one of you – a rare Soul w/whom I align 100%.  Her full comment is in the comment section – but I am sharing the portions (with her permission) which I find the most powerful.

The ones the “law of attraction” works for in here, it works because it’s THEIR system. The person is either an NPC, or from the underworld/west (which explains the sellouts – they are LIARS and SELFISH by their very nature!). Those of us who have trouble manifesting in here or can’t at ALL (raising my own hand – sigh 🤦🏻‍♀️), it’s because the system has different levels of binding on us specifically, depending on who we really are (which they know). The harder it is for you to manifest in here or have things go right for you, the stronger your Light quotient is (and you are) in the Real world. It is absolutely proportional. What I “see” on that is an egg shaped energy cage with gridding about 2-3 feet out, and what look like ropes, chains or restraints.

…..I remembered, that out there, in the Real, I am some kind of warrior (chills!) and Team Evil really is scared. Thus the manifestation restraints – to keep us heavenly POW’s disempowered and despairing. (A) to harvest loosh, and (B) because we’d kick their ugly arses into oblivion.


This GIFs | Tenor

Mic drop.

Finds incoming later tonight….


Alphabet V Calligraphy Sample Styles | Calligraphy Alphabet Org | Calligraphy alphabet, Art deco tattoo, V alphabet



10.21 ~ Reflection/check-in and some Finds


Before I begin I wanted to share I did a card-read before I went to bed last night.  I intended it just be for me – but something nudged me to share a bit as part of what I drew felt Universal:  A new kind of freedom and abundance not yet experienced before is before us.  Allow it to happen.  Trust.  Rest if need be.  And Justice is also aligning with what I feeeeel is the same time as that new freedom and abundance.  Original.  Organic.

So – as I keep feeling – we are in a holding pattern…UNTIL.

A few days ago, I noticed a Soul Sister on one of my social media pages was expressing distress over not being able to “manifest” – ask and receive.  She said something like her ability to do this was broken/not working.  There was some advice that was, imho, total bunk (including life isn’t a vending machine).  So I stepped in and said it wasn’t her – it was the matrix.  The frequency/energy they created here blocks us from our full access to God Power (which is why most of us struggle to get little moments of connect/manifest – the other day I pondered that perhaps the reason we weren’t TOTALLY cut off is because we have that God Spark within us – albeit it small and not in full – and their next agenda for us was to totally roll out the transhumanist agenda and keep us as robotic slaves hooked into the matrix AI).  The big names in the new age movement make billions on the art of manifesting – the power of attraction – the law of attraction – and all of that “what should be EASY for all but is NOT here in this pit” – and they MAKE those billions because they sell out by not exploring the true nature of this reality/realm and thus receive matrix bisquit$.  YOU GOT THE POWER, I told her.  It’s just not fully turned on here.   And btw – REAL LIFE is INDEED a vending machine.  

We WILL ALL be activated again.  Fully.  That is the full energy behind NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

Here are some finds.






Silence prayers



Ron “Code Monkey” Watkins talking with CNN…..(pause for laughter)….”These people are sick”….indeed.



Ignorance is not an excuse….



Gotta have some humor….






A few years ago, I posted this intel on my site.  At the time, it was still on BCBS website (their pay out/bonus).  It has since been removed (as many truther’s caught on and were sharing).  I remember at the time I did a very conservative calculation to see what the typical Pediatrician made in a city of my size:  Something like an additional $40k a year – just from sticking poison into little bodies.  Ignorance is no longer an excuse.  I met a local mama at a park over the summer – awakened Soul.  She used to work for a medical doctor and confirmed this for me.  She as well was given a few thousand just for working with the doctor – she refused the money and quit soon thereafter.  That is the difference between good and evil.




Even though I support this, I’m not feeling much of a draw/nudge to sign up.  And definitely not going to invest in the stock market as it’s all rigged.






🔴General Electric employees walk off their job in protest against vaccine mandates.





From today.  (The sun is our nearest star…..which is obviously NOT millions of light years away – not inside this place – it’s probably a few hundred miles…)  Reminds me of the gunner’s wife from a few months ago where Mrs. T says “Soon they will see the stars.”  Real Universe.  Real Planets.  Real Stars.  (and hey if this super sensitive empath can handle the Truth that I’ve found/learned/seen so far – so can everybody….)


