James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World


Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World

From an enlightened perspective Trump is the right man for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals, Angelic and Ascended Masters. If people had mastered their own personal God connection there would be no marches especially those inciting violence. Now that I have gotten your attention – probably pissed off quite a few – take a deep breath, suspend your egos with all their programming and misinformation, wounds and traumas being acted out vicariously and listen.

Did you take that deep breath? Now take about three more.

This is not about “what abouts”. Most of the “what about this and that” are part of a grand psyops program carried out by the DNC, CIA funded by George Soros and others in the elite. It is the classic divide and conquer, order through chaos and the chaos we are now experiencing is by design. We don’t need a Gandhi right now we need a warrior. The Gandhi will come later after the clean up.

There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people’s ability to perceive. There are unseen negative influences; which are the masterminds behind the political puppets. It is a multilevel swamp; which definitely needs to be drained. The ones screaming the loudest in the political arena are the ones that are guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. One of their tactics is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. They use the agencies, the press, and sponsor various political groups to do their bidding. This includes the talking heads in the lame stream fake news media owned and controlled by the very same dark forces seen and unseen.

Trump is taking something on so dark, so deceitful, moving into the levels of demonic that most people would cower in disbelief if it were to reveal itself.

Continue reading “James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World”

Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon? (Hint: It isn’t what you think)

Editor’s note: As always, use discernment.  Having said that, I have “seen” these things for years – some going back 25 years.  I have studied these issues inside out.  I have intended so much of this. Waited, at times very impatiently, for many of these events.  It has been a very arduous, long journey.  And it is Now Time – Go Time – to reveal this information for there are millions of us who intend the very reality as described below.  Call it a Universal Love Letter.  

“Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon?” – One Who Knows – 1.18.17

Received via email from One Who Knows……..


Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon?

Make no mistake Armageddon is upon us. There will be utter destruction (De-Construction) everywhere in every way. Truth bombs will devastate entire populations at once, by the magnitude of their profound revelations. The foundations of everything we hold near and dear, will be wiped out with just a few words of devastating truth. There will be NO sacred beliefs left unscathed. Life as we know it will lie in ruins at our feet and nothing will ever be the same again. Very few beliefs will survive the onslaught, and what we hold as absolute truth, will disintegrate before our eyes. Are You Ready For This Coming Armageddon?

What Is Armageddon?

It is so interesting that Armageddon is defined in different ways from different perspectives. This is what James Gilliland says:

“This wave [of energy] is bringing everything up [Into View], the masks are coming off and everything [True] will be revealed. Armageddon is defined as the great uncovering, no rock shall be left unturned. It is an internal movement of consciousness and energy; which will find its expression in the external – James Gilliland”

The Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War and the Days to Come

Yet, if we look up Merriam-Webster’s definition is says:

1) The site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2) A usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Notice that Webster’s definition says it’s a final and conclusive battle of good and evil, and Gilliland’s definition says it is a revealing, uncovering, un-hiding. Clearly it means that the Truth will be uncovered (the Good) and the lies (The Evil) will be exposed. Interestingly, that is called a battle between good and evil which is usually a DECISIVE confrontation.

This is the same meaning from two different perspectives. Those who have lied to us, kept us ignorant, and perpetrated untold atrocities against us, are quite literally fighting to keep it a secret (Hidden). However, once the truth has been “Uncovered,” the battle is over in a decisive way. Clearly, once the truth is known (Proved to Satisfaction), the once mighty and powerful, will be reduced to whimpering, shameful, cowards, they actually are. Their hideousness will be on full display for all to see. They will never again command respect or hold power over others. Thus the decisive confrontation, called Armageddon.

It Is A War of Truth

So the battle of Armageddon, is the fight between keeping the truth covered up and revealing the truth to all. The good guys are actively pulling back the curtain to reveal the truth, while the bad guys are doing their best to keep it hidden. But truth is like a tear in the fabric of deceit, once it begins to rip open, it can hardly be stopped.

For so long, the CABAL had all the power in this battle to keep the truth hidden. They controlled the Media, the news, the movies, music, radio, politics, and the rich and powerful were under complete and utter control. Sure there were small battles here and there, but those who would try to disclose the truth, were ridiculed, debunked, or just killed off. Whistle Blowers were not applauded, they were jailed and executed. The battle of truth, Armageddon, has had to wait until the time was right.

