Sophia Love ~ As We Shift ~ Whispering “Bullshit”

Editor’s note:  LOVE every word in this piece and resonate fully!

April 19, 2017 ~ Sophia Love


Descriptions of a heaven and hell, a splitting/polarizing planet or a 3D/5D earth are still shouting division at us. Division is a lie. It is part and parcel to this constructed illusion. We are One.

We now require novel dialogue; with words like facet and tendency and choice and decision and progression rather than hopeless or evil or wrong or bad or sinful.

How many ways will we be led to believe we’ve done something wrong? What began with our elders, and moved to our god has now morphed into alternative spiritually evolved teachings.

In one way or another, we are still being told to straighten up and change in order to become “worthy” of heaven, 5D or a new earth. This, is the same bullshit we’ve been fed before.

Stop listening to anyone telling you that there is still something you have to “do” in order to become someone better. You are an infinite expression of love who is right now in human form.

There is nothing better.

What seems to be going on for us right now is a sort of “hunkering down” into who we actually are, warts and all. We can no longer comfortably pretend. We see clearly the dictates and systems of this earth/slave society. Its purpose, which is to maintain control and stifle brilliance and sovereignty, is not our purpose.

We are collectively hearing an inner calling. It drives us and changes our behavior. This call is not found in any text or heard from any outside authority. It whispers from within.

It is upon us to respond.


Decide how you now wish, desire and choose to live.
Contemplate what you are willing to change to get there.
Look honestly at which fear is stopping you from being there right now.
Forge a plan, take action, let go of whatever needs to be released, and move.

This is our world.

This is your life.

Progress is not made with fighting against. Expectations for enemies and faults are sort of place holders so that these unwanted things remain in our lives. They steal our focus from what it is we need to be working on; which is creation. This life we desire will not happen without our participation in its manifestation.  In fact, it is delayed and delayed again each time we avert our eyes to complain and kvetch and point fingers and judge each other.

This is not a call to ignore what is wrong.  It is, rather, a plea to utilize your authority to maintain and expand what is right.  Perspective is everything. Keep your eyes on the prize.

There is nothing more powerful than a conscious and focused human. Our passion and creative ability is legend.  This is why you came as a human, regardless of your other aspects.  Everything you need to pull this off, and quickly, is inside you at this very moment. Let’s do this.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

With so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article everywhere!  Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. 

                                             ©2011-2017 Sophia Love. All Rights Reserved.

Pleiadian Starseed Characteristics on Earth

Pleiadian Starseed Involvement With Earth

Pleiadians were the ones who provided the genetic model for the early humans on earth. So they are the absent link in our development to our current form. They guided the lemurians and atlantians, they nurtured many life forms on earth which began somewhere else such as dolphins and whales.

The pleiadians are responsible for infusing consciousness into countless methods of energy healing which were discovered by humans over the many years. These beings are performing an significant role in reinvigorating our thinking in the mystical elements of our understanding and they are helping to open ethereal contact in a non intimidating way. The pleiadians emit light and tranquil energy, which we are able to feel because of our genetic link.

Starseeds On Earth – There are many pleiadian starseeds incarnating on earth, this has been happening since Lemuria. These pleiadian souls are here to tell of our divinity and of course our connection to Source Consciousness. They are here as healers and are here to inspire us to nourish our spirits. They are very intuitive and sensitive souls. They have good confidence and light up the room when they walk in and they are healing to others around them. Pleiadians are very empathic and listen well with great communication skills. They leave with everyone feeling joy and gratitude.

Read the piece in its entirety here.

Has The Event Already Begun in Asia?

Editor’s note:  You know my thoughts on channeling so please use discernment, as always.  I am posting this because according to this piece, this “event” began on Sunday, which was the day the Schumann went off the charts as I mentioned in this piece and an unknown frequency began emitting out of China yesterday, the 19th (which I will be posting).  Plus there was a huge pulse of energy that came in on the 18th, which I reference here.  Put it all together and well, who knows, right?  I will tell you intuitively I have felt there will not be a WW3 played out on this planet (certainly not on the timeline I am intending and creating).  I recently had a dream as well where I saw the Solar Flash (which is likely part of the Event – perhaps the final piece) – and what it did to the skies and the people.  I wrote about it here.

