Energy Report:December 19, 2017 ~ The Rainbow Bridge Has Anchored Between Symphonic Universes


Well I can certainly relate to some of the symptoms ~ in particular the itching and foot cramping.  Our community used to have the most awesome massage therapist and reflexologist.  I need to find one of those foot people again ~ amazing results!  


December 19, 2017

Maria Bethencort

My Heart Family, (FB post)

Transdimensional Incoming Source Energies continue to amplify through this intense spiritual passage.

The synergy of solar and cosmic energies is accelerating DNA repair and clearing, chakra balancing and expansion across ALL chakra systems on the planet.

At this time humans are at 3 different Chakra/Consciousness/Frequency system expansions, across 3 different dimensions, 3D,4D,5D+.

3D is Human Spiritual Awakening. (7 Chakras)

4D is Galactic Awakening. (13 Chakras)

5D+is Multidimensional Awakening. (NEON chakra system)

Incoming Source Energies are Electric and Magnetic both, (among many other things), and as The Energies integrate into the grids, antimatter is shifted DOWN to the realm of matter to manifest physicality, and matter shifts UP to the antimatter realms.

As the frequency/consciousness of the earth increases, futile energy and consciousness is magnetically removed and phased out As per the Law Of Resonance and the Law Of Attraction.

Left behind at the last gate sort to speak.

This is the same principle as a planet traveling through space, going through a black hole and being shifted to a higher consciousness exiting through a white hole at the other end.

This is how Symphonic universes link up one to another, black holes, wormholes,Portals…individual frequency must match the entry Portal for the soul to continue through to the higher frequency universe.

This is what has occurred through this trifecta 10/11/12 Portal Of Year 1,(2017),as the timelines have separated and the Forerunners have anchored to new Creation timelines In the next Symphonic universe.

I can honestly say these energies are the most intense I have ever felt. And they shift so quickly, and can trigger those around us instantly. Almost like they become a different person.

Incoming Source energies affect our “Bodies” differently…

Our bodies being Emotional, Physical, Mental, Energetic, And Spiritual. Each is it’s own consciousness and frequency.

When we heal all all aspects of “ourselves”, we step into our mastery and walk in service for the Highest Good Of All in Love as a clear channel of our Source to assist in this amazing shift.

The is the path of the Forerunners/Volunteers.

As we anchor new timelines many of us have been physically alone due to the fact that there are not many others at our frequency, our timelines,…yet.

This is where Faith and Prayer come in, it takes time for those souls that we love to join us in the new earth.

Energetic bridges have to be built to a new Creation, a new timeline by the Forerunners. Once the timeline anchors, the love between souls call them magnetically one to another.

And so it continues, cocreation between souls.

The Rainbow Bridge has anchored between symphonic universes, separating ascension and descension human experiences and evolution. It acts as a pathway for all levels of chakra systems in The Heart Collective.

All souls have a color ray aligned to their individual energetic signature.

The Rainbow Bridge carries all color rays within it, so it can be crossed by All.

The Incoming Winter Equinox Energies And Incoming Christ Consciousness Energies will finalize the last of the Crystalline Dna process for the Forerunners/Volunteers in preparation for year 2 (2018) And also an 11 year.

Crystalline itching can be extreme. My Head and shins are the most intense.

Incoming Energies are affecting ALL, and causing massive triggers as the sleeping collective can no longer ignore what is being brought to the Light.

Light-> Information.

Information is flooding the collective, triggering many to extremes As they no longer have the option to remain asleep.


Emotional outbreaks are the result of the inner child healing, which is part of emotional memory healing.

Our emotional expression comes from the Frontal lobe of our brain.

It controls thinking. Memory. Behavior. Movement.

When Incoming Source frequencies resonate to an area of the brain, that is how the blockage is released.

When/If triggered, forgive yourself.

If someone else, remember your own awakening and expand upon your compassion and acceptance. Remember how it was for you.

The ascension process is a stair step process, no one is more or less, they are just at a different step.

The Forerunners are very strong spiritual catalysts now on their energy alone, don’t even have to be doing anything or saying anything.

We are huge triggers.

