Dimensional Overlays of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

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When you see EARTH and all as a myriad of different dimensions and timelines, with multiple universes within it, you will start to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that Earth is not just one dimension, it’s a gazillion of them. Your OWN experience on this EARTH is your play that plays out for you. Your own dimension/timeline and you don’t get a higher vibrational one UNTIL YOU CHOOSE IT and EMBODY IT from within you. Instead of looking at the Earth as a the only reality as true, look at it as your dimensional version that you CREATED and HOLD THE VIBRATION for with every particle of you.

Continue reading “Dimensional Overlays of Each Earth Vibrating NOW”

12/15/16 Energy Update – Real Time

by Anastacia,

physical-ascensionIn the last 5 days we have been in a massive transition, as in all we ‘used to do’, we now need to do/find another way.

We are/have been in a ‘cross-over’ of the old and the new (energies) of YEARS of past relationships and ‘trauma’, PTSD/depression and the like, that is coming up – this process is so deep and traumatic for many….and there has been a lot of crying and releasing of grief (and more) going on.


We are needing to ‘re-learn’ how to cope with everything ANEW with how we have talked/communicated and have managed ‘things’ previously.

So much is needing to be let go of, of ways we may never felt or imagined we would need to…all to now come up with a ‘brand new plan’.

A very very clean slate and a very very new way of doing things, what ever that is for you and your personal situation.

This is one of the biggest ‘challenges’ we have had for some time now, like this.

Continue reading “12/15/16 Energy Update – Real Time”

From One Vibe To Another: Tips on Transitioning Into Your Awakened Life

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by Katie IndiCrow,
Guest writer, In5D.com

Spiritual awakenings create the space in our lives for us to see and understand things in ways that we never could have never imagined. As we move through our healing, we see that the roles, expectations, and ideas we had of ourselves and others are based in a reality of which we no longer choose to be part. If you’re anything like me, at some point along the journey, the life you thought you’d be living no longer matches up with what your heart/soul wishes to be engaged in. You begin to realize that you need a change. You become aware of this thing called your souls’ purpose and you begin shifting into finding ways to do that.

Many of us are in various phases of redefining and redesigning our lives so that they match what we know in our hearts is our truth. Some things are easier to change than others, and who has difficulty with what is largely connected to their own personal energy story. Throughout my own process of shifting and supporting others move through theirs, I’ve picked up some handy tips and tricks about moving through it.

Here are a few that might be of use to you.

Continue reading “From One Vibe To Another: Tips on Transitioning Into Your Awakened Life”

Massive Incoming 7th Dimensional Transformational Gamma Ray Bursts

Editor’s note:  December 26th is coming up quickly!  I’ve been following this for awhile now and have seen both of the Spiritual and Scientific explanation – and yet both need not be mutually exclusive.  I resonate with James Gilliland’s and Gregg’s interpretation of these waves of energy.  There is no room for fear or zealotry with these incoming blasts of Loving DNA upgrades.  

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

A massive burst of transformational gamma rays are expected to arrive by December 26th, 2016.

According to James Gilliland, gamma rays are 7th dimensional energy waves that help with the transformation of human consciousness.

The video announcing these gamma rays was produced by BPEarthwatch, who took a fear-mongering view of the event. It should be noted that both BPEarthwatch and one of his sources listed on the video, Paul Begley, are religious zealots who are seeking “End Times” prophecy fulfillment.

These incoming galactic gamma ray bursts from a magnatar, which is a type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field.

If what Gilliland says is correct, these 7th dimensional waves will be transformational. According to Gilliland:

If you don’t believe in a higher intelligence just think of Gamma Rays as 7the dimensional energies, the plane of bliss slamming the Earth over and over along with solar flares and ask yourselves what might be the effect? What happens when a higher frequency in introduced to a lower frequency? It is real basic physics 101. We are giving birth to a whole new world, a whole new us, and we need to heal and release the past if we are going to survive that birth.

Exciting days ahead!

Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

End Of The End: Liberation Of Humanity

liberationAnd so here we are.  The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation.

We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.

The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated.  For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE.