However, with the advent of the Internet, the battle has taken a DECISIVE turn for the better. It reminds me of the game “Whack-A-Mole,” where as soon as you knock down a mole in one place, it just pops up again in another. In this real life game of “Whack-The-Truth,” the truth is showing up in so many places so often and in such overwhelming numbers, that it has gotten out of control for the CABAL. Between the cutting off of their money supplies, and the blowing up of their underground command centers, and the destruction of their HARP facilities, they have been unable to silence those who are bringing the truth forward for all to see. You have wiki leaks revealing their evil agendas, and Trump calling out the rigged elections and the corrupt media, and the unrelenting internet posters documenting and commenting on it all. It is clear that Armageddon, the final decisive battle of Truth, is upon us, and we shall be victorious.

There Will Be Causalities

Obviously, the Cabal will go down in utter failure and disgrace to say the least, and hang by their own deeds. However, that will not be the only Causalities in this Final Battle of truth. In the same way that war destroys buildings, infrastructure, and takes lives, this battle of Truth, will destroy the foundations of Trust, Knowledge, beliefs, and understanding, and take lives as well. In the blink of an eye, All truths will turn to lies, and the lies will become truths. This type of destruction (De-Construction) will be far greater than the loss of a building or a bridge. It will be the loss of trust and belief. All will have to be learned all over again. Many will not be able to take this upheaval and will perish as a result. But don’t worry, no one dies (Ascends) unless it is their higher will to do so.

Are You Ready For The Coming Losses?

It is so easy to get over the loss of a building or a bridge, that needs to be built again. Those kinds of losses are “outside” of us, Outside of who we are and what we believe. But, the losses to come, are with-in. That safe place where we know what is true and what is not, is going to be gutted like a fish, and no truth will be safe, no matter how sacred. This will be the greatest destruction of all, and the very heart of Armageddon, the battle for truth. How can one prepare for something like that? Only those having an open mind, with complete Faith in a Benevolent outcome will survive the coming Battle of Truth. What should you expect? Here are a few truths that may take a serious hit and even a reversal as a result of the coming revelations:

UFOs / Aliens

Expect to find out that the Cabal has been working with Aliens for thousands of years in secret, while denying that UFOs exist and claiming that there is no other life in the Universe.

NASA / Mars / Moon

Expect to learn that NASA was created as a diversion and a hoax to make you think that we are very limited in space travel, while in truth, we have had bases and colonies on Mars since the 50’s and have had bases on the dark side of the Moon for years.

Solid Earth / Hollow Earth / Inner Earth

Expect to find out that your school books and scientist claimed we had a solid Earth, to debunk any claims to the contrary. You will find out that the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth, was more truth than fiction. In the end, the truth becomes the lies and the fiction becomes the truth.

China / Russia / Iran / Israel / Saudi Arabia

Expect to find out that the countries that we have heard and been told are our enemies, were in fact our friends, and our friends were in fact our enemies. You will find that our Government has the enemies, not us the people. Frankly, it will turn out that our Government was our enemy as well.

Medicines / Doctors

Expect to find out that the medicines that we were forced to take were not meant to help us, but instead meant to harm and kill us. Most prescription drugs were designed to give us the problem or create new ones, so we could continually support the corrupt medical industry until our death. Expect to find out that the Medicine supported the medical industry, and the medical industry supported the medicine industry, milking us of our health, energy, vitality, and our money.


Expect to find out that our most beloved religious leaders were evil, and had a CABAL agenda. It is so horrible and unbelievable, that I even struggle to talk about it here. Just be prepared to find out, that the seemingly Purest, were actually the most evil in disguise.

School / Science / History

Expect to find out that nearly EVERYTHING we learned in school was either wrong, a flat out lie, had an agenda, or flawed. Remember that mandatory school, was mandatory conditioning. You will find out that our true history is far different that we have been taught, and the foundational elements of science, and science truths are in fact lies and misinformation. Expect to relearn at least 80-90% when the truth comes out.

Progress / Health

Expect to be blown away by the coming technology that has been held back from us. Free energy, anti-gravity, perfect health, longevity, travel to other planets and star systems, and personal abilities. Expect to find out that we have been held back in every way possible, from withholding technologies, to chemicals in our foods, water, and air to dumb us down, to movies and entertainment that promotes lower thought processes. Be prepared to discover that every possible method has been employed to reduce our mental abilities and retard our progress. The smartest among us were co-opted or killed.

Politics / Finances / NESARA

Expect to find out we have a new Republic as do most other countries in the World. Expect to discover that everything you have been seeing on TV is meaningless and that we already have an interim President and we will have elections all over again. This time they count. Expect to find out that the World has transitioned to a new financial system that mandates Gold backed currency for every nation, with fairness and transparency as well. Expect a new and completely different system of government in which you are not taxed, and instead you are not only given a guaranteed monthly income, but your Credit card, student loan, and mortgage debts will be forgiven as well.


Expect an announcement Worldwide on every TV, Radio, Tablet, Computer, and Phone, that we are not alone. That we are part of the Galactic Federation Of Planets, and that they are here to help us. Expect to look up in the skies and see Space ships as far as the eye can see. Expect ships to de-cloak on the ground ready to heal all who are sick. Expect this to be the beginning of a friendship with our space Brothers and Sisters, Inner Earth civilizations and those of Hollow Earth as well. This will herald the beginning of the new age of space travel for all, and a quick evolution to highly advanced technologies as well.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that this is a Battle of Truth, the Cabal Truth vs. the Real Truth. We have all been unwittingly taught and conditioned all of our lives by the Cabal’s truth which only served their agenda to keep us under control and in a slave mentality. At the final Battle of Truth, Armageddon, there will be a winner, the REAL Truth, and a looser, the Cabal Lies. No one is going to escape this battle without deep wounds by Truth. In the end, nothing will be unscathed, Religion, Medicine, Science, Politics, Fallen Men and Women, and everything else you believed was the truth.

How will you cope with the coming brutal truths? Will you fold and wither away in obscurity, or will you embrace the new Truths, rebuilding your beliefs on the foundations of the Real Truths? It is going to be work, to say the least. It will be the most important thing you do on your way to the new age of peace and prosperity. Your life MUST be built on a foundation of truth, and understanding. This will be your work in the short run, and in the long run, it will be to help others embrace the new Truth/Realty as well.

The future is not yet written. Like in the famous movie the “Christmas Carol,” these are but future images of what may be. I can only imagine what is to come, there may be less, but I expect way more. I am not going to argue the likely hood of any of these possible events, as they are my best guesses from what I know. Whether or not they happen exactly like I think they will, or it is different, matters not. All that matters is that Armageddon is upon us and VERY SOON ALL WILL BE REVEALED like it or not. Be prepared for everything you know to change from true to false, and from false to true. It will be a bumpy ride, but if you are alert to what may be coming, you will be better prepared to deal with the Truth when it gets here.

May The Coming Truth Be A Blessing To Your Life, and May You Rebound Quickly

Signed: One Who Knows

The Future Of Education – A School You Would WANT To Attend

Editor’s note:  Thanks to the authors, Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott, for taking on this topic.  I am so very ready to have my child educated in such a system and it is something I would very much get behind myself.  Anyone else interested?  Drop me a line!  

Example of future studies

Although the subjects discussed in the Urantia book build a good basic foundation for education, higher learning classes would expand into subjects that will allow children will be excited about attending school. Examples of these kinds of subjects are:

Math– Geometry is the basic building block of all life. Math will take on a whole new meaning and new ways of arithmetic along with fun ways to calculate will be taught.
Cosmic Science– Identity and placement of Universes in our cosmos and the difference between free willed Universes and non free-willed Universes.
Universal Science– How planets, moons, and stars are sentient beings and how they all work together to form solar systems and galaxies.
Universal History– The history of the Universe including civilizations and placement in the Cosmos.
Creation Science– The study of how everyone and everything is connected from one Creator and how we contribute to that creation.
Human History– DNA studies, human genetics, and the history of humanity from Lyra to today, including the social statistics, behaviors, and characteristics of all humans in our Universe.
Human Rights- Constitutional Law on freedom and the Golden Rule.
Sexual Relations– The responsibility behind merging energies with another human and teaching the ability to decide whether another human body is created.
Universal Language– Learning the language of light which is understood throughout the Universe.
Universal Law– Learning the importance of Universal Law and how it relates to all sentient beings.
Astrology – Learning how to read and fully understand your birthchart.
Astronomy – Understanding the importance of stars, planets and constellations.  Learning how the stars can show us the cycles of time along with how they can be used for navigation.
Sixth Sense Studies– Developing all of your innate gifts.
Meditation–  Guided classes on how to safely travel the Universe with your consciousness, learning new meditation techniques, developing new ones.
Exercise– Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.
Galactic Ambassador Training– How to become a galactic ambassador, spaceship flight training.
Healing– Methods for keeping the body clear of negativity (reiki, quantum touch, etc…), responsible thinking, service to others.
Gardening– How to grow organic food and hemp for cultivation, different forms of gardening such as hydroponics, permaculture, etc…
Technological and Industrial Sciences– How to make almost anything from hemp, 3d printing, free energy technology, encourage free thinking and non competitive invention
Environment– The true importance of being stewards of the earth by living on her without making footprints and healing the environment.
Recycling– Maximizing what has been created in the past into something sustainable.
Council of Elder training– With the elimination of government, a Council of Elders training program will be facilitated to ensure that future elders will always be working in humanity’s best interests.
Music– All forms of music including history, composition, symphonic band and concert, and voice.
UFO Research – Classes on the documentation of UFOs through night vision goggles, how to interact with them, sky mapping, UFOs in Art History, etc…
Creative arts– All forms of creativity including art, dance, drama, and writing.
Community– How to contribute economically to your community through barter, volunteering, and communal caregiving for all children. Creative culinary classes and decorating houses for energy flow could be subjects.
Life Path Development – Helping people find their life path, based on their astrological charts, personal interests and past life experiences.
Spiritual Psychology– Learning how the body, mind, soul and spirit interact.  Dream analysis, dream journals, counseling  methods, past life regression techniques are included in this genre.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.  

10 Signs The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking

Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed
Waking Times Media

humanityrisingTimes are continuing to shift in a big way and humanity’s rise over the darkness that has plagued our planet for a very long time is gathering momentum by the day. Remember, the elite’s modus operandi is to crush any form of hope or belief that things can or will get better. Truth prevails though and we are seeing the old world order crumble. 2017 is sure to be an exciting year. Continue to dream big.

  1. June 23rd, 2016: Britain votes to leave the European Union. While some are choosing to see this as an extremist act whose focus was on securing the border from immigrants, there is a much bigger picture to that event. While it must be said that the immigration issue is in the minds of some who were pro-Brexit (and thus needs to be humanely and compassionately addressed), the bigger issue was that Britain reclaimed it’s sovereignty back from the imperialistic banking and political cabal. As it has been reported in The Telegraph, a mainstream media outlet in the UK, the CIA and the U.S. State Department have been heavily involved in the creation of the European Union from the very beginning. As Professor Alan Sked said in the article: Voters in Britain’s referendum need to understand that the European Union was about building a federal superstate from day one.
  2. July 22nd, 2016: Wikileaks releases over 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Convention and shows the deep collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC itself. These revelations ultimately helped force the resignations of the top 4 positions within the DNC.
  3. October 8th, 2016: Shortly after Wikileaks began dumping the PodestaFiles, emails were revealed that John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, was receiving emails about UFO/E.T. disclosure as well as free energy technology, whose emails came from former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell. These are highly significant in the fact that it is admitted by Mitchell that such technologies do exist and that even the Vatican knows of them. Once these technologies are known about on an even wider scale, the lies and corruption of the oil industry will fall apart and humanity can then reclaim it’s freedom.

Continue reading here.  

The Hard To Swallow Truth About Turkey Day

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“Does anyone even know why we eat turkey every Thanksgiving? Does anyone even know why we have Thanksgiving? Is it just to eat turkey?” ~Erin Janus

Image result for NO thanksgiving image

Another Thanksgiving holiday is upon us, and the tradition of coming together with family to celebrate a vague connection to our heritage as conquerors of North America will be celebrated by millions of people. This year, however, Thanksgiving is all the more ironic given the circumstances unfolding at the Standing Rock Indian Revolution over the Dakota Access Pipeline where Native Americans are being brutalized by militarized police who are protecting a corporate project.

So what is the true story of Thanksgiving? A brief history lesson:

“The first actual proclaimed “Day of Thanksgiving” came in 1637 in a meeting between the Pequot Indians and English religious mercenaries. The Pequot were celebrating their annual Green Harvest Festival, which resembles modern-day Thanksgiving. On the eve of the festival, the English demanded that everyone comes out of their homes, puts their weapons on the ground, and surrenders by converting to Christianity.

Those who obliged with these terroristic demands were either shot dead or clubbed to death. Those who stayed inside their longhouses – including women and children – were burnt to death. In all, more than 700 Pequot men, women, and children were slaughtered that day.

The “victory” was celebrated by the Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony holding a feast and trumpeted this as a “Day of Thanksgiving.” During the celebration, they cut off heads of Natives and put them on display publicly; including beheading the Wampanoag Chief and impaling his head on a pole in Plymouth which stayed on display for the next 24 years.” ~Irwin Ozborne

Beyond the historical context of Turkey Day, there is a modern aspect of this story that needs to be outed and understood.

Modern meat farming has become the most horrifying and inhumane practice on planet earth.While some activists work to expose the shocking abuses that routinely take place in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO’s), the meat industry and the National Grocers Association is constantly working to avoid the public relations nightmare that publicity would certainly bring.

Ag-gag laws criminalize activism with the aim of keeping consumers in the dark, and the largest meat companies have engineered a top-down system of farm control where individual farmers are under severe contracts, having no say whatsoever on how animals are housed and treated.

Never the less, the issue of animal cruelty as an embedded part of our food supply is something which needs to be brought into the light of day and exposed, for there truly are much more healthier and humane ways of feeding ourselves.

To this end, and to bring awareness to the ritual insanity of Thanksgiving turkey dinners, filmmaker and activist Erin Janus presents ‘Turkey Day,’ a short film about the week’s festivities. A word of warning, though, for some of the content in this video, while 100% real, is genuinely disturbing.

“People will do things just cause everyone else does, and just keep doing it until it becomes tradition.” ~Erin Janus

Read more articles from Vic Bishop.

About the Author

Vic Bishop is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and OffgridOutpost.com Survival Tips blog. He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.

This article (The Hard to Swallow Truth About Turkey Day) was originally created and published byWaking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Vic Bishop and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. Please contact WakingTimes@gmail.com for more info. 

A Message of Restoration From Agartha

agartha___realm_of_the_underground_world_by_rasty690-d825xtvOn 11/22 an energetic portal will be created enabling those in alignment to move into a new octave of experience. This new energy will shake off old attachments and deepen further into the new, which is not so much new but a restoration of the old, the original energy of the original blueprint.

In these sequences the individual can experience a separation from what has been and find themselves in a space of white light that will illuminate within themselves the light of their own clarity and coherence. This is a space that will generate the key codes of enlightenment, the energy of expansion and understanding of what is, what was, and what will be.

This is an energy portal of change on the mental plane. It is a comprehension of the true nature of life and what it means to be an individual ascending within a physical form.


In embodying these concepts of enlightened existence there will be an activation from within that will ignite the light of comprehension, to awaken from the slumber of darkness, the higher purpose of physical life on Earth.

The Higher Purpose of Physical Life on Earth is the Key Code of Now.

This is the key that is now transcending the lower planes of density and rising up to the forefront of humanity to activate within All Souls the Awakening codes of Truth. Truth is transcendent, activating the energies of change and bringing to the forefront for all to see and hear, what is really behind the creation of life in this realm.

We, the Agarthans, the Ascended Beings of Mastery and Mystery, are here to bring you this message of Truth.

Continue reading here.

Pleiadian Situation Update

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Pleiadians are regaining territory inside our Solar System fast and have already recovered to the degree that is comparable to the situation in May 2016. The Sirian and Andromedan fleet was not affected so strongly by the events in September and early October and was able to hold their positions better.

Every major setback is thus followed with a big leap forward. The Pleiadians are already setting a new Tachyon membrane positioned around the Earth at a certain distance inside the Moon orbit. This membrane is structurally similar to what some other people call the “outer barrier“. This new membrane will cut off the head of the Yaldabaoth octopus from its tentacles and drastically speed up the clearing of the Solar System.

pleiadian race spacecraft

The Pleiadians have also begun to contact non-incarnated humans in their afterlife on the higher astral plane.

The situation on the non-physical planes was quite challenging in the time frame between 1996 and 2016. After the big evacuation of the non-physical humanity in August 1999 only a few billions of non-physical humans remained on the etheric and astral planes around the Earth and many times more Reptilians. These Reptilian hordes were removed layer by layer throughout the years by the Light forces until 2015, when human race again became prevalent on the non-physical planes around the Earth.

Now the Pleiadians are reawakening the non-physical humans and training them to become spiritual guides for incarnated humans again. This process is also clearing the path for angelic beings to again inhabit the astral and etheric planes.

Next, the Pleiadians have begun to partially disable the plasma scalar weapons installed on low Earth orbit satellites. This scalar weapon dismantling process will continue.

The situation with the biochips is not improving yet.

There is a certain implants clearing protocol that can be somewhat successful in counteracting the activity of the physical biochips to a certain degree, as they are located at the same spots in the body as the plasma implants:


The main factor holding back the Event are still plasma toplet bombs.They are still spread along the plasma tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity. In the head of the octopus around the Earth they are connected to the following:

1. Plasma scalar weapons on the LEO satellites through plasma ultrasound technology

2. Physical biochips inside surface humanity

3. Infrasound plasma scalar devices in the low underground bases of the Chimera

As the Pleiadians have made those advances in the last few days, the Chimera has incited the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors against the Pleiadian race. One example are current “channelings“ of certain entities named “Stan-X“ and “Sherr-On“ that are spreading complete disinformation about the Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement.

Do not let those things distract you. The Pleiadian energetic contact with the most awakened and least programmed Lightworkers and Lighwarriors will increase. Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light without any hidden negative agenda, as anyone who has ever met them can confirm from their own experience.

The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event.

As I have said many times before, the financial reset will NOT happen before the Event.

As I have also said before, both Trump and Hillary are puppets of the Cabal:


Banana comments and reactions to my recent posts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing those comments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that “they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“.

The main problem is fear which tends to cloud people’s judgement. Some people have the tendency to deny the fear and pretend that everything is perfect and we are all one (the New Age crowd) or to project the fear and see everybody as the agent of the Cabal (the conspiracy theory crowd):


The key to true discernment is to:

1. Acknowledge your fear and other suppressed emotions and transform them. There are many ways, approaches, healing modalities and techniques to transform emotions:


2. Educate yourself in basics of science, art and all other areas of human knowledge so that your mind can not be distracted with total nonsense many times appearing in alternative media (Nibiru crashing into Earth anyone?)

3. Meditate or find any other way to connect with your higher self

4. Free yourself from the bias and nonsense of the alternative media as you have freed yourself from the bias and nonsense of the mainstream media, and think with your own head.

There were may fear based responses to my current post about Asgardia. I am saying here again, Asgardia project is NOT connected to the Cabal and is NOT harvesting people for slave labor in space nor is it the second brain drain.

It is simply a project from a group of enthusiastic scientists that wants to start a breakaway civilization. Although there is the human factor involved with all suppressed emotions and intellectual prejudices of project founders thrown into the mix, the project has potential and the Pleiadians have communicated that they will support the project and attempt to make contact when the time is right.

In the human history there were many successful positive breakaway civilizations, among them the Grecian Hav-Musuv breakaway civilization in the 4th century BCE.

The Mayan breakaway civilization in the 9th century CE was another positive breakaway group, as was the Marconi breakaway underground city in south America in the 1930s.  And of course the Organization (the forerunner of the Resistance) in the 1970s.

If the Event happens in a few months, the Asgardia project will not have any global impact, but if the Event happens a few years from now, it might well become the trigger for the Compression Breakthrough.

The Light forces are supporting all positive timelines regardless of their time span, as they all create the magnetic pull that draws the moment of the Compression Breakthrough closer.

The Pleiadians are wishing for humanity to lift off the ground and are supporting all public space initiatives with positive potential. So they have supported the Vril girls (this project was later hijacked by the Chimera), they have supported the public NASA program to put man on the Moon as “Nordics“, according to testimony of William Tompkins:


The Pleiadians are thus also supporting the Asgardia project and they are supporting Elon Musk in his vision to create a public Mars space program.

Elon Musks’ project is another project that has a potential to act as a trigger for the Compression Breakthrough.

The Pleiadians are supporting all positive space initiatives because they make the Contact easier. When the Resistance has sent a few of their spaceships from planet X outwards beyond the heliopause to contact the Pleiadians, that contact has resulted in revolution on planet X and its subsequent liberation. When my team has made a small step towards the Pleiadians by launching StratoProbe 1 beyond the Veil, the Pleiadian ship has appeared on this photo:

Victory of the Light!

Sourced from: 2012portal.blogspot.com

NESARA Intel Report by Veritas: “Full Press On” — October 16, 2016

Editor’s note:  I hesitate posting such articles only because the last thing I want to do is post disinformation nor do I wish to mislead people or leave them feeling dismayed given this NESARA RV/GCR info has been circulating for years.  However now and then I do only because this has been a vision of mine for almost 25 years – long before I heard of any of it.  And please ignore the ignorance of the author when he/she speaks of the younger generations who are “addicted to food stamps” and other government handouts.  Addiction is a harsh, judgmental word.  The COL is outlandish today and the wages have simply not kept up, which has forced millions of folks – young AND old – to need to rely on such assistance.  There is no addiction.  There is no shame.  The system was rigged from the start to create this crap.  So says I…


by Veritas | October 16, 2016

Starting with NESARA and my comments on safety..

This is really the story of power and how it corrupts people, organizations and nations. I am often questioned on my beliefs as to what is happening in America. It goes like this, “This is the United States. How can you possibly believe that something like NESARA could happen here?” Then there is my favorite, “How can you say these things and alarm people. That’s irresponsible.”

American, I ask you. CAN YOU REALLY SIT THERE AND NOT BELIEVE THERE ARE WEALTHY AND POWERFUL PEOPLE THAT WANT TO DETERMINE THE FLOW OF MONEY HERE? CAN YOU PROVE TO ME THAT THERE AREN’T SUCH PEOPLE INFLUENCING OUR POLITICS AND OUR NEWS? Why do I read information in other countries about the U.S. that never shows up on our news? Do you not notice that news stopped being neutral and starting projecting opinions? Have you not noticed the younger generation and how much trouble they are in because they are almost totally addicted to food stamps and hand outs? Are you so unaware?

Now, when I tell you that there are military people, Admirals and Generals and others, that are determining how they can best carry out their charter to protect the U.S.Constitution, perhaps you could take a moment and follow the logic of it with me.

In the 1930’s there was a lot of corruption in the U.S. banking system. It wasn’t regulated, at least not enforced and it was privately run. It is in the history books. Willie Nelson used to do concerts about the farmer’s plight.

The bankers were in collusion with the Federal Regulators at the time. The goal was to obtain farm property en masse. Banks would put clauses in tiny print that later allowed the property to be taken such as indicating that upon the farmer’s death the property reverted to the bank. This was done without disclosure to the person taking the loan and often resulted in a nasty surprise for those who thought they were inheriting family farms and could carry on the decades old tradition of working the land. Often the banks would take payments in cash and then never record them, later declaring default and then taking over. The farmers were helpless to stop it.

There are lots of sites where you can get in-depth details. Do some research. For my purposes here, let me summarize. The situation grew until it involved many farmers and became a class action lawsuit of enormous size. Those hurt by the situation included one General who was co-plaintiff in the Farmers’ Cases when it finally went to the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1980’s.

Racing through our speedy court system, it reached the nine Supreme Court judges in early 1993. Seven of the nine justices ruled on major issues in a closed court (for national security purposes). These rulings included official court statements that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the U.S. had been operating outside of the Constitution since March of 1933, that major reforms of government and banking systems were required, and, most importantly for us here, that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of farmers.

These reformations were extraordinary and happened because so many Admirals and Generals were involved and aware of the wrong. You can read the final court case up to a certain point, then it was sealed by the Court and all court records and people directly involved were given a strict NDA by the Supreme Court until the reformation was made public. From this section, take away the thought that this was huge, involved a lot of people for compensation after decades taken to resolve it and that it was kept gagged for obvious national reasons.

The next part is where it gets interesting

Again, summarizing greatly, the military latched on to the situation. Some of the very best constitutional attorneys became involved in helping determine how this situation could be used for the issues greatly concerning the military – our country’s departure from constitutional adherence.

Because this was implemented at the Supreme Court level, those Justices who ruled in favor now had a vested interest in determining how the court’s orders were to be fulfilled. During this process the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax Amendment, was discovered as never having been ratified and was included in the reforms ordered by the court. This established a patter of both Federal Administrators and Congress ignoring Constitutional law since 1933. This began when Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a national banking emergency and amended the Trading with the Enemy Act. A Committee was formed and given the authority to manage the announcement and implementation of these Supreme Court-ordered reforms.

You are probably not aware, but every public official is required to sign a NESARA resignation form when they take office. That includes all members of Congress and the President and Vice President of the United States. These documents represent the public official’s agreement that if NESARA is enacted, their position is dissolved.

Certain actions were taken since the 1990’s and some were not. There was a new currency, the Treasure Note, or TRN that was printed, backed by gold and shipped to sit in vaults waiting for announcement. This has been used outside of the U.S.for years, just not publicly announced. A general Farm Claims process began which was to design financial redress to Americans. There has been a lot of interference that has made this a slow process, but it got there at any rate. In 1998, the General and Admirals brought in new legal experts, the very best, to assess the situation and how to bring the reforms out and correct the misdirection when the major facets of our government such as the Federal Reserve bank became corporations owned by private individuals rather than representing our country. It is easy to verify. It’s just that one would never think to check and see that some of the royalty of England and very wealthy individuals actually own our Federal Reserve. Profit earned there is returned to equity holders and is drained off in large quantities. Large enough to assist greatly with our national debt, by the way.

To stop the stalling that was happening by the Judges of the Supreme Court, it was decided to compile the reformations into a law and have it passed by Congress. This was the beginning of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). This was passed by quorum by members of the U.S.Senate and House very privately. Can they do that? Yes, they can. Study it out.

Since then the military has moved forward strongly in preparation. General Dunford is the name to watch for. I will have to give more detail or you can find plenty of the actions taken on this major change. Here’s what is important, very important.

The new Republic as represented by General Dunford has been fully, completely and unalterably accepted by the international community in a fully legal fashion. Though Obama takes credit for everything, it is the Republic that has been recognized and taken action at the G20, with the Paris Accord, and with the IMF, the White Dragon Family (providing the gold behind the new currency as required by the IMF), the BOC and their excellent software programmers creating a global interface for the new international transfer and banking system – CIPS, and on and on. The highest court in the world, The Hague, has been involved closely and working with General Dunford on this transition. It is only the American public that is unaware of this currency and this governmental change.

How can I make such a statement? How can I be certain? It is because of my political, international, business and Republic associates. Why do I bother explaining? Now, that is a very good question! I am in a position to realize the impact on citizens and I care about that. I want a better future for my children and their children. It is a case where naiveté might be quite dangerous.

It is time to consider whether you feel that there might be even the most remote possibility that this is true. It is already in place though under the radar, so why not find out about it? If what I say is true, then it will soon be more apparent out in public. The transition is being handled very carefully because you can imagine a public reaction could be lively. Returning to our Constitution is not without its own cost, just as our Founding Fathers experienced in their own dilemma in fighting tyranny. Should we? Shouldn’t we? They were people so much like you and I. They would embrace this heartily.

To those of you in the belief category in wonderful groups like this one, I commend you on your openness and courage. It hasn’t been easy, has it? I am glad to be able to reassure you and bring even a bit of comfort to long time supporters. You are right. It is very true and in the end all will know it.

The question is, how open will the change be within the U.S.?

Even as I write this, the new Republic’s General Dunford, White Dragon Elders and others are pushing the final release of GCR/RV funding out the door. Behind the scenes, this is anything but quiet. General Dunford has had four attempts on his life in the last week. This last one included a sniper shooting at both the General and two Elders as they exited a building. A very, very close call, this one. Both the Elders and the General are now ready for full implementation with no more delays.

It has already begun. I have reports around the world verifying bond releases. The Farmer claims have been processed along with other key class action groups. The last report I had was that Tier 3, the Internet group tier, was processing and that announcement of its beginning would be withheld until everything announced in a shotgun approach, all at once. I would watch for this any time. Every contact indicating it is flowing smoothly and progressing to release. (This is a slight revision from this post made earlier. It was held for a bit – most frustrating when gagged – so updated.)

There can be time shifts in an estimate like this. There are a lot of details involved in the technical side of release that sometimes slow things down as it did the other day with Tier 3 releases. The threats to Dunford also caused time lost. The motivation to have this released and decrease the pressure on Dunford just went to a new level when the Elders were included as targets. They don’t get even, they take action and fast. It needs to happen. They know it. We know it. It is logical that delays at this point cause more harm than good. It’s like a baby being born. At some point it is just going to happen.

We are at that point.

Be aware, watch and see the connections.

The reason for a warning of staying close to home? I hope by now you understand that when a major transition such as the one we just discussed has many possibilities to it. In the best case, it is subtle, public announcements that no one realizes what they are. At the other extreme, it could be initiation of martial law. Hopefully that is a remote possibility, but when that IS one of the possibilities and I am aware of it, I feel a personal obligation to let people know. It is simple to just stay at home at likely announcement times with a few days food. Not a reason to panic, again just common sense.

Take that for what it’s worth.


Copyright 2016 all rights reserved VERITAS WITTICISMS LLC

This content was originally submitted and published at Operation Disclosure.

Sourced from: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/10/nesara-intel-report-by-veritas-full.html#more