Perfectly timed picture captures the moment a murmuration of starlings took the form of a giant BIRD


this is soooo beautiful ~ i would love to see something so magical…had to share!


  • Like clouds in the sky, the giant flocks often take on weird and wonderful  
  • The birds made for startling spectacle when they assembled in front of Mr Biber
  • The images were submitted to an international photography competition run by the bird observatory Vogelwarte Sempbach in Switzerland, which he won 

A photographer claims to have captured the perfect moment a murmuratuion of starlings took the form of a giant bird 

A photographer claims to have captured the perfect moment a murmuratuion of starlings took the form of a giant bird.

Daniel Biber, 53, said he captured the breathtaking snap in Spain, after observing thousands of birds and scouting locations over a four-day period.

Like clouds in the sky, the giant flocks often take on weird and wonderful – and sometimes graphic – moving forms and shapes.

And the birds appeared to have made for a startling spectacle when they assembled over the Costa Brava in northeastern Spain, in front of Mr Biber’s eyes.

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For Many Gatekeepers, all of January is Anchoring, Integrating and Complete Earth/Earthly Body Template Re-Writes/Upgrades to all New Codes


Sharing ~ it is short and easy to assimilate ~ and I can relate to the p.s. piece ~ definitely feel my goddess bum getting kicked off and on the past week ~ today very much so!  Although I do not have the convenience to stay in bed on a daily basis (she says grumbling…)  


By Lisa Transcendence Brown

The entire month of January is anchoring in our physical body templates (massive re-write that began on 1/1), along with Gaia’s and on a Galactic level too. This re-write always goes deeper into our cellular structures, anchoring all of the New Encodements that we’ve activated since the 11/11 and through December Solstice until 1/11, for those who use linear dates as a marker point. The actual dates are just for awareness, as we are always anchoring, always integrating and always clearing out old linear/matrix programs that were “hidden/buried” deep within our cells. December a huge Passageway, everything shifted literally on 1/11, when more new codes activated for us to fully anchor in.

Last year continued through February 6th. Each year since 2012, this phase has increased to accomplish the immensity of all of these new codes. These phases take all of our focus and energy and we have to cut everything out in order to accomplish this, working in silence and without external disruptions allows us to move through these phases easier. Because our Gatekeeper duties have intensified over the years, I have to keep my schedule more fluid/flexible to accommodate/honor this. When each one of this complete our own processes relative to our own current phase, new portals/gateways immediately open and we move further into implementation phases, while continuing to activate/integrate/anchor with each new gateway we pass through too. ♥

The longer writing, which covers many things will be posted as it’s ready. Honor your process and you. More awesomeness prepares to materialize as all are ready too! ♥

p.s. I’ve been getting my butt kicked and in bed since 1/1. These are beyond huge! ♦

Sourced from here.

Rick Jewer Update ~ 1 10/18


I appreciate this one ~ in particular the suggestion to keep all Divine focus on creating the NEW.  I continually feel that ~ go within, feel what you Desire and focus all energy on that.  Period.  


You have been shown and introduced to some of Your Divine Gifts and abilities. Are You employing then for the better good, going in and planting goodwill energy seeds of Light?

I believe for the more powerful Ones currently among You, it would perhaps be more efficient and in line with the Ascension, to NOT Love any representation of the Dark. I feel that when Powerful Divine Ones put their energy into sending Love to the Dark Ones, it somehow keeps them energized to some degree. I suggest to ignore the Dark and put the full brunt of Your Divine Prowess, into CREATING THE NEW, which is absent of the Dark.

Each of You MUST follow what sets right with You, what resonates, for that is Your most reliable and dependable guidance tool, sub to the Source connection. It was indeed good in the “old days” to Love Your enemy and not stoop to that level, however, those days are over, and in reality, You have no enemies of concern. Enemies may still be there, but they have no power over You, You are Divinity, of Source, the HEAD HONCHO. No one messes with the Head Honcho, and when He/She has Your back, You are indeed invincible to anything in Creation. Think/Know for Yourself.