The new creation cycle commences on 1-1 and altho we are already feeling the super refined, highly concentrated (creator) frequencies of the new energy, I am shown the upcoming solstice gateway as quite pivotal in this regard.  We are approaching a very sacred portal, a portal that is precipitating a profound moment of coming together, as LOVE.

Continue reading here.

As We Prepare To Enter Our 12/12 Gateway

By Lisa Brown

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Aloha beautiful love family,

We are nearing the activation of our 12/12 Stargate/Gateway… and a powerful one it shall be!

I was surprised last night that I “forgot” about it. lol… because normally it/they would have activated by now….

As we near, usually it opens about 3 days early, so we shall see. I will post, of course…

Each December Gateway has been substantially more powerful than the one before. Starting with 2012, and this one is surmountable (not one of my words and had to look it up).

When it begins, there will be cycles, initiations and phases to complete. This completion year is in a completion too! Huge.

Each human year, we cannot go into the next one and carry anything with us. All unconscious programs and realities that surface or play out…. all have to be resolved from within.

The period up through and the couple of weeks after the SOLstice take us DEEPER into our/the Galactic Core…. to the depths of our BEing and return us to an existence that is PURE.

Hidden deep beneath all human’ness is profound sacred love, deep sacred respect, integrity, compassion and kindness…

Last year, Earth completed it’s Ascension into the 5th+ Dimension, and since then every physical thing, every inhabitant has cleansed anything that is not in alignment with these higher frequency bandwidths of higher dimensions and atmospheres merging in this physical one here.

Continue reading here.  

12/8/2016 : Urgent Message From Alexandra Meadors

Editor’s note:  This message resonates deeply for me and I too have felt things energetically speaking in my body this week – a shift – as well as having two “paranormal” type experiences, 2 days apart.  Be well and be in Love.  ♥



I have been sitting on much information for some time and am called to put out this latest message:

As of 8:18:46 pm Tuesday night PDT A Great Event Occurred! The final “pillar” of the matrix came tumbling down. All curtains fell and all as we have known to be this reality is no more. There will be a delayed effect from this anticipated Moment and occurrence and all will begin to see an even greater acceleration in the dismantling of what was once The Matrix, all Matrix Systems, programing, and its components.

As was previously stated, all systems of control have been uncreated. A VERY specific sequence of uncreating has occurred and is complete now!!!!!!!!!

There will be a greater number of strange and sudden news flashes relaying groups of people killed/passing in unexpected ways. Do not be alarmed with this. This is not The Dark but rather all of those who have chosen another path and another destination. Copious exit plans will begin to become evident.

More and more information will come forth challenging us to release attachments to ANYTHING we have believed to be the truth. This is because sometimes what we believe to be true is not necessarily from our hearts but from programs, looping patterns, and other life time experiences where it seemed and felt right then, but will continue to feel “off” now. New information will rattle us to our very core and cause us to look at everything through a new lens, that is if we are up to the task of allowing, accepting, and participating in the destination we have been living in and the binding, distortions, and fallacies we have been quantum entangled in on and off planet.

With this release, all of The Enlightened Community may experience some discomfort with releasing what you feel you need to do or want to do to “connect” with your Higher Self and beyond. Many of us are already noticing that a knowingness has taken the place of needing to meditate for long hours, or sit a certain way, or use mudras or chant or what have you. All of these tools have played an important role when we were living in The Matrix but now The Matrix is dissipating and being uncreated so all that we have become will be effected as well. It is our choice to release what is old and make room for the new!

It is now time to see this dismantling with greater joy, recognizing it represents the harbinger of a New World unfolding, both within and outside ourselves.

Those public officials and world leaders who have been serving the Dark agendas have received their notice to vacate and make room for exceptional higher dimension beings.

Only the 3rd wave volunteers will be leaving.  Their vessels will be used by higher dimensional beings to step in (into their physical vessels) with the intention to bridge the new reality into our awareness.

Those that are not ascending with the planet will have a different experience than what is stated here in this message.

