Intelligence Is Inherited From The Mother

Smart people should thank their mothers because, according to researchers, their mothers are responsible for the transmission of the intelligence genes. Thus, gender stereotypes that survived over centuries are perhaps about to disappear. Single mothers who want an intelligent son don’t need to look for a Nobel Prize at the nearest sperm bank and it is likely that men begin to re-evaluate the intelligence of women.
At the basis of this idea there are those known as “conditioned genes”, that behave differently depending on their origin. Basically, these genes have a kind of biochemical tag which allows to trace the origin and reveals even if they are active or not within the progeny cells. Interestingly, some of these affected genes work only if they come from the mother. If that same gene is inherited from the father, it is deactivated. Obviously, other genes work the opposite, are activated only if they come from the father.

Mother’s genes go directly to the cerebral cortex, those of the father to the limbic system

We know that intelligence has an hereditary component, but until few years ago we thought that much of it depended on the father as well as on the mother. However, several studies revealed that children are more likely to inherit intelligence from the mother, because intelligence genes are located on chromosome X.
One of the first studies in this area was conducted in 1984 at the University of Cambridge. This study analyzed the co-evolution of the brain and the conditioning of the genome, to conclude that the maternal genes contribute most to the development of the thought centers in the brain.
During the study, researchers created the embryos of special rats that only have genes of the mother or the father. But when came the time to transfer them to the uterus of an adult rat, the embryos died. So it was discovered that there are conditioned genes which are activated only when inherited from the mother and that are vital to the proper development of the embryo. On the contrary, the genetic heritage of the father is essential for the growth of the tissue that will form the placenta.
At that time, the researchers hypothesized that if these genes were important for the development of the embryo, it was also likely that they could play a major role in lives of animals and people, maybe they could even result in some brain functions. The problem was how to prove this idea, because embryos with genes from only one parent died quickly.
The researchers found a solution: they discovered that embryos could survive if normal embryonic cells were maintained and the rest were manipulated. This way they created several genetically modified laboratory mice that, surprisingly, did not develop the same way.
Those with an extra dose of maternal genes developed a bigger head and brain, but had little bodies. Conversely, those with an extra dose of paternal genes had small brains and larger bodies.
Deeply analyzing these differences the researchers identified cells that contained only maternal or paternal genes in six different parts of the brain that control different cognitive functions, from eating habits to memory.
In practice, during the first days of the embryo development, any cell can appear anywhere in the brain, but to the extent that the embryos mature and grow, cells that had the paternal genes accumulate in some areas of the emotional brain: hypothalamus, amygdala, the preoptic area and the septum. These areas are part of the limbic system, which is responsible for ensuring our survival and is involved in functions such as sex, food and aggression. However, researchers have not found any paternal cells in the cerebral cortex, which is where they develop the most advanced cognitive functions, such as intelligence, thought, language and planning.

New studies, new lights

Of course, scientists continued to investigate this theory. Years later, Robert Lehrke revealed that most of childrens’ intelligence depends on the X chromosome, and he also showed that since women have two X chromosomes are twice as likely to inherit the characteristics related to intelligence.
Recently, researchers at the University of Ulm, Germany, studied the genes involved in the brain damage and found that many of these, especially those related to cognitive abilities, were on chromosome X. In fact, it is no coincidence that the mental illness is 30% more common in males.
But perhaps, one of the most interesting results in this sense comes from a longitudinal analysis conducted by the Medical Research Council Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in the United States. In this study they interviewed every year since 1994, 12,686 young people aged between 14 and 22 years. The researchers took into account several factors, from the color of the skin and education to socio-economic status. This way they found that the best predictor of intelligence was the IQ of the mother. In fact, the ratio of young people’s intelligence varied only an average of 15 points from that of their mothers.

Genetics is not the only responsible

If we leave genetics we can also meet other studies that reveal the mother plays an important role in the intellectual development of children, through the physical and emotional contact. In fact, some studies suggest that a secure bond is intimately tied to intelligence.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota, for example, found that children who have developed a strong attachment with their mothers develop a capacity of playing complex symbolic games at the age of two years, are most persevering and show less frustration during the troubleshooting.
This because the strong bond gives the necessary security to allow children explore the world and the confidence to solve problems without losing heart. In addition, these mothers also tend to help the children solving problems, thus helping to further stimulate their potential.
The importance of the emotional relationship for the development of the brain has been demonstrated by researchers at the University of Washington, who revealed for the first time that a secure bond and the love of the mother are crucial for the growth of some parts of the brain. These researchers have analyzed for seven years the way mothers relate with their children and have found that when supported emotionally their children and adequately gratified their intellectual and emotional needs, at age 13 the hippocampus of the kids was 10% greater than that of children of mothers who were emotionally distant. It is worth mentioning that the hippocampus is an area of the brain associated with memory, learning and stress response.

Can we really talk about hereditary intelligence?

It is estimated that between 40-60% of intelligence is hereditary. This means that the remaining percentage depends on environment and stimulation. In fact, what we call intelligence is nothing more than the ability to solve problems. But the curious fact is that to solve problems, even a simple mathematical or physical one, comes also into play the limbic system, because our brain works as a whole. Thus, even if intelligence is closely linked to the rational thinking function, it is also influenced by intuition and emotions, that genetically speaking, are influenced by the contribution of the father.
Moreover, we must not forget that even if a child has a high IQ, we must stimulate his intelligence and nourish it throughout life with new challenges which are constantly improving. Otherwise intelligence will disperse.
Beyond what was stated by genetics, fathers should not be discouraged, because they also have much to contribute to the development of their children, especially being emotionally present. The IQ with which we are born is important, but not decisive.
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Frankincense Oil Can Help With Anxiety, Depression and Other Health Issues

Frankincense oil is known as the King of Oils – and it truly deserves this title. I use it daily to promote my health and if I ever had to choose just one oil to have, it would be frankincense. Frankincense has a long history of being used as a prized and precious essential oil. Historically it was used by the Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians in religious ceremonies, and as a resin for balms and salves. And of course, the three wise men brought frankincense to the baby Jesus as an offering.

Frankincense is taken from Boswellias when it is extracted from the bark of the tree. The milky-white sap will quickly harden to a resin and then be scraped off the tree in the form of pear-shaped droplets. The color and quality of this resin varies greatly, from the highest quality (clear and silvery in color) to the lowest (of a brown-yellow hue).

Today, the essential oil, acquired by steam distillation of the resin, is widely used and holds great therapeutic value.


The following uses of Frankincense are based upon my own personal experience.

1. Help with wounds from cuts, scrapes, and burns. For even greater benefit, apply Lavender essential oil first then layer Frankincense on top.  The combination of these two oils together is amazing when it comes to helping with wounds. (where to find) 

2. Neurological support. 

Frankincense is probably the best oil I know of for neurological support. It helps with the function of the central nervous system in particular. Whether it’s helping with clarity of thinking, or balancing the emotions, frankincense has a lot of benefits to offer.

3. Reduce and fade scars.  Just combine 2-3 drops of frankincense oil with coconut oil, and directly apply it on your skin.

4. Foster strong immune system.  Massage a few drops into the balls of your feet daily to boost your immune system. You can also diffuse it throughout your home or in your bedroom at night.

5. Reduce stress and anxious feelings.

Frankincense oil promotes relaxation and feeling of calm. You can simply rub a few drops mixed in a carrier oil on the back of the neck when you feel stressed.

6. Hormones and Memory

Frankincense can help balance hormones and improve memory.

7. Aging skin.   Mix a few drops of the Frankincense with unscented oil (like coconut) and apply to your skin. You can also add a drop of Frank to your daily moisturizer.

8. Head tension.  Frankincense can be used to relieve conditions where pain and tension are present.

9. Congestion.  Put up to six drops in a sink or bowl filled with very hot water then bend over the sink with a towel draped over your head to contain the steam. Breathe in the vapors for at least five minutes, adding more hot water as needed.  Be careful not to scald yourself; the water should be hot, not boiling.

10. Relieve itching.  A single drop applied to the affected area will bring immediate relief.

11. Relieve joint pain and swelling.  Mix with a carrier and rub into aching joints at night before bed and throughout the day,

12. Clear up problem skin.  Dab one drop on stubborn spots morning and night.

13. Relaxation.  Add 5 or 6 drops to a diffuser and breath in the oil to open the senses and create a calming atmosphere. To elevate your mood a few drops – as a perfume – works well.

14. Remove moles, skin tags, and warts.  Apply a single drop 3 or 4 times a day until gone.

15. Enhance vision.  Put 1-2 drops of Frankincense in your hand and then  rub your index finger in the oil and rub it onto each of your temple.  It can provide greater clarity to your vision and bring everything into greater focus.

16. Remove musty odors.  Place a couple of drops in a small dish of water and the room will take on a much fresher smell.

17. Oral Health: Useful as preventative measure against oral health problems such as bad breath, toothaches, cavities, canker sores, and other infections. Try mixing with baking soda and coconut oil to make your own toothpaste.

18. Promote sleep  Diffuse frankincense at bedtime to help you slow down your breathing and relieve nervous tension and anxiety.  You will sleep like a baby!

19. Enhance the efficacy of other essential oils.   Layer Frankincense over other essential oil to enhance that oil’s properties and drive the oils deeper into the cells.


Sourced from:


Editor’s note: Indeed – Love In Action Now…Which must begin with ourselves…  

The words you choose to use can literally change your brain.

Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert, collaborated on the book, “Words Can Change Your Brain.” In it, they write, “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.Toward Digital Encryption

When we use words filled with positivity, like “love” and “peace”, we can alter how our brain functions by increasing cognitive reasoning and strengthening areas in our frontal lobes. Using positive words more often than negative ones can kick-start the motivational centers of the brain, propelling them into action.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when we use negative words, we are preventing certain neuro-chemicals from being produced which contribute to stress management. Each and every one of us are initially hardwired to worry; it’s how our primal brain protects us from dangerous situations for survival.

So, when we allow negative words and concepts into our thoughts, we are increasing the activity in our brain’s fear center (the amygdala), and causing stress-producing hormones to flood our system. These hormones and neurotransmitters interrupt the logic and reasoning processes in the brain and inhibit normal functionality. Newberg and Waldman write, “Angry words send alarm messages through the brain, and they partially shut down the logic-and-reasoning centers located in the frontal lobes.”


An excerpt from their book tells us how using the *right* words can literally change our reality:

“By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain.

Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with. A positive view of yourself will bias you toward seeing the good in others, whereas a negative self-image will include you toward suspicion and doubt. Over time the structure of your thalamus will also change in response to your conscious words, thoughts, and feelings, and we believe that the thalamic changes affect the way in which you perceive reality.”

A study done by Positive Psychology further elaborates on the effects of using positive words. A group of adults aged 35-54 were given a nightly task of writing down three things that went well for them that day, including an explanation of why. The following three months showed their degrees of happiness continued to rise, and their feelings of depression continued to decline. By focusing and reflecting on positive ideas and emotions, we can improve our overall well-being and increase functionality of our brain.

What words do you choose to focus your energy on? If you notice your life isn’t exactly “peachy,” try carrying a journal with you to keep track of how often you use negative words. You may be surprised to find how simple the solution to a better life really is- change your words, change your life.

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Scientists Say Our DNA Is Activating

Editor’s note:  I had a conversation with a friend today about this – saying that at one point in our evolution we had 12-strands of DNA – and had what would today be considered “super” powers.  I intuitively know and feel in my body I have teleported, manifested physical objects with intention/correct vibrational frequency and other skills.  And I have felt for some time these abilities are going to be increasing.  Today, for example, while meditating in absolute quiet (child was outside with papa bear – smile) I began quietly chanting “I AM THAT I AM” – looking at my hands – when suddenly I saw the energy field or aura of my hands.  A first.  Only gonna increase and the abilities lie within each of us if we so know it and intend it.  

Two nights ago, before I went to sleep, I asked the Creation to guide me to another important subject.The next morning, my father called me to say that scientists made strange discoveries regarding the human DNA.

Even though I usually ‘administrate’ this kind of information to my father ‘by force’, now he was the one updating me. Even so, I haven’t payed attention to this subject until later that evening.

To be honest, I was amazed to read that the modern medicine finally released to the press that the ‘first human with 3 DNA strands’ has been born. Of course, the case of little Alfie is the first one to be officially acknowledge by the medical community, but not the only one existent.

In fact, I’ve read years ago that independent doctors were already working with children who developed the third DNA strand. But are they different than the average human? I am absolutely delighted to inform you that they are very special and in fact all humans are mutating to a superior species, as we speak.

Please relax and enjoy the article!

I. The modern medicine officially acknowledged the first case of a child with 3 DNA strands – Finally!

II. Convention of geneticists from around the world: “We are making an evolutionary change … we will be developing twelve DNA helixes.” Each extra strand of DNA will grant us ‘super-human’ abilities that we are now calling ‘paranormal’.
III. DNA and body changes;
IV. Physical DNA – Spiritual connections;

I. Alfie Clamp: The First Acknowledge Case by
the Modern Medicine of A Human With 3 DNA StrandsA two-year-old boy has become the only person in the world to be diagnosed with an extra strand in his DNA. Brave Alfie Clamp was born blind and with severe disabilities, which led doctors to carry out various tests.

They revealed his seventh chromosome has an extra strand of material which has never been documented anywhere in the world before. Doctors are baffled at his condition, which is so rare it does not have a name.
Medics also have no idea whether his condition will improve or reduce his life expectancy.
Alfie, from Nuneaton, Warks., can now see and he will have an operation this month to fix an intestinal problem caused by his condition. His parents Gemma and Richard Clamp only discovered something was wrong with their son after they first took him home.Within days, he was rushed back to hospital after he stopped breathing and his lips turned blue.

Then when he was six weeks old, doctors discovered he had a rare abnormality in his DNA. Mrs Clamp said: ‘When the doctors told us I was absolutely devastated. As a pregnant mum you spend nine months thinking about what it will be like when your baby takes their first step or claps their hands.
‘Having a boy like Alfie makes you appreciate the little things. He didn’t roll over until he was 18 months old, but we were so excited when he did.’

A microscopic image of human chromosomes. Little Alfie Clamp has an ‘extra arm’ on one of his, in what is believed to be a world first.His condition left Alfie unable to see until he was three months old and his muscles were so weak he could not roll over on his own. He still suffers serious digestive problems and needs a cocktail of drugs every day to help his body absorb vital nutrients. He also suffers fits which sparked by high temperatures and metabolic problems stop him from eating or drinking.

Since he was born, Alfie has been rushed to hospital six times – including twice just last month – when he stopped breathing. His parents even believed he was dying twice and were stunned when Alfie made a full recovery after spending time in hospital. Mr and Mrs Clamp, who also have 10-year-old daughter Georgia who is perfectly healthy, had their DNA tested but were not carriers of the faulty gene.

Mr Clamp said: ‘The doctors told us there is nothing we could have done to prevent it. I don’t think we’ll ever know why it happened. ‘I was holding him in my arms and I could see his eyes start to focus on me. It was a massive milestone for us because we didn’t know if that would ever happen.

‘We even took a photograph of the two of us sat there, looking at each other. Having Alfie has changed our lives – everything revolves around him. But he is such a happy boy and he has brought a lot of joy to our lives.

‘Whenever we go to hospital, all the doctors and nurses say what a pleasure it is to see Alfie.’

II. Scientists: Humans are Mutating as we SpeakInterview with Berrenda Fox

by Patricia Resch
The content has been removed at the request of Patricia Resch. The interview is still availablehere.
III. Remedies for the Side EffectsExtracted from an article ‘The Bigger Picture’ by Susanna Thorpe-Clark. We are being changed physically from carbon-based beings with 2 strands of DNA into crystalline beings with 1,024 strands of DNA (eventually, in time), because only crystalline substances can exist on higher dimensional levels. But the immediate changes are from 2 to 3 DNA strands, and later into 12.

It is speculated that the human beings already had 12 DNA strands hundreds of thousands of years ago, but someone or something interfered in our evolution, downgrading us to only two. It is not just we humans who are changing, but all life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline.All the fish in the sea, the flowers and trees in your garden, the birds in the sky, even your pet dog or cat. Everything is changing. Nothing will die or be destroyed, for we are all moving together into A NEW STATE OF BEING. This new state of being requires therefore that we physically, mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd dimensional concepts.

Just as in death, the letting go is a major part of the change process, for one cannot take the old values and way of being into a new completely different afterlife. So the progression through changes compels us to let go of current relationships, jobs, careers, homes, possessions, and so on, if they are unable to support our new way of being.
Is it any wonder therefore, that there is a great deal of anxiety and fear being felt because these changes are already in progress, even though most people are not conscious of it. Also, the changes to our physiological makeup are currently speeding up and there are MANY TEMPORARY PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS that are occurring in our bodies as a consequence of this.Some of these are:

Flu-like symptoms – high temperatures, sweating, aching bones and joints etc, but which do not respond to antibiotics.

Migraine headaches – severe pain that is not relieved with pain killers.
Occasional diarrhoea.
Occasional runny nose – with sneezing which lasts 24 hours and is not a cold or hayfever.
Ringing in the ears
Heart palpitations
Feeling the whole body vibrate – especially at ni ght when one is in a relaxed state.
Intense muscle spasms – plus pain in the body, often the back.
Tingling – in arms, hands, legs or feet.
Loss of muscular power – in hands, caused by changes in circulation system.
Occasional breathing difficulties – and/or noticing stronger or louder breathing when in a relaxed state.
Immune system changes
Lymphatic system changes
Feeling tired – or exhausted from minor exertion.
Wanting to sleep – longer and more often than normal.
Toe nails and hair growing quicker than normal.
Bouts of depression for no real reason.
Delving into the past – and looking at relationships, gaining clarity on personal issues.
Feeling of a huge purge
Tension, anxiety and high stress levels – because one feels that something is going on but doesn’t know what it is.
Some of these symptoms are being felt by a great many people. Many are rushing off in panic to their doctor, chiropractor, herbalist, etc. and are usually told that there is nothing wrong with them. And this is the truth. For all these symptoms are just temporary and simply indicate that these physiological changes are occurring.
Some of the RECOMMENDED RELIEF REMEDIES for the above are: Go with the flow, don’t fight it.If you feel tired and exhausted, rest and get plenty of sleep. Drink lots of water for you are detoxifying and dehydrating quicker than usual. To relieve emotional tension and stress levels take Valerian. Fenugreek relieves stress on the lymphatic system and helps the detoxification.
To relieve muscle spasm take Valerian and try mud baths or a long, hot soak in a bath to which you add a cup of Epsom salts.Do this daily. Rocognise that even if you are having heart palpitations or breathing difficulties that it is the heart chakra or the throat chakra.that is unblocking and that the symptoms are temporary. You aren’t dying, just changing! However, don’t just take my word for it. Seek medical guidance if you are unsure. If you don’t know where to get Valerian or Fenugreek, try a health food store or better still, simply say the name in your head when you need relief.

All healing energies are transmitted via the sound of the name and are just as effective said in the mind or aloud, as in physically taking them. Try it and see. Ask your angel guides to help relieve any pain. They are just waiting to be asked ! Most symptoms seem to last a couple of weeks, then clear up. Some symptoms may recur from time to time. These changes are not necessarily being experienced by everyone concurrently. A very small percentage of adults have already completed the entire change into crystalline form and now embody 1,024 strands of DNA.
One report is of a woman who has grown 3 inches taller and a footsize larger. All children under the age of 7 have also now completed the change, or will shortly do so. Babies born in the past 2 years have all been born with the full set of DNA. Some people are only just starting to move through these changes, and many others have yet to start. This process of change is known as the Awakening, or as the Ascension process, or known as achieving the Merkabah, or light body.
We need to transcend our fears and learn about love, real love, which has to start with the self. Because, until we can love and trust ourself, We cannot truly love or trust anything or anybody else.
IV. The Spiritual ConnectionAs scientific research has now proven, our DNA, shown on this page in the familiar double helix configuration, holds the genetic codes for your physical and emotional evolution. Still to be discovered by science is the fact that your DNA has a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for your body.

The Genome Project decoded only approximately 3% of the total physical DNA. The remaining 97% was then termed “junk”, inferring it has no purpose. The truth is that the human body is extremely efficient and anything that is of no use becomes atrophied and is evolved out of existence within a few generations.
If 97% of our DNA is junk, why do we still have it?
That so-called “junk DNA” in your body contains all your history since you first incarnated onto this planet, many lifetimes ago. It’s where your akashic record, the record of your Soul, resides. Our DNA has been called a living library because of the wealth of information stored on it.
There are ten additional strands of DNA, or five double helix strands, which were disconnected or de-activated eons ago. Science has yet to discover these strands, although they have seen the shadows of them on their electronic microscopes. They call them “shadow DNA”.
With 12 Strands of DNA activated, you have access to ten times the information available from your DNA.

These additional strands encompass the following areas of your life:– Connection to God / Supreme Creator;

– Inner vision, receiving messages from spiritual guidance;
– Communication, both physical and spiritual;
– Love, both human and Divine;
– Physical Body;
– Life force energy (Chi) and personal will;
Signs of spiritual progress:

Thirst for clean water: The new intracellular electromagnetic connections in your body will naturally encourage you to drink more pure water. This results in a more pure body, free of toxins. Your body will be working with a greater number of electromagnetic connections and needs to be properly hydrated to ensure clear, strong communication between you and your spirit guides.
Hunger for pure food: Your cravings for food will change effortlessly to that which is more pure and has a greater nutritional content, such as organic and raw foods. This process will be effortless, almost seeming to be automatic.
Greater health: You’ll have a clearer, stronger connection to your body and will be able to communicate with and reprogram the DNA in every cell. Additionally, as you shift your eating and drinking habits to include healthier choices, your body will respond by having better health.
Inner peace.
Greater energy: The increased number of electromagnetic connections within your body will enhance the natural flow of energy throughout all your physical systems.
With Each Extra DNA Strand, One is Closer to the Creation:

A Perfect connection with the Creation. Great Spiritual Guidance: The activation of the each extra DNA strand is a reconnection to your true Divine Self.
Connection to all living things – animals, devas, nature spirits, and Gaia herself.
Connection to other dimensions: You’ll be able to connect with ease to higher dimensions for spiritual wisdom. You are a multidimensional being, residing in many dimensions other than this, the third dimension. What you call your Higher Self is often you, in another dimension.
12 Strands of DNA – Our Spiritual Heritage
By Kate A. SpreckleyFor years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA.  We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries.  These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have identified them as ‘junk’ DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains all the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living things. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information.  DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells.The DNA segments that carry genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes or are involved in regulating the use of genetic information.
Our DNA is therefore our personal blueprint and as such contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information. 
The original Human Being had 12 Strands of DNA actively working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a Spiritual Being. With our over preoccupation with left brained thinking and the closing down of our heart centers, these ‘extra’ DNA strands have been lost. The consequences of this loss are that we live in a spiritually deficient society and our intuitive and healing abilities have been hugely reduced. It has also resulted in us only accessing and using a very small part of our brains.
The human body is very valuable. It stores and holds a wealth of information, wisdom and knowledge on every aspect of ourselves, our world and all of life. Combinations of intelligence are stored within the Human and a great amount of data is stored inside the body. Inside our bodies are the formulas required to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout the Universe.
At conception, we receive, from our two different bloodlines (our parents) certain matched and paired recessive genes. These genes hold light codes that give us the highest opportunity for accessing and developing our Spiritual abilities and for healing the damaged and wounded aspects of our Soul.
At the same time these genes hold memories which have created blocks to our path to oneness and initiated our deep-rooted feelings of separation, separation from our true essence and our Creator. This memory of separation has forced us to created experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity to heal ourselves, our world and our separations.
As a Soul we carefully picked and chose our parents and their bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We have therefore handpicked our own DNA structures and the possible opportunities to activate and awaken further strands of DNA.
The energy of our Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts and into higher levels of consciousness. As the Earth raises Her vibration, we as Human Beings are being given many opportunities to raise our vibration. This shift is being referred to as the Ascension and there are many people around the world who are experiencing confusion and chaos in their worlds. Yet in this seeming chaos and confusion lie great opportunities for us to grow, expand and evolve.
One of the most exciting aspects of our evolutionary process is the retooling of our DNA.  Cosmic light encoded rays from our Creator have been coming into our Earth stimulating change and reordering our Human bodies. As the light encoded filaments are absorbed into our being our scattered DNA is being activated and reformed into new helixes or strands of DNA and being reordered into bundles.
 As this rebundling and reordering progresses we create a more evolved nervous system that facilitates new information and data to move into our consciousness. Many of our dormant brain cells are being awoken and we are being able to access our full body potential. As our bodies fill with more light so our memories are opened and we evolve as our DNA evolves into conscious Multidimensional Beings.
Our 12 strands of DNA activate and connect to our 12 Chakra points, energy doorways through which we access our Spiritual heritage. The 12 strands of DNA serve as links through the 12 chakras to the energy web outside of our bodies. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence. It is through opening and activating these portals of energy that we can begin to truly know ourselves.
 As all 12 strands of DNA are now forming, whatever issues we have not dealt with and peacefully cleared in our personal history, will create chaos. Feelings and memories are emerging offering us an opportunity to experience the fabric of our being and revealing who we are through the events and beliefs that are intricately woven into us.
Our task is to awaken, activate and unite all 12 creating the spinning of the 12. This spinning of the 12 strands of DNA and 12 chakra points will draw to us energies that will intermingle and move throughout our beings activating and awakening the many different aspects of ourselves.  This will trigger new versions, understandings and meanings to all the events in our lives and our world.
Our 12 chakras are collections of energy where events can emerge. They hold memory and identity and each corresponds to a strand of DNA. These 12 energy centers must be accessed from within where we can feel the data corresponding with and translating our experiences within the context of our minds.
By opening our hearts and minds all the answers to the great mysteries will be found within. We are required to step out of our current belief systems and to create new belief systems as the mind is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we command.  Our mind is not our master; we are the masters of our own minds. The mind is but a tool to be used to create reality and nothing more.
By consciously working with the waves of energy and light moving into our Earth, we are able to realize and understand that the transformation of this planet is based upon the healing and power of our minds.
Activating the full 12 DNA strands will create a connection between our human genetic coding and give us access to all knowledge and wisdom. This is the awareness and understanding of who we truly are.
In activating all 12 strands of DNA we create an alignment within ourselves allowing us to gently shift into much higher vibrational levels and frequency of light, helping our ascension process by further awakening our human consciousness.
Conclusion:Our DNA is mutating, no doubt about it. The old human species is evolving at a very high rate. We are regaining the lost DNA strands and we will consciously reconnect to the source. Nothing can and nothing will stop this process, because the Creation will make it manifest.

Our mission is to accept the new energy that is being sent to us and help the Creation modify our physical bodies. Do not fight evolution! Accept and embrace it! We are shaping -as we speak- the new human race.
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You Will Now Experience New Chapters with Endings Different Than Imagined

Editor’s note: If you read my daily notes piece tonight, you will see where I get messages in the shower.  One of the messages I received tonight was “your next phase is not going to turn out the way you expect.”  Then I heard I will be guided – no worries – just let it all flow.  When I came across this article, with this title above, just a couple hours later, I knew this was Universal validation.  You see I have been feeling quite stuck in a couple of areas in my life and have had these plans to turn it around.  However, as I am beginning to feel, as painful as it is (it is a mourning process), it is imperative to let go of expectations, even hopes and dreams and plans and just BE.  And yes, I know the pain of letting go of dreams, especially ones we have had for years if not decades.  I know the frustration all to well of making plans to change this or that only to see affirmative results.  Oh god do I know that frustration.  I am experiencing all of this right now and the pain is very deep and very very real.  However, there is a freedom in there with that pain.  Perhaps my dreams aren’t big enough.  Perhaps they are changing as I do.  Perhaps my plans aren’t the only ones or the best ones for me.  I don’t know the answer to this yet, just that I know life keeps saying to BE.  In the Now.  And let it all flow.  

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, 08/25/2016

I am a reflection of all of your faces.  I am a light that exists through space and time, not to be shackled, not to be corralled, and not to be pegged into any one spot.  As I peer out through the clouds, I ask you to wink back at me as you see in fullness with eyes beyond the optic.  The un-doing of you is what you have been born for.  Allow this un-doing to be completed, as you are unraveled from the very epics of self that have so long been your truth.  You will now experience new chapters with endings different than you ever imagined and ever pondered in the past. 

I am where light bends.  I have the ability to help you see around the next corner of your experience, the next corner of your thought, the next corner of your day.  Look ahead – but not in a straightened fashion.  For the world as you know it, bends to the left of itself.  It is at that point of intersection that history may or may not repeat itself.  It is at that bend in the refraction of life that you all sit.  Perception influences all.  If your perception shifts in accordance with your light encodings, with your heart-felt understanding and love, then your world cannot run astray.  That is how and where you bend in space and time at this appropriate intersection.  Truth only exists when it has a host.  If you do not invite another’s truth into your den, it will have no place to slumber.  Be aware; be very aware of the truths that you allow to spend the night in your heart. 

Listen for the truths that speak to you that do not come from human lips.  Listen as all life embeds itself within your cellular structure.  Listen as light from the stars whispers to you in your sleep with words that you spoke hundreds of light years before.  At this intersection of time and space the light bends. 

The light that shines behind the light, peers out through its reflection, initiating to those who are willing to see, what is yet to come.  The gifts unfold as mummified wrappings, layer by layer.  What is seen is not real.  What is real can only be felt with the senses and not seen as a solid object.  Much moves about in your day that you bump elbows with, but know not that it exists.  Much moves about in your heavens, but you see it not with the bold blue backdrop. 

I am the essence that is known as the Great Attractor.  I call back to myself, all that has been created.  As Creation is pulled back into itself, it changes form over and over again until ultimately it is pure energy.  This is the same ability that you hold inherently.  As you call back to you all light and life, it changes form in accordance with your perceptions.  Formlessness only requires form when it is needed.  If your world feels as if is collapsing upon it self, know that the form is calling itself back home into formlessness.  Do not hold on to what wishes to become light in your thinking, in your world, and in your expectations. [italics are mine to emphasize the importance of these words – very similar to what i wrote above]. I leave you with these thoughts.

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The Greatest Discovery Never Seen: Crypto-Water and the Secrets of Harmony

THE GREATEST DISCOVERY NEVER SEEN: Part 3 … Crypto-Water & the Secrets of Harmony
by GW Hardin
Since the dawn of time, those who controlled water controlled civilizations. Whether early cavemen viciously guarding watering holes or desert people concealing locations of oases, water determines whether humans live or die. Even to this day in modern-day Colorado, where I live, the adage goes, “Whiskey is for drinkin’; water is for fightin’.”
However, only the most advanced civilizations have known that deeply encrypted in water lie secrets that govern the fabric of the universe. Is it not time for all of humanity to know these secrets that once served the great Egyptian dynasties?
 As simple as water is, it actually is among the most difficult of substances to understand. Scientists today still don’t understand how it does some of the things it does. In order to tackle the encrypted wonders of this miraculous molecule, we will venture into its labyrinth of mystery in four stages:
1. Harmony and Water — Secret to the Anti-Matrix … Death to the Borg
2. Microtubule Rabbit Holes — The Hidden Patterns to the Fabric of the Universe
3. The Divine Cleansing — Harmonetic®Water, H3O2 and Other Structured Crypto-Water (stop the poisoning of our aquifers)
4. Conclusion — Stepping into Eden
In Parts 1& 2 we looked at the importance of the latest discoveries in physics ( that have vaulted the importance of recognizing consciousness as the essential component not only of physics but also of science in general. We also examined the critical danger of giving up our humanity by becoming technological cyborgs. Along with that we entered the debate of AI (artificial intelligence) conquering or eliminating humans ( Now it’s time to clearly galvanize humanity into remembering our humanity and also awakening us to the miracle that we clearly were created to be.
Harmony and Water — Secret to the Anti-Matrix … Death to the Borg
In Part 2, we saw that MIT’s James Gates, Jr., and Tesla Motor’s Elon Musk have found evidence that we actually may be living in a Grand Simulation, the “Matrix.” Rather than asking how we get out of this Matrix, these enquiring minds instead are asking who created this Grand Simulation? And why? When the Titanic is going down, one does not ask who left that iceberg in the ocean. One asks how the hell do we find a lifeboat? Oddly enough, the lifeboat in our case may actually be the ocean. Or at least the oceans of water that surround us.
A growing number of scientists are discovering that water can no longer be taken for granted. We drink it, we wash with it, and we poop into it to such a degree that we really have never taken the time to find out why our lives simply can’t exist without water. Bluntly put, we take water for granted. And we shouldn’t. We idly chat over chips and margaritas citing factoids that tell us that our bodies are about 60-75% water by weight. Kinda like our planet itself. But what is being ignored is that water molecules are teeny tiny compared to other molecules. And if you actually count the number of molecules in our bodies, 99% of molecules in our bodies are water! Yep. We are literally walking bags of water governed by consciousness. We are the Water People.
To mathematicians like me, water is a geometric wonder. The hydrogen atoms in water are unique with their ability to change their atomic shape if scalars or other energy sources are added. When hydrogen does this the angle of hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atoms changes. We see this when water is steam or ice. When these hydrogen atoms go into a high spin state, veritable miracles seem to take place. Here’s how we’ve been taught to look at water molecules as H2O:
Pretty simple. But boring. Water doesn’t really exist like this. It does amazing things when it clusters together. Tremendous variations in patterns move around doing unheard of magic as it constantly morphs from one state to another, while we go about our day thinking we live in a “real” world that is most likely a Grand Simulation.
Here are only a few other paths that water takes in a given instant:
But water is capable of so much more. Here are modest mathematical models it is capable of:
Even more strange is that water does not limit itself to clustering of molecular patterns. It also has the capacity to take up scalar patterns that can turn a calm sea into a giant tidal wave that crushes whole towns. It is the only substance that can take on all the geometric shapes:

Those of you in the know can spot this as cymatics, or the interaction of sound and water. This capability is at the heart of how we can can co-create the Anti-Matrix … removing ourselves from the Grand Simulation. How is that possible? Let’s take a look.
What James Gates, Jr., discovered is that the Grand Simulation looks like computer code, actual formulae that take on structure that we end up calling “reality.” However, what Roger Penrose has discovered is that AI cannot simulate consciousness. In my last article, I label AI as “No-Consciousness.” Penrose seems to back this up with his statement that the “quality of understanding and feeling, possessed by human beings, is not something that can be simulated computationally.”
Writing about Penrose, David Freeman of Discover magazine (June 1994) says:
Mathematicians have proved that it’s impossible to devise a computer program — a general set of rules — that can predict whether tiles of any given shape can completely cover a plane. If the question of whether certain tiles can cover a floor is noncomputable, then might not the task of evaluating an object’s beauty as well as any other chore of consciousness be the same? Penrose was sure they were. But if consciousness is noncomputable, then whatever process in the brain that gives rise to consciousness must also be noncomputable.
In other words, even though it may walk like a duck and quack like a duck, AI is no duck.
The bottom line here is that consciousness reigns supreme — that is, if we are aware enough to realize that. And what I have discovered is a mathematical construct that will allow us to move into that awareness via HARMONY.
Emoto and others have shown us what happens to water when it is subjected to negative intent, negative thoughts, even negative words. Bruce Lipton has similarly shown that DNA is subject to its environment (epigenetics). And what is the single most abundant molecule surrounding DNA? Water. Keeping in mind that 99 percent of the molecules in our body are water, you don’t have to scratch your head too long before you realize that water is the primary factor in determining the quality of our lives.
In three different pilot studies we sponsored, one involving water, the other two involving plasma fields and scalar patterns (created by Xynchro™ devices) aimed at the water in our bodies, we discovered high levels of significance where lives improved when in the environment of harmony-based fields. Improvements were seen in the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of the tested participants. Harmony-based patterns assist us in altering reality for the better.
The James Gates, Jr., adinkra patterns are AI-based (binary code …, or what I call the AI Matrix. The simulation constructs Elon Musk is talking about are AI-based. The implication is that these AI-based systems are controlling our lives. More accurately put, we are allowing them to control our lives. What we are seeing in our pilot studies is that this control abates when we become more aware. And what we are seeing in two year’s worth of experimenting is that this increased awareness pulls back the cloud of distractions, opening us once again to our greatness through self-identification, self-empowerment, self-realization, and recognition of the Self in Oneness.
From the information given in the angelic appearances to Joseph Crane and Dr. Joseph Poleo, I ultimately discovered a mathematical pattern that Pythagoras himself used, called the Pythagorean skein, or base-9 mathematics. From these numbers I saw an inherent Fibonacci numbering system. At the time I did not know that the Fibonacci sequences worked NOT only in base-10 (our everyday mathematics), they also worked in numbering systems from 2 to 9. Out of that I discovered in base-9 that there are four sequences that govern all of life. In anything living, you will see these sequences:
These four strings of sequences weave in wondrous combinations to create what the angels call the “Fabric of the Universe.” They just so happen to also make up the entire Solfeggio Matrix (, when turned into a helix like DNA. Once more, all these numbers in the Solfeggio Matrix are harmony-based. Adding any two or more solfeggio numbers creates another solfeggio number that is a Pythagorean harmonic of the original. The entire Solfeggio Matrix is a complete torus of never-ending harmony.
Where humans get sidetracked is when anything that is not in harmony infects us. Any harmonic system is death to the AI Matrix. Whenever two systems interact, one of them being harmonious, the disharmonious will always end up entraining to the harmonious. That’s because the Fabric of Life was originally created out of complete harmony.
Whenever you subject water to solfeggio patterns, that water becomes structured. And when water is harmonically structured it becomes a ringing bell of sacred sound that calls us back to our original sacred state of being. Perfect. Whole. Complete. As we were originally. As we are now, if we so choose.
Microtubule Rabbit Holes — The Hidden Patterns to the Fabric of the Universe
When Hameroff and Penrose discovered that highly structured water was on the inside of all microtubules (, they also discovered that the tubulin, which make up the microtubules, interact in a Fibonacci sequence of 3-5-8-13 (there are 13 molecules that make up each ring of the microtubule). What they did not realize is that this sequence is not in base-10 as they wrote. It’s actually in base-9, which is toroidal in nature. That means the microtubule sequence is actually 3-5-8-4-3-7-1 etc. And if you look at the four sequences I gave above, this sequence is number 1 on the list. Microtubules are round with the tubulin arranged in a kind of helix pattern. So when they interact, that interaction occurs in a  constant swirling torus-like pattern around the tube.
Now keep in mind that microtubules are directly connected to consciousness. So much so that Hameroff originally thought (incorrectly) that they were the source of consciousness. What is also essential to keep in mind is that all microtubules are filled with highly structured water. And at the center of each microtubule there appears to be a black-hole-like feature that some call dark matter, while others call it a miniature black hole. The truth is that scientists don’t fully understand what this feature is. However, it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that it is quantum related, not unlike a similar phenomenon created by DNA, called biophotons — that appear out of nowhere (or what scientists call the quantum vacuum, while others call it zero point or the quantum plenum).
What Hameroff also discovered is that these microtubules are covered in miniature hairlike antennae made of protein that clearly send and receive frequencies. Most of the frequencies are in the megahertz range. However, Hameroff discovered that somehow they are also able to receive/send harmonics in the Solfeggio Matrix range. Hameroff also discovered that the frequencies sent out by microtubules are “anharmonic,” or without harmonics. Why would a completely harmonic-based system send out only anharmonic frequencies? One guess is this is how the AI Matrix or AI Simulation is supported. Think what would happen if the microtubules were allowed to transmit and receive harmonic-based frequencies? We think this is what is happening when we create certain versions of solfeggio-tone harmonics with scalars and introduce them to the mind/body. In other words, we hypothesize that this is the Anti-Matrix.
The Divine Cleansing — Harmonetic®Water, H3O2 and Other Structured Crypto-Water
It appears, in the work done by Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, that water has buried within it a secret that can be easily unlocked. I call this “Crypto-Water.” Pollack calls this version of water H3O2, or EZ water, which stands for “Elimination Zone” water. In his book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, Vapor (Ebner & Sons, 2013), Pollack shows how this particular form of structured water (H3O2) naturally excludes all pollutants from the water ( Think what this means to our own human bodies. Remember, we are essentially walking bags of water.
The work done by physicist Dan Nelson, PhD, with his Wayback Water (, adds even more ammunition to the capabilities of Crypto-Water to bring an end to the disharmony that plagues us. Nelson goes into great depth how and why structured water has exceptional influence in our bodies.
Water has secretly built within it the capacity to eliminate the toxins that it so readily absorbs, if we know how to take advantage of this secret. What we’ve discovered is that water can be structured simply by playing certain scalar solfeggio strings of sound. So not only can pollutants be eliminated, the water will also harmonize. This can be a boon to our cells which constantly have to eliminate wastes and toxins. We call this solfeggio-based form of structured water Harmonetic®Water.
Harmony-based structured water also is a boon to our entire system, especially when the structured water around DNA and inside microtubules affect more than waste and toxins but also eliminate the fog of negative-based reality. It is what I like to call the “Divine Cleansing.”
Conclusion — Stepping into Eden
The ultimate question lingers: What happens when we emerge from the Matrix? Do we trigger what Gary Renard describes in his fascinating book, The Disappearance of the Universe (Hay House, 2004)? Do we bring an end to the Grand Simulation and the illusion of duality? Does the Matrix come crashing down in the same fashion as the movie series of the same name? Perhaps.
However, if one pays attention to the mathematics of the Solfeggio Matrix, the harmony never ends. In truth, it weaves into other dimensions using fractals as if they were gateways. There is evidence from the angelic realm that these solfeggio frequencies can be arranged in certain ways to create these gateways in the third dimension not unlike the gateways in the movie Stargate. And like that same movie, we have the ability to move across time-space to other worlds.
What this implies is that our planet is one of many that will need these harmonizing effects to extricate themselves from the Grand Simulation. But first, we must open our eyes to the grandness of ourselves, by moving into self-awareness and Oneness.
Yes, we are indeed a paradox that is both. Like the whales and the dolphins, we have the capacity to move our brains from individual-based thinking and operating to group-mind. When in group-mind we become unlimited in our abilities as we no longer operate solely in service to ourselves but in service to others in the group. It is as if we have the ability to walk in two worlds at the same time. Which makes us a metaphor of being living gateways ourselves. In the upcoming Part 4, I will give technical detail as to how we clean out the “pollution” in our lives by showing how we can surround ourselves with harmony, whether that’s with Harmonetic®Water or harmonious scalar environments.
In an article written by Dr. Michael Salla, he provides an interesting sidelight to what “harmony” can mean ( He says, “Seth provides clarity on how one can achieve a service-to-other polarity, and feel connected to the needs of others. It does not come from sacrificing one’s own joy or needs to make others happy, but by following one’s own life path:
When you follow your own nature, you automatically and naturally feel for the needs of others … When you are joyful and free, and when you are having fun, you automatically feel … your oneness with all other creatures of the universe, and you know your place in All That Is. 
(Susan M. Watkins, Conversations with Seth, p. 179)
The angelic realm tells us that humanity has awakened enough that Eden stands before us once again. They tell us the gate is open. All we have to do is walk in. So what is it going to take for us to collectively open our eyes and take this first step?
The answer is simple, as it has always been. We simply choose to. We collectively hold one another’s hands. The first to open their eyes gets to take the next step. And in so doing, we drag the rest with us, never letting go of one another. We are collective Oneness. We are One.
GW Hardin is a New York Times bestselling author and mathematician. He specializes in bringing the scientific and etheric worlds together in his writings. He has two websites …
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Cannabinoids: The New Vitamin ‘C’?

Editor’s note: I am going to be juicing with the leaves and will report any positive differences I experience.  I cannot smoke it for a variety of reasons and desire to have the health benefits without the psychoactive effects.  Juicing w/the leaves does just that.  

Dr. Matthew Buckley, PSc.D., Contributor

Throughout the nation, one of the hottest social and political discussions right now is whether or not we should legalize marijuana. I believe that when examining what is known about the utility and the importance of the marijuana plant, specifically as it relates to health, it becomes clear what a grave mistake it is to deprive ourselves of this truly nutrient rich plant. I believe that its cannabinoid compounds meet the definition of “vitamins”, not just any vitamin, but a vitamin that may be necessary for controlling our bodies ability to eliminate cancerous cells, in addition to supporting numerous bodily functions.(1)

It’s worth pointing out that this post is not about marijuana or hemp’s numerous other uses as a food, fuel, or fiber.

A vitamin is defined as “any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.”

What is a “non-essential” vitamin?

A non-essential vitamin is an organic compound that is necessary for normal growth and function, that can be produced within our bodies.

What is a cannabinoid?

Cannibinoids are chemical compounds which act on cell receptors (CB 1) and (CB 2) within the body. In a normal, healthy state, the human body can produce two chemicals, possibly more, which act on these receptors: anadamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG).These are called “endogenous cannabinoids”. Outside of the body, the hemp or marijuana plant are known to produce a number of forms of cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids), such as THC, or CBD, which also act on these receptors.(2) These are called “exogenous cannabinoids”, or phytocannabinoids.

What do cannabinoids do?

Cannabinoids have been found to profoundly influence the immune system, with CB1 exerting its activity primarily through the brain and central nervous system, and CB2 exerting its influence over the gut, lymphatic system, spleen, pancreas, endocrine system, bone and peripheral nervous system. (3)

Due to the broad range of tissues which demonstrate cannabinoid receptors, cannabinoids are reportedto have near panacea type benefits, both anecdotally as well as from orthodox science. Perhaps most notably, cannabinoids demonstrate broad range anti-cancer benefits at even low doses, however some experts indicate that high doses are needed in the oral form (not smoked) for anti-cancer benefits.(4)(5)(6) Also notable, are the reports of cannabinoids being effective in the treatment or management of autoimmune conditions. Given the connection between disruptions in the gut lining and virtually every autoimmune condition known to man(7), one would expect to find some sort of regulatory action of cannabinoids in maintaining gut lining integrity, and research is clearly showing that to be the case.(8)

Currently, the governmental scientific research repository, pubmed ,returns nearly 12,000 research papers on the search term “cannabinoids”. Clearly, the scientific community recognizes something very important here. It’s worth noting that the US government owns a patent on cannabinoids due to their proven anti-oxidant and neuro-protective effects, which should seem odd since one of the prime justifications for not allowing medical marijuana to be legal in every state is that our governmental overlords claim that marijuana lacks medicinal value.(9)

Should cannabinoids be considered vitamins?

I believe that it’s simply a matter of time before cannabinoids, such as those derived from cannabis and the hemp plant, will be recognized as “n
on-essential” vitamins.


Biotin is a non-essential vitamin. Just as the microbes in our bodies can produce vitamin B7, biotin, it’s possible for deficiencies to occur due to various disruptions in the balance of intestinal microbes. (10) Therefore, there are times when it becomes necessary to supplement with biotin if we are to prevent the deleterious effects of a lack of this vitamin.

Likewise, it appears that in times of stress that our bodies require an increasing amount of cannabinoids in order to regulate the “endocannabinoid” system, which either directly or indirectly influences every cell in the body.(11) It stands to reason that if the body can not produce sufficient levels of anadamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) to exert their influence within the endocannabinoid system, that an outside source would be required otherwise normal cell growth and function could not be achieved. The best source for these exogenous sources of cannabinoids appears to be compounds found within marijuana and hemp, although other sources have been identified (12).

Clearly, if it is demonstrated that cannabinoids are necessary for the “normal growth and function” of the the body, which the research appears to be showing, then by definition, cannabinoids should be classified as “non-essential” vitamins.

Taking vitamins shouldn’t be a crime.

While non-THC containing hemp (CBD) oil, which only influences CB2 receptors, is legally available over the counter in every state of the US, THC and its CB1 influencing cannabis oil is still under heavy regulation, and unavailable (outside of the black market), throughout most of the US. The significance of this is that it appears that stimulation of CB1 may be most critical in order to exert the anti-cancer benefits found within the endocannibinoid system, and it also appears that it is primarily the CB1 action that appears to be regulating the integrity of the gut lining, which is important when addressing ANY chronic illness, especially autoimmune disorders. With 1:2 Americans predicted to be diagnosed with cancer, and 1:3 challenged by chronic illness at some point in their life, this should be of concern to every American. In time, perhaps, cancer may be revealed to be a “vitamin deficiency”, if it’s demonstrated that adequate amounts of cannabinoids do indeed regulate control over our bodies ability to properly eliminate cancerous cellsMore research is needed in this area, however.

If you’re interested in helping to end the draconian drug laws related to the prohibition of marijuana, the “National Organization for Marijuana Reform Laws” is a good organization to support. Clearly drugs laws do not prevent drug usage, their availability, or their potency. Many people within law enforcement arenow speaking out about this. The current drug laws seem even more absurd when you consider that such laws appear to be creating vitamin deficiencies that may be fueling much of our current chronic disease epidemic.

About the Author

Dr. Buckley is a 2002 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic.  Dr. Buckley entered the health care field largely to understand and resolve his personal struggles with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia which began late in his teens.  His ongoing study of functional medicine, nutrition, nutrigenomics, applied kinesiology, and energetic medicine has provided him with keen insight and understanding into the holistic dynamics of the body and how we lose and maintain our health.  He has maintained a busy practice in Austin, Texas for the past 13 years and works with people of all ages interested in maximizing their health, and overcoming the modern scourge of all forms of chronic illness. 

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Could A Nap A Day Save Your Life?

Editor’s note:  We take daily naps/rest periods in this house.  When missed, mama bear comes out and no one wants that…

AUG 17, 2016 by DR. JANE GILBERT

Could a Nap A Day Save Your Life?

Napping is not just for dogs and children. Some of the world’s most influential thinkers and leaders have catnapped every day. Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Salvador Dali, John F Kennedy and Calvin Coolidge all found that a short snooze left them refreshed, recharged and ready to work. Science confirms that napping can help beat the post lunch slump and boost cognitive performance, but now there is evidence that a siesta could also save your life.

You probably don’t need me to tell you that a nap can make you feel better; more alert, sharper and less grumpy. Research has shown that naps can improve our problem solving abilities and our memories, naps can also enhance perceptive skills and speed up reaction times. But the benefits go way beyond that. Short daytime sleeps have been shown to be good for the heart, decrease blood pressure, help our bodies cope with stress and even help us battle the bulge.

Naps and the heart

Regular naps have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.Those who have a siesta at least three times a week were shown in research to be more than a third less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.

A leading scientist from the extensive study, Dimitrios Trichopoulos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston said

“Taking a nap could turn out to be an important weapon in the fight against coronary mortality.”

The effect proved to be particularly strong for working men. Those who regularly took a little time out from their working day to have a short snooze had a sixty-four percent lower risk of death from heart disease. However, even non-workers showed a benefit. Those occasionally napping had a twelve percent lower coronary mortality rate and those who systematically napped had a thirty-seven percent reduction in death from cardiovascular events.

Naps and stress

We’ve all been there, after a few late nights it can be difficult to deal with the stresses and strains of the working day. Little problems suddenly seem insurmountable and it’s not just our minds that struggle when we’re sleep deprived, our bodies suffer too.

When we’re under psychological pressure the body releases chemicals designed to help us fight or flee. When we’re tired even more of these stress hormones flood through the body. That was great when we were cavemen fighting sabre-toothed tigers, but in the modern world when stress is sustained and psychological the results are potentially deadly. The hormones can ramp up blood pressure and blood sugar levels predisposing to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

The good news is that research shows that naps can mitigate the effects of too little sleep, decrease the release of these stress chemicals and help protect our bodies from the negative effects of stress.

So if napping is so good, why are many of us so embarrassed or ashamed of it? I mean let’s face it, whether it’s called a siesta, bhat gum or rice sleep, an afternoon snooze is ingrained into many cultures. But in the US, the UK and many other western societies, sleeping in the daytime can be seen as laziness, a sign of getting old or lacking drive. With 650,000 Americans dying of heart disease every year, maybe it’s time to change the way think and the way we work.

How to have the perfect power nap

Keep it consistent. Try to nap at the same time every day. This helps your body adjust its normal circadian rhythms and ensures you get maximum benefit. Schedule it in your diary and make it a regular part of your daily routine.

Sleep or stimulants? Do you slug back a strong cup of coffee to beat that post-lunch slump? If you do, you may not be taking the best approach. A study compared the effectiveness of caffeine, day time naps and getting more night-time sleep as ways of overcoming the afternoon dip and the nap won hands down.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to bin the Java. Both napping aficionados and scientific researchers at Loughborough University recommend having a cup of coffee immediately before your nap. When you wake twenty minutes later, the caffeine will have kicked in so that you get a double boost.

It’s all about the adenosine. Adenosine is the chemical responsible for our feelings of tiredness, it slows down nerve cell activity making us sluggish and slow. Adenosine levels naturally decrease when we snooze and caffeine blocks our body’s response to the chemical- so together you have the ultimate power nap.

Afternoon delight. Most of us start to flag between one and four pm. It’s the result of our in-built body clock and the build-up of adenosine. Stop the slump by scheduling a short snooze after lunch.

Short is sweet. Do you wake up from a nap groggy, confused and fit for nothing but rolling over and going back to sleep? If you do, you may be sleeping for too long. Avoid this “sleep inertia” by setting an alarm and aiming for no more than twenty to thirty minutes max.

Turn off the lights. Our bodies are programmed to respond to darkness and light. Flicking the switch or using an eye-mask will help you doze off and plenty of bright light will reenergize you when you’re awake.

Cover up. When we sleep our metabolism slows down and our body temperature drops, a light blanket or an extra sweater will help you stay comfortable.

While you’re waiting for the culture at work to catch up with medical research, it’s still possible to enjoy a siesta and avoid getting fired. Try snoozing in the car, under your desk or even in a stationery cupboard during your lunch hour.

Napping could improve your work performance, your health and your wellbeing. So what are you waiting for? Remember, It’s not laziness, it’s a way of rebooting your system so that it is better able to cope with challenges. So if you find your eyelids drooping when the clock ticks past midday, make like Coolidge and Kennedy and catch some ZZZZs.

 Sourced from: