Linea ~ The event 2018. Update, august 25th. I feel like, I’m facing out.


editor’s note:  i must share what i am feeling like these days.  kevin costner’s character Ray in field of dreams.  he is the only one at first having these experiences.  in time his wife and daughter “see” ~ only the rest of the town and his wife’s family can’t see any of the players.  really starting to have that experience quite strongly now.  i am so grateful i have so many of you who “see” as well.


Published on Aug 25, 2018


An Interesting Conversation


i’ve been having some insightful, interesting conversations with real earth brother rick the past several days.  he continues to correspond with clair ~ i have felt her more lately as it has become easier for me to tune into that space of the All.  i wanted to share an amazing synchronicity that happened earlier tonight.  i was telling my mate my ability to tune in has really increased the past several days.  after i said this, my phone let me know i had a message and it was rick who said  “she (meaning clair) just said you are tuning in much better.”

some other tidbits ~ clair said our conversations have been very accurate lately.  (we are trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle – what’s happening – where do we go from here – what happens upon the transition)…..

and here is ANOTHER synchro that just happened.  it is 10:00pm here (pacific time) and as i go to pick up my phone to find the exact words he said, i find another text he had sent i did not hear.  i did not hear it for i was in hysterics, laughing so hard along with my daughter as we recalled something we experienced in our bike right tonight which we both found very funny.  i had to leave the room to calm down – i was laughing so hard (plus choking on popcorn and needing to use the bathroom – not a pretty site when you’re my age).  so as i was in the bathroom i suddenly could feel a group of people “around” me – next to me is more accurate – and i could sense clair – i don’t know who the rest were.  anyway i could sense them laughing along with me and i could FEEEEEL the energy of their humor.  it was pure delight.  my girl came running into the bathroom and we both just stood there, giggling like crazy.

i can honestly say i felt almost manic – the intensity of the humor i was feeling was so intense (don’t get me wrong – i LOVED the feeling).  my girl – behaving the same way (although she’s a child so not that unusual of her.)

so imagine my OMG face when i go and notice, just minutes ago, the text he had sent at that time of me and child going full on giggles ~which said, and i quote:  “omg i just heard what sounded like 10 people laughing their asses off….must be we are the entertainment.”

this is getting ridiculously real.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]

also having a convo with a youtuber and social media friend who is suddenly having abilities of his seriously amping up now – totally freaking him out. this is all so beautiful!



A Vision for Higher Collective Awareness


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Higher Collective Awareness

We see a world where humanity, as a whole, has risen above all of the mundane dramas, scenarios and realities that no longer serve us; where we have “seen the light” of a new day wherein we now know that our wisest , most productive, most joyful course of action in all situations is to love each other, to serve one another, and to see everyone in their highest light.

Thus, by this new course of action we have, en masse, created peace, happiness, comfort and safety for ourselves and for all living things who inhabit this Earth.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



New Earth Experience


Christie Hanalei

Guys I had a new earth experience 💗

Early this morning… between lots of sleeping.. I woke up for a little. I instinctively tuned into my Guides. I just felt to. They gave me certain messages. Like, there is no more reason that I have to stay with my family, as I’ve seen all that I need to. For me to move on. They said other things that helped me put together certain realizations I’ve been trying to have lately. Then, I felt all this loving energy pour, pour, pour into me. From my Guides. Later when I woke, I felt so comforted. Then I was hit with strong emotion, clearing out old emotion about my family and the way they’ve treated me. It hit me very hard. Now I’m recovering from that clearing episode. I now see why my Guides told me, before my clearing hit, that there’s nothing more that I need to see with them now. Bc I I was about to have a crazy purge and my guides wanted to comfort me as much as they coukd before it happened. And now, after that clearing, I now suddenly have clarity*** on the discrepancies between my fam and I. I had to really see that the way they act isn’t my fault, took me so long. Autism (I am autistic, not able to be completely in the physical dinension), and autism has a way of drawing out the demons that ppl have to face. The millions of autistics in this world, have a hard postion.

Anyway. After my guides gave me so much love energy before my purge/ clearing hit… there was a very cool aspect to this experience. As they were pouring in the l8ve energy into my body/ aura… I was taken ino the most amazing experience on New Earth. I all of a sudden see myself lying in the grass, next to a giant mushroom. It was beige colored with red spots. Everything felt like it was swaying, like in a constant motion of Energy. It felt.. blissful. So full of blissful love. The skies were a milky pale blue. I would lean against the Mushroom, it would give me Love and the Type of Energy I need right now. If youve ever tried to tune into the Essence of plants, they have certain specific qualities, personalities, charscteristics, benefits for the human body/ mind and energy systems.

My experience with this mushroom makes sense bc it was giving me the energy that a mushroom holds for us humans. Which is deeply feminine, supportive, dimensionally attuned, loving, calming, satiating, balmy, relaxing, deeply nourishing… and in very psychic spiritual ways too. The mushroom brings awareness. But we feel supported in our dimensional awareness. And in our emotions. Like deep trauma and ptsd. Bringing us to Love when its so hard. Feeling unsettled, feeling betrayed like someone ripped your heart out. Which is what I was clearing after this experience! Mushrooms give us the healing presence and deep emotional re-nourishment, and they love us humans. They hold this love and healing, for the humans. (Once I took a bach flower remedy, and I psychically saw what the flower was doing to me and what qualities it had.)

So I communed with this Mushroom on New Earth. Feeling like blissful love. Felt so real (bc it is!). And as the experience closed out, my guides said, you’ll bring these new earth mushroom energy back with you into your current experience. I opened my eyes gently. I felt so loved and comfortable.

Jesus and St. Germain were on either side of me during this experience, helping me with the healing energies. They are two of my Guides. Yes some channels get false info from “guides” or other ascended/ beings… but I’m used to being in communication with different Beings and I know what is false/ dark trying to come thru, and what’s genuine/ of the real light. Btw when we have communication with genuine Beinhs, they will always* be Loving. They will not be scolding or induce fear. They say things kindly and gently. They are ok with taboo. They are not spiritually correct. They are funny and have a sense of humor. They want to make us feel good, feel uplifted, and to lighten our load for us. Negative beings tend to act the opposite of these ways.

This is the first time I went to New Earth, in “real time”. It’s there. We are so close to it, energetically. When I really get to New Earth… I can see myself going back to the same Mushroom, and having a love experience with it again. It was so amazing and blissful. Can’t wait for us all to experience a Constant Love, like we will at New Earth ⚘⚘⚘💗



Your Meterage & Timeline Jumpy House for 8-21-18 [MAJOR UPDATE]


editor’s note:  after months of not feeling the draw to link the cats stuff, i now have been having the draw to check them out lately.  so… is my feeeel on “things” ~ i noticed something different today.  a lightening up.  a smoothing.  that may be due to recent purges and unplugging and all of that i went through this week.  so is it ME having this experience as a result of what i have done or is it due to outside energy spikes and changes ~ or a bit of both (likely).  i know this ~ i feel like inner ME pulled me away from politics and all of the awakening stuff going on in this realm and said “focus HERE” hence my return to more Event and Spiritual and “get outta this realm” stuff.  it was a sudden and strong yet gentle shift w/in.  Self works in this way.  this morning my mate had on a youtube channel where POTUS was set to speak ~ and i had no desire to listen.  zero.  not that i have lost respect for who he is and what is doing and not that i do not see and feel his greater purpose ~ just that ME says “no longer need to follow that”.  
so instead i am going to make a brazilian coconut dessert later.  sudden desire to cook brazilian type foods.  expanding out for what is to be our new way of living?  the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge draw for the New?  
i am also allowing myself to recall and play with the initial thought i had after my kitchen table spine buzzing lifting up experience last fall.  first i knew at the time either big Me or the Source Me or fractals multi-d Me or all of the previous gave me that experience so i wouldn’t totally freak out when “the time” comes.  i have a very strong personality (NO!) and as such a strong need to KNOW and CONTROL (double NO!!) my life, my surroundings.  so, for example, while i may be the type in my heart to welcome any Being who would wish to visit, i am also the type to want to know their purpose, their reason to visit and to feel them out.  anyway….(i also ramble a lot at times ~ sorry)….so i was drawn to go back to that experience last night.  and the thought i had at the time was i was being pulled out of my body.  my first feel was i was leaving my body.  my conscious full aware me was.  so ok ~ that freaked me out because i automatically go to NO I AM NOT DYING NO WAY NO HOW am i leaving my body for this line of thinking.  totally natural.  and YET…IF all of this is a simulation it is completely possible these vessels, these altered, dumbed down vessels, are also part of the simulation and taking this one step further in written word (which has already been playing out in my mind for months) it is possible that upon the end of all of this and the transition/event, the fully conscious We leave these bodies and quickly if not immediately enter into our REAL bodies with REAL Source Code Original.  a possibility some have not only suggested but have said this is how it will be.  it is MY feeeeeeeeeeeeel it would be a choice.  new body altogether or take the one we have and change it/heal it.  i have seen myself on the real earth (new earth i have decided is a term i don’t resonate with – real earth feeeeeels right to me.).  and i look more or less the same as i do now.  lighter.  younger.  fully healed.  and yet it is also possible i look quite different.  if i had had an experience of being on real earth looking the way i (possibly) really will, human me would likely have not thought it was ME but either a previous ME and i may have dismissed those dreams and visions.  or perhaps i here now am but one part of the fractal left waiting to enter the new Me which is already “there” and waiting for the rest of the merge to happen.  scientifically this is all totally feasible and i could spend hours talking and contemplating this one so i will stop for now….  i just know i have been encountering others who are contemplating the same/similar.
so those are my current feels at the moment.  well ok my feel i have had for awhile now and am just giving myself permission to allow it.
please as always share your thoughts (in so long as they are respectful.)
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On and on it goes (and on) as we try to sort out our various futures and wishes and dreams vis-à-vis the energies and shifting timelines. What we’re seeing is a kind of “stepping-stones to The Event” situation, with lots of little steps instead of the bigger Steps we were seeing before (which may come back), with some of us like-minded SOURCE enthusiasts being jollied into an evolutionary timeline-y group (we’re guessing), so we can more easily GROUP-PUSH the UP button on the Cosmic Elevator of Cosmicness. Or something like that.

First, we had another big K-index (as opposed to Circle K) event at Kiruna… that’s two in two days:


And, lo and behold, the NASA meters were NOT edited! A miracle. Lookie:

And this brought the usual geophone/ULF/ELF/SR confirmation…

…but now we have so much timeline kerfuffflage that it’s tough to keep track:

Timeline jumpage in Lombardy.
[sigh] And Canada.

AND another GRB…

…which in some cases are “Universal Being” information transmissions. It’s a long story. The message? Either, “The Event is almost here!” or… “DUCK!”


We feel you, bro.


Ok. One of the CATs just spoke with Lisa Gawlas and we are all now literally swimming in a new energy — an energy that’s already here; we’re living in it, now — an energy that has never been on the earth before. Those tingles you might’ve been feeling are going to start getting more tingle-y!

Note that you also might start noticing people REALLY getting twitchy, that is, those people who don’t know what’s going on. Some people are open to knowing, some aren’t. Be careful and gentle with the norms.

Also, when you meditate, try asking SOURCE to merge with you. See what happens.

Oh, and we’ve had more activity, so you may have felt some of it:

Please note that, while some of us are trained as scientists, we use these (and all) meters in ways the techs and scientists didn’t intend. Basically, we understand what scientists are seeing a lot better than they do because our brains on running better software. Simple as that. Everyone on their path, everything going well.

Lookie here:

Lombardian timeline jump, slightly delayed from the Russian one above.
Those numbers on the right basically indicate vibration, in Hertz. (That’s much higher than Schumann Resonance).
When the meter goes dark, it’s showing that the 3d computer system is reacting to the timeline jump.
You might notice lots of electrical and computer systems will become spurious during timeline jumps.
Here’s Canada, showing the same jump as the Russian meter.
Like the Middle East and Pakistan, Canadians are dealing with TONS of energy. Timeline jumps.
Wow. This is crazy, the SR meter totally saturated. (We suspect that 50 Hz signature in the middle is a power line, btw.)
Krikey. Never seen this before. It could be showing us that new earth energy we mentioned.
Look at the amplitude recording on the far right. (Psst, actually it’s a CME.)

Like we said…

A small CME, but looks like it’ll hit around the 25th (the chart’s an estimate). Some energy travels faster, some slower.

And… wow! Look at the Wave X bursts! (Sorry for the large file.) That spiraling one is HAARP making hurricanes in Asia… which is then negated by SOURCE and Wave X!

Wave X in action.
Wave X in action.
Wave X in action. Is it lessening a hurricane??

Wow. What a day.

Ok, get comfy now… whaAAA!

Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play


editor’s note:  i resonate fully with this piece.  i have noticed with my own daughter when she is ready to learn AND when she has an incentive, she grasps quickly.  anything forced does not work.  she may pretend to pay attention, but she isn’t retaining anything.  and that is the disastrous result for most children who are “trained” in the public educational system.  they force feed children facts and tidbits of information not concerned if they retain the information. children learn through hands on playing.  children learn when they are given the freedom to figure out what they wish to learn and when.  another program to unplug from ~ the public education model.

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Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play
By Joe Jarvis – August 22, 2018

Breaking news: kids need to play, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Seriously, it took the American Academy of Pediatrics to let us know that?

Better yet, the doctors now recommend that parents even get involved in playing with their children, especially before they turn two.

“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren’t         told what to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician       who led the drafting of the call to arms. Whether it’s rough-and-tumble physical             play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the       chance to make things up as they go, he said.

It is great that they are getting this right, but it really shouldn’t take an Academy of doctors to know this. It should be pretty intuitive. Kids automatically run around, play, and make up games when left alone. So I suppose the only surprising part to some people should be that sometimes, you should leave your kid alone.

In The Future of the Mind, Michio Kaku says that the main function of the brain is running simulations of possible outcomes. That is what makes humans intelligent. We have the ability to forecast what might happen if we take certain actions.

So it only makes sense that play is integral for learning and exercising this mental process.

Some kids play “house” and act out what they think it means to be a family, a mother, and a father. Other kids wrestle and learn the consequences of slamming their heads into the wall, versus the couch, versus the window.

The recommendation from the AAP hardly scratches the surface of just how important it is for kids to play.

Indeed, new research demonstrates why playing with blocks might have been             time better spent, Yogman said. The trial assessed the effectiveness of an early           mathematics intervention aimed at preschoolers. The results showed almost no           gains in math achievement.

I remember typing classes starting in fifth grade. The typing lessons escalated in sixth grade. You know when I finally became proficient in typing? in seventh grade when I needed to type in order to communicate with my friends on AOL Instant Messenger (my screen name started as CheeseMonkey3q3 and later changed to TheNameIsBond3. Cool, right?).

I didn’t read much until I found a book that I enjoyed reading, Harry Potter.

It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I found the “incentive” to learn how many grams are in an ounce…

These are just small examples. But the point is that people learn things when they have an incentive to learn them.

Do you really think a kid is going to neglect to learn how to do math when it comes time to make sure he and his siblings all got the same number of gifts on Christmas? Or the same portion of pizza?

It is just a matter of allowing kids to learn what they want to learn. If children reclaimed all the hours wasted at school, they would have plenty of time to learn the true necessities. Especially when there is an incentive to learn. Something pressing they want to do or achieve.

And learning the same skill takes a fraction of the time when it is not a purely theoretical lesson. Learning math on paper is not efficient. It doesn’t apply to the real world, however hard educators try to make the problems seem real.

But when those same “failures” go to the gym, you can bet they know the proper ratio of carbs to protein. I bet they know how many calories they need, and how to calculate their body mass index and body fat percentage.

So it is great to hear the Academy of Pediatrics coming out with the right idea. But they need to take it leaps and bounds further. It isn’t enough to say schools should keep 15 minutes of recess.

I’d rather them say, let that 14-year-old work on his dirtbike all day if that’s what he likes doing. Let the 9-year-old bookworm read. Let the kids build tree forts, shoot water guns, and cook dinner.

And seriously, forget school.

PROOF we LIVE in a MIRROR REALITY !!! Mandela Effect


editor’s note:  i found this video linked via the comment section of lisa harrison’s latest where i found a very fascinating conversation taking place about transitioning out of this realm as well as the mirror/dome effect.  i have read and heard this past year new earth is above this realm.  so some of what i am reading makes sense to this theory ~ while also aligning to the experience i had last september with the buzzing in the base of my spine which traveled up my back, neck and out the top of my head followed by the sensation of being lifted up. instincts caused me to brace myself against the table.  it was then i heard “this is how it happens.”  listening to the video now. 


Streamed live on Aug 5, 2017

The event 2018. Could I be a soulless being or a bot?


editor’s note:  a few times, when i have allowed another’s judgment towards me place doubt within, i have wondered ~ am i a bot?  am i without a soul? the question has had fear energy attached.  i let that go, feel within and know the answer.

i am seeing more of programs being challenged causing some to become very confrontational and downright abusive.  the piece i shared last night – the gist of it all (late night share) received overwhelming support.  there were a couple of exceptions, including one that surprised me.  the name calling and outright statements of how utterly wrong i am.  very defensive.  i obviously challenged this person’s entire story of the ascension timeline.

as i continue to know – and state – honor one another’s path.  attacks show one is not as awakened/aware or heart-centered as they claim ~ especially when the attacks do not result in one owning the behavior and offering up an apology.  love allows the free choices of others.

be kind and allowing.  take no shit.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

some good thoughts on the victim too.   gives me something new to ponder…



Published on Aug 21, 2018

The event 2018. The split is deepening even further. Breath into heart & trust your inner guidance.


editor’s note:  there is indeed an increase in the energy that wishes to see us all continue in this realm.  people are sharing it, expressing it in quite aggressive ways and passive means too.  i have even felt it within my own being and see it for what it is ~ just another program.  love allows for all to make their own choices.  it is that simple.  anything outside of that paradigm, i immediately feel and move on and away from it.  we are removing the cobwebs and are remembering ANY energy sent and received in fear is part of the trap.  love allows.  fear says “you can’t do that” or “you have to do it MY way or THIS way”. even as she says when such energy is surrounded in pretty sparkles….tune in.  our inner truth is back online now and growing stronger.  

i strongly resonate with this one ~ and as she says and as i “felt” earlier today for myself as well ~ we have already made our choices.  

Published on Aug 20, 2018



Something is happening. To be more precise, a lot of somethings are happening. And when you sit back and add it all up, it paints a very clear picture; we’re heading someplace brand spanking new!

For those paying attention (and I know there are TONS of you) let’s recap. And for those just beginning to rub the sleep from their eyes, it’s time to get up to speed. The Great Awakening has arrived.

The Falling

People and institutions are falling from grace. Big people and big institutions, in staggering simultaneous fashion, are careening towards complete and total destruction. The church, the FBI, titans of industry, media moguls, everyday a new bomb is dropping on the world of illusions that held their false power structure in place. The power structure they built to convince us we needed them and not the other way around. That our power came from them and not the other way around. Lies, all lies.

We have never seen this before. Ever. Humanity has always been a “building” enterprise until this new and curious moment. We’ve never been in a “dying away” period, and yet here we are. Sloughing off an entire world that was. A world we thought was the only one that could exist. But, low and behold, we’re witnessing that world be destroyed.

What is causing this cataclysmic destruction?

The truth.

Just the truth. Plain and simple. The truth is lighting the false world on fire and burning it to the ground. I’m reminded of the famous quote, “If it can be destroyed by the truth, than it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.”

It’s as if these words were spoken for this very moment. And rest assure, if it can be destroyed by the truth, right now it will be. Now, all will be revealed.

If what you’ve been doing behind closed doors is revealed, what would happen? Would the world find out you’ve been quietly taking care of your friends and neighbors, supporting your elderly parents when you don’t have the money to do so, or diddling and snuffing children? Whatever is inside each one of us is being pushed to the surface. This is the part of the movie I’d call the reaping. People are reaping exactly what they’ve been sowing in a way we have never seen before. And those who are falling because of it have been ‘the deceivers.’

The Rising

As the deceivers fall, the truth seekers and truth tellers are rising. The People are rising. There is a great power transfer going on, and we’re all an important part of it. Each and every one of us. If you’re tuned in to your discernment, telling who is who is becoming easier and easier.  If you’re not as tuned in yet just remember this: you will know them by their fruits.

Give love like water to ALL. Let love pour out of you everywhere you go and with everyone you encounter. Even, and especially, those who are still living in the false world. Love your friends and family and neighbors like never before. You’ve witnessed how effective the truth is at incinerating the darkness. Love is the truth on steroids.

Continue here to read this awesome piece in its entirety.