John McAfee @OfficialMcAfee on Telegram
Oct 21, 2021






Stop this horror!








Make your own soup.  I recently made a butternut squash and apples soup.  That’s it.  Boiled in salted water.  Pureed – added cinnamon and ginger – YUM!


🔴RECALL ALERT: Soup Sold At Costco Recalled In 13 States Because Plastic Might Be In The Food – https://breaking911.com/recall-alert-soup-sold-at-costco-recalled-in-13-states-because-plastic-might-be-in-the-food/


This could be how he “exits the stage”….









Finds and a reflection or two…..


i was outside digging up the plethora of fungus (“mushrooms”) we have growing all over our yard.  ugh!  these things are parasitic in nature.  once they take root they spread and take over grass, trees, plants.  i know some love them – i have never been a fan (except for the edibles – shitake is my go-to).  they’ve always felt “ugh” to me – and now i know why.  they’re just another matrix/parasite creation.  so i dig them up – which i know some say just spreads the spores – and yet even when i let them be they STILL spread – so i look at it like a battle.  they come up – i remove them.  kinda like i say what you do with evil.

the weather on my computer says it’s 60 and sunny.  wrong.  it’s 60 – but i haven’t seen the sun on its own in days.  we are still under weather assault here – which is a feeding ground for mold, mildew, mushrooms and other ughs.  i had to cut back my beautiful petunia – well my mate did – because it was covered with powerdery mildew.

i was also reflecting on this “near death experience” many anons speak of.  did 17 ever say it?  i checked – nope.  i didn’t think so.  in fact i am pretty sure it was 107 who spoke of it.  a google search verifies that.

we don’t need some big massive trauma awaken anyone.  especially since this entire experience has been more or less one big giant trauma (certainly small continual traumas).  LOVE is what awakens a true soul.  a real human.  you can show the rest of the people (the sleepers) what they truly and fully had planned – AFTER “they” are removed.  but to create some false nuclear war or massive worldwide disease or power outage, etc.?  that’s their narrative.  and i ain’t giving that any focus other than to say “NOPE”.

as my friend said today – ROLL THE CREDITS.  WE ARE DONE.  seen enough experienced enough now i just need N E W.

preaching to the choir, i know – and what control do i or any of us have in how this is going?  perhaps we can speed it up just by intending it.

there is an “extreme” local bus driver shortage – schools only saying they are dealing with it.  of course the district is not addressing the real reason:  smart souls saying “NO” to the poke.

today is also their “full moon”.  we haven’t slept well in this house for over a week.  seems they amp things up at the end.

let’s see what’s going on “out there”, shall we?





Probably the best find today, imho….(p.s. – he is)…..


Thee carefully studies the Professor’s face to see if he is really Ingersoll Lockwood.



Rocks.  Bring in the rocks.  lol

Earth Plummeting into THREE Meteor Showers at the SAME Time! – *Major Event* seen from 9 States!









there’s this.  launching next february.  (god grant me the wish of a beautiful home on a warm beach so i can spend the time of now and then there with my family.  how about some of us pool resources and rent a 10 bedroom estate in a warm area?  what say you??)




Good on them.  Is this having a positive impact though?  I know in my state with the teacher shortage, they are looking for people 18 and older.  Yeah – 18 and up.  No college degree required.  (Just the ability to do as you’re told and push the agenda.)







Cracks in the dome?  As HRC said we cracked the ceiling but we didn’t break it.  




I don’t use goo gull….

Joe Rogan: Google Is Curating Search Engine Results to Hide Info On Vaccine-Related injuries

Google is obviously skewing its search engine results and “hiding information” surrounding vaccine-related injuries and the coronavirus pandemic, contends podcast star Joe Rogan. “Look, if I wanted to find specific cases about people who died from vaccine-related injuries, I had to go to..




THere are good angels – just don’t know who or what to call them at this point.  Beautiful prayer of protection none the less.




Putting the truth right in our face.  As always – we see- but the normies?  You know – 2 years ago someone said what was coming wasn’t for us but for the normies.  Do ANY of you know of others who have awakened in the last couple of years?  