We are.

Awareness is key.

We need to be responsible with our energy at all times and know how hugely it affects others.

Also, we need to discern the reason why we are experiencing something, and our ROLE in the Creation.

Is it our Creation, or is it a Collective Creation?


Panic attacks are the result of mental healing and disconnecting from the ELECTRIC, old 3D matrix.

Releasing Fear And False Light Programming.

Mental synaptic rewiring is hugely amplified by solar activity. Solar flares, solar filament releases and coronal holes…etc.

NEGATIVE thought loopholes have intensified during this transition as we become more telepathic and begin to “hear” others with our expanded senses.

Discernment, again is key.

Is it personal or collective clearing?

We Transmute Thoughts For The Collective, so don’t be surprised if you have some very dark thoughts pop up out of nowhere.

I have and it was very surprising How dark they were…

Transmute them and keep going.

Here is an article I wrote in 2013 of how solar flares and sun activity affected me during my awakening.

The more we connect to our Heart, the more sensitive we become to Incoming Source Energies.


As we anchor “The Christ Crown” during this passage, we build up the last of the Sacred Armor which allows for those that will walk multidimensionally in service to be able to move between dimensions without interference.

Interesting that in the Bible, this spiritual armor initiation is called the Helmet Of Salvation and protects your Divine Mind.

Set Your SACRED INTENT to fully activate your Christed Armor and seal,shield and cloak your self from any outside interference through this passage.

Once on the other side of the Portal, Gnosis is accessible to all who are at the frequency to receive the Gift, as the ”Hueman” mind can no longer be controlled by outside consciousness and limiting mental programming has been upgraded.


Physical pain can be intense during this passage as any blockage in the expanding chakra system is intensified as embodiment continues.

This is cellular/Dna clearing which is also clearing our Divine Endoctrine System, a network of glands that secrete hormones and affect growth and metabolism.

Lately I have noticed my hair and nails are growing super fast.

Depending on the Incoming energies, our brains are being affected as our lobes, brain stem and cerebellum return to their original divine blueprints and begin to expand to a higher level Language Of Light.

Physical Symptoms are ALL over the place as the DNA shifting happens so quickly.

-Complete emotional detachment and soul disconnect from all so the NEW World is created. We are not recreating Atlantis, or Lemuria…we are creating a new Heaven On Earth, not the one we descended from, for we do not replicate experiences.

This is occurring as we Create A new world…imagine the Hyperboleans descending and Cocreating the world we just left behind.

-Sleeping a lot and once again going into the Triad Sleep Cycle.

Waking up, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55… This synchronizes The Forerunners To align outside 3d4d time and space, and align to True Universal time.

This is how we become multidimensional, and travel in and out of time.

-Time is speeding up hugely after having been experiencing massive time loops since 11/11.

-Lucid Dreaming, extreme, to where it feels I can actually stay in the dream…

-Awareness and knowing of Incoming Cosmic Source Waves before they affect the grids, Gnosis Is accessible to All now who have raised their frequency To resonate.

-Enhanced Multidimensional communication across all grids.

-Hand and feet Chakras- itching and some cramping as they once again expand.

-Massive connection to Galactic Soul Family with need to unify, to be together, need to find each other.

-Increasing telepathy with soul family members, AND with 1d and 2d Heart Collective Light Beings.

This can get very noisy inside thehead when out in nature and EVERYONE not human also has something to say…spiritual boundaries must be set at all times.

-Awareness Of All spaceweather, extremely so.

-Body shaking and vibrating.

Kundalini rising experiences, including long term bliss and conscious awareness.

-Rashes in skin, hives. Especially if I eat gmo, hives all over my throat, even after transmuting food.

-Vision blurriness and double vision when Occipital Lobe Activations occur.

-Filament Eruptions cause a sharp physical pain in my Heart when they happen.

-Feeling “inner cellular Spin” increasing, which causes body to feel wobbly and disconnected, almost as if it can’t keep itself together. This can cause nausea or feeling faint.

-Rapid Frequency Light Upgrade Symptoms. FLU. Rapid fever rising, extreme thirst, can cause digestive releases.