Many alterations have been made by Prime Creator from the point of our creation with even more safeguards to assure no distortions can occur again. This truly is a time of celebration as well as a time to continue going within. Many of us are experiencing heavy purging in preparation for our New Home. This is due to our release of any of The Matrix, all Matrix Systems, programing and its components that is tied in with the 3D and 4D programs within our physical vessel. All directly connected to our DNA structure and nervous systems will require restructuring, reconfiguration, assimilation and being at ease as our bodies continue to return back to an ever new crystalline structure never experienced before!!!

A brand new blueprint has been created, so ask Divine Intervention for assistance in releasing all old matrices, belief systems, programing, pain, memories, tension, control elements and more. DO NOT FORGET TO SAY THE FOLLOWING:


The KEY IS you must ACCEPT THIS WORK CONSCIOULY AND BE aware to make the choice to free yourself and surrender to the process at hand. This is not done for you. YOU MUST MAKE THE CHOICE INTENTIONALLY.

What a great gift we have received! Now we must consciously CHOOSE the work and healing that has been done for us!

Have a wonderful holiday folks! I am so excited and just can’t hide it….

With love from my heart to yours,

Alexandra and the GalacticConnection Team

(GC ed. note: We ask that you send this far and wide. Our usual channels of dissemination on the web seem to have been somewhat blocked. Galactic Connection was among the 200 websites mentioned on Propornot’s The List, cited by Washington Post in a hatchet job on “Russian propaganda” and “fake news.” Many of these have reported similar problems in recent days.)

12/6/2016 – Sheldon Nidle Update

Editor’s note:  I don’t normally share these updates.  However I had an experience tonight that prompted me to post.  As you will read in this post, he mentioned Inner Earth and Agartha.  I had a dream earlier this year about being in Inner Earth.  Big celebration.  Massive, long wooden table.  Inside what seemed to be a cavern with water falls and crystals and lots of sunlight.  I felt we (family) were in a period of transition.  My spouse had the same dream a few months later (which is when I then told him of my dream).  So tonight as I read this piece, I stood up, thinking about my dream and what I had just read about inner earth/agartha, when the doorbell on my daughter’s dollhouse went off – on its own.  It began doing this a year ago and continued for 6 months – normally going off late at night.  It abruptly stopped and with one exception, has been silent since.  Until tonight.  ♥  

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Sheldan Nidle – Update for December 6, 2016

9 Akbal, 6 Yaxk’in, 13 Caban

Selamat Balik! The process of defeating the cabal is not easy. They slyly used this most recent election to reinsert their dominance. The good part is that their great slide toward this current elected administration has made it easy to prepare the actual arrest scenarios. Meanwhile, the strategy for distributing the immensity of funds continues to move forward! At present, the rise of your new banking system is in place. The old banks have revealed how they intended to rebuild their coffers for a last attempt at a return to a position of dominance. This most insidious strategy is failing. The Elders and their royal counterparts are now busily arresting those who wished so hard to “put one over on us!” It has allowed our partners to take over a number of U.S.-headquartered banks and their counterparts in Europe. We expect that the initial distributions are primed to proceed and the first part of the vast wealth can be given to many who have waited so long to receive their promised earnings. The rest of this complicated procedure, likewise, is gradually moving toward its thrilling conclusion. The future is bright for the Light and its numerous associates. Stay patient! The best is yet to come!

It is important for you to truly realize that the present situations to which you are witness are only a ruse. The NESARA Republic is shortly to be declared, and prodigious sums have been set aside for all the exchanges and for the promised prosperity funds. Use this sacred time to divinely ready your mind for what is about to happen. You are destined to receive funds that are only meant temporarily to let you get used to the power and terror that money symbolized in this realm. The rising consciousness in you is to look beyond these beliefs, and in a short time, various devices such as our trans-matter processor are designed to make money obsolete. Nevertheless, people need to go through a period when they can clear their minds of the vast and ridiculous beliefs about money and wealth. Money was invented by the Anunnaki long ago to emphasize the difference between you and their minions. This exercise is to release you of the lies and misperceptions that you have long held about wealth. Do what you truly wish, and you will learn some basic truths about this particular subject.