I appreciate this….we have made so many cardboard houses, tents, etc…..

How great would it be if no toys with poisons from China are arriving into the stores anymore and the kids can play with wooden toys or draw something, built cardboard houses and use their imagination again and mainly play outside.





DOJ Admits They’ll Lose In Court & Must Honor Religious Exemption As Vax’s Made Using Dead Babies

The Communist takeover of the USA is running into a brick wall because of the United States Constitution. They are pushing so hard right now because they are absolutely desperate. They know that they have already lost the battle for hearts and minds…



Nebraska AG Issues Opinion on Doctors Prescribing HCQ and Ivermectin for COVID Treatment Will Not Face Punishment

The Office of the Attorney General in Nebraska issued an opinion Friday in response to the request of the  Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services that states there’s no “clear and convincing evidence that a physician who first obtains informed consent and then utilizes Ivermect..



YES WE ARE (although we don’t have anyone awake in our area – that we know – to say that TO….atm):



Robert Mueller Investigated For Staging Alleged Militia Hoax Now Used To Prosecute Jan 6 Defendant – National File

The FBI under former director Robert Mueller stands accused of staging a hoax in Madisonville, Tennessee in 2010 to falsely entrap a man on a rare gun charge — and that case is now used as precedent to prosecute a January 6 protester on the same rare gun charge. Evidence …







The REAL wheels of justice move at a slugs pace – but when evil’s in charge, it happens fast.  Time to CHANGE THIS.





A patriot owning a nazi.  Ooh yes – the media is so complicit.  T R E A S O N.  These people aren’t going to wake up or change.  Either an NPC or too deeply programmed (controlled).  Time for the separation.  


More here.  (crack pipe – lolol)

WATCH: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake WRECKS CNN: “You Really Need To Put Down The Crackpipe”






10.19 Finds & Goodies ~ And a brief reflection on what I am feeeeeeling/sensing


I have been keeping many of my senses to myself lately – mostly because I don’t want to sound like a carrot dangling character out of groundhog day.  However after I had a convo w/one of you wonderful ones today – who essentially shared the same sense – I thought I would share.  This is how I am feeling these days – and it is pretty much constant:  I feel like I am being told to sit/stay put on this wild carnival ride and the energy around me is quickening (perhaps on one timeline) and feeling chaotically CRAZY (the other timeline – the batsheot one) and I’m just holding on….UNTIL.  For now, creative projects are a part of living atm.  DISTRACTION to center and calm while the storm swirls around on the outside.

I have some quite interesting finds tonight.  I hope you enjoy them and provide you comfort (for those in need – which I have definitely been in recent days).




A new channel – found this one in the comment section on Linea’s latest.  AWESOME info – still listening.  He’s quite comprehensive and intelligent.  Check him out!  And he shares how he met Rose (he had already known about this construct – the matrix – the capture, etc.)…..Interesting…..

Escaping The Matrix: What To Expect | Joe Heller



These first two finds are from my daughter…..Both prepping the masses…?

Business Insider – Mysterious radio waves are radiating from an unknown object at the heart of the Milky Way, astronomers say.


NBC News:  How will our solar system end?  


Linea’s latest:

Our Exit. Update!





Well this is another way to toss out those end times rocks….

R363l L10n @r363ll10n


🔴BREAKING 🚨 Mount Aso, one of the largest volcano in world, erupts in Kyushu, Japan


LIVESTREAM of the above Volcano.


There are still things that shock even me…..I can imagine a new wave of homeschooling upon learning this one….






Pfizer whistleblower claims vaccines glows



The Good actor?  (mandate never officially issued – more or less a press release….)

Biden Administration Authorised Damages to Be Settled With Vaccine Takers for Serious Side Effects Under The Vaccine Mandate: Report


Legit.  Here’s the link.




When people say we (you and i) are about to undergo pain – WRONG.  We have already BEEN in pain for thousands of years/life cycles.  The PAIN is to be ON THEM.

We are on verge of victory…………


We’ll see…..(hundreds of millions are still in lockdown of course….)….
In response Mare Qay to his Publication

The answer is not so simple
but President Trump SAVED LIVES doing what he did.

