Single/Widowed Mom In Need Of Help


Everyone who sees this donates $1 (“All it takes is a dollar”) would be awesome!

Trying to make ends meet on a limited income and have hit another bump in the road.  Just when you think you are going to have things together, something happens to set you back.  After my husband took his life, every day is a struggle that seems to get worse.  Sometimes I feel like giving up myself but with my daughter and three grandchildren here, I have to try an keep going so they are not put in another bad situation.


Goodbye To Linear Time ~ The Return To Unity Consciousness


Editor’s note:  While I don’t much resonate with the interpretation of how we arrived at the experience of separation, I am completely feeling and experiencing this shift.  Most days I’m just floating along then I get snapped back by some old pain/story. Recognize it. Process it if I feel it is something to process.  And move on.  Also have been naturally drawn away from schedules (I no longer call meals breakfast lunch or dinner anymore – they are just meals.).  Can’t remember the last time I looked at the calendar.  I am sure clocks are next.  (i like her name by the way – enjoy saying “ingeborg” lol)


By Vera Ingeborg

August 15, 2017

We are in the middle of the bifurcation of timelines and realities shift. Old timelines collapse and there is no way back. While many of the early adapters are still feeling huge bi-polar shifts between the two realities and between love and fear, first movers are now entering more and more an energetic state of being that is called zero-point. The place where we are only observing, allowing and are moving along with the energetic flow without being entangled with any of the drama, stories and illusions of the old paradigm. We enter these points shortly before big energetic shifts – individually and collectively.

We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels. The critical mass to cause a ripple effect to cause the grand awakening of the human collective. The evolution back from Polarity Consciousness into Unity Consciousness.

“We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels.”

Transitioning is not easy. Transitioning means to let go of a lot of things and people we had developed an attachment to. And yet, attachment is not a natural state of being. It is an ego construct. Just as linear time is. We had developed these constructs to experience a life out of balance as far as possible. An experiment to see how far we could move away from our collective center. From Oneness. From Unity Consciousness. Our origin. The Source of all that is. The organism humanity went into collective amnesia and developed the concept of linear time, to give fear an artificial space to exist. To then create fear, it was necessary to cut off the conscious energetic connection to Spirit/Source (which caused the amnesia) and withdraw the feminine energy, creating the necessary misbalance. The masculine energy alone, without the balancing counterpart, experienced separation, lack and darkness. The energetic frequencies of fear were created. That was the fertile ground for the ego mind to evolve and grow and with it the illusion of duality. Further ego constructs evolved based on these concepts: Loneliness, danger, the need to survive, the need to be better than others etc. All of these were necessary to create the illusion humanity has been experiencing for eons (although also that is an illusion, as linear time does not exist). Humanity created its own auto-immune disease, fighting itself to move further and further out of balance, while living in this illusion. Now that we have reached the point of being furthest away from that inner balance of the collective before complete destruction of the organism humanity, it was time to end that experiment.

The Construct of Linear Time and the Ego

Now that we have more and more re-established our conscious connection to Source/All that is and have re-invited the mature feminine energy in, we entered that zero zone, where we experience the breakdown of the construct of linear time. And that means: Those that experience it are transforming the last bits of ego. And with it: The return of the mature masculine, the energy of doing, manifesting without any need of control.

The ego cannot exist in the NOW. The place where there is no linear time. The ego always needs the artificial space of linear time to project its illusions. Now that this space drops away, fear has no fertile ground. We remember enough now to not buy into these artificial programs any longer. We are not even able to relate to all the human drama, all the stories, as we can see right through the illusion. It feels like white noise, a frequency of a radio station, we are no longer able to receive.

“We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer.” 