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen – April 16, 2017

Sananda April 19, 2017

Montague Keen (channeled information)

This is an important message for you, my friends. The tables have turned and the Cabal now finds itself in difficulties. Two sets of ETs prevented the recent missile attack. This operation will be repeated over and over, no matter who fires the missile. Control has been taken out of the hands of the Cabal. They are quickly coming to realise that their game is over. They find themselves exposed for all to see. It has taken some time to achieve this, but their claws were everywhere, so we had to be thorough.

On Sunday 16th April 2017, the EVENT began in Asia. It was necessary to begin the process there. On Tuesday 18th, the Event extended all over the world. Be alert for all evidence of this, as the Cabal will do all in its dwindling power to prevent you observing it. Two leaders of the Zionists will be captured. They are responsible for all the death and destruction that is happening everywhere. The head of the snake must be removed first, then all will follow as it should. Work together to salvage whatever you can from the carnage left by the Cabal.

We, on this side of life, have had to work very hard to bring this about. There were only a few on Earth who could take on board what we were working towards. 2017 and 2018 will show clearly what our plans were, and continue to be for the future. Fear is being pushed on you by the Cabal through their TV and newspapers. You are being lied to. Do not believe their lies.

Continue reading “Has The Event Already Begun in Asia?”

Massive Disclosures In Babylon 5 TV Series

Editor’s note:  A most FASCINATING read.  Covers everything.  Truth is there when we seek it.  

Posted on

Out of all of the movies, television shows and other forms of media used to disclose various truths to the public this show has to be the crown jewel. It has almost everything. The solar flash, the operations to liberate Earth, the Cosmic Anomaly, the Jesuits, super soldiers, the Resistance, the Galactic Confederation, a secret space program, Blue Spheres, Ascended Beings, the Illuminati/Freemasons and much more as you are about to read.

I took 9 pages of notes and binge-watched 4 seasons of this show with 22 or 23 episodes for each season. I couldn’t believe how many dots were connected and how information-dense this show was with each passing episode. As you will see someone deep within-the-know was feeding the creator/writer of this show very high-up information and intel.

I found the easiest way to organize all this information would be to alphabetize it and organize everything by category. I have pictures and videos of everything that I thought was significant enough to record and document.

First I will provide a synopsis to the show to give the readers a baseline idea of what the story line is. The show takes place on a 5 mile-wide Earth-based and taxpayer-funded space station that acts as an intermediary for other E.T. races to come and create peaceful and diplomatic relations and trade, kind of like our moon.

It is located in a neutral area of space and acts as an officially recognized embassy by Earth and by the associated non-terrestrial beings who are referred to as ambassadors that are appointed to represent their governments. It is the result of a devastating Earth-Minbari war that took place in in the recent past.

  • Ascended Beings

Beings that call themselves the Vorlons use Organic Technology (the ships are alive) and exist inside encounter suits to contain/hide their true form. In one episode the being ambassador Kosh left his suit to save the captain of the crew and all of the beings that saw him saw their version of their religious leader; Jesus and so on.

Kosh once said he couldn’t leave his suit or else everyone would recognize him. This gives more credit to the idea that we create our realities and the higher beings identify with what we believe and take that form in order not to frighten us upon contact.

Continue reading here.

Hold On Ascension Folks ~ Big Incoming Energy Wave Arriving Tomorrow (4/18)

Editor’s note:  I found this person’s blog going through my comment section – he/she happened to leave a comment.  I decided to take a peek (check it out yourself – it’s a great site) and found this article which stood out.  I have felt like a zombie all day and have had ringing in my ears (now my right ear – switched from being in my left – maybe this means I am balancing out).  

Big Wave Inbound

Several of us had the same dream, so we decided to share. Here’s M2’s version:

The following is METAPHORIC, not literal…
In a dream last night, I saw what I’ve seen in dreams several times — though this time with a difference. I saw a massive tsunami rise above the Pacific Coast, rising 20,000 feet in a massive wall of water… which alarmed me at first, causing me to run UP some stairs at the beach to get away from it… but I paused at the top, as something was different from previous dreams. As I watched, the whole wave suddenly broke into a bazillion droplets, fizzing into a massive fall of rain all over the length of CA. I then saw the state from above, as a vast mass of water in the form of rain inundated the state. Just before I awoke, I saw smaller blue waves coming in, gently, some with whitecaps.Note that the following has to do with ENERGY. I asked my guides and they said that this massive Wave X influx of energy was coming 4/19. This is NOT The Event, but is a significant — and unstoppable — energy influx. It was gynormous in the dream, so how can The Event be any bigger?? No idea. The PTW cannot stop this energy. Nothing could. I expect it to be more dramatic than the 4/2 energy event.

We also have this latest from Diane Canfield that’s a must-read, as well as the latest from Sophia Love. We’re not sure how this is going to play out, or what the effects will be, but this date is within 7-10 days of when sunspot AR2644 reappears. Stay tuned.

Sourced from here.  

Moldavite ~ One Woman’s Experience

Editor’s note:  After doing research, I made the decision and ordered a Moldavite pendant.  I will share my experience with it.  

Image result for moldavite images

Our Crystal Experience

April 27, 2017


Wow! Where to start!

Moldavite is not a crystal, it is a tektite, and the only tektite considered to be, gem quality.

There is much lore connected with this stone. It is said that it is the result of a meteor impact with Earth, where the meteor and the Earth merged to make moldavite. There seems to be some discrepancy in whether it happened 14.5 or 15 million years ago…but what’s a few hundred thousand years, anyway! The fact is, all of the moldavite on Earth was made during that single impact…think about that for a second.

Moldavite is only found in the Moldau river valley in the Czech Republic. There are many different shapes and sizes, and some is more desirable than others, like the ones found in the Besednice fields. Those are the most collectible and also the most expensive pieces, along with the pieces that are over 30 grams.

There are a bunch of stories out there about moldavite, but I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of blah blah blah… I’ll let you research those on your own…but I will share my moldavite story with you. 😉

They say that moldavite is a stone of transformation, and to that, I can attest. I have always been attracted, in one way or another to rocks and crystals, but I had never actually “felt” one before.

Now I had heard the hippies talking about “feeling” their rocks, and getting in touch with them, but I never really gave it much thought, other than the time it took to dismiss such silliness. I had never equated that just being attracted to a stone, was, feeling its energy.

So, I’m in a rock shop, called, The Philosopher’s Stone, in Ocean Beach, San Diego. I didn’t really know what I was looking for…usually, it was something simple, like amethyst. But for some reason, I found myself staring at these cool green rocks. I asked about them, and Wendy explained to me what they were and their origin, but not much else. I was a little surprised by their price, but ended up buying a very small piece. I took it home and put it on the shelf with my other stones, and didn’t pay much more attention to it for about a week or two. Then one day, I walked over and picked it up. While I was looking at it, my fingers started to buzz, like they do when they’re falling asleep. As I was thinking about this, I checked to make sure my circulation wasn’t cut off, and I couldn’t figure out why my hand felt that way. Then something told me, it was the rock. In that instant, I put the rock down, like it was a hot potato! The realization actually scared me a little. I stared at the stone before touching it again, and then I picked it up, and held it a little closer to me so I could inspect it better. It was at this time that I felt a wash of energy start from almost the back of my neck, over my face, to my chest area. I have to say, it was a pretty emotional moment as well. It took me a few minutes to regain my composure.

I have never been a religious person, and I’m still not, but it seemed like, in that moment, I understood everything. Overwhelming, is an understatement! Since then, I have been on a different path in life…transformed, so to speak. (awake)

It was after this experience that I started doing a lot of research into moldavite, and came to realize that what I had felt wasn’t uncommon. I can now attribute it to my chakras aligning, and my heart chakra opening, or activating. From that point on, I have always had a piece of moldavite in my pocket.

Now I know that some of you will do as I did, when I heard the hippies talking about their rocks, and dismiss this story as a bunch of silliness. Others, it may spark your curiosity…and still others, it may give you a sense of validation, and confirm that you’re not as crazy as you may have thought.

I can’t guarantee that everyone that picks up a piece of moldavite will share this experience. I can just vouch for what happened to me.


Schumann’s Serious Spike

Editor’s note:  Lifted this off of my facebook page.  I can’t verify if this is accurate. However, according to the graph included, there was indeed a spike.  Even though I had some very uncomfortable moments today, I did have a moment or two of absolute bliss that was very noticeable.  As I have seen some write about this whole process ~ at times we are rather bi-polar.  lol  Aye, go with it, I hear and let us Bloom into our Wholeness.  


Image may contain: night

Just a few hours ago, the natural frequency of our Earth, or the Schumann Resonance, hit it’s highest recorded value, ever. This is the natural heartbeat of our planet that all biological life entrains to.

Normally this frequency has hovered around 7-8Hz since it was discovered in 1953. Over the past couple years, it has been increasing. In 2014, it would start spiking to 14-16Hz on certain days. Last year, we would see it hit 30-40Hz.

Today it shot up to 90Hz. “Yuuuge spike!”

Scientific analysis shows that our brainwaves will entrain to these frequencies. By definition, entrainment is “to draw along with or after oneself.” So essentially, the Earth is shifting higher, and drawing our minds along with it.

Ironic that this spike was on the symbolic date of Easter. We are co-creatively resurrecting the Christ Consciousness upon our planet.

That’s a pretty important thing, just wanted to let you know.

This is The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius – The 5th Dimension

Editor’s note:  Ooooh I love it when I discover I am not the only one experiencing a similar or same experience.  While I am still working on opening up my heart (she’s in resistance mode at the moment), I have woken up the past 2 mornings with the song “Age of Aquarius” going through my mind.  Note to self: spend more time letting go and expanding that heart…  I’ve included a video at the bottom to help uplift us All.  ♥

Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven

April 12, 2017 ~ Elocin Ned’RAH (Warrior of Love and Light)

This morning I woke up with this funny feeling in the center of my chest. Not painful, but almost in a sense of being overwhelmed… in a good way. After settling down from the initial shock of my 7 A.M.  alarm, I relaxed to take in my surroundings and the sensations of my body. And laying in complete silence and darkness, I noticed my heart was “breathing”.  It was ALIVE! I felt like the Grinch when his heart expanded and expanded, although my heart wasn’t completely closed. There had been some reasons to why I decided to shut my heart off to certain people and circumstances, but I’ve been feeling the shift to open and healed those wounded aspects of myself.

YES! My heart was alive! I never felt this feeling before.  A bubbling, breathing, overwhelming, joyful sensation, pushing and pulsating upward, through my throat and downward to my belly. Very overwhelming yet exhilarating. I didn’t know what to do with this sensation or even, what this sensation was accredited to.

Then that small still voice inside of me spoke.  “This is your rebirth”.

Yesterday, I noticed that timelines seemed to have shifted as well. According to my birth card, I am a King of Hearts. The King of Hearts is associated with the number 13. The number 13, well at the time, in the old paradigm, is symbolic of death and rebirth. So, last night, I decided to re-read the description of my birth card. And as I read… the description wasn’t the same. It read that 13 was the number of LOVE and UNITY.


I had an inkling that the editors of the site didn’t make any adjustments to the King of Hearts description, so I decided to pay a visit to my trusty friend, “Google”. I typed, “13 death and rebirth”. The only thing I found to those criteria was in relation to the tarot card, “Death”. The death card is enumerated number 13, the card of transformations. A little boggled, I decided to research, “13 love and unity”. And lo and behold, 13 was the new love and unity number.

Wow, timelines really do shift! I finally experienced a real timeline shift. This **** is getting real.

Now, back to my breathing heart and rebirth. As I laid there in bed, another divine impression invaded my being.  “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the age of Aquarrrriiiuuuusssss”.  I “felt” the song loud and clear in my soul. I decided to find it on YouTube. “The 5th Dimension – Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” played. I listened intently. Over and over again. It was music to my soul.

Finally, it hit me! We have ascended to the 5th dimension (yes, the Universe is wonderful for giving us signs). It is here! The Age of Aquarius! Christ Consciousness!

Continue reading here.  

A Perspective on Seeing 9:11

Editor’s note:  I began seeing 9:11 over 10 years ago.  Is this a number you see? Like the others, they come in clusters.  Currently I am seeing 11:44, 1:44 and 12:34 quite a bit right now.  

Galaxies, Interacting, Universe, Stars

Have you been seeing the numbers 9 1 1 again and again?

All repeated number patterns and sequences are messages from the Universe but 911 along with some other number codes has a special meaning.

911 is of course the emergency number in the US and is also the day (9/11) of the attacks on the World Trade Center. Because of this, many associate 911 with being a bad omen however, long before either of these events 911 was identified as the Angel number for Lightworkers.

Lightworkers are very similar to Earth Angels and are here to help heal and nurture the planet and its inhabitants from fears and blockages.

All Lightworkers are chosen before birth and have an individually sacred purpose. If you resonate with being a Lightworker, seeing 911 may be a reminder of your duties and responsibilities in this life time.


Numerologically, 911 carries the vibration of the number 9 and 1, as well as the Master Number or Power Number 11.

The number 9 has long been associated with endings that are set to bring about new and spiritually transformed beginnings. It also represents leadership, service to humanity and the Spiritual Laws that govern the Universe.

On its own, the number 1 indicates new beginnings, progress and self-reliance. When it is seen as 11 however, it becomes much more powerful.

The number 11 represents awakening, illumination and enlightenment. Often people report seeing 11:11 when they are experiencing a life changing experience or a spiritual awakening of some kind.

It can also be seen as a direct message from your Spirit Guide and Angels that they are close and are offering you guidance.

Bringing all of this together, seeing 911 is really about pursuing your purpose and soul mission and perhaps bringing some things in your life to a close in order for you to move forward on your highest path.

911 also serves as a reminder that you are a leader or Lightworker and that by setting a positive example for others you can help to change and raise the consciousness of the planet.

Repeatedly seeing 911 can also be a sign that your Angels have opened up a new door or chapter for you and are encouraging you to tie up loose ends and start fresh.

If you feel this is the case, follow your intuitive guidance as this new chapter is sure to be one that will help you fulfill your destiny.

Although these interpretations of 911 have been delivered Divinely to many, 911 may hold a special or significant meaning that is unique to you.

See if you can tap into your intuition and discover what special meaning or significance 911 has for you.

Sourced from here.  

Breaking The Spell Of New Age Lightworkers

Oracle Girl, Photomontage, Witch, Advent

Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation. The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world.

This spell is pure fiction, a deception of the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds.

Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it. Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.

Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it.  This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge. I find this term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the corrupt demiurge.


Dark vs. (False) Light – Duality of the Demiurge

In order to capture and control the widest possible spectrum of souls, the corrupt demiurge split its agents into two seemingly opposing teams:  Dark vs (false) Light.

Not everyone can be a saint, so there must be room for sinners within the demiurge, as long as everyone involved is under its spell.  What matters most to the demiurge is that we worship it or one of its agents, regardless if they are on the light team or the dark team.

There are many names of the players within this cosmic, multi-dimensional drama that you will have no doubt heard of such as:  Lucifer, Jehova, Beelzebub, Arch Angel Michael, Satan (different dude than Lucifer), Ashtar, dozens of Arch(on) angels, supposedly ascended “masters” and various other channeled entities.

While some of these beings play for team dark, and some play for team (false) light, they are ALL ultimately playing for the corrupt demiurge that controls them. This, in essence, is the big secret of the archons:  They are not just the “evil, demonic beings” but also those who pretend to be angels and ascended masters.

What is the Point of All This Control?

Continue reading this very insightful piece here.