Everything that I have shared here on Facebook, was/is to empower You, and bring You back closer to Source, Many of You Know that Now, You Know it is real for the confirmations that You experienced, shows that it is. Erase All doubt and begin using Your Divine Gifts daily, getting in there real deep, at the foundation, and plant the True Good Seeds with Your mentality. Think and wish for what You wish to see, giving it an extra push with that Divine Energy from Your hearts. Let the old fall away, do not put a band-aid energy on it, the quicker it crumbles, the quicker the New takes its place. Support the good to the fullest, while minimizing support in the areas that YOU KNOW must be torn down. Keep UNITING in BIGGER GROUPS, UNITE THE BIGGER GROUPS UNDER AN UMBRELLA GROUP.

As an example of the Prowess of the Masses, LOOK AT THE LAST U.S. ELECTION, the amount that did NOT vote, almost half! This tells You that there is a huge acceptance that the Masses do not support any type of government, these Masses would quickly join a CHOICE that sets them free, they are seeking that choice. Take Canada as well, it has been proven recently that elections, in relation to voting fraud, are rigged. You cannot trust the “voter turnout” numbers presented because they are inflated, they are a lie. The Masses are ready to be called upon, We can/will give them a choice, a choice of freedom, or a choice of further enslavement and ownership of them.

Very quickly, it does NOT have to be built, a free energy Source can be given to the planet, upon the right conditions. In the blink of an eye, all value of money could be changed, equalizing the access. Economics is a farce, a lie, a deception that is unable to stay intact, it has two choices, implode or quickly transition into an equalized foundation. Those that did not share the wealth within the matrix, are efficiently being relieved, they will continue to rapidly implode. Currently, many wealthy ones are beyond redemption, not because they were judged, but because they judged themselves by their own actions and choices. There is no vengeance from the Light, it does not work that way, the vengeance suffered, is self-created by the ones that judged themselves. Every Human Soul Knows what is “right” and what is “wrong”, ignorance is not an excuse here, they were given multiple signs, ie; Trump winning the election when it was rigged against Him, even electronically. Globally this was seen. So something happened with perhaps remarkable odds, they should pay attention. As for Trump, a bit of his act needs cleaning up, and it will come very shortly. It is also a very real possibility that a president of the U.S., nor any other Country for that matter, will be required in the near futures.

I strongly suggest for every Soul upon Gaia, to never vote again in any election, in any country, this will reveal some Amazing numbers for You.

Our fleets are here, many Light troops on the ground, there is NO going back.

Love and Love

Sourced from here.

Big Quake Rocks in the Caribbean Sea


My first thought was ~ was this naturally caused or human created?  I hold this thought as this location is close to GITMO…  UPDATE:  Just watched Dutchsinse and he says this one was not predicted.  Also learning the depth was 10 km…. and at this depth it magnifies the effects of the quake… and this is a highly unusual spot for an earthquake.  The maximum depth of the trench is 27, 493 feet.  10km = 32,000 feet.  Pretty damn close.  It’s also the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean so what better place to drop an underwater nuke for maximum effect, right?  More “hmmm’s…” to this event….


Big Quake Rocks the Richter at 7.8Mw in Caribbean Sea – Tsunami Alert

Published on Jan 9, 2018

Energy Update: 1/11 Portal Offers Self Loving Completions And Timeline Collapses


By Jelelle Awen


Portals are starting to open in preparation for 1/11 coming up soon. You can see it in this photo that we took yesterday at the beach here and we are recognizing that the sun widens like this horizontally (looking like a space ship) when a portal is opening. As I have been tracking these cosmic Gateway and Portal openings for the last year especially, I can feel them now in my body, in my consciousness, in my heart…less and less now from tracking any kind of calendar or reading what others are sharing about them. Metatron and my other guides/aspects keep me in the loop on these events too with a gentle nudge to go take in the sun codes or open up to the portals and gateways during meditation.

Taking in the sun codes yesterday at the beach, I could feel them speaking to my skin, talking to my every living cell. The codes were reminders of the process, that it is ongoing…this Ascension…that it is an invitation to receive and respond to in every moment. These codes were activating ones to some degree and I felt altered afterwards. I am so often in an ‘altered state’ these days and it is getting more difficult for me to determine that as it is more the ‘normal’ than the ‘old normal’! If that sentence made sense to you, then you are ‘getting’ how beyond the mind’s tracking this process is!

There was a peacefulness in the codes too, a softness…it made us all blurry actually and we ‘passed out’ all five us lying in a row. We all felt afterwards that we had probably ‘group traveled’ somewhere in the astrals together, a trip to Golden Earth together where 3D really is left behind. The sounds of 3D fade away and blur away…this happens many times at the beach as it is a place where the ‘edges’ of consciousness dimensions overlap. It is at the beach where I most feel how the dimensional consciousness realities could split off from each other….3D separating into its own timeline reality and those of us in 4D and 5D and higher into ours.

As we go into this 1/11 portal, there is a feeling of truly leaving behind the old timelines and the previous 3D anchors. These timelines are wanting to collapse and maybe they already ARE for you or starting to. A timeline collapsing can feel like crisis or life changing events or live altering decisions. It can also feel like just ‘running out of gas’ on your old timeline as your tank is now empty to receive anymore of the old 3D fuel. Parts of you can no longer run on the fumes of the known and familiar.

Sourced from here.

Large, Beautiful, Divine (Feminine) Shift Occurs Today ~ 1/7/18


This is a must share.  Around 1:45pm today, PST (important that I share the time given what he shares below), I had a moment of empowerment come through me and I shared some things w/my mate that normally would have me feeling hesitant, but I knew it was time they be shared ~ all coming from the Divine Feminine with me.

Very interesting he references the Event as being quite possible to occur in about 2 weeks…  Beautiful words in this one.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



An important Upward Shift occurred around approximately 2 PM PST. This Shift was the direct result of multiple actions by the Ground Crews in conjunction with the Feminine release to rise Higher. Many Feminine chains were thrown off in the last 24-48 hours allowing for a significant rise. As more of certain suppressed Females are separated from their Dark Handlers, it Creates a rise liken to being underwater with a rope attached to Your ankle and a big cement block, You have cut that rope and have risen to the surface, Your Divine lungs inhale the pure Divine Air, and You Live. You are able to Now breathe and swim, and do not forget, You can also fly.

Immediate effects of this Upward Shift are being directly reflected into the present realities connected to the outside world around You. The effects it is currently having, and these good effects will continue, are changing Timelines rapidly and in very good ways. It is possible, that what some may refer to as “The Event”, could happen in about 2 weeks. We can tell You that everything Now, because of this Important Shift, is more refined and inline with the priority, the Divine Plan. All things of deceit accelerate with their assigned implosions, nothing Dark can withstand the immense Light Quotient Now Residing upon the surface of this facsimile of Gaia. The real full body Gaia is Now totally on the lower 5D Timeline, waiting for You to transport Humanity and integrate Humanities existence into the lowest 5D Timeline, where it is secured and the passage between the 4D and 5D is sealed. There are STILL many Soul Contracts being changed to as which Timeline those Souls will Ascend/Descend upon, We can assure You, that almost All Soul Contracts being renegotiated, are choosing the Higher Timelines, this is also having an uplifting effect to the overall present vibration.

More Divine Whistleblowers are and will be coming from the depths of the corrupt systems, bringing with them even more, IRREFUTABLE PROOFS OF THE DARKNESS AND THE ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEMS IMPOSED UPON HUMANITY. Your Galactic connections are becoming more obvious to You, as those of You bring Them into this Now, Essences of You from other Timelines, to assist and reinforce the swift change to the present Timelines. The Masses have no choice but to Awaken further, for the proofs are based in logic, a Truth that the Human mind cannot deny nor refute. The Truths are blatant contradictions of what they were led to believe, the Truths break the deepest conditionings.

You are to continue forward KNOWING that the rest MUST follow. Your Ascension has always been ascertained, for Time nor Space restricts what You truly Are. It is the experience that You asked for and wished to have, even before You incarnated here, You bring it closer to You as You cut the ties to the “old experience”, for each tie cut to the “old”, it is replaced with an attachment to the New. It indeed takes time in this linear experience, but it is done in accordance with the Big Wish. As for the Dark, they do not have the abilities You have, and are a program that You can/may, shut off.

Continue working with Your Energy Vortices contained within, and Divinely attached, as You more fully Energize Your Vortices. More Kundalini activations are happening and others will follow in Your footsteps, You must teach them to haul that Energy up in a clockwise spiral, connecting with each chakra as it rises and activating them to Higher degrees. You must break the confines of the Sacral Chakra, and rise above it, when You do not, You become stagnant and that Divine Sexual Energy may be robbed from You, so bring it up, by Yourself or even more powerfully, with a partner.

Love and Light

Sourced from here.

Strange Phenomena ~ Bugs, Birds, Sunset Patterns, Disappearing Water, WHAAAAAT?!


Several nights ago I shared some photos here which captured a beautiful but rather strange sunset.  The sun was setting much farther north, something not seen until late spring and into summer.

Last night something called me to go for a walk before dinner.  As I headed out the door I noticed the skies, post-sunset.  The glow was coming due south.  I took some photos which I will share below (the quality is not that good as the sky was too dark for my camera to pick up the details).  The glow extended a bit to the east as well.  I found it strange, especially given just those few nights ago the glow was NNW with the south being completely subdued.

We are noticing an unusual number of birds lately, being very noisy ~ chirping in a way we don’t typically see until Spring and warmer weather. We have also noticed an unusual number of bugs ~ flies, mosquitos, fruit flies and gnats.  In the video below you will hear the birds and see the swarm of gnats that were flying above my head.  I NEVER see gnats until spring and summer.

Now our weather out west has not been unusually warm.  The temps have been pretty normal overall and we have had plenty of cold days and very cold nights ~ enough that we put a towel on our battery.  So what is allowing for the bird and bug activity ~ I cannot explain.

Yesterday, with the spiking Schumann, I began to feel unstable in my body. I intuitively knew this was not due to the spiking energies showing up on the Schumann.  I just knew this realm was and is wobbling, moving.  I am sensitive to magnetics and movement.  I used to experience severe car sickness as a child ~ and to this day certain movement patterns make me feel either quesy or unstable in my body.

I then put all of this together with a video put out by Michael at MBB333 on youtube, showing the ocean waters off the coast of Ecuador disappearing only to seemingly show up as very high tidal water’s.  We also saw this “disappearing” water act off the coast of Florida this week.  Then we had the strange planetary object showing up “under” Antarctica as captured by Steve Olson, WSO.

All of this leads to the following conclusion:  SOMETHING AIN’T RIGHT.  lol

MY “feel”?

I have felt for the past year/year and a half we have been moved by a large planetary-type object/system, magnetically.  Being perhaps pulled “up” and out of this realm we were “thrown” into by those dark beings.  I have “felt” that the “good” ones among their race/races are helping free/liberate us.  This would explain the obvious wobble of the earth and the experience of instability I have had in my body a few times going back to spring 2016.

I “feel” perhaps this water is being removed, displaced to avoid cataclysmic results (which has not happened in spite of predictions going back 5 plus years) while also allowing the as-gentle-as-possible rising of land masses that we were once hidden.  Remember I have been saying what was once hidden is now being revealed.

This wobbling/moving of our realm could also explain the strange locations of the sunsets.

As far as the birds and bugs showing signs they think it is spring…out west that is….  When I had that one and only dream of the Flash Event ~ the weather felt like it was spring time.  Nature, in the dream, showed me spring.  (at the origin of the dream I was thinking it was either spring or early fall that I was seeing this “event”~ prior to the leaves turning/falling as there were leaves on the trees)  So perhaps we are on the cusp of this event, as many of us are saying, so nature feels it as well.  If I were a bug, I would want to be awake to experience it!  lol

And given the energies of the 3d dimension, which is based in this construct we have called time, are being transitioned into the higher frequencies, who knows what month it is or when the weather patterns of spring will come into play.  I am saying much sooner than any artificially-based calendar says.

As do the bugs and birds.  Listen and observe below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Thank you so much for supporting my work and my words.


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Ocean Receding in Ecuador ~ Now In Pensacola


one of the comments:  “Steve I just watched a thing on YouTube I think it was Art Bell or one of those guys that talks for an hour. they are taking these huge bladders and then they take them to a naval base on the water and they siphon it down to the underneath bases. But they’ve been doing this for years and I guess there’s just a whole lot of bases Underground because he said back in 2015 he said then that our water would start to disappear and would say it was evaporating.”

hmmm…  i honestly cannot figure this on-going phenomenon.  any thoughts?  here is a thought i had ~ high tech beings are literally taking this water, cleansing it and bringing it to the new earth.  sounds crazy but it is plausible…


Now Ocean Receding in Pensacola Florida

Published on Jan 6, 2018