Brain fogones can be extreme.

-Energy Dross- Waking up drenched, feeling cold inside, hot outside, and vice verse. Body temperature going haywire.

Sign Of Massive dna repair and raising of frequency.

-Food- Seem to be eating mostly white or yellow.

It seems as if I am a newborn and can do very basic food.

Nothing resonates. I only need a little bit, it all feels so heavy.

The Occipital Lobe is responsible for sight, color perception and object recognition. It Houses the Third Eye, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland and the Well Of dreams chakra.

Upgrades and downloads have intensified And are affecting this clearing massively.

The Temporal Lobe is responsible for Hearing, Learning and feelings. When ringing in the ears is present, it is this area of the brain that is affected.

The Parietal Lobe houses Language and touch.

When Incoming energies affect this area of the brain, we often Hear nonsensical language, cannot make sense of what is being said, feel tingly everywhere.

The Cerebellum is responsible to balance, coordination and speech.

When we feel dizzy and wobbly, it is this area of the brain that is being affected.

The Brain Stem controls breathing, heartbeat, and temperature.

Being aware of what is happening to our bodies help us to shift faster, for Light is information and it is to be shared, so that it removes fear from the ascension process.

Reminder that Source is Divine Intelligence and Healing.

The Light goes where is needed without our human input. Our goal is to be clear channels of Light and Love to anchor incoming energies into the grids so that all living things on this earth benefit from it.

As we prepare for the anchoring of The Christ Consciousness, know that everything is divinely perfect.

We are Shifting very quickly now.

Honor Your Body.

Set your SACRED INTENT to walk in Service for the Highest Good Of All in Love.

Ask for assistance if this passage becomes too extreme, this Is a free will planet and our Light Family cannot interfere and help if we don’t ask.

We have to believe and have Faith.

And we have to Pray. A lot.

May everything Unfold For The Highest Good Of All in Love.

We are Love, for Love is all there is.

And we have enough Love for All that needed it.

And then some…

Upwards And Onwards.

Inwards and Out.

The Only way Out is In.

Let‘s finish this.

Once and for All.

And so it is.

I send my Love to All.


Public announcement by Sanat Kumara


I knew Trump drinking with two hands symbolized something…  



Public announcement by Sanat Kumara

This is Sanat Kumara I take this opportunity to come forward now to announce that you beloved children of light have completed your mission…. we have reached quantum mass. Victory to the light. The Resurrection has begun, the return of the Christ en masse is actualized this very moment. Each one of you will become to feel yourself as part of the bigger whole. The veils within are lifting as the christ-mas codes for completion of ascension are pouring in by divine decree thru the Resurrection Solstice portal. Even if in this moment you feel lost, in pain, or in fear…. trust this is the beginning of the end. A new star is birthed, the christed star within your heart will now start to shine as ONE and show your path, your mission, though you may still feel doubtfull this very moment, know and feel in your heart it´s a new dawn. As divine union is created within your heart, duality is breaking, a new consciousness is born. You have done well beloved ones, you have come a long way, now you may rest before the great celebration. The return of the bewinged ones is now. All celestial forces and star nation alliances are gathered to usher in this divine annointment of the cosmic christ in all… whether you are consciously aware of it or not. It is an offering, an invitation to choose the light, to choose love and let all else behind. It is given freely, thy that chooses is the chosen one. The 144000 is the christ code of the cosmic christ, the vibration and emanation of elohim, which you came here to anchor. Kodoish kodoish kodoish. It is done, it is done. Victory to the light. ~ Sanat Kumara with Grace Solaris

I am still overlighted by Sanat Kumara… actually this cannot be put into words…. but I can say that this is the moment we have been waiting for FOR SURE…. it is done and the celebrations can begin.

Note: To those who are not familiar with beloved Sanat Kumara, here an introduction:

Sourced from here.

Lisa Transcendence Brown ~ Light Power Increases And Is Off The Charts In Every Way


Beautifully enough, I am feeling this ~ and really felt it early this morning with a little experience I will share later.  


Aloha beautiful love family,

Strong reality alignment energies… flooding our bodies, the earth and every aspect of our existence now…

The galactic corridor is wide open and we are infusing light into everything more powerfully than ever before!