We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer. As indeed it is our natural state of being. We are not able to create expectations, impatience, control, mistrust, conditions…, as they need a concrete reference point in the future. All we can be is unconditional, trusting and open to whatever comes, knowing it is perfectly in the flow. Human artificial structures such as schedules, appointments, daily routines become impossible to stick to, as they are not synchronizing with the Universal Flow. When linear time drops away, we automatically get access to the bigger picture. We align with unity consciousness and remember more and more of our essence and truth. All of a sudden we know things, we did not know before. We see and understand this all connecting energetic field, and how we incarnate into experiences in the physical. We are re-establishing the holy trinity. And with it, the full embodiment of Spirit, Soul and Body. Everything happens at once in the NOW as all possibilities are available, always. Linear time was helping to create the illusion that there were sequences and with it memories – that helped to keep fear projections alive. But what about past live memories, might the ego mind ask? All we do is choosing one or parallel experiences in a physical existence. Depending on where we tune in with our consciousness, we get flashes of information that feel like a past life memory although it is just a parallel reality we chose to access.

Those that are in the middle of this transition, will more and more have that experience, that even what happened yesterday feels like a past life memory. The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.

“The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.” 


Multidimensional experience is a super confusing, but also fun thing to experience. As we create moment to moment anew, we can also shift our realities quite easily. From the energetic frequency levels of the fifth dimension and onwards, we have all these different parallel timelines and realities available to access. And we choose our access point(s) into the field of all possibilities from moment to moment. And can alter as we wish once we are fully aligned. So what happens quite often while we are not yet fully stable and anchored in one frequency, is that we have to deal with multidimensional versions of other people, too. For example a 3D and a 5D self of a person. These seem to be completely bi-polar, do not remember what they had said before, or say even the complete opposite.

“That is the Mandela Effect. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access.”

The Mandela Effect is exactly this. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access. Our limited, fear driven ego mind was not able to understand any of this. Only now we are entering the process of transcending it completely into a free spirit mind. A mind that is connected to all that is, is able to connect all dots, comes up with brilliant ideas to set intentions: The basis for all creation. Now that the mature masculine comes back and balances within us with the mature feminine, we have set the foundation for co-creation with others. We are back in the field of unconditional love within.


In order to create, we need to be able to embody our connection to Source (the open heart-center) and Unity consciousness (the mature mind) in our physical vessel (the evolved body). We need the physical existence to be able to create. It is our physical body that lets us follow the energetic impulses we receive from the universal flow. The intention of the mind causes a feeling from the heart, which sets the energetic vibration that we emit into the field. We synchronize with frequency matches in the field (people, situations,..), we resonate and that creates our outside reality. The more we learn to read and “speak” energy (by feeling it), the more we are able to follow the natural impulses we are receiving constantly with our physical body: Our intuition. The deep knowing, this is what I have to do next, because it feels right. No matter what the rational mind might have to say about that to protect us. Once we have embodied the balance of the mature feminine and the mature masculine within, we are ready for the next phase: Co-Creation.

Next Stage: Co-Creation

Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within. This will be happening in all areas of life. Friendships, “Relationships” (much more a relatedness now, based on freedom), work, and activities of all sorts. First, we mainly feel drawn to co-create in pairs – members of our tribe that we have met while finding our true self in our process of awakening to practice balancing energy between two people/physical entities. They might remain in our experience as partner or will move on, and both will feel absolutely fine.

“Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within.”

That – on a sidenote – was one very important part of our journey. To find our people all over the planet, anchor the grid and activate it to build all these little centers for the ripples we are now creating for the big shift. Co-creating in pairs will help us to learn how to balance energy between two physical entities (people) before we will take the next step to create something even bigger, pairing up with other pairs that have gone through that process. Returning to community, oneness, completely new models of living based on love and abundance. This is the way how New Earth will take form quickly. We are all creating this together. We are passed the point of having to walk it alone. NOW: How perfectly organized and how exciting is this?!?

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-minded and hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of Energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you! 

You find it helpful what you read? I am grateful for your support of my blog and writing and appreciate your contribution today. Thank you <3

Sourced from here.  

My Request For Help


After having my own intuitive feeling for awhile now and then having one of you “sensing” the same thing, I have decided to see a Shaman.  There is a local woman in my area who I have spoken with and she charges $50/session.  I just need the money to do so.  So if any of you feel the desire to do so, I could really use the donations to see her.  I have felt “stuck” (fragmented is more the word) with an issue for over 25 years and things like counseling and even energy/body work have not helped.  I had an intuitive read a couple of years back by a man who saw the same “stuckness” and while he claimed to remove it (he was not a Shaman and his technique was far too simple in my mind), I noticed no improvement. Just more of an “oh yes now I see”.

