Michelle Walling ~ New Earth News- Update On ‘The Wave’- April Fool’s Or A Starseed Call To Action?


Editor’s note:  Thank you Michelle Walling for this one.  I LOVE this piece and I am in FULL alignment with her!  I have been intending this energy, calling it forth, feeeeeeeeeling it, giving thanks for it, seeing it permeate and lovingly bless ALL life.  And I continue to do so until I no longer need to.  I had an experience last night or maybe it was the night before ~ where I was first intending this energy and then I was putting myself into my new home in the new realm I have been seeing, feeling and even smelling for years now – and as I did I felt that left side energy pull – and it continued – these waves pulling at me – and I let go and allowed the experience.  It is my feel this is both an “in here” and “out there” experience – all energy frequency based and so as such given ALL is connected, we CAN call this forth and make it create it on OUR own timeline. Let’s keep at this.  As I said last night, I will not use the phrase “be patient” and I feeeeel today what being told to “be patient” does – it lowers our beautiful internal vibe – so instead I feeeeeeeel it is more encouraging to say “we got this keep at it” and if you need to take a break do it then get back at it again.  With sooooo many of us KNOWING this and FEELING it and SEEING it – and knowing we are HERE NOW to be a part of this – a huge shift – a liberation – whatever you wish to define it as – there are FAR too many of us having this feel and far too many synchronicities for it to be a fantasy or just another matrix program.  It is too beautiful and amazing and just damn RIGHT to be false or created by some being with evil intentions.  THIS.  IS.  THE.  REAL.  DEAL.  Keep at it starseed warriors.  I know I am.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


by michelle on March 30, 2018

By Michelle Walling, CHLC
New Earth News Correspondent

Messages from the higher realms had indicated there was a very high probability that a huge wave of loving and transformational energy would sweep across the planet by the end of March of this year. The increasingly closer possibility was pushing the collective toward high hopes of change soon in our reality. Was it just another foolish prediction, or instead is it a measure of our manifestation capability as a collective?

Maybe this was a test run, a dress rehearsal. Never before since the end of 2012 has there been so much focus on the hope of a single event that would shift our reality in a palpable way. It is ingenious if you ask me, because we are all capable of creating such an event if we put our intentions and energies together. The real test is whether those who knew about such a wave would sit back and wait for it, or would they dedicate every moment they could to manifest it?

Allison Coe was one of the most recent people to report on “the wave” from a vast number of QHHT clients. If you have not heard of any of this before, you can read more about that HERE and in the New Earth News section of In5d. Many others including scientist Paul Laviolette have been talking about a “galactic superwave” for years, and it has been called by many other names. Many others have described a cosmic wildcard that will help those of us fighting for freedom from our oppressors a chance to bring as many people as possible out of their hypnotic trance. Many people have dreamed about waves and there have been countless channelings about the great change that we are going to experience. Scientists even predicted Intergalactic waves of energy back in 1953! This great change is already underway, but this is supposed to really give us a boost and we will actually witness and feel something like never before.

I think the biggest question to ask the readers of this article as we approached April 1 is this:

How many people reading this prayed to Source for divine intervention and meditated deeply and often for a wave of rainbow/divine love to swell from their hearts, sweeping the planet by the end of March?

As I was thinking about the way things have unfolded, I had some more questions that came to mind:

How many sat and waited or how many went about their 3d lives thinking they were so protected that their guides were taking care of them on this?

How many are gathering in groups in meditation to bring about this wave?

How many blatantly chalked it up to just another false light date that was being put out there? (I even had someone personally contact me to say that it wasn’t going to happen and that I was being misled!)

When will people understand that the wave is created by us, within us?

Manifesting this galactic wave of energy into our matrix it is what the rainbow warriors called Starseeds came here to do. The wave is a Universal rainbow frequency of all of the various sound resonances from each human holding the high vibration and harmony of love, compassion, and peace. When enough people emit the frequency from within, the various colors connect by magnetic resonance and form a rainbow. The frequencies may be divided by color but they are still connected as one great arc.

The dark forces will not know what will hit them when the loving people’s energies connect. Unity consciousness will be achieved by a critical mass. Divine intervention from within us will change this reality forever.

The Universe is within us! What we see with our eyes is a holographic projection. That projection is created with a template for a “planet”, run by an interactive artificial intelligence that works with our own experience, the co-experience of others with us from our local reality and “out there” in our worldly reality, and the illusions and distortions inserted by the dark forces. We have the ability to re-write the distortions with higher frequencies and alternate timelines and outcomes.

Here is the good news. Many of us did feel many waves of divine love frequencies washing over the planet over the last weeks and months. These waves are still reverberating and gaining momentum. Whether they are coming from the sun or the great central sun, or whether it is coming from within us is hard to ascertain. It’s both depending on what level you are looking at it from. What matters is that there are many of us holding our positions and doing the work necessary to create such a wave. However, this is a wake up call for us to try harder.

We already saw what an impact intention, guided imagery, and thought seeding can do to attract what we are all waiting for. There has been palpable evidence and even small rainbow clouds reported all over the world. Let’s strike while the iron is hot, while the smaller waves continue to gain strength to finalize this mission.

Here is what you can do to increase the momentum of the waves to create a tsunami of energy as prophesied by time travelers, dreams, QHHT clients, and scientists:

  • Pray every day to Source and the higher realms for this change.
  • Pray for the dark forces to remove themselves from your loved ones.
  • Pray for healing for yourself, your loved ones, and for everyone and everything on the planet.
  • Pray for a divine dispensation to stop the wheel of karma through forgiveness.
  • Pray for our planet to be cleansed- for our food, water, and air to be pristine.
  • In meditation, visualize a rainbow wave emitting from your heart space, growing in size, and connecting with all of the other starseeds that are doing the same. With each meditation, grow this beautiful light in intensity and strength.
  • Ask that all living beings receive only what is in their highest and best good according to their soul’s growth and goals of this lifetime, but ask that those who are ready to receive and shift out of this reality get the highest dose they are needing to boost their frequency.
  • Do whatever else your guidance suggests you do to bring this forth.
  • Share this call to action within your online spiritual & metaphysical family and make it a priority in your group meditations.

Do not work against the manifesters by falling into an “I told you so” stance. Do not fall into accepting that these waves of energy have been coming to the planet for a long time and will continue to come to the planet for many years to come, and that the big event is many decades in the future. Individually and collectively, some are ready may make a leap into a brighter future together to change their reality. There are many vampiric entities who do not want this to occur. Be grateful of the cleansing we have already received and accept the evidence before us that we are making a difference.

Like I have mentioned before, don’t shrug off your 3d lives waiting on a great miracle. We are changing the reality by anchoring high vibrations while being deep rooted into 3d. Continue to live responsibly! If you are having a hard time making ends meet, do what you need to do in your 3d world to keep afloat. Many people who thought 3d living would disappear in 2012 made drastic changes that put them into even more difficulty and depression. Although there was indeed a huge shift in our reality, we can look back on that to learn from the past. Be realistic in the sense that we still have to exist here until enough of us understand what needs to be done to cause a huge shift.

Common sense tells us that many people can’t continue living in this density. Something has to give and the dark’s vices continue to squeeze tighter. Whatever you do, never give up! It isn’t going to happen on its own, we are the ones we are waiting for to make it happen. Continue your efforts to create with an open heart and to join in the intention to free those who are ready.

About the author:

Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in starseed support. She is an international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started writing spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric articles for In5d.com. Michelle is the webmaster for MichelleWalling.comcosmicstarseeds.comthestarchildren.netcosmicawakeningshow.com, and howtoexitthematrix.com. Michelle is the host of the Cosmic Awakening Show and hosts conferences and workshops in the U.S. and Europe. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. To contact Michelle or to book a session, please visit michellewalling.com. Show your support by becoming a Patreon Member for only $8.88 per month and receive access to members only calls, videos, and articles! Click HERE for Michelle’s Patreon page.




WSO ~ Amazing Sky Photos End of March, 2018 with RICK NORRIS


Editor’s note:  Love the images and the tune.  Such passionate, raw, truthful words.  Earlier today I played the piano and paused to watch the sun.  I had this sudden desire ~ a first ~ to help break down the matrix grid, given all is frequency.  All I got was note “A” (a tune in “A” – like minor) ~ so I will keep at it.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 30, 2018


Sandra Walter ~ Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One


Editor’s note:  The intensity of these energies is yesssssssss.  The shaking, the anxiety, the shaking (did I mention the shaking??).  Yes, yes and yes…


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Obviously it has been an intense few weeks as this next light level flows in. This series of intel addresses the mulitidimensional levels of what is unfolding for the Ascension in this now. I AM about to travel to Sedona for High-Vibe gatherings, which feels well-timed as April provides unique interaction with the crystalline bridges to the New Earth experience. Kindwhile, this series of articles may provide clarity and support.

We are experiencing major releases of plasma light pulses. Ancient codes are stepping forth for higher timelines. Unlock what you planted here for Ascension, beloveds. The Crystalline Grid is adjusting the New Earth Grids for stability; Intend flow, ease and grace.

Meditate to feel the bliss, expansion and soothe the clearing activity. Focus on the heart as the energy field stimulation is very strong, especially for embodiers of the Christed frequency. The whole-body vibrations and surges will continue to amplify. Shake it til you make it!

Your lightbody is changing right now, don’t let the mind distract from this sacred transformation. Deep Soul group activity also present; we are migrating realities as a collective.

Note the activated heart torus expansion – like a big balloon of light. Spin crystalline-diamond-Christed light through these fields, it truly supports balance and integration. Extra water and oxygenation; we are purging the uncomplimentary DNA patterns and imprints from the cells. Release, weep, smile, we got this. It is safe to change.

This initial thrust of the Equinox wave lasts through April 7. Keep the focus on Highest Primary timelines for all. Join the SUNday Unity Meditations for collective amplification, balance and healing.

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One

Geomagentic storms were strong during the initial blows of these Cosmic Winds. Solar wind (plasma influxes) are consistent; a stream of higher vibrational Source-light-encoded light. Alignments during this passage assist the ever-increasing influx of these plasma delivery systems. This phase is different, however. Energies always rise, get stronger, that is the shift itself. This new frequency is revealing higher trajectories for many, which in turn levels up the collective Ascension.

As the planetary magnetics shift, it opens Gateways – ancient Gateways – for activation of Gaia’s crystalline core to radiate 5D activations. It also triggers awakened DNA and lightbodies to go into Ascension mode. This is why the body, mind, and emotions are so stimulated right now. This is the new light level consistently blooming, expanding us into the next creation which is already in place. New Earth Now.

This Divine Will influx is significantly altering the magnetics and grids of Gaia. Note the consistent solar wind and geomagnetic storms all throughout the Equinox influx from March 15. This is strong energy, powerful dimensional-shifting, consciousness-raising light. On the evening of March 16th I experienced six hours of watching the lightwave come nearer, activating extremely pure planetary and star toroidal fields in nearby systems. There were also vast fields of sparkling 5D-rainbow plasma flowing with this activity. More on that in the next article.

These pure phototonic deliveries are unlocking the magnetic stronghold which held old systems in place. As above, so below, Beloveds. Old game over, both externally and internally. This is why your lifestream is demanding change on a personal level. This is why you cannot create with the old energy, or why it feels uncomfortable to do so. Our higher trajectory, Primary Christed timelines, are doing what was intended; empowering the creators and active participants of this experience to raise all willing hearts into Unity consciousness.

Deconstructing the Old Architecture, the Old Storyline.

Think Universal, act local. The collective demands change on all levels. This is a reciprocal effect; the energies coming in create change, the Divine return of a pure experience of Source. Ascension is a command from Source; our entire Universe is shifting. The collective responds to the triggering light by seeking truth.

This has been going on for decades; the revelation of that which was hidden. The intensity increases; more light provides more exposure. As distortions, time-loops, uncomplimentary timelines and holographic inserts/imprints are removed, the collective consciousness catches up to the true level of light; the Divine Truth. Revelation begins to accelerate, the energies amplify, and our body-mind-spirit complex adjusts.

Part of the Gatekeeper credo is ensuring that everyone is provided with the opportunity to explore their Ascension without boundaries or control systems interfering with their path. This is what is occurring right now with Ascension. Everything is being cleared so that the collective experience of Ascension is wide open for exploration by all.

Anxieties and Insecurities

This current energy is aimed at global, palpable awakening and transparency. Insecurities, lack of confidence, emotional deep purging may get intense right now. Yes, it is part of the process and DNA/lightbody upgrades. However you may have noticed that it feels different, almost too intense in some moments. This is happening at the same time that many of us are experiencing intense bliss. Global magnetic shifts also alter your personal magnetics, however there is more going on.

As we move into unity consciousness, we can feel the collective field. Much of the insecurity, egoic clearing, and confidence challenges are a reflection of what is occurring behind the scenes. Those who believed that money and control were the most important thing, have no heart platform to stand on as the timelines shift. They feel they are losing everything by losing their material belongings, social status, financial status, or belief systems about how this was going to unfold. They are afraid of exposure and judgment. These HUmans have a deep ties energetically to nearly everyone on the planet. The core-shaking loss that they feel as the New Light takes over the plan is palpable.

We have experienced loss, reevaluation of all that we are, and the release of egoic-level attachments through our Ascension process. That same process is available to those who have chosen lower timelines. However, when it hits the powers-that-were in such a strong way, there are collective reverberations of those emotions and constructs being released. Those who are completely enamored and entangled with control-as-power, manipulation-as-power, are suffering. We must remember this is a collective release of what was created here, on overdrive.

There is much deep soul-searching as old structures collapse. However here is the point of mentioning behind the scenes in this article: Because we are all One, because the energy is doing the exact same thing to our personal lives that it is doing to the old structures, and because those systems had energetic ties to the entire collective, we feel it removing the old foundational platforms based on control, ego, and survival. This effects us on an individual case-by-case, person by person level. Clemency, forgiveness, emotional and psychological breakdowns from those transparency operations are palpable.

The energy does the same thing to our journeys as it does to larger operating systems. The questioning, the doubts, the fears, the insecurity, the lack of confidence … You see that this is all a reflection of what is happening on a mass scale. When folks at the top feel wounded and insecure, we feel it too. It teaches us empathy and compassion. In order to fully become a Christed being, we demonstrate non-judgment and forgiveness. False confidence or a false sense of power are falling away. This allows us to re-examine everything in this new light. Constructing new realities as we de-construct old ones is a mighty task for the lower Self. Have patience, follow the flow of this new light and let it change you.

Addiction to the old reality is breaking apart. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual distortion is surrendered so the palpable experience of a new path may be attained.

Spiritual Maturity, Spiritual Disclosure

The challenges to our spiritual maturity, our hearts, our relationships, releases the magnetics of the past. If you feel un-glued, that is exactly what is happening in your fields (and Gaia’s). Yes, the filters for our Ascension get finer and finer as we go through this process. That has been consistent. However this year, when we’re dealing with larger numbers in the awakened collective, the experience dissolves storylines and beliefs about who we were, and how we were going to walk through this.

This is a beautiful Mastery initiation to infinite possibility. We place our hearts on the feather scale. What has been learned and did we apply it properly? Is there anything that needs to shift to accommodate the higher trajectory?

We keep refining what we are in order to merge with our Higher True Self. Those of us feeling and creating this pull to the higher level, must respect and honor it. The High-Vibe Tribe reaches out multidimensionally to create highest outcomes for all.

Relationship with Source: Apply Multidimensional Awareness to Everything

Our relationship with Source is tested. Relationship issues are a reflection of the relationship with Self, which is a relationship with Source. The Divine searches for its own reflection, amplifies the Sacred mirrors and corrects distortion.

As this pure Source light returns, we deeply honor our relationship with Source. We feel and honor our relationship with creation, everything as God, as Self. Our relationship to Source is completing and aligning relationships in form because the Higher Self relationship is purifying with Source.

We are learning during this bifurcation process how realities are separated, and how they arise into something else. We remember our ancient creation, and how to create again in alignment with Source. We are reaching for the highest truth, the highest expression. Anything which limits the full expression of your highest trajectory is exposed.

Focus on multidimensional awareness and apply it to everything that is presenting in your lifestream. All situations, interactions, emotions, behaviors, words, projects, and creations. This is the emergence of our consistent presence as one unified consciousness. Everything traverses dimensions; apply this knowledge directly to what is presenting.

The new light level can be intense in some moments; both intense bliss and intense realignment with the Christed/Crystalline/Unity timelines. Our vibrancy is tested. Authenticity is tested. Spiritual maturity is tested. Oversoul groups are raising as many as possible into the higher experience with ease and grace. The brighter we glow, the easier it is for others to see the light.

Primary Christed timelines are very high vibrational creations, and by quantum effect they raise our experiences into zero point. Remember they are a part of bridging the worlds; we use them to Ascend to 5D. As always,the vibrational pass-key is the Christed/Crystalline HUman Heart.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.


Sophia Love’s Pleiadian Pipeline Message (On The Healing Pods)


Sourced from here.

March  24th, 2018
Hi there!

Today I’d like to share something that was shared with us, by my friend Don. He has compiled a collection of what he feels is the most relevant text regarding the pods, and uses these thoughts and statements each day while making contact.  He has this to say: “I have created a sheet from the different sources of the Pleiadian Pipeline articles.  I also found a pic of me at 18 where I can visualize the age, remembering the vim and vigor of that time easily.”  These are great ideas for making this real. So thank you, Don! Read his summary below.

One of my readers just let me know that while he was recently being tested in a hospital, more than one of the medical personnel remarked “Although you are in your sixties, these tests show you have the body of a MUCH younger man, like 20’s or 30’s!”  So, he smiled and said to himself and our friends from the stars “Thank you Pleaidians!”

This story is also  posted on the website. Click here

Please enjoy today’s message and share it! You may have noticed I’ve changed the logo.  The website has been updated also, check it out!  I think you’ll find it easier to navigate and quite beautiful!  Click here.

With gratitude and love,

“We are seeing many of you asking for our help with the pods and then struggle to complete a successful interaction with us and with our technology. The belief in our pods is paramount to a successful interaction.

Once it is accepted that they exist, it becomes necessary to envision them not so much as miracle workers, but advanced technology.

The difference in the two viewpoints may appear subtle, yet it is all important. In the case of a miracle, there is no responsibility on you to participate. Something is miraculously done to you that heals you.

In the case of technology that you don’t yet understand, there is this component of a possibility for your own interaction with it.  You may have never seen this before, but you are willing to consider it as plausible because it is just newer technology and not divinely inspired action.

Most of you have heard by now of the ship’s ET pilots.  This is sort of the same.  The technology in the pods is real, yet you control it.

What must be held in your minds at all or most times is the ideal version of you. This asks of you to envision yourself vital and in all ways alive.

This is more than repair of damage.

It is return, rejuvenate; remember the strength and flawless form of an ideal moment you’ve experienced.

Our tech picks up on the emotional components of whatever moment you feed it.  This is what we want you to be conscious of – of the thoughts and subsequent feelings you are holding.  They are the fuel and the blueprint for the creation of your human form. This holds true in all cases, but is especially true with our technology.

It finds the ideal picture you hold and imprints it – it is up to you to maintain it once that happens.

Regardless of current conditions or history – NOTHING IS SET TO “PERMANENT”.

The option exists at all times to re-visit vitality, strength, and wellness. These are not states of being that are beyond reach, regardless of where you begin.

We would encourage those of you who are willing to work with us, to disregard any past or current definition of your body.

Then – re-make a new one, one that you desire now.  One you can visualize and retain whenever it is called up.

This vision will then be our blueprint.

Believing is necessary before seeing is possible. The healed and whole image must be held in our consciousness.
We are aware. What we want to begin with your people now is a small and simple statement.  It is “I know the pods exist” or “The Pleiadian Pods Exist“.

We would like to ask people interested in participating to repeat the phrase daily and as much as they want for a few weeks.  We will assess when to move to the next steps.  We believe you will describe the history and function of the pods better than we can from here.

What we learned was that the beliefs we hold dictate everything that happens to us. It is like I once heard Esther Hicks say “You have to KNOW it is there, in the same way you KNOW the Post Office is on a specific street in your town.”

The technology they utilize is available to them 24/7. Aging and illness, for them, is not expected and therefore does not happen. The frequency/light technology is in certain doorways they walk through daily.  They have pods that immerse whatever or whomever is in them with this frequency/light technology. It works with the original blueprint/healthiest image of that being and re-informs the energetic blueprint carried.  It is a sort of reminder session for them, constantly available as a part of their daily life. It is all they know.” 

Sophia Love ~ The Event ~ Reports from the Collective


Editor’s note:  Resonating chills, bliss and a smiling heart as I read this. Thank you Sophia Love for putting this together!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  We are about to be “unplugged” in order that we may fully come Online as Source Super Powers of Love.  I remember the one dream I had of the Event in early 2017 ~ the main message was “this changes everyone and everything by returning the internal experience of Pure Divine Love.”


Today I’d like to share some additional reports regarding this upcoming Event.  Sources are dreams, higher selves, QHHT sessions and One.  I will keep each anonymous while sharing as much as I am able to comfortably.

These were given to me or shared with me by some of my readers, these are not my own dreams or QHHT sessions.

In that way, what is offered here is from all of us, a collective imagining of what is heading our way.  Enjoy.

“I watched another video with Allison Coe. I was happy to see how many others described rainbow light like I described in my dream. The light was alive. It washed the manufactured and dirty veil from our bodies minds and spirits. With it came telepathy and the ability to communicate directly without being recorded and tracked by the dark side. Rather than being and end unto itself, it was simply a tool in the coming transition wherein humanity reclaims their sovereignty rather than being it handed to them. It all comes down to free will.”

“Event to happen by April 15, not sure of any date, with intense bright light immediately followed by ripples of colored light across sky, those whose vibrational levels are not quite high enough will leave the earth for  72 hours and then be returned to Earth to get to raise their vibratory rate, those who cannot/will not raise their rate will be off Earth and taken to another 3D planet, I estimate between 35-50% of Earths current population”

Regarding ascension symptoms:
“The turmoil is akin to a simmering pot.  It’s been simmering these many years. It boils over now because, in a sense, the heat has been turned up.  This is not heat from you.  It is coming from the increased frequency. It has to be seen and adjusted as the heat won’t be going down but increasing.”

“You will not be separated from any loved ones for long enough to worry, but yes, some of those will be on the ships.”

“It will be like the blink of an eye.  Surreal and then everything changes. This is real. It is a joining and recognition of all of you.  Every component. This gives you your full force.”
“These coming times will not feel easy, they will be confusing and could appear frightening.  You know better.”

“You will be empowered to experience and express your full selves, not leaving behind your ego self this time, but incorporating and including her and him into full expression. This means all parts join in the most joyful and desired ways.  It is the only outcome seen now.”

“There is a wave of light coming your way.  It is one in which the colors will be seen as well as felt. It is not one that will be experienced on a purely sensual basis.  It will be visually perceived.
In the majority of the people it will not be understood. This wave is not exactly as seen in the images portrayed by the entertainment industry.  These images are close. They have been presented now in order to instill fear.”

“The image of this light and color love/light wave is more like a moving flowing group.  You will not have to decide to move into it, it will move through you and although it will be unusual, it will not cause fear. The effort at bringing an element of fear to it will not succeed.
This is because the power of the energy/light itself is stronger than anything every experienced here on earth. It will not be overcome by anything else.  It will be known and felt as love.”

“There will be a moment. This moment will or may be confusing for those among you who have not ever attempted to operate from a point of love. It will not last.”

“This is not to say the wave will have the same effect on each of you.  It will not.”

“Many of you will segment this out as if it were a dream.
Some of you will have it occur while sleeping but will recall it as a dream – a dream you may not even speak of until life feels so very altered the following day or someone else mentions the same sort of dream.”

“It comes at you even now, make no mistake. It will also be an isolated physical happening in which there will be a beginning, a middle and an end.  There will be a time known as before the event and a time known as after the event. It will be marked and recognized.”

“The time leading up to the event is right now.  The time after the event comes soon.  This event is not days long but will be recovered from for days after.  It will change everything for everyone.”

“The physical man-made systems will all be altered.”

“You have heard and now expect something in March of your current year.  It is true that something happens in March but it is not the event as you are expecting it. It is a leading-edge wave of love, an introduction to light filled energy that sets the stage for what is to be known as the event. It begins now. It will be known to have happened in March of this current year. That is specific as I am going to be.”

“It is in these pre-cursor waves of energy where you’ll find hearts begin to open and things begin to thaw.”

“You cannot plan your life around its timing. All of you will be protected during this event – it is not one of destruction or of fear, quite the opposite.”

“The event is a singular moment that is set to “on” very soon. It is humanity and the earth and the central sun (that pull the switch).”

“All is perfectly done. Your place when the event occurs is perfectly chosen. You will see. There will be no missing it, sleeping through it, or fear around it.”

“It will not be seen or forecasted.  It will simply arrive.”

“Simultaneously for everyone on the planet – the wave arrives.”

So that about covers it!

We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With gratitude and so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  
Much obliged.

Sourced from here.


Decree to Speed Up The Event


Editor’s note:  This is such a powerful, beautiful statement.   I give thanks for it showing up in my messenger box (thank you Chad!) as for several days, I have wanted to begin saying something, some message, some chant, with others, to bring forth the Galactic/Cosmic Love Wave, touching each of us, elevating our awareness/consciousness, allowing us to Remember Love.  Connection.  Unity.  I have it printed out and my mate and I have begun stating it out loud.  Please join us!  I am so ready for the liberation of us All.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

Much love….Victoria


Amanda Lorence ~ A Message for the Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  The past few morning’s I have awoken with the feel that April 1st was going to be the start of something permanent and significant.  


Amanda Lorence
2 hrs


Timelines are perceived by some as linear (past, present, future). In truth they are non-linear as many of you know (all occurring simultaneously in the NOW).

At this point in the collective MASS awakening and ascension timeline on GAIA, the Lemurian timeline and the Human 2018 timeline will become ‘timeless’. Whether this is a physical sight and solid appearance, or whether it is that REAL-TIME telepathic communication begins in EARNEST between Lemurian energies and many humans, I do not know. We will know soon.

The dates 1-7 April are significant. I don’t work with dates, so that KNOWING in itself shows me the huge significance. It is significant for each human based on their chosen path. It is extremely clear, since recent shift at Equinox, that “It is done”, “All is ready”, “Each have chosen”. This means that all plays out perfectly for each individual facet as chosen at their higher level. There is no right or wrong, just experience. And each will contribute to this period accordingly. 1-7 April is significant for each human to absorb and take FULL responsibility for their individualised thoughts and actions during that time period. Advice would be to use your own INTUITION and not what others (including me) say…only you know YOU, your path, your journey. Another does not know YOU as well as you know YOU. Listening to your inner guidance will show each human HOW to focus through 1-7 April, if they quieten down and listen within. Many will not quieten sufficiently to hear their inner guidance system, yet the cruder nudges of intuition and gut feelings are easier to pick up on to assist each person…should they choose to act upon themselves. I repeat, 1-7 April is significant. Yet I do not know why or how yet. I’m passing on this definite forecasted timeline, well in advance…in order that each are aware, to choose how to be ahead of time, to adjust, balance, quieten, be the neutrality…if you chose such focus. Always a choice. No judgement exists, except within you.

1-7 April, I will be offline merging consciousness directly with GAIA assisting her as this energy. I’ll be working energetically with inter-galactic energies also. Of course, if info arrives within 1-7 April dates, I will hop on here to pass on.

It’s all moved up a notch since the recent Equinox; we’ve shifted, the incoming patterns have altered (new energy patterns within our physical bodies, new colour sequences and patterns incoming to Gaia) and all our human collective work across the planet reflects that shift. So many humans are assisting with precise focus in these significant times.

One Love.

AL 23 March 2018

Ep. 4: The Sun and The Solar Flash (with Joshua Dharma)


Listening…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  I had forgotten I had subscribed to his channel awhile back as I really liked his energy.  Good find, mate!  


Published on Mar 19, 2018


Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Update ~ #UniversalBackDoor HATJ and BZ phone Conversation #UniversalCleanUp


Editor’s note:  Awesome and difficult to listen to.  In total alignment with what she shares ~ including this crypto nonsense.  It will not be allowed.  Period.  It is just another power-over, system of control. Please share with all you know. Thank you.  We need to continue focusing on what we want, or as Heather says “the end result”.  


Published on Mar 21, 2018