The Energies ~ Clearing Out Old Matrix Programs, Allowing in the New


The energies… so overall the more clear of fear (old matrix) that we get, the less dramatic we tend to feel the energy waves. This is just a natural occurrence of the more light we have re-internalized, the less fears we are currently holding onto in our systems. Also less and less fear, is also a natural occurrence of ascension. So overall, it does definitely get easier.

However… the Solstice Energies I experienced very strongly. Not much drama playing out, but just very consistently powerful light, pumping thru the grid, that I felt way ungrounded by the 4th day of this. I felt in a high vibe and in a state of super universal love. Which is pretty much my default state, but it was intensified for about 8 days in a row through the Solstice Energies. (What was your experience, the few days b4 and after the Solstice??)…. So thru all this that I felt thru the Solstice, what do I make of it? Everyone is unique… for me I know that multiple things happened with me, that I will come to see as we go on, after my feet are touching the ground a little better after 8 days of being “in flight.” I know I’m in New personal timelines, bc Spirits way of showing me this is I hear 3-5 new songs on the radio all of a sudden one day, as I’m driving. Also, as I log onto Facebook I am seeing and feeling different things than I was the few days before. I am acclimating to my new “consciousness spot” on the grid right now, and it’s like I’m testing out the “New hardware.” I feel different in the way I operate. When I describe things as “more light” or love/ universal love… I am not meaning good vs. bad… no… I am meaning that, as we did the illusory programs of the old matrix and therefore the consciousness therein, we naturally** are more loving. Bc the illusion was subconsciously keeping us in subtle consciousnesses (programs, wounds, limiters), that withheld love from ourselves + the world. Once we clear old limiting energy, as these waves make us do, we then love ourselves more and more. In other words, we have removed the limiter/ blinder, than our own beauty starts to become quite apparent and unmistakeable. And therefore, we see more and more beauty in the world. Once we remove the illusions, as we so naturally have been doing, we then see Love everywhere, including in ourselves, bc Love is what is left. I don’t mean this in a poetic way (tho I love poetry)… I mean this in a literal*** way. Everything is made our of the fabric* of love, bc that is literally the material* of the universes. Creator is made out of Love, bc Love is what “just exists.” If you were to take Science really really deeply, where would you end up? *Love*, of course, which is what Einstein came to, especially towards the end of his life. He was always able to see, that the universe is essentially a doorway to seeing the deeper reality, which, essentially is Love. So…. even dark beings, AI beings, anyone not in the light… they were created from*** light and love of the Creator. So while we will prefer light and love Beings and experiences, we will see that love is indeed everywhere. Once we are hanging out here behind the illusions, we do feel much better, more powerful, and the experience of love Will be daily… no matter the circumstance… we can get annoyed at the inconveniences of 3d… but still we experience love as a reality almost constantly, bc we have surpassed the illusions. The labels on Self drop.. “I’m not successful”, “I’m a weirdo”, “no one understands me,” “I should be further along in my life,” etc etc… dropping these illusions.. makes you feel more Love as your Reality. We are still having our New Earth… which will be even more Loving. It’s no coincedence that we have come to a place of wanting Love as our Experience… and this is exactly what we are having in our future timelines on New Earth.

It’s not so relevant to tell someone to be nicer, to love everything and everyone, to act better. That’s still functioning in duality. Beyond the matrix we see that this person acts this way bc of being conditioned to feel powerless and not loveable. Typical matrix programmings. So we start to see that the issue us lack of self love and empowerment. So instead of telling someone to love others, we start to tell them to love themselves. To see* themselves behind any illusory labels they adhere to about themselves. Then… they love others, bc now they love themselves. Forced feelings of loving the world will not work, but self-love thru seeing yourself as you are beyond what the matrix has told you about yourself… that’s when we automatically feel more Love for everything. And yet, we can still choose what is best for us. Loving All, does not mean we are to take abusiveness… no… bc self-love will start to feel so natural that you will just ignore or dodge people who are not acting from love. You will just let them be. So if you find yourself having less than loving feelings for the world, do not go into judging yourself for that. Instead ask, where can I love myself more, where can I drop the illusions that don’t allow me to experience myself as Love? This will then automatically make you “nicer” and feel* more Love for all and for yourself, as our default experience.

The matrix sort of ripped away Love from our Beings. So then we feel this lack, especially in the West, in which we have accomplished a lot, but something is missing, something feels “unsettled”… we are looking for the feeling, the experience* of Love. And until we get the experience of Love back for ourselves, we cannot find it in anything nor anyone. No combination of the perfect life ingredients will “give” you Love. Not until you get back to it, for yourself, as an Experience. Then you will feel satisfied, satiated, settled, calmed, fulfilled, as our general reality experience. Self-love, Ascension makes us “get it back.” It’s the feminine principal of creation, re-claimed by us as a Being. The feminine experience and affirmation of life, that we “lost” at our entrance of the matrix. We get it back and that’s when things are pretty fun even when it sucks. Being in this feminine way still keeps room for the masculine flow of life within us. We are not pushing out the masculine. We are allowing both* to flow. We are still going to be masculine, but upon the universal templates of universal love, universal flow, breath, ease, earth, water, cosmos, nurturance, softness. Being here, then being masculine becomes much more in touch with your divine self’s flow. It’s a different experience, and I feel that after we have shed root/ material level limitatons, this Experience is what starts to happen. Resolving root topics is way less about working more, or harder. Its ridding the illusory consciousnesses on your inherent value and that having money requires certain actions or circumstances. Once you can see that you emit gold just by breathing, we re-identify ourselves with money.

Lots of root topics that we have shed past/ matrix illusions on this year… we have done so very well 🎇

Btw, past 2 days for many of us have been about releasing entrapment based love experiences from the Past, in which we were not acknowledged in full love But we were still in love with the persons not loving us. We may have had an experience or feelinhs come up, that we had deep feelings of love or even admiration for someone(s) who are unable to reflect love and acknowledgment back to us. It may feel like almost pining for this person and wanting to feel their love for you, and just sorting thru feelings of unhealthy love and healthy love. Allow the feelings of desire for love to be there, while in your Sovereign observer space. It’s energy that is working itself out. There is a lot of heart energy and sacral/ sexual energy with this one. It is processing into a healthier love template for us. Tears randomly for two days now. Release and let go and allow it space. Your higher self is likely amplifying feelings of love for someone who isn’t good for you, so that you can process it out on a conscious level, and not just the energy level. I could say a lot about what happened in my reality surrounding this and maybe I will, but if I do I will probably make my profile un-public to do it. Being not fully loved, not fully acknowledged in all-of-you, has kept us not running wild and free in our Spirits. Creator told me as i had a communication with him/ her last week, that if incarnated, s/he would love to run free like wild horses. As this is healing our of my system, I am remembering Creator’s words that told me his/ her desire is to run so free. That’s what we want as spiritual and physical beings. The release we are doing right now has to do with becoming free in the places we were making ourselves small bc someone didn’t love that part of ourselves. It seems to be romantic and sexual kind of love, more than the other kinds of love. So we have a lot of energy going on right now in our heart and sacral energies, my vision showed me that my sacral center is almost 50 percent filled with energy that I need to release. The blocked energy is just the old energy that is releasing at this time. It’s probably a good idea to flow our sacral and sexual energy right now, and these are the times in which our orgasmic energy releases a lot of energy that it can surprise us. This is all in flow with what we are doing right now, which is love & sexual freedom from past denser experiences. The image is of tantric energy, in which sexual energy becomes alive and is a Whole-Being experience, when sexual interaction is based in Love, acknowledgment, and seeing the divine in each other. We are coming back to this even more the last two days. Feel free to share any experiences you feel comfortable with sharing, on what has come up for you in romantic themes, or anything that you have been experiencing…. ⚘🌸🌸

Sourced from here.

Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2018. Narcissistic abusive reality ending. 827 views


editor’s note:  beautiful words ~ comforting ~ and i very much resonate.  i don’t speak much of it but there is a piece of me that has been grieving the concept of leaving this realm.


Published on Jun 25, 2018

North Korea cancels annual anti-US rally for first time in years


The annual rally inspired nationalist fervor while commemorating the start of the Korean War.


In a sign of improving relations with the United States, North Korea has decided to cancel an annual “anti-U.S. imperialism” rally this year.

The rally served as one of North Korea’s most symbolic and political events, held annually on July 27 in remembrance of the start of the Korean War. North Korea historically celebrated the day as a national holiday called “Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.”

The rally included events focused on the Korean War, complete with nationalist fervor and anti-U.S. postage stamps.

Continue reading here.

Source is going to “Blink” soon


editor’s note:  hmmm….interesting….definitely resonate w/after this shift/transition/escape we all will “go” to where we resonate/vibe with.


Source Is Going To “Blink” Soon

Operation Terra – Now that all but one of your “lives” are being reunified, the Oversoul is “harvesting” its accumulated experience and preparing to make a quantum leap into another reality. Even Oversouls “graduate” and move up the evolutionary ladder, back to Source. In reality, Source IS everything all at once, but from the subjective perspective of any individuated portion of the Absolute, it has its awareness placed somewhere along the evolutionary flow that proceeds forth from Source (the Absolute) and back into Source, continuously, like an unending river or stream of consciousness that has no beginning or end. However, sometimes – across very long periods of time as you know it – Source “blinks” or “swallows.” You are approaching one such event.

The Oversouls are individuated portions of Source, and they are all in direct communication with Source. You might liken them to the “fingers” of Source. They are an intermediate step between “All There Is” and the individual “lives” being lived. As we have said, there is only ONE LIFE being lived, through all its many expressions. That is why we have been placing quotation marks around the word “life” or “lives.” They are relative and subjective. Only the Absolute Source is absolute and objective.

Source is going to “blink” soon, and on the other side of the blink it will “see” a very different Creation. This is not provided for in any of the cosmologies you have available…There is no one that is or was in a physical body that can accurately predict what is about to happen or what one will experience after that “blink” has occurred. Each and every Oversoul will be affected in ways that even the Oversouls cannot anticipate. Their only task is to prepare themselves for the event by completing all of their “lives,” harvesting all but one of the souls back into the Oversoul, and retaining one portion of exteriorized consciousness with which to “seed” the new Creation.

There will be many fewer players on the “stage” when the new drama unfolds. You who are reading this message will be among those who are there to experience it, but you will be much changed from your present form and identity. You are being prepared by your Oversoul and overseen by your soul for this event. We are doing our best to prepare you so that you will not be overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is happening and by the new sensations and awareness that have begun to enter your consciousness.

Many of you naturally have come to revere the great beings who have appeared on the world stage – the Christ, the Buddha, and others. Now YOU will become as they were. You have another job ahead, and in order to step into those “shoes” and fill them, you must step out of the ones you are wearing now.

This is the time of the harvest of the souls. Everyone who is in a body has a soul. This is the time of the great “summing up” of all of the “lives” lived. Depending on the “total,” each Oversoul will come to its own conclusions about what it wishes to create next. There is no damnation, no “judgment” by a wrathful God. It should really be spelled with a little “g” for the Absolute is the absolute, and “wrath” is a human projection onto the Absolute that is entirely misplaced.

There HAVE been entities that have appeared as “gods” in their interaction with humankind on Earth, but that is another story for another time. But here is where it gets interesting for you: you are the one “life” that will be retained to seed the new Creation. You have great adventures ahead of you, and you have begun your transformation into that being that you will experience yourself as being on the other side of the “blink.”

All is in hand. All is being prepared. You have suffered enough, beloveds. Soon you will be at the banquet, with all of your fellow Wanderers. You will have much fun in creating something entirely new.

Enjoy yourselves in these remaining days. Do not worry about the scare tactics of the various entities who have a different idea of how it will go. They will not be around in your reality on the other side of the “blink.”

Everything has its place in the Creation. You have yours; they have theirs. We are assisting in these matters to make sure that everyone gets to their own “right place.” No longer will it be necessary for Earth to host such contention and division. She will be able to pursue her theme of “seeking harmony in diversity,” but now it will be as it was originally intended – a diversity of forms and cultures, all of whom will be resonant with the new vibratory frequency that will characterize the New Earth – Terra.

These contentious ones will have their own world in which to continue their battles with each other. They will not bother you anymore, and they will finally be free of you and your reminders of what they are not. Everyone will end up at home in the vibratory band that is most akin to his or her nature.

You – because you have read this far – are destined for Terra. If you were not, you would have left off reading these messages awhile back. They are coded transmissions, and you will only respond favorably to them if you carry the matching coding within you. You are small in number relative to the total population of Earth, less than 1/10 of 1%. But you are the seeds for the new garden, the new birth of Earth in her glorious time as Terra. Happy journey!

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Jun 2018…/

Sourced from here.



Gaia Portal Update ~ Sacred timings are essential


editor’s note:  “foundations are ready” says to me all is in alignment for the trip home.  inner readiness being essential, which is interesting considering what i am now feeling about this event ~ start prepping to go home.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Sacred timings are essential.

Clarification nears completion.

Foundations are ready for the massive transmutation.

Inner readiness is essential.

Inner awareness is the key.

Quantum Healing Session on The Event


Posted on 06/22/2018 in Session Stories

The Event

Article by Thia Rose

For those who have been keeping up to date with news and information regarding ‘The Event,’ this story might just be for you. In a recent Quantum Healing session there was interesting information that surfaced with some important dates that we will have to keep a close eye on to see how they might unfold.

This particular session was with a lady who I’ll call Angela, as her energy was truly angelic. She is an E.T experiencer but has no fear of them; the only clear information about them are dream-like impressions but she has seen light star-ships up close. She wanted to explore this and find out more about her Star family.

Quantum Healing session

The first past life we explored was that of a young ‘human’ male on Earth. He was dressed like Robin Hood and was standing on a bridge between two mountains in the forest waiting for something to occur. When I moved the client forward he described seeing a diamond-shaped star-ship made of light which took him on board. He got very emotional as he explained what he was seeing, “The interior of the ship appeared way bigger than the exterior. The beings were from the planet Lyra and they are my family.” They were taking him home because his mission on Earth was complete.

While on Earth he was working with “The Forest People” known as Sasquatch. He explained how they were very special and important to the Earth. “They hold high-frequency energies and they are helping the forests here on earth. They support all forest life, they are very powerful nature spirits, very angelic, and very highly evolved. They were my Earth family even though I was human. Their homes are hidden in plain sight and hidden beneath the earth.” The star-ship then went through a stargate and landed on Lyra. While enroute, “he” shifted into a female aspect he called, “The real me. I was male for that particular lifetime on Earth because I required a more masculine body.”

I continued my questioning and asked, “What did you experience on Lyra; can you give us more details?” “On Lyra the colors were very bright and vivid. Everything was translucent and the buildings were circular, iridescent, and reflective. The plant life and flowers were colorful, lush, and plentiful and the colors there were of a nature never seen before and everything was pristine. The energy feels 12th-dimensional,” he explained.

She returned to a life as a 12th-dimensional being and was given a name that was difficult to pronounce and the best Angela could do was She’ena l’au k’ua. It seemed to be a Light Language!

At that point She’ena l’au k’ua explained that she was a higher dimensional aspect of Angela and not her Higher Self. She had completed missions on multiple planets and Angela is currently on one of these missions. She’ena l’au k’ua was happy to answer all of Angela’s questions and many were personal in nature. She also explained that her soul was originally Lyran when she first came from Source, but she has also lived in the Pleiades Constellation. She does have a Pleiadian support team helping her while she is ‘living’ this lifetime on Earth in addition to  E.T.’s with whom she has had contact.

When asked, She’ena l’au k’ua answered questions about The Event.

“It is coming soon,” she said. “There are possible dates in June, August, September, and November of 2018. It all depends upon the energies of those residing on Earth. It will feel like a wave of pure love energy and will be felt differently by each person.”

There will be a separation point where eventually everyone who can ascend will, and everyone who can’t ascend will continue to live in dimensions that are appropriate for their soul group. The New Earth is here – we bridge in and out of it already without being aware. The Event will have a great impact on all aspects of society as it will speed up aspects which seem to be crumbling and everything will come to the surface.”

”Lightworkers and empaths need to pay attention to their vibration and keep them high. Knowing about all the darkness doesn’t serve you. The darkness will be coming to the surface even more so now than it has done before. The Earth was never meant to become as negative as it is now, which meant a rescue mission had to be sent to lift the vibration.”

She’ena l’au k’us said that YOU (meaning all of us) are the rescue mission.

After the Quantum Healing session was over, Angela talks about her experience and ‘Event’ observations:

  • “I was shown we are in the pilot wave energies of ‘The Event. I could feel the energy, but I didn’t know how to identify it as ‘Event’ energies until my session.
  • If you can feel the energy, put your focus on the heart and pull the energy into your body, as this will trigger a larger wave.
  • I was shown a calendar with the date of June 29; highlighted in bold black letters as the next date of a potential event. Next, August, September, and November (2018) were also highlighted the same way as my eyes moved along the calendar. Each date is a potential given the readiness of humanity being able to receive it.
  • Activations were received through this session. I am still integrating it and in fact, I feel very different now. I still feel ‘open’ to that portal of energy as if I could ask anything and get answers clearly.”

(Dolores Cannon always spoke about the portal staying open for a while after a Quantum healing session.)

This particular session was high in frequency and we were both moved emotionally. I feel privileged and honored to have facilitated this Quantum Healing session and to talk with such high-dimensional beings. The Event will be something we will hear more of in the future. Many of us have experienced the new incoming energies that will be assisting us with the transition to the New Earth.

Thia Rose is a practitioner who practices BQH and QHHT® in Delta, Colorado.

Quantum Healing

Sourced from here.

Energy/Experience Update ~ 6/22/18


editor’s note:  here’s out “not of fully of this realm” i am now.  i thought yesterday was wednesday, today thursday.  it’s friday?  really?  i really have no sense of “time” anymore.  i know why that is though ~ it is sinking in that the real me – the other fractals of me – are already out of here, home, in the new.  but wow – what a concept to swallow, you know?  upon “the” moment, will i be elated and fully energized?  will i be like neo in the matrix when he first comes out of the matrix ~ disoriented, in need of tlc/assistance for a time?  a bit of both? i contemplate that one now……i still continue to feeeeeeeel that purple color is that “event energy” – just outside of this realm… i again heard “the skies were all purple” in my mind….went to youtube and the next video was “purple rain.”  i told my mate of the experience.  an hour or so later i was making dinner and he calls me out to the man cave (garage) – get out here!  so i walk outside and purple rain is playing on the radio.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Christie Hanalei
58 mins

There were some mega energies again today. I had to eat a lot and rest/ sleep a lot. More than usual.

We are integrating some new templates and altho we are in individual places, I was hinted that these are new ones that have just now been able to arrive on the newer higher vibing grid we are now in.

I am feeling more like I’m Energy than a form, this is to another place than I was in before! I wasshown an image of a Diamond and how I’m becoming prismatic to another level, to where my light is coming out in all directions no matter the 3d circumstance. For a while I let myself complain about certain things, knowing that it would allow me to finally and completely, love all* my feelings. Then I had breakthroughs 😊😋 feeling freer within than ever before… 🍍🍍🍍

As I was sinking peacefully into my new temolates the last few days, I start to see the Event approach us. We are pulling it to us, as much as it is pulling us to it. It is an attractive force. We have already ascended, and we are going up (and embodying) continually, which by law of attraction, we are bringing the Event to us, by virtue of matching frequencies. I felt like I was seeing it from an expanded place, so I could see that the Event “just is” our destiny. It “just is” meeting us. I almost want to call it “the great merge” bc we are merging with light filled timelines that we are returning to after aeons of separation consciousness. It has so much meaning for the multi-verses.

We are integrating so much right now, remember what you are doing and don’t blow yourself off as “doing nothing.” We are stretching ourselves very much to intake new codes, and this dissolves the old matrix realities, which brings the Event closer and closer to us. We are Embodying the heaven frequencies, which then can only bring Heaven to us.

Time to stabilize and ground and let it settle. Good work everyone! 🎆🎆🎆

Sourced from here.

Linea Ginn ~ IV. The event 2018. Sharing direct info about event to come.


editor’s note:  in this morning’s e-mail was this message:  Gaia is Leaving us. no longer to be seen.  ….  you will understand the significance of that when you listen to this video, question #1……  will have to let this one resonate, simmer w/in…  still not going to hold onto a date, even though i want to know THE date. not sure about the responses to these questions w/the exception of the last one – major intuitive chills and inner knowing…  i do look around and see a lack of life – in others – now and then.  feeling into this realm, a lack of life too.  that has been an experience i have had off and on for about a year now.  i have resisted it – felt i was being jaded, apathetic. perhaps i have not been……please let me know your comments, or if you wish to talk with me privately, click here.  not that i have the answers ~ just that i know sometimes it can be helpful to speak directly w/another.  


III. The event 2018. The source of info. And more.


editor’s note:  beautiful message.  pure character/soul.  imho darkness has outed itself in lisa m harrison.  well meaning, good intel – but lacking in the purity of heart.  this is not a competition.  we are ALL experiencing this. who cares who gets the date right or who has the best intel or who gets out info first.  let us work together in figuring it all out and celebrating the transition.


Published on Jun 21, 2018