Proof Hurricane Harvey Was Manufactured?


Editor’s note:  Many are speculating hurricane Harvey was manufactured (via HAARP, geo-engineering, etc.).  I cannot verify the validity of this report so I share with that understanding.  Texas has been bucking the fed reserve with their plans for gold-backed currency.  Just some things to make ya go “hmmm…”  Continue with the intentions of healing and ease for Texas and the beautiful Texans.[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


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Tonight’s Message From Sacred Tree


Out on our nightly bike ride I stopped to say hello to the tree.  Last minute move as I had no plans on doing that.  I seem to know when she has something to tell me.

I get off my bike and walk over and placed my hands on her.  After a couple of moments I began to feel dizzy ~ an unusual experience.  I could feel myself spinning down some sort of a hole or into a vortex of some sort.  I heard “mourning” and thought “that’s an odd word”.  Did not expect that.  When I questioned again for clarification I kept hearing “it’s an M word”, over and over, which then morphed into “mourning” again.

Oh, my tree is mourning, I thought then felt “no this is about you”.

Me?  What am I mourning? I asked.

Go within, I heard.  You are letting go of a lot right now.  I began to question this when suddenly I’m hit with the feeling of loss.  I then began to cry.  At this point I put my head onto her and literally leaned into her as much as I could.

I felt if she had “arms” she would put them around me ~ for she was in fact hugging me back in the way, well, trees do.  I felt very comforted and embraced.

I then heard – and this was the hardest part for me – that I would also be letting go of her too – and that she would miss me and my hugs.  That had a very strong impact on me.  Big changes were coming – just weeks away. She would be having her own higher dimensional experience and apparently I was not going to be included in her experience?  I felt as though I was going to my own space as was she.  Brain struggling to understand and I heard “you will know when the time is right and you will just do it”.

What exactly does this mean?  Is New Earth our current planet at another frequency?  Or is there another earth-like planet we call New Earth as well?  I know when I had my first dream of this realm, of the house, witnessing my powers, my first impression was this was not earth but an earth-like planet (using planet as I have no other reference).  Are there some of us who will be leaving Gaia to move on to this new earth while others stay behind on Gaia?  It is possible.  That is what I have felt all along.  There are no judgments in that.  No right or wrong, better than, etc.  It is truly the workings of our Highest Selves.

All I know to do is trust in the process, surrender to my Higher Self and Creator.  I am here now to have this experience.  That I know more than anything.

For now, I will continue visiting my wonderful tree.  Tonight though I do feel the surprising tears of mourning around my heart, of good-bye, of gratitude, or the memories of visiting her ~ all of those visits on foot and by bike.  Rainy.  Cold.  Warm.  Sunny.  Some quick.  Some longer.  Some alone. Some with my child or mate.  The power of mourning.  For no matter how much I have moments, more of them these days, where I am so ready to “GO”.  Take the next big step.  Go to the NEW.  Fully restored. I am still humbled when Life reminds me of all of the moments I have had in this life, even the difficult ones of pure hell, and how part of this process is saying good-bye to all of it.

Tonight Life spoke to me through my sacred tree.  And wow – for that – well all I can do is whisper “thank you”.

For ALL of it.


Message From Sacred Tree ~ August 23, 2017


Tonight’s message:  Transformation.  Giddy.

Transformation, indeed, certainly resulting from the eclipse.

Giddy?  I giggled a bit upon hearing that.  Amazing, powerful Sequoia friend of mine using a word like “giddy”.  But then when I felt the need to google the definition, I saw the message went beyond just my thought of “being in excitement”.


  1. Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.
  1. 1.
    make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation.

Merlin ~ Avalon Returns Through The Solar Eclipse


Channeled message from Avalon:

Greetings my Brothers and Sisters!

I am so very pleased to speak with you at this time about the return of Avalon.  There are a group of us who have been working with people all around your earth in other dimensions to assist with the movement. 

I wish to speak of what I have communicated to this individual speaking. All that she has written above is correct, but it is also but a drop in the bucket!! I wish to speak to you of what Avalon IS to me and to this group.

Avalon has been one of the oldest cultures upon the earth.  We have been a part of the earth and indeed the Druids arose from our truth.  We are originally from off the earth.  We originate in a star system far from your own.  We chose to live upon earth because of the beauty and the water; plus the energies of peace. 

Warfare exists in all parts of the universe and this Earth, but it does not make it avibration we wish to live within.  That being said, we have always done whatever was needed to keep our peace in any of the stations that we inhabited around the universe. 

As I speak of Avalon it is with great respect and love.  In some cases we created them, in other cases they were here already; but the people of Avalon are very much aligned with the Fae, the Dragons, the Elementals and all animals of your environment.  We worked the earth for our food.  We revered all peoples and all beliefs because no one was better or worse than another.

During our times upon the earth we had countless experiences of becoming one with the earth.  We worked with the elements to assist with our crops.  We shifted into an animal if it was needed to create something.  We worked with metals transforming them to assist us in life. 

When the time came that we could no longer be disguised and we could no longer live our lives we had many discussions. One was that we could all ascend off the earth into a new location; in fact many did just that.  Another was that people could go inside of the earth because there were portals and pathways to do so.  What was finally decided was that we would remove the heart of Avalon and keep it safe in another dimension so that it could return when the time was right. Now is that time!

 Imagine if you will the discussions that took place!  Oh, I smile even now because they were fierce and immense.  But we of Avalon are very strong, we know our strengths, we know that of which we are capable! 

We did not have your linear time frame, so to try and acclimate we would say this was when Atlantis was well established and pushing the boarders.  There were many of what you call the ET’s who were working with them and we knew these species of what they are capable; this too is behind our decisions.

It truly did not take long, the actual removal.  There were many priestesses including the high priestess who worked with the land creating a separation. They worked deep into the ground with the assistance of the Fae and Elementals creating deep ravines. We spoke with every person.  We spoke with the animals and all species who occupied our space.  It was well known by all what was to come.  Some attempted to share this information with those who wanted to capture us; but they never found our location.

As Avalon was lifted, there were laser type beams that were directed at the earth from ships in the sky.  We were assisted by those you speak of as the Great White Brotherhood, the Arcturians and of course our home planet.  These lasers very precisely created the complete separation in the earth.  From there using many, many dragons, the levitating energies of the Druids, the energy of all our brothers and sisters in the ships; we lifted off from the earth.

We have been encapsulated in a dimension which has protected us from all.  We have watched the actions of the earth and we have participated through our people’s including the times of Camelot.  By then we were gone and only created a space where we could live and breathe which is why it was always in a mist. We did this because we thought that was the time of a shift that would create the balance and peace on earth which would allow us to return, but it was not the right time.   

We have deemed that now is the time to return to Earth. We have had a hologram of Avalon located in the space of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Greenland and Iceland.  We are actually much larger than that, but that is our focus. We will place our island in the north Atlantic between Iceland, Greenland and Ireland. 

We believe that the grounding of the energy back into the earth will shift the energies into a greater balance.  We intend that this return with the total eclipse will cut through the hatred, the anger, the fear, the rage, the warfare that is so prevalent.  To those of you upon the earth; this may seem to be dominant.  To us we SEE that there are sooooo many, many, many of we the Avalonians present upon the earth.  We are all around with our energy of peace, love, acceptance and balance.

For this day of the eclipse, Monday, August 21, 2017 as you date your time upon the earth we will be seated again.  We will come in, in an invisible mode.  We bring our dragons to assist with the seating of the island.  Right now there is water, but the Island will appear.  You my beloved family can find it any time you seek to blend with us.  We will be primarily in the 7th dimension but over time will create alignments to the 5th.  We will not go below that level; in fact it will only be the high 5th dimension. 

We value the assistance of all.  If you will in your meditation, go into your heart and find through the central sun your alignment to us.  For many it is easily found since you are here already!! Please see us as returning, as balancing, as bringing forth the love, the joy, the magic, the truth of all that we are; for we are Avalon!

I thank you for joining with this exciting occasion realizing that all are of the earth and live as the earth; from here the balanced energy will emerge.   

I thank you for spending this time with me~~~

Merlin/ Morgan/ Brigid We are One

Whew!!  The emotion I felt during that channel was huge! As it separated, I felt tears and this is something I’ve tapped into half a dozen times already.  As it returns, I felt very protective.  But I realized as I was observing the earth and the return that this has been planned for a long time and there has been a hologram where this is going so I felt much more confident and secure. Found on

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

Noticing Beautiful Changes in Animal Behavior


Dove, Collared, Bird, City Pigeon

Some new experiences lately.  Butterflies and dragonflies flying in very close and hovering, following.  Our local neighbor cat who seemed to be intently wishing to connect with me.

Then today.

Since living in this neighborhood, we have had the pleasure of listening to a pair of Mourning Doves daily during the warmer months.  They often hang around our house and on neighboring properties.  We have spoken with them.  Greeted them.  They always remain at a distance.

Until today.

All three of us were out back when our little one noticed one of the doves up on our roof.  It seemed to be listening to us.  We greeted her.  She then flew down to the grass, just a couple of feet from all of us, and sat there. We all crouched down, speaking with her.  She bobbed her head and stayed put for a few moments before flying away.

It was so awesome.

I said it’s like we are all learning how to be a peace with one another again.

WSO ~ Is This Picture Real?


For the real “wow” factor ~ skip to the 40 second mark and mute the rest.  In the dream-state vision I had of the upcoming Solar Flash/Event, when I looked to the south, this was more or less what I saw.  A sky full of planet-like objects. And guess what?  No chaos.  No catastrophic events.  No planets smashing into each other.  Serene and peaceful. There are not systems heading our way on a crash course.  They are inner dimensional systems and objects that I believe are phasing in and out of our dimension.  I do not follow mainstream science much less those alternative sites promoting these objects, in particular Nibiru, as going to cause an apocalyptic-type event.  Nonsense.  Speaking just for myself, I did not come here at this time to be a part of this transformation to see this end in destruction for all.  


WSO – Is this Picture REAL? Also, We Got a Good Look at the Green Orb

Levitating Rocks Photographed at Crystal Mine in Arkansas


Speaking of crystals…  Wow!

Paul Seaburn July 22, 2017

In what has to be the worst-kept paranormal secret since the 3-fingered mummies, a crystal mine that has been inexplicably closed for months is about to reopen so that the world can witness the strange phenomena which have been occurring so often since February that the owners shut the place down in May … mysterious orbs, unidentified lights, stones falling from the sky and rocks levitating. The closure was to allow experts and TV crews to come in and see the oddities for themselves and, of course, to make a reality show about the mine.

“Look, we know how this sounds, but we aren’t trying to pull anything over anyone. Not only have we seen things with our eyes, but we have cameras that have caught the different phenomena happening.”

Orville Murphy owns the Board Camp Crystal Mine near Mena, Arkansas, with his wife, Cheryl. The mine – discovered in 2008 and opened in 2012 — is described on their website as a day camp with an “actual native, virtually untapped crystal mine and public dig site” that is completely above ground and tree-covered so “rock-hounds can dig in the shade!” That’s pretty much what they and visitors found until February 2017 when strange things began to happen. After setting up a game cam and capturing photographs of what seemed to be levitating rocks, they posted a video.

This got the attention of MUFON ( Mutual U.F.O. Network) and the Travel Channel. After closing the camp in May to allow undisturbed access, MUFON investigated the phenomena, saw it for themselves, assured the Murphys that it was “undeniably scientifically unexplained” and will publish their findings in the November 2017 issue of the MUFON Journal.

“We were told that our reports were taken seriously because of physical evidence that we were able to show. MUFON says that 97% of reports are nothing, but 3% have something behind them. We fall into the 3% because we have credible physical evidence.”

That “physical evidence” will be shown in the Board Camp Crystal Mine’s segment on a 4-part Travel Channel mini-series called “Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials,” hosted by adventurer Josh Gates and scheduled to be broadcast in October 2017. The Murphys are under a tight non-disclosure agreement but have given some press information and are reopening the camp on July 31, 2017, over two months before the show airs. Will they be able to keep things secret while keeping visitors interested in just hunting for non-floating crystals?

That’s only one of their dilemmas. The Murphys are devout Christians and were troubled by the anomalies happening at their camp. They feared being ridiculed or ostracized by others, not to mention the possibility that the mine might be possessed by unwanted spirits or aliens. Fortunately, they no longer feel that way.

“We found an article in my daily devotional by Billy Graham, titled ‘The Mysteries of God’ that provided us with the comfort we were looking for and we encourage others to read it online, who may feel troubled by our news. For years, people have been seeking the truth to such phenomena, and perhaps the happenings at Board Camp Crystal Mine can shed some extra light, because some of the phenomena may be linked to the energy in the crystals.”

It sounds like there’s something for everyone at the Board Camp Crystal Mine. For more on the levitating stones, you’ll have to pay a visit or wait for the mini-series.

Paul Seaburn is one of the most prolific writers at Mysterious Universe who has written for T.V. shows like “The Tonight Show”, “Politically Incorrect” and “Comic Strip Live”. He’s also written for sites like “New York Times”, “” and “Capitalist banter”. Paul adds a bit of comedy to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn’t always have to be serious.

Sourced from here.


Cosmic waiting room or extra time, earth warriors vs the elite?


Ufo, Space, Stars, Science, Spaceship

Is planet Earth, and maybe even our solar system, in a cosmic waiting room? Are we in an orchestrated glitch of the time space continum? Buying us time to reach the tipping point for humanity raising our frequency. A holding cell or decompression chamber to allow us to integrate upgrades to our dna? Gaia is shaking off lower dimensional vibrations and raising her game, the new earth is being created. So why aren’t we there yet? Why are we still waiting? Are we in a manufactured time loop? We go round and round the same issues, the same problems of pyramid control, but what is changing?

Are we in stasis to give us more time to come online, mind body spirit systems energetically fluid, balanced and aligned. When we are fully activated as quantum beings it should organically follow that we would be taking care of our planet and each other. Higher frequencies are by definition positive emotional energies. If even half the planet’s population were to wake up and embrace higher vibrational living we would put empathy, compassion, love and peace on the world stage agenda. We could rebuild, recycle, redesign and redevelop our cities, our energy sources, our eco system and our future. Fair and free distribution of resources. A financial reset, releasing hidden funds around the globe, establishing equilibrium and abundance.

We can see how we change things and we know why we have to. So why does it feel like nothing is changing? Or it’s not changing fast enough? 8 billion people is a vast number to empower, even with the web as a tool for global communication. It still comes down to the individual to take on the establishment in their own lives to speak up and be counted. In a world where we are watched and monitored, where a sinister web of control underpins our society, disclosure, transparency and truth are long overdue.

Sometimes the matrix is revealed to us in uncomfortable ways. Passport control at airports and stations, whole body x rays, hostility in the eyes of the uniforms searching you, your bag, your kids buggy. It’s degrading. It’s frightening. It’s disturbing. We are jolted out of the comparative safety of our little bubbles and exposed to hostile scrutiny. We are reminded of violence and fear when we see policemen armed like military soldiers. When we see the needy, the vulnerable and the mentally ill begging on our streets, we are reminded all is not well in our world. The news, global politics, popular culture and organised religion continues to manipluate us with twisted rhetoric. We go about our daily business but where is the change?

We are waiting for war to end. Poverty and unnecessary disease to end. Cultural narcissism to end. Meanwhile the Trumpocalypse rolls on in the US and May and her DUP cronies continue on their merry way, destroying the fabric of British society. Europe has lost its global voice. South America and parts of Africa continue to try and extricate themselves from the violence of imperialism and the fabricated war on drugs. Scandinavia, and Portugal, storm ahead with progressive social and political reform. South East Asia continues its nervous existence sandwiched between secretive and foreboding China and North Korea. The globe shakes with frustration. Her seas continue to fill up with plastic, poisons and pollution. Rainforest is still being destroyed. Animals and humans are hunted as trophies or sold to the highest bidder. All the darkness bubbling up, spilling out into our vision, into our souls. We demonstrate. We sign petitions. We change our habits. We wait.

Google tells us, based on its search data, we are a lot more racist, sexist and homophobic than we appear outwardly. We have been pushed so far apart we no longer deny the polarity. We accept it. Lightworkers continue to be devastated by dark workers depths. Service to self folk continue to gape at those lefty, commy, hippy, do-gooder, interfering, conspiracy theorist, paranoid, over thinkers. So is this a stalemate of sorts? A waiting room for awakening to tip over to mass awakening and peaceful revolution? Are we waiting for our alien comrades, and possibly enemies, to show themselves finally? Disclosure? Where is it? Is it all really biblical after all and we are waiting for the fire and brimstone to release us like phoenix from the fire. Ghostbusters was right and the souls will rise from their graves etc?

Are we in extra time, all to play for, earth warriors versus The Elite? A few years ago the words ‘the elite control our news, our culture, our religions and our economic welfare’ would have provoked accusations of paranoia. The label conspiracy theorist is believed to be one of the CIAs most sucessful strategies. Yet this language is now commonplace. People are much more aware of how the matrix operates, politically, economically, culturally and spiritually. We see the traps, the deception, the corruption and the greed. We understand there is a depravity at the heart of this cabal. That we have been conditioned to apathy and paralysis of our sovereignty. There seems no end to the grooming of this planet by the Big Bad. The freemasons, the elite, the lizards, the AI…whatever they are, they are not Good and clearly need to be vanquished from our beautuful, sacred lands. This has to be the end goal. Restore sovereignty for Gaia, free will and liberation for humanity. Establish grown up contact with intergalactic neighbours. Be part of the cosmos, more than a slave planet in an obscure corner of the multi verse.

The veils are lifting on the four horsemen of the apocalypse – the church, the crown, the state and the financiers. Truth will out. Mainstream media is being exposed as a mouthpiece and key programming tool of the elite. Quantum awakening, conspiracy theory and ufo rhetoric has penetrated the mainstream. This is the activation of our collective consciousness, waking up to ideas beyond the established narrative, on a global scale. The world wide web has shrunk the planet. We have daily access to ordinary people like ourselves all over the world. People power has become a real threat to the establishment. Heart led leaders, whistle blowers and earth warriors are leading a global revolution of ideology. Empathy, compassion and interconnectedness are back on the agenda.
Nature, animals and birds are interacting differently with each other and with us. A universal language is making itself known and our interaction with nature, with each other and with ourselves is where we learn to speak this frequency. Disclosure is pending, hello cosmos! Timeline loops, cosmic waiting rooms, extra time or time out? We’re in it for the long haul friends, anchor your light to Gaia’s grid and hold your space. Everything is changing, at a foundation level. Fundamental and profound.

Meditation can be hard when we are frustrated by this sense of waiting. Irritated by the slowness of it all. This static energy breaks up and degrades the flow of energy through our trinity beings. It brings us down. We are challenged to haul our vibration back up to where hope rests, belief in a better world. Meditate meditate meditate is the consistent message from our spiritual intergalactic comrades. Raise those vibrations, anchor our light to Gaia’s grid and breathe love. Stay positive friends, we are changing our world one ripple of high frequency love at a time. In love and light beautiful people. Namaste.

Mantra: I am one with universal love frequency.

I share love, I receive love, I am love.

Sourced from here.

Original article found here.