A deeply beautiful message.  It is done.  With love and much humble thanks…


To: The Alliance (the Galactic part)

This is your moment.  You have the collective emotional confidence of the right people to change the world.  Today we actually saw some proof that all of the behind the scenes work you’ve been doing  will finally manifest in our world.  I understand it’s the limitations of our understanding of time and space in this 3 dimensional world that will not allow us to accept any further delays, and causes us so much discomfort.  But to the best of my understanding, that is why you’re here. I also believe it’s what makes us so powerful as creators.

It is time and space that connects us to our emotions, attaches us to each other, and gives us our identity.  Time and space is how we remember the heart beat of our experiences measuring the ups and downs of everything it takes to thrive, survive and feel alive in this dimension.  Time and space is how we measure the beauty of our most memorable moments, and what was most important to us in our life.  I’m certain these seem like illogical and inefficient hazards to the greater existence of the universe to you, but they are what makes this life so incredible.  Your curiosity about living in this state of limited expression, ability and knowledge, while being plagued by emotional impulses is exactly why you come down to manifest in these bodies and experience life as a human.  It’s something you cannot appreciate unless you’re here in this moment with us.

We need you to be present in THIS moment with us.  We need you to feel the pressure of time in the way that we do.  We need you to know how important the space we occupy is to us and realize the powerful impact it has on the entire Universe.  The best example I can provide to try and communicate this idea is the relationship between a mother and a child.  It is my belief that this is the most powerful force in the entire Universe and never more so than right now.

 Philoprogentiveness: the natural love of one’s off spring.
Our children have a limited space in time where all of our opportunity to shape who they become and what they believe has to be concentrated.  When they are young we have them with us always. Our children are our whole world, an extension of ourselves, and agreement to allow our heart to exist outside of our bodies for the rest of our life.  This time of the child’s life is even more important to a parent than their own life.  You can not observe this from afar and understand what it means to be a parent.

A Mother carries a child in her womb right behind her heart, and is forever shaped by that time when her child belongs only to her.  Because that time measures the complete development of a functioning life and an unbreakable bond that cannot be measured, limited or understood by anyone else but the Mother and the child.  This is the place where love ceases to be just a metaphysical concept and manifests as a person.  It’s as if the energy is so powerful that it forces itself to gather in this one place to tell a story that becomes a person’s life.  That child will grow into an adult and along that journey through time they endure hardships, feel joy, fall in love, discover God, invent something amazing, do something terrible, and experience the weight of the world all while their Mother never stops lifting them up.

Each one of these experiences is marked by a moment in time that can never be repeated because it only exists right then.  A child’s first steps,  their first words, and even the first time they say thank you without being told are are all marked by time and space.  These moments are experiences that cannot be duplicated or relived.  They represent some of the most powerful moments in our life when we know exactly who we are, and they are marked by time and space.  In those moments no matter how vast the reaches of the Universe are, we have no question that our universe is solely represented in the life of that child and we couldn’t be happier about it.    Even in this world where oppressive forces have sought to sever us from the divine power of Love that exists in everyone of us, Love has overcome impossible cruelty to thrive.

This time is when our children learn how to love, how to trust, how to express themselves, how to make mistakes, and how to try again.  These developmental years are when Humans develop the character that shapes the entire world and all that it can become is held in the limitless possibilities of our imagination.  There life becomes a brand new heart beat in the world that extends from one generation to the next uniting all humans back to the original love felt by the first Mother of all time.  That is a more perfect expression of what we were meant to be and it is TIME to return that love to the entire Universe now.

That emotional connection to our offspring is more powerful than all of the technology that has been used to hurt us.  It is the expression of God through us to show that divine feminine nature.  I understand why you’d be concerned to awaken 8 Billion people with the ability to manifest anything they wanted to.  What is essential to understand is that it’s not our natural state to pursue conflict, war and violence.  What is most natural to all of us is to be connected to the comforting beat of our Mother’s heart, to take care of her the way she took care of us, and to make her proud because of the way she raised us.  This is the exact time when we are ready to demonstrate that loving connection and unbreakable bond that we also have to Mother Earth.  To try and block that connection could be dangerous, and to continue to hide it has reached a point of being cruel.

This time is an irreplaceable moment in our development.  This space that we are occupying is exactly where it exists.  NOW is the most essential time for you to deliver the promise, because Humans are shaped and effected by every disappointment, every act of kindness, and every moment they are alive.  Be present in this moment with us and free humanity from these chains NOW.