Your realm has long suffered from the false divisions that wealth and power have caused. It has created class distinctions and developed the insane concept of privilege. The current exercise of wealth redistribution is a case in point. Right now, you are busily being raised in consciousness as a prelude for several Ascension protocols. These heavenly procedures are needed for preliminary changes to alter you at the right time for the greater transformations to occur in your Crystal Light Chamber. This project has many stages. First, you need to collectively experience a general prosperity to understand how these funds can rapidly transform this world. Second, you need to experience the general bliss created by this process. Finally, you need to realize just how powerful and magnificent you are as an interconnected group. This process is to open you to receive new perceptions of each other, allowing this realm to function in a whole new way. You are empowering your world to become a true global enterprise! It is this new perception that frees you to easily accept each other!

It is at this point that your freedom, prosperity and new governance join together and allow us to gently intervene. Our mentors are then to see how well you each have performed. This next level is to use your new self-knowledge to begin to develop a new inner dossier for yourselves. Your experiences need to be evaluated from your own perspectives, and in the light of your now-known past histories from Atlantis to the present. Together, you and your mentor are to decide how this collection of data fits together. This process is to create a profile that enables you, finally, to get the “big picture” of how you fit in. That is, to understand how your inner perceptions dovetail succinctly into this newly reformed realm. This is a process that needs deep exploration and frank evaluation, which is why you are so carefully examined every night by our medical teams. This is the physical data that needs to be recombined with the spiritual data you and your mentor piece together. This process requires some joint inner work, followed by a basic overview of how it fits into the collective. Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The world that surrounds you is changing quickly. Heaven is moving vast amounts of sacred fire into the Gaia plane. This energy is transforming the life fields that encompass you. These energies, in turn, are affecting how your inner aura fields operate. These divine flashes of energy are preparing you to consciously alter your perceptions about how this global society works. This process is to allow you before long to see the validity in transmuting the old de facto government into the new de jure NESARA one. This change is planned to occur shortly and can permit this new government to formally announce the reality of the Inner Earth realm of Agartha, as well as the formal disclosure of your galactic family. These series of actions are also to launch the formal establishment of the new global banking system and the new treasury bank monies. These blessed actions are a result of the great visions that you have held. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

What your dreams and visions have accomplished is being positively reflected back to you in a series of heavenly acts. Those who have worked diligently to manifest this began with the vast sums of monies created by our fellow Masters. This is to be swiftly followed by the glorious fruits promised you by NESARA. Heaven wishes to free you from the evil ones who arrogantly run this presently illegal American government and its many Allies. This excessive corruption is to be capped by the formal rise of the NESARA Republic and a new, and fairer, banking system. Blessedly, our sacred associates have procured a means to permit such a momentous change to materialize. Use this freedom and prosperity to make possible your dreams and your pursuit of inner happiness. Throw off all the fears and worries that somehow still encircle you. Let this new time define who you truly are!

In this new realm, you are at last to break free of the perceived limitations imposed first upon you by the Anunnaki and then by their minions. These lackeys are to be arrested and isolated from you. Let the force of your Heart and the path provided by Spirit be your Soul’s guide. Come together and shape a whole new reality based upon inner cooperation. Cooperation that creates a world that transforms hatred and division into spiritual unity and leads you back to the incredible Spirit and Love that is at the Heart of all humanity. It is this sacred society that We Masters have been slowly constructing since our Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods were first mandated by AEON. We are encouraged by some of the events of this time. It is a moment when a whole new world can be built that sets the stage for your rise from to planetary humans, to galactic and Spiritual Humans! Hallelujah!

Today we continued with our weekly reports. Some of you believe that what we say is hypothetical. Instead, our words depict a land that is now being born in selected places across this vast globe. It is to this promise that we joyfully dedicate these reports. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

James Gilliland Message – A Multidimensional Unfoldment

Editor’s note:  Beautiful words and so true.  Like James, I didn’t vote for Trump and don’t agree with much of what he stands for.  However, I breathed a collective sigh of relief seeing the final nail in the coffin for the Cabal by seeing Hillary lose.  I also felt and am experiencing myself the collective and individual need to heal from lifetimes of domination, control and abuse at the hands of men who share a similar behavior to that of Trump, who I believe is just playing a role.  We have to look at this from a higher perspective.  Lessons to be learned.  Pains, wounds and trauma’s to be healed.  I do not see Trump being installed.  I just don’t. The old ways are dying.  So for now let’s use this opportunity to HEAL those wounds of a lifetime/lifetimes.  Our Gaia is undergoing this process right along with us.  Focus on the Higher Good.  Focus on what you want.  Speak your truth.  Love yourself.  Bless yourself.  And honor the Good in all.


Multidimensional Awareness and the Future

I wanted to play a little game of what if with people who are struggling with how the world is unfolding. I love the scene in Crocodile Dundee when the woman asked him how the Aboriginal People felt about the atrocities and stealing of their land. He pointed at a large boulder. He said they are like that boulder people and circumstances come and go but they will always be here. All you can do is hold the light in the present moment and ask to see a higher perspective, the big picture. I have watched women turn rabid completely loose it concerning Trump. I have seen men become extremely agitated, their warrior coming out in some cases out of control. Some people are attacking their best friends and life long mates; which saddens me yet again it is all part of the process. The emotional response is directly proportionate to the wounds and traumas. I have also seen cultural divisions, anger and sadness with different ethnic groups. I have asked some women what if Trump is playing a role to bring up all the wounds and traumas of the past concerning men? There are life times of cellular memory being activated. What if he is showing us our own cultural bias? For that matter Hilary also is bringing up not just men’s women issues yet she is also bringing up the darkest depths of politics. We are talking about Satanic blood rituals, pedophile rings, covering up for Bill’s rape victims further victimizing them followed by the typical political double talk concerning protecting women. What about the millions of women and children killed in the Middle East of which she was in full support. What about funding ISIS now there is a group that supports women. The part I find odd is how so many women will just not look at the overwhelming evidence held by the NYPD and the FBI much of which was exposed by Wikileaks.

Again I want to reiterate I did not vote for Trump nor do I agree with his stance on many things yet when I looked at the steps necessary to turn things around he is the one in this moment that can best do the job. “For now.” So people are saying what about the fence between Mexico. Do you really believe there are fences in the future? They will all be coming down along with borders. A temporary fence around Washington DC might be a good idea however. We will eventually have a one world government yet not run by the illuminati. If we are to join the greater family of man through out the multiverse we have to unite as one world under a council of awakened ones with a track record of service to humanity and the Earth. One people, one planet in all its diversity.

If we were to go with Hilary it would be business as usual, more pathological lying, the continuation of the war and disease profiteers, more Satanic rituals, pedophile rings would get the green light get out of jail pass, the extreme corruption would continue and world war three would be inevitable. Do we really want this time line? This is why although so many do not agree with Trump had a major sigh of relief when she was ousted, regardless of the futile attempts then and now to install her. Realize we are undergoing a process, it is a healing process and everyone is playing his or hers roles. We are taking a series of steps; which will lead to something grand more than you have ever imagined. The republic will be restored; the Global Reset and Humanitarian funds will be released in the quatrillions probably in days now because everything from the top down has finally been signed. When the new Treasury note is released that is the last nail in the coffin for the global elite. The separation game, the unbridled greed and lust for power ends. The consequences begin. The reign of the tyrants comes to an end. In the future we will rapidly move to a cashless society as most advanced civilizations because the advance civilizations will be working with us. There will be a new law upon the land closely resembling Universal Law. War will be no more, disease will give way to suppressed cures and environmental clean up, “With help from the Star Nations as prophesized.

“ We need to focus on the world we want to experience release and heal the past, know all of this is a process and be brutally honest with ourselves if we are maintaining our center through this process. Do we really know and understand the multidimensional reality unfolding?”

Are we stuck in blame, projection, fear etc. I personally can only share some of my insights. The future is truly up to you. Shift into Creationary mind rather than reactionary mind. Find a way to release the past, the emotional charge so one can address these issues in the moment where the real power lies. Try to see the big picture, the purposeful good behind this process. The raising of the frequencies underway can best be summarized as higher consciousness and energy in, garbage out. Hold the space of the boulder, observing what is unfolding knowing that this too shall pass. You are eternal, always have been. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Make your own personal connection with Creator and it all becomes small stuff.
Be well;
James Gilliland

You have our permission to pass this far and wide.