He demonstrated when he “got covid”
he took Hydroxychloroquine & felt great 2 days later.
SHOWING that HCQ is a vax.

The deep state wanted us locked down for 5 years
while they “developed” a vaccine for “covid.”
They wanted us in despair, suicidal, jobless, separated, hopeless.
By rushing a vaccine,
President Trump got us out of lockdown.

We are at war with evil & they want Humanity dead
except for 500 million
who they would retain as slaves.

Remember — healing technology is around the corner,
Med Beds & other amazing healing methods for all
including those with the vax/bioweapon in them.

President Trump did the best he could
in an IMPOSSIBLE situation
in this war with the devil & his army.

If people are taking a VAX
after 20 months of lockdown
vax deaths
Global protests
hundreds of thousands who WON’T COMPLY to Fascism
what can you do? 🇺🇸🦅


The numbers coming out of the cee dee cee saying almost 80% here in the states are poked with as least one is a g.d. lie.  Their push/reaction is proof enough….

🦾🦾Romania Shuts Down Government Vaccines✌️✌️ This is absolutely EPIC.. Romanian government has closed all vaccine centres because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.


Ok – so earlier today – in the bathroom – I suddenly heard the song “The Final Countdown” – and thought “yeah I’ve heard that one before” and decided not to share the moment w/ya’ll – until I saw this one (which BTW I decided to do a gematria on Operation Hydra – which is below the below….uh lol)….Oh and I also heard “IF” – Rudyard Kipling – in my mind a day or two ago as well…..


✅From: OfficialMcAfee > Oct 4, 2021 1:38PM >
(Oct)10 > 1+4+2+2+1+1+3+8 = 22(Light)> 11:11= Awakening😳

🛡”McAfee Intel have joined Forces with Team Telegram
to protect this platform at all Costs Until [[45]] Returns

🐙OPERATI[Q]N HYDRA> 908J 1026E 171S>
🐉The Snake Has Been Beheaded>
⚡Whistle Blower>Brown Family Name>
⚖Final Countdown>Here Comes The Judge>
🕊God Will Provide
🛡Q1026Peace through strength
🕊Q171Good Will always defeat evil

🐙OPERATI[O]N HYDRA> 888J 1014E 169S>
💋Veronica>Wrecking Ball>>Vincent Crypt>Chaos🐼
🤔>>[Chaos= 276E, 46S > 46S = Juan> Q276 WONDERFUL friends]💙
🙏Nothing Can Stop Us>The Great Awakening, Divine Plan>
🕊The Dawn Of A New Day>
👑To God Be The Glory

👹Q1014 MZ out > Good luck Jack
💥Q169Soros sells Tw/FB/🍎/Snap!!!

IF …R Kipling 💜

Ancient – Ayala
👇9 Slides ⏩

Oh ok, never mind – they already did a G on Operation Hydra….I will add one not here:  Divine Plan.
Veronica…..I continue to sense she’s still here….

OCTOBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Isn’t it terrible that a Republican Congressman from Nebraska just got indicted for possibly telling some lies to investigators about campaign contributions, when half of the United States Congress lied about made up scams, and when Mark Zuckerberg, in my opinion a criminal, is allowed to spend $500 million and therefore able to change the course of a Presidential Election, and nothing happens to them. Comey lied, Schiff lied, Crooked Hillary lied, McCabe lied, the two lovers, Peter and Lisa, lied. They all lied having to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, because they knew it was a SCAM, and they all lied having to do with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, because they knew it was a SCAM…

https://t.me/georgenews |@GEORGENEWS



Excellent share…..everyday i detach more from this place – feels very surreal – total dystopian experience – like am i in a dream within a dream?  and how do i FULLY WAKE UP?!  


No, You’re Not Crazy for Standing Firm: The Rest of The World is Nuts! – YouTube

In this video, Patriot Nurse discusses the nature of compliance and human servitude. When you’re looking around and everyone else seems to be complying, don…

Hoping ya’ll can enlarge this…

Vaxxxxxident ?

Sadly I think we will see more of this

I am just not a fan of that “s” word anymore….Something new and different please Mr. T…….
Legit story…..my gawd…..I have some ideas of what to do with that blue tape.  What say you?