Today’s supporting newsletter is simple. Open your eyes, open your heart, open your mind and be open completely, choosing to release everything that is unable to easily fully align on a Soul Level.

Your relationships with everything will undergo a huge transition/transformation as we all hold more LOVE in every way. No longer desiring that which takes up our precious energy (consciousness), the appeal is no longer there… what once was changes to honor a whole new way of life here.

If you truly look, you will see how magical, magnificent and beautiful your exchanges are/can be, how you can let go easily and “don’t need” to continue the inner struggle like before. You will see OTHERS living in JOY and SHARING, supporting each other through kindness, compassion and realize that our LIGHT GRID spans the whole earth and how connected we all are.

We will always be faced with unconsciousness, yet in the face of it we have to choose. This is part of COMING INTO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, and what plays out in our physical is a representation of what we hold inside. It’s up to us to determine whether it represents our old unconscious programs still or our NEW. This decision creates REALITY. ♥

I’ve written a couple very long new articles to assist in various ways. I’ll share them below for you as we continue through this powerful passageway. Keep anchoring those new realities, keep creating, uniting, supporting, sharing, shifting, transcending and calling forth that which you are truly ready for now.

I will try to send out another newsletter before we transition over to linear 2018, if my own Gatekeeper and physical schedule aligns with this. If not, may every moment bring through new awareness to empower you further in the most amazing ways too!

I’m so very excited for what prepares to materialize for all through pure consciousness here! ♥

p.s. A code is YOUR new vibration/program/programming … your full consciousness, Self-Mastery and Highest Aspects hold this as your new way of BEing all of the time here. ♥

Gratitude, kindness, love and all as Unified Light ♥


James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 12/13/17


This is an excellent piece.  Swallowing ~ humbly ~ some red pills w/this one.


December Update

The Microcosm of the Macrocosm – Personal Responsibility and Self Mastery

by James Gilliland

December 13, 2017

I began to write this newsletter as a letter to the ranch while away in Mexico, but I realized it is the microcosm of the macrocosm.

micro macro

Everyone is processing. We cannot take away their process or act as if the wound is not there. We cannot avoid the process no matter what we do to numb ourselves. We can however choose how we react to it.

I began to write this newsletter as a letter to the ranch while away in Mexico, but I realized it is the microcosm of the macrocosm. It has to do with dealing with the consciousness and energies pressing hard on the Earth and personal responsibility or what we call Self Mastery. This is coming up in almost every aspect of society, individual and collective consciousness. There is no running away from ourselves and we no longer can blame outside sources for our own personal wellbeing, peace, and happiness. The entire planet is in process. Power spots or vortex energy amplifies all of this. What is done in a vortex or contemplated will manifest almost instantly. In social consciousness it takes a bit longer due to the vibratory frequency. In a power spot or vortex, the veils between worlds are very thin, the manifestation time between consciousness and manifestation speeds up. Whatever is of a lower frequency, the wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences cannot be ignored or suppressed in a vortex. Now they cannot be avoided globally. Everyone is processing. We cannot take away their process or act as if the wound is not there. We cannot avoid the process no matter what we do to numb ourselves. We can however choose how we react to it.

There is no running away from ourselves and we no longer can blame outside sources for our own personal wellbeing, peace, and happiness.

blaming otherrs


A wounded ego has to be right even though on a deeper level it knows the truth. It also will project its demons, unhealed wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences on others rather than take personal responsibility for their own attitudes and emotions.

unobserved ego

A wounded ego has to be right even though on a deeper level it knows the truth. It also will project its demons, unhealed wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences on others rather than take personal responsibility for their own attitudes and emotions. Despite the obvious these attitudes and emotions have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a frequency, cooperation and finding a loving if not rational solution. In the interest of peace, harmony, and cooperation we must become the observer of self. This means suspending the egos need to be right along with defending, blaming, and projecting. Self-righteous ego is still ego. We cannot claim to be masters or superior if we have not mastered ourselves and still living in the false belief in separation. Are we at peace, calm rational, open to seeing things differently or are we embroiled in chaos, confrontation, and separation? We have to become self-analytical, brutally honest with ourselves especially if we are not at peace practicing loving detachment. The attachment is where we give our power away and there is a little child in all of us with an agenda. That agenda is to fulfill what it didn’t get as a child and defend against what happened to it as a child. These are very powerful yet simple words.


credit –

Despite the obvious these attitudes and emotions have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a frequency, cooperation and finding a loving (if not rational) solution. In the interest of peace, harmony, and cooperation we must become the observer of self.