Sourced from here.

7 Uncomfortable Symptoms You Feel While Your Body Goes Through Merkaba Activation


This is a very insightful piece.  It is validating where I am.  Interesting I am reading this after just having had a teleportation dream.  My goodness I don’t want to be around anyone right now.  At least anyone talking ~ no outside noise/interference with my inner sanctuary I am creating.  It’s more intense than ever so I have to do what I can to be ok as things are as living in isolation is not a viable option ~ certainly not being a mama. The sleep patterns, yes. Emotional outbursts of crying, yes.  The floating sensation ~ yes.  I had that one experience in September where I literally felt I was being pulled up to the sky.  I am welcoming and allowing the experience!  Injoy this one.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


“Merkaba” is a Zulu word which means a space/time/dimension vehicle.

Its activation is a process of consciousness evolution that transpires one to transcend from the third-dimensional world into higher dimensions.

In the process of ascension, as we detach from past trauma and evolve our consciousness to higher dimensions our being becomes lighter and our vibration gets higher.

In short, Merkaba is the beginning of Enlightenment.

Being enlightened is being totally aware and having your spiritual fields filled with immense love. Your soul is fueled by abundant light which awakens your Merkaba or light body.

However, Merkaba activation might initially bring out kind of uncomfortable symptoms. But don’t worry. Just flow with them because the process is worth it.

1. You feel intense sadness from time to time for no reason.

The light will heal your past. This healing process will make all your sadness purge out. As a result, you will feel sad for no apparent reason.

This sadness will become a part of your daily life. Don’t give in, and instead, see that sadness as a phase. Once your healing is done, you will be free and will lead a happy life.

2. You have a hard time at work.

If your work is not something you are passionate about, you will start to feel that your work is a hindrance to obtaining a happy and fulfilling life.

You will slowly crave to do only the things that you truly love. Making money for the sake of having it no longer attracts you.

As a result, you will be torn between going on or quitting because the internal conflict is getting stronger.

3. You feel isolated.

Because Merkaba is creating a new bond with you, you will feel isolated from other people whether they be friends or loved ones. At this point, you feel you don’t need the company of people.

You might feel alone and disconnected from other people even if you are surrounded by them, because you are not emotionally connected with them.

Your emotional strings are taking a rest for the Merkaba activation to proceed because they might act as something that weighs you down. After the Merkaba activation is established you will be emotionally recharged and be able to reconnect with others on a much deeper level.

4. Your sleep patterns change.

While your body is activating, your sleep patterns change significantly. It’s because your being spends more energy on creating the light body.

At times, you wake up in the middle of the night and start to cry for no reason. You may even experience nightmares or vivid dreams that appear to be real.

5. You feel like you are floating.

A floating-like feeling is one characteristic of Merkaba. It is as if some force from the sky is pulling you up towards the sky.

Your body feels so light as if you are floating. This experience makes you feel trapped between two worlds.

6. You might get surges of thoughts.

As you evolve your consciousness to higher dimensions it might download big chunks of data and you might experience it in form of big thought streams.

This makes a lot of people anxious and scared. However, there is nothing to worry about because it is a sign that your consciousness is evolving and you start to see a bigger picture of reality.

In such situations the best thing to do is let the thoughts flow and just take the role of an observer. Do not judge these thoughts just let them pass, like a wave. Mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques help.

7. You feel more connected to your consciousness.

Your consciousness is starting to have a better communication between its layers. You may even catch yourself remembering things stored in your unconscious mind. Past trauma and suppressed memories might resurface.

All of this is a needed step in the process to help you let go of things that weigh you down in order to evolve.

As you deal with past trauma and suppressed emotions you will raise your default state of being to higher states of existence. You will start connecting with higher layers of your consciousness. Feeling this connection is not only an amazing experience but a bliss too.

If you feel some or all of the above symptoms, then you are in the process of Merkaba activation. Be aware of the signs and never take it for granted because Merkaba is still activated even when you are not aware.

Sourced from here.

Sandra Walter: December ~ Embracing Our Divine Destiny


This is a beautifully awesome piece.


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The Sacred Gateway of December is upon us. Gatekeepers are opening on December 1st for an amplification wave December 3 -7. The Super Full Moon of December 3 (7:48amPT) will compliment our SUNday Unity Meditations; it peaks during our first unification at 8:11amPT. This is a huge month, one we have prepared for all year. High-Vibe Tribe, we are stepping into a new experience, exploring unknown territory yet again.

The Primary Christed Timelines support the emergence of collective creativity, expression of your Highest Self, and next-level embodiment through Wayshowers of Pure Light. The energies are transformative, and all of us must surrender to personal, global and cosmic revelation, while demonstrating the compassion of unconditional love.

This phase of revelation focuses on exposure; a new level of spiritual disclosureThese unique frequencies alter our consciousness to align with a brand-new level of the Ascension experience.

The High-Vibe Tribe focus remains on embodiment during this transformational passage. The Becoming phase has been somewhat surreal this year with the timeline activity, and now we embrace Divine Self-Realization as a collective. I AM confident that Lightworkers can endure the energies, however uncomfortable, which are triggering us to become the new HUman – now. The ability to experience a complete reconnection to Pure Source consciousness anchors absolute unconditional love into these lower realms.

The catalyst for Divine revelation is the Pure Photonic Light, which is a living consciousness. This Pure Living Light, combined with the influx of the Divine Cosmic Mother frequencies, continue to be anchored by those in service.

As always, a Sacred Gateway is not something that one watches or waits for. It invites your participation. The final Cosmic Trigger of 2017 (December 21st – 25th) comes after a period of very strong influxes. Some of you are experiencing the vertigo and disorientation of this initial wave since last week’s opening of this passage. That is expected to increase as the dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting light grows more intense. Hold your hearts dare-angels, we are stronger than we realize.

Utilizing the Pure Photonic Light Influence

December is ripe with opportunity for our Ascension. Multiple things are happening simultaneously; it is best to stay very present with yourself in order to experience the alchemical marriage of Presence. While we anticipate and create wonderful, the energies may be challenging and intense. Walking in both worlds is the multidimensional experience in this Now.

Some guidance for ease, grace and acceleration:

– Maintain the Higher Self/Cosmic Perspective, and demonstrate your Ascended Beingness in the Now.

– Meditate.  Meditation in any form will allow the new light to register on your energy fields, cellular structures, DNA and consciousness. Commands and decrees assist with directing light, keeping grounded, balanced and centered. Prayer is beautiful as well, however meditation is key to receiving. All available Lightworkers, please join in the SUNday Unity Meditations to assist. High-level support is provided for embodiment; let us use these opportunities to connect and accelerate the Ascension.

– Stay on the path of the pure, organic Ascension. Codes are flowing through Solaris (SUN), Gaia, kingdoms and elementals which seek and find resonate structures in your body and fields. Earthing is nourishment for your transition to a new level of consciousness; honor it. Be in nature, get in the SUNlight, feel the Cosmic Oneness. Pure water, activated with intention and blessings, also carries the frequencies of these new codes. Anxieties and distortions from technology exposure can be relieved by stepping away from the screens – often.

– Express non-judgment regarding anything or anyone, even yourself. Heart-based communication, both verbal and written, amplifies peace and exposes the Higher perspective. The habitual impulse to complain, blame, or critique, even in jest, reveals our negative habits, insecurities and wounds. As the vibrational experiences divide further, many revelations will come to light. Remember it is our task as Lightworkers to demonstrate non-judgment, unconditional love, and the highest way to deal with revelation in general.

The High-Vibe Tribe makes revelation safe for those who choose to step forward into authenticity. As reactive judgements to revelations and disclosures present, the emotional triggering of this passage could easily be manipulated into limiting expression. Higher Light is pushing for truth and freedom of expression, and we must accept, forgive and embrace all fractals of Source. When we demonstrate an open-hearted perspective, we collectively heal faster, create solutions, and move on to the next creation.

– Forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, unconditional love and embracing the Creator Self are your keys to the highest brightest experience. Send love and blessings to those who lost their way (in your perspective). Judgment tends to destroy the sender; discernment shows wisdom.

– Take the Higher Timeline: Be the Presence in every situation and demonstrate Divine Neutrality of Love. Suggest solutions or choose silence. Be the Peace. As we open the Gateways to the higher experience, honor all that presents as part of the larger operation of the planetary rewrite.

– Stay flexible. During intense periods of change, we surrender rigidity about what reality is or is not, what we are capable of, what is unfolding, etc. Stay emotionally, mentally and physically flexible to support external change. This also greatly assists the crystalline DNA as it attempts to replicate throughout your cellular structure. If you are exhausted, rest.

Remember the experience of embodiment of the Christed/Crystalline/Unity state is a very different experience than everything which came before it. The sense of detachment, absolute presence in the Now, and the longing for the new to fully anchor is strong, and yet we sense the Presence of the unexpected. We are clear to collectively experience co-creating new realities with our Higher Levels.

The December experience takes us further into the timeless sensation of the Primary Christed timelines. Many are dedicated this level of service; it may take us further away from linear functions as the Pure Light level increases. Whatever it takes, whatever is in the highest interests of Ascension, Beloveds.

As bizarre and beautiful 2017 has been, it now reveals its Sacred purpose, and we walk through it together as One. Blessings for a wonderful Full Moon, and gratitude for adding your light to the SUNday Unity Meditations.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

7 Signs You Are A Starseed Here To Help Humanity


#5 had me pause and smile.  I often have the desire, when I am asked what I am thinking or feeling (and cannot find the words ~ an all too common experience) to request that I play a few pieces on the piano and while doing so, tune into me and my energy.  Then you will have your answer.  I feeeeel many of you will relate to this one…[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Spaceship, Ufo, Landscape, Waterfall

CALVIN: If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.

HOBBES: How so?

CALVIN: Well, when you look into infinity, you realize that there are more important things than what people do all day.

The endless possibilities of the universe never ceases to amaze me. Astronomers and cosmologists seem to be invoking the multiverse that is a cosmos in which there are multiple universes. Infinite realms sit side by side in higher dimensions that our senses are incapable of perceiving directly. Your soul has been chosen to be on Earth, may it be after reincarnating again and again, or your soul could be extraterrestrial for all you know… there can be no definite answer.

Have you always felt inside and in your heart like you’re not really “human”? We are not talking about the clichéd “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus” thing. We are talking about an odd sense of not fitting in with the rest of the crowd. If you feel that way, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Chances are that you are a Starseed.


The Cosmos is within us. We are made of starstuff. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars.” – Carl Sagan

The term Starseed represents a soul that is not originally from planet Earth.

They are highly evolved souls that come from a different star, planet or a solar system and has been planted here as a seed to help us collectively grow and bring awareness and positive change to humanity.

Must read: Woman Dies And Comes Back To Life With This Incredible Message For Humanity


1. You have never felt connected to your peer group, society, or even your family. You were always labelled as the “different” one. You were far too progressive for your age by reading what others haven’t and spoke about things they had no idea about. You have always had a different energy from others.

2. Society norms make no sense to you. You don’t like small talk and you avoid social gatherings. You feel left out and they make you feel uncomfortable.

3. The complexities of the economic system, the conventional education system, cultural norms or the religion you grew up with seem bizarre to you.

4. You question authoritative figures and all forms of hierarchy within society. You don’t understand and question why there should be anything that creates barriers between humans and want to do without such meaningless restrictions.

5. You don’t like linear subjects like mathematics and linguistics. Out of the box subjects and creative subjects are your thing. Words may fail you at times while you want to put an idea forward; therefore, you prefer to exercise creativity and you often express yourself through creativity and art.

6. You are aware that your past lives were not from Earth. You have strong psychic and paranormal experiences too.

7. You are an empath and can easily pick up on other people’s feelings. This makes you sensitive and susceptible to their energies. Sometimes people have told you that you possess healing abilities.

You have a strong sense of your personal mission. This does not mean you know exactly what it is, but there is a gut feeling that you’re meant to do something big. It is often said that Starseeds have come to planet Earth to help shift humanity toward a higher level of consciousness.

Your purpose as a star being is to be a part of this transitional phase of the planet and shed light on the concerning issues. The world is in a state of flux and a very important step towards remembering more of your soul’s truth is by serving humanity.

Sourced from here.

Mr Ed’s Intel Update via Email – “DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY” – November 27, 2017


Hmmm…more “intel” that resonates the “truth” energy within… so here you go…


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY” 11/27/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed

Date: Monday, 27-Nov-2017 04:17:20

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY” 11/27/17


U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia last weekend and removed computers…recovered pre 9/11 terrorist attack financial transactions…insurance documents…a lot of evidence implicating well known politicians of embezzlement…election rigging…identity fraud…assassination plots…murders…domestic terrorism and pedophilia.

All these documents are now in possession of U.S. Marine intelligence.

CIA headquarters has been raided…the FBI has been neutralized and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered.

About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bush’s and Clinton’s.

Trump reopened the JFK assassination files and Daddy Bush was behind it.

JFK autopsy photographs were falsified.

The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a ‘mainstream media distraction’ for what’s really going on behind the scenes. (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and Trump imposes military martial law)

Hillary Clinton has ordered the murders (through domestic assassination squads) of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary)…William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence)…Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel) and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy)…and others.

Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.

Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and should be arrested for identity fraud.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, (Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel (former White House Chief of Staff for Obama) are connected with the Mossad.

Both Schiff and Emmanuel are pedophiles.

Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) was born in Kenya and should be arrested for identity fraud.

Trump has got the file of every journalist…Anderson Cooper (CNN/CBS)…Chris Matthews (MSNBC)…Wolf Blitzer (CNN)…and more that’s on the CIA payroll.

They now have proof / evidence that Hillary Clinton has committed election fraud…treason…sedition…is a drug dealer…has committed mass murders and murdered people in the State Department as a kill for hire scheme.

Daddy Bush tried to assassinate Reagan three times during his eight year presidency and has been involved with 25 assassination plots against other major political figures. (many in Congress & the Senate)

He and Hillary have tried to assassinate President Donald Trump seven times.

There’s a cover up involving California Rep. Maxine Waters and the Blue Moon Bank in Thailand.

The recent attack on Sen. Rand Paul was attempted murder because Paul knows too much and can’t be controlled by the deepstate. (Rene Boucher was chipped)

A reporter from a major network was going to break a story (which he is sitting on to this day) that the government contacted orphanages around the country and paid these orphanages to transport orphans to Washington D.C. so Dick Cheney…Daddy Bush…Barney Frank and other pedophiles could pick out the kids they wanted to have sex with.

Then they took those kids to parties.

Hookers were present at these parties.

Congress members were drugged and photographs were taken of politicians and these orphans in sexually compromising positions. (for blackmail purposes)

FEMA camps are being used to incarcerate the cabal as they get arrested behind the scenes.

‘Doctors and Big Pharma’ will be arrested by December 21st.

The last of the underground bases are presently being destroyed. (many recent reports of explosions heard & felt underground)

Banks are closing down as many of the old monetary systems are being terminated.

There is literally no place for the cabal to hide anything that they steal.

Most nations on the planet are against them.

It has taken 38 years and the help of the Galactics to achieve this goal.

70,000 pedophile elites worldwide have been identified.

Mass grave sites have been discovered with the remains of children used in satanic rituals.

St. Germain On Mass Arrests And Indictments: Many More Are Coming! You Are Only Seeing Lower Realms Of Arrests… Elite Are Going To Be Taken Out Of Picture!


I really love the part about changing our DNA with our intention (focus) AND belief.  We have done this before.  Remember…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


I AM St. Germain.

And I bring to you the Violet Flame. But I represent the Violet Flame just as you are each one that Violet Flame. We are all bringing this in together; all of us as one bringing the light, bringing the oneness, bringing these changes and shifts and all of this in consciousness that is continuing on.


And I am here this time to bring you news. News yes that is happening, that you are beginning to see more and more, but this news is going to increase greatly. These happenings, these changes, these shifts are going to continue to happen just as they are in the process now.

You have heard for a very long time now of mass arrests. You have heard that the shift in consciousness is going to come about and bring these great changes which will culminate in these mass arrests. For this has to happen. It cannot be held back. And those of the dark forces have realized that they are finished.

As Archangel Michael said recently, many opportunities have been given to those to turn toward the light. They have received many chances but they have thwarted each one. Each advance that has moved toward them they have pushed away because they know only one thing. They know only service to self. They are not aware at all about service to others as those of you, the light workers, light warriors, light sharers and bearers, you are the ones that are coming to understand now more and more of this idea and concept of service to others because you have all been a part of this before. You have all done this before.

So it is time now for the entire population to begin to awaken more and more and you are the ones that have been anchoring the light and sharing the light. And because of you bringing this light in and holding it here, you are the ones that are allowing for this continuing process to occur. Without you we would not be able to make much of a change here. But because of all of you we are able to make inroads into the changes that are necessary in this process.

And these changes are coming very rapidly. You are beginning to see this more. There are going to be many arrests that are going to happen. Many are going to be indicted and many are, at this point, and more are coming. Many more are coming! And you are only at this point still seeing the lower realm, you might say, the lower rungs of the ladder but you are going to begin to see more and more of those ones at the upper echelons of the, what you call the elite. They are going to be taken out of the picture and that is strongly in process now.

So all you need to know is that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, exactly as we have all been saying it is going to happen and the belief process that is necessary for you is something that you need to more and more continue to believe in. Believe in that belief process Believe that you can make the difference. Believe that you can change the very molecular structure of your body whenever you need to whenever it is necessary as well as helping to change the molecular structure of others who are also in need. And as you have come to understand yes it is the belief process that is necessary here. Intention is one thing but you must have the belief. That is the belief to be able to change your DNA, to change your structure within you, to make those shifts and changes within you.

All of this is possible because you are the power, you are the ones that are holding this, you are the God Creator within each of you. The Source of All is within every single one of you; every single one of us. And the more and more you continue to understand that, the more that you will find yourselves one day there: right at the threshold of the ascension. And this is where you are headed. This is what you are working toward.

So all you need to know or all you need to continue to do is just keep on doing those things you are learning to do. Do not be concerned about whether you are doing them or not doing them, whether you are following through or not following through. Everyone — and I do repeat this — everyone that is resonating to these kinds of words, to these understandings, everyone will move through this ascension process. It cannot be so that it cannot be.

So all you need to do is keep on doing those things you are being trained to do. And even more importantly those things that you have known to do all along because it is in, within each of us to move through this process and continue to have this ascension. And as you have heard many times the ascension can no longer be stopped They have tried many times in many different ways to hold the ascension off but even they knew that it would not be able to be possible. They only attempted to hold it off. They attempted to change the timelines, all of these things, but in reality they are up against a force that they cannot even understand themselves.

I AM St. Germain I leave you now with all of my peace and love and that the Violet Flame continues to merge and shift and change everything within you as it purges out all of the old and brings on the new.


» Source Source 2 – Channel: James McConnell

Sourced from here.


Cosmic Light Wave Coming Our Way


Editor’s note:  Love this one!  



A great tidal wave of higher frequencies is heading our way, bringing 2017 to a close with a cosmic crescendo of love vibration. Unearthing secrets and lies, exposing harsh truths in our lives and on the world stage. Reconnecting us to nature, to each other and to the cosmos. We have weathered stormy seas of transformation. Waves of upgrades activating karmic release through chakra clearing. Our conscious work has been to face dark nights of the soul, seeking authenticity through self awareness and self knowledge. To learn self care, to reconnect with our body and our soul. On a global scale we witness the beginning of full disclosure of the cabal’s depravity and greed, the matrix hologram and our intergalactic community. 2017 has been pretty full on!

This light filled cosmic tidal wave opens gateways to higher dimensional planes of existence, offering timeline shifts from fear to love. The 3rd December’s full moon rays will ignite us with a boost of high frequency energy helping us integrate upgrades. Bubbles of memories, rising to the surface for lancing, for release. Avoid repressing these memories, they are energetic knots in our system causing blockages and clogging our chi flow. To release them is to allow them, sit in them for awhile, feel the emotions, and then let them go. Let the universe break up the heavy energies. As we do this we feel lighter because we are lighter. Our vibration can rise as these denser nuggets of heavy emotional energy are released. Use chanting, meditation, holistic healing therapies and nature to aid the energetic release. Use talk therapy and soul tribe to verbally let go. Both together enable us to capitalise on these cosmic love frequencies, raising our vibration at an accelerated rate.

Planet earth timelines are up for grabs. To redirect mothership earth we raise ours and her frequencies. We jump on the surfboard and ride waves of solar light. We integrate and embed higher frequencies at a cellular level, stabilising our vibrations in higher wavelengths. This enables us to unplug from matrix control algorithms. To reassert our free will and divine sovereignty. We remember we are connected to all things. We realign our energies, consciously expanding our minds. As the solstice draws near seek acceptance, forgiveness and self love. Give wings to secret dreams, let them take flight as real, as meaningful and they will manifest. To change direction, to tip Gaia towards higher dimensional wavelengths of peace and love, we embody those energetic spaces. We become peace. We are calm. We embrace love.

We are learning to surf higher wavelengths. We lighten our energetic system, encouraging free flow of chi throughout our mindbodysoul system, to access higher dimensional wavelengths. What does this look like or feel like? We are learning to speak the language of the multi verse, energy. Our guides and higher self are communicating with us all the time. The matrix hologram suppresses our ability to hear, see, feel their communication, their guidance, protection and love. We are conditioned to dismiss gut feelings, intuition in favour of our ego. The persistent voice that chatters all day long in our heads, wound up, manipulated and controlled by the matrix, our ego is their greatest weapon against us. Programmed by mainstream media, education and religion through twisted rhetoric, the ego is kept in a near constant state of panic. This induces fight or flight mode in our bodies and prevents us from relaxing, from feeling truly calm and at ease. The ego is like a child, our inner child, it requires love and boundaries in the form of reassurance from us, to quieten down and feel safe. We can do this through meditation and holistic healing as well as reprogramming our ego with daily mantras of love, safety and positivity.

The veils will thin during this cosmic time. Synchronicities, premonition, dimensional slippage, time anomalies and number sequences will increase. Our multi dimensional soul tribe and the universe communicate with us through nature, animals and birds. Energetically they speak to us all the time. We learn to turn down the volume of our ego, and turn up our heart, our core, our third eye and our energy field accessing all the information they give us. Learning about the meanings of number sequences, of animal totems, as well as learning more about the tides of the moon and cosmic events help us interpret these signs, symbols, gut feelings and messages. All is delivered in love frequency.

These last few weeks of 2017 offer integration, embedding and consolidation of upgrades available throughout the year. The American solar eclipse marked a gateway, a huge shift in humanities accelerated evolution. Our intergalactic allies have stepped up the battle for our freedom and sovereignty in late October, blasting high frequency light waves around Gaia. This is an ongoing process but it has gathered speed and momentum in 2017. The great shift gateway, a portal to higher dimensions, was opened for us, all we have to do is step through the gates of perception and embrace unified consciousness! Phew! Some of us have just woken up, others are beginning their transition looking at the furniture of their lives and rearranging to create more space, a simpler way of living. Many are actively engaging in this evolutionary process learning to surf cosmic waves, integrate upgrades and realign as energetic beings.

We should be hyper aware of gut instincts and third eye premonition during this time. Our dreamstate, meditative space and communication with the universe becomes more vivid, informative and powerful, as we are immersed in higher frequencies. Dimensional slippage and time anomalies will help us understand a non linear existence, we will rely less on routine, pressure and matrix stress to organise our lives. Instead we will read our energy field, our environment and the people around us to inform us of what tasks should be completed and when. This is quantum, it is unplugging from the matrix and learning to be a connected mindbodysoul being.

Physical symptoms will persist, a commitment to self care can help alleviate physical symptoms of recalibration (https://wp.me/p7Ol3s-4t for more detailed information). Nausea, ear popping, extreme tiredness, spaciness, shaky limbs, vertigo, coughs and flu symptoms, allergies, headaches, achy limbs, blurry vision, disturbed sleep, fluctuating appetite, bouts of high energy, heat or tingling sensations at major chakras can all be experienced as our energetic systems are activated. Going offline, adopting flight mode during upgrades can benefit us as we free up energy to integrate and embed higher frequencies. This means napping to counteract disturbed nights, cutting back on workload and social engagements especially if you perceive them as draining. Conservation of energy is the name of the game to capitalise fully on cosmic tidal waves.

The winter solstice is a time for reflection and manifestation. Begin the process now. Start taking stock of what or who works in your life, and what or who has a negative effect on you. See where the love, joy, peace and happiness is and do more of it! Rest, stay hydrated, be kind to yourself and others. It’s going to get pretty trippy friends, stay balanced and centred as our minds expand and our hearts open to love vibrations. We are all experiencing this. Everyone’s vibration will be pushed up in the next few weeks, causing global karmic purge. People will be emotional, tired, irritable and confused. Give each other space. Stay close with good people and avoid energy vampires. We will be running on empty as we recalibrate, remember this and cut yourself some slack. Meditate and breathe. We become enlightened, sovereign beings able to shift timelines from fear to love. Embrace higher frequencies of zen peace. Stay in love vibration cosmic surfers 🙏.


I embrace all appropriate upgrades available to me at this time, under the protection of my higher self.

I am safe, I am calm, I am peace, I am love. Namaste.

 Sourced from here.





We have been experiencing massive upgrades and activations since 10/10 when we entered a New Dimension and New Timeline as I have been reporting.  The old timeline has collapsed and we can no longer return to this timeline. You  many now find that people you knew in the past are still on this timeline. These are the souls still stuck in the 3D matrix and unable to make any progress and move out of the old timeline.

I advise if this is someone you have not contacted for a long time to be ready to be shocked when you talk to them again The difference in timelines in now staggering. You will now see them hanging onto the past timeline not realizing things have changed. They will also expect you to be exactly the same and in the same timeline they are in.

Since we are not able to move to a lower reality once we have raised ourselves up to a higher new timeline, the only way out of the old timelines is for them is to advance themselves. I am finding they don’t even know they are stuck where they are at this time. It can be very emotional and emotionally draining to deal with anyone in the lower energy. It takes a lot of energy to be able to go, even for a few minutes, to where they are.

You will find it very difficult to talk to them so be prepared. They will not have any concept of who you are what you are talking about when you talk with them. It will make it very difficult if not impossible to talk with them.

As we morph into these higher timelines, some of the ways in which our advancements into the light body are manifesting is through our extreme healing of all our past timelines. We are only responsible for our  own timelines, not of others timelines that have lived through that time period  with us. If they do not heal their old timelines of the past, they will be still be stuck in the 3D matrix.

Many of us are now in our own bubble with the many others who have or are actively working to evolve themselves into their light body. We have formed our own very large tribe. There are tribes within this tribe. Even family members we may be around daily will get the energy we are transmitting through our healing work and they may be more aware and open to wanting to heal themselves. As they heal themselves, they also heal their past. As they heal their past their heal all past timelines for themselves.

This healing has occurred through being shown our past over and over again in order to be able to heal it. It has happened over a number of years beginning in 2012. Once we heal one aspect and have cleared this energy out of our body, we move onto the next episode of our lives that need healing. Just when we think we have completed it all, more healing will show up for us, now pointing out all the small details that we still need to work on and transform.

These healing episodes come without warning from the Universe. We will be busy doing something in our everyday lives and we will become aware of an issue from the past that was painful and not worked through. We are now being able to see beyond what the issue was and into the depths of what was really taking place. At the time it happened we did not have access to that information, but as we move timelines we can see clearly what happened.

All healing of past issues must be healed before the light body formation can continue. This is why we are experiencing starts and stops in our transformation. There is far too much healing to be done at one time so this must be spread out over weeks, months and years.

Along with this healing comes the body pain that will come along with these transformations. Some of the recent body symptoms have been:

  • Cold rushes coming up and down the body
  • Deep sadness and spontaneous crying. We might hear of someone from our past and cry to release the unhealed pain from the relationship that existed.
  • Anxiety is also high on the light body symptoms
  • Pain through the back and shoulder blades
  • Bouts of dizziness
  • Feeling energized for no reason

We must embrace all of these aspects of healing and transformation when they show up for us. We need to transmute them by finding our happy place and releasing these energies. We should not be afraid of showing emotion when it comes in. If there is crying, the crying needs to released and not held back. There is no better time to release than when something occurs and is in the moment. This moment is always perfect for the release of what may be holding us back.

The light body forms during the same time the healing and releasing occurs. This goes hand in hand. We must feel the pain of our past and them release and move forward to really be able to transform into the light body formation which will be our new body going forward. This new body takes us into the New Earth. This is also the same light body the Galactics can morph in and out of as they go about their inter dimensional work. As more move into the higher timelines and higher dimensions they will be able to embody more love, compassion, wisdom and knowledge of the higher dimensions and the connections that take place. They will be able to see the energy that takes place between all consciousness that exists. This is our future on the New Earth. Some of us are already there.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Diane is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Website and sign up for my newsletter: www.dianecanfield.com 

Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.canfield1

Copyright © 2017 by www.dianecanfield.com. All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website www.DianeCanfield.com

Massive UFO Lands ~ Mt. Adams, Washington


Yes – you read that correctly – LANDS (before winking out).  WOW!  Check out this footage!  The footage was taken 13 miles away so this craft is HUGE.  Thank you to Deborah for passing this one along to me.  


Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams

Published on Nov 25, 2017

Latest Q for 11/25/17


My mate says these are military activation orders.


 sourced from here.