Anyway, it would mean a lot to me.  I want so much to be healed.  Thank you!


Abundance Intention For This Site ~ Love In Action Now


Please intend the following with me.

Every day, more wonderful people subscribe to my website blog.

My readers regularly and abundantly donate money to me.

Money flows to me through this site in great abundance and with Ease.


I am inspired daily to write pieces and share pieces that in turn inspire my wonderful readers to become more inspired and abundant themselves.

Let’s all share in this love train of unlimited abundance!

Thank you!


Healer In Need Of Assistance


Hello everyone ~

I had a reading/healing with this man a little over a year ago.  Now he is in need of some help.  I decided to forward his story/request to all of you as part of my new “People In Need Of Help” category/movement. Please share and if so moved, donate.  Remember ~ all it takes is $1.  ♥    


Dear Ones,
On behalf of our beloved David I am reaching out and asking assistance in helping him reclaim his precious health, which is currently in a challenged state.  As a Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Practitioner, David has devoted himself for many years to those he assisted in their healing and transformational journeys.  He has passionately continued to serve this purpose heart and soul.  He now has to dedicate himself to healing his body so that he can continue his life path of helping others.  Now we need to ask for assistance in turning this situation around.
The Story
Over the course of the last six months David has been experiencing extreme fatigue, leading to a dramatic drop in his overall health about 7 weeks ago.  David has been dealing with weakness, kidney stress and the development of an abdominal growth (it is yet to be determined whether this is benign or not) that is currently impinging on other organs and needs to be quickly resolved.  His program until now has included treatments with very experienced alternative health practitioners as well as utilizing progressive technologies and self-healing skills. The improvements we have seen along the way aren’t supporting him enough to continue with only the current plan. 
We have come to the conclusion that his best course of action now is to be immediately admitted to an immersive integrative program that incorporates a more clinical medical approach, combining “Western medical” approaches, oversight and treatment, along with time-tested alternative therapies and new promising therapies including focal and systemic hyperthermia, ozone and hyperbaric treatments.
The Challenge
The challenge at this time is minimal financial resources. Due to David’s decreased ability to work as much over these last months and our attention and finances going largely towards his healing process we have run short on funds.  Insurance is not an option for the treatment he needs. It is unfortunate that healthcare and money have become so entangled in our world, but at this time we need to acknowledge the power of money to help move the wheels of change.
The Solution
The Cowans intend to come through this and return fully to the greater work to which they are called and have devoted their lives to.  With your help we feel confident that David will get the treatment he needs and be able to bounce back from this challenge with renewed vigor and devotion to the healing path.
We greatly appreciate any way you can assist us with this.
Click Here to Donate

James Gilliand FWD ~ ECETI Community Member In Need Of Help


Mona Fundraiser

Aloha Everyone! James asked me to forward this message to the ECETI community if you are able to help Mona – and if you can send blessings her way we appreciate that heart energy as well! Heart Hugs, Ashli

Hi James…you know how badly I was injured when I got hit by the speeding car. I have lost my business and 90% of my income…but the biggest problem I have right now is that Lane County is trying to foreclose on my house for back taxes. The GoFundMe page for donations is on my facebook page with various ways people can donate but I don’t have a lot of time left. It was a simple error on my part but I have been so sick for so long it was an easy thing to miss. I thought I only owed 300 bucks and had until January to pay it. Actual damage is that I’m in foreclosure for $1,550 bucks which I don’t have. I put up a GO FUND ME campaign and wondered if you would possibly send it out on your email list. Last time, when I needed healing so badly I got an awesome response from all of the people on your list. Apparently the county wants my property but I’ve been here for 15 years but they don’t care. Thanks much…I miss all of you. Mona

©2017 Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrastrial Intelligence | 1767 12th street box 232, Hood River, Or [97031]