We have to become self-analytical, brutally honest with ourselves especially if we are not at peace practicing loving detachment. The attachment is where we give our power away and there is a little child in all of us with an agenda. That agenda is to fulfill what it didn’t get as a child and defend against what happened to it as a child. These are very powerful yet simple words.

“We rise above our childhood wounds and traumas, the unfulfilled aspects of ourselves ignoring the fact that is still has an important part in how we perceive things.”

“The deeper the wounding the stronger the defending, projecting, and blaming”.

Within the greatest of all Tyrants is a wounded little boy/girl. We all express a little tyranny at times especially when these unresolved issues are triggered.

There are also unseen negative energies that feed off the pain, suffering, anger, againstness – disrupters trying to stop the awakening and healing process.

There are also unseen negative energies that feed off the pain, suffering, anger, againstness – disrupters trying to stop the awakening and healing process. They know you better than you know yourself. There is a powerful saying, “Know Thyself’. This included the inner child. These unseen negative influences are extremely threatened by the awakening and healing process in fact if the frequencies of Earth continue to rise they lose their food source and their domain. They are doing all they can to disrupt, create division, block all efforts to alleviate pain, suffering interfering in the higher consciousness and energy behind the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. This includes activating the unhealed wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience, the wounded child. Yet by clearing out the hooks, the wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experience they have no power over you.

unity consciousness

We have to ask ourselves are we creating Heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

It is really that simple.

wounded ego

The wounded ego will say “what about them”, “what they are doing is wrong” and it will try to build a case, find allies avoiding responsibility for what is happening within. It is a master at avoidance, denial and blame. All the while the unseen negative entities are cheering activating the wounds and traumas, creating more division and disruption. The real question that needs to be asked is what about me, what am I feeling, has this happened before, and why am I attached to the outcome. What does the little boy/girl within me need that it didn’t get as a child? The deeper the wounding, the stronger the defense, the need to be right, and the greater the division and disruption. My question is how is that working for you? How did it work in the past? What was the end result? Are you happy? Last but not least whose job is it to fill that void? “Luke. I am not your father/mother.” Little Star Wars Humor. For many your true father and mother aren’t even on this dimension and if you really want to expand make God/Creator/Great Spirit your Father/Mother.

In the days to come the microcosm and the macrocosm are coming together. There will be nowhere to hide from the awakening and healing process.

In the days to come the microcosm and the macrocosm are coming together. There will be nowhere to hide from the awakening and healing process. Some will take the downward spiral others will take the upward spiral. Those that take the upward spiral have a future for they are striving to match the frequencies of Earth in her own ascension process. Those who choose the downward spiral will eventually find themselves expressing somewhere else.

The greatest power is Love, and Love heals.

There however are consequences to resisting Love as well as the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth.

At every second in life we have a choice to be in reactionary mind or creationary mind.

To be in denial, project and blame or take personal responsibility, to allow the God/Goddess within to steer our ships or the wounded child.

You are loved unconditionally yet for every action there is a reaction and for every thought there is a manifestation.

That’s the free will experiment.

Practice loving detachment, kindness and speak from the heart always seeking a solution aligned with Universal Law.

power of love 1


James Gilliland field

Pass this on far and wide. Be Love.

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.


Sandra Walter Newsletter ~ 12/19/17


I was not aware Sandra was in a car accident just a few days ago.  Talk about a Divine Miracle!  Thank goddess of All she is ok ~ read below for more details.  She will be needing support for healing and manifesting a new vehicle (although I am intending the New will be revealed prior to that need and her Flying Craft/Inner Tech will be all she needs!).


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Greetings and Gratitude for our connection during this Sacred passage of our Ascension. Our complete devotion and focus is amplified right now, and cosmic events are aligning to deliver heightened states of our personal and collective reality choices.

We are the Creators of this Ascension, and we are about to merge consciousness with our Higher Selves, Christed Selves, and Multidimensional Pure Source aspects.

Sandra is okay!
News spreads quickly through our community, so I will clarify what occurred with me last weekend. I was in a dramatic car accident last Saturday and miraculously walked away with minimal injuries. It was a strong Phantom Death experience.

As the crash began (three strong impacts, one with an 18-wheeler truck), I immediately felt the timeline/transition point of leaving the body and asked, *just don’t make it too painful.* White-gold light came into my vision and I was shocked when all was over and my body was still in tact. My car, the trusty sidekick Mitchell who was my home-between-homes and Gateway-traveling partner, was totaled. No one else was involved or injured.

Divine Protection intervened, and I AM grateful for it. My consciousness has shifted again, the body is recovering, my focus remains on this powerful Gateway, and manifesting a new car vehicle can be addressed later. Right now I AM testing crystalline healing techniques as they are presented to me, which may benefit others as the energies shift. I need a lot of rest to heal properly; it feels like my etheric work is stepping up to compensate.

Kindwhile, thank you for your prayers, healing energies, and support during this passage.

Solstice December 21 at 8:28amPT
The culmination point of years of preparation is upon us. Can you feel it? Excitement, wonder, and the beautiful mystical sensation we get with Galactic Center alignment. Don’t avoid or downplay this passage; it is a potent cosmic trigger (shift point) for the Division of Worlds and collective reality shifts to New Earth dynamics. Keep your heart focused on Divine Love!

SUNday December 24 Global Meditations
As the Solar shifts and cosmic energies intensify, we require stability in the heart, mind and energy fields. Join thousands of Lightworkers in dedicated service to the collective on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations. We hold this space for all willing hearts to align with Divine Love and Ascension.

Read the full article about what is about to unfold  HERE

In Love, Light and Service,

Merlin’s Magic ~ Reiki Music


I have been listening to this CD for 20 years.  I discovered it by Divine Synchronicity and at the time, I played it every day for months.  This brings back a lot of emotional experiences for me ~ who I was at the time, who was in my life, the parts of me I was awakening to ~ mostly how childlike I was ~ my sense of wonderment.  I have the desire to recapture that state of Being.

I have now returned to listening to it as a regular part of my being/doing. For those who haven’t heard/listened, give it a listen.  He has other music as well including one for the energies of our individual chakra’s.


Merlin’s Magic: Reiki Light Touch

Published on May 28, 2013

Lisa Renee Newsletter ~ December 2017


Dear Ascending Family,

We are in the pivotal shift between the end of a Dark Cycle and the beginning of a new one.  During this incredible time of moving parts, shifting dimensions and timelines, we look forward and backwards for deeper clarity.  Summarizing and shedding the multiple levels of NAA influence and energetic siphon, we place special focus on the energetic quality of parasites. What does it take to extract ourselves from parasitic values, unplug from vampiric systems, clear out physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parasites?  Protecting our health and life force, valuing our spiritual embodiment and ability to self-source, is a major part of how we are preparing to be responsible co-creators in this new cycle.

The alignment that occurs between Earth, the Sun and the Milky Way is magnified into a specific demarcation point in the timelines that separates the worlds, which begins another stage of mass soul transiting on the cusp moving from the constellation of Ophiuchus and into Sagittarius. Many groups of souls and entities that have been in the lower dimensional planes of the earth for multiple millennia, will be transited out through the Galactic Window. As this wave of soul groups leave the lower dimensions of the earth realm, within the celestial structure that mirrors the planetary body from the heavens, the unified solar principle returns through the birth of new stars.

The Galactic alignment this year brings the Mother’s Cosmic Aether to ignite Aqualeyon, the restoration between the Cosmic Mother and her Sun, which intensely animate the solar fire’s power of resurrection throughout the tenth stage of the alchemical laws. As a result there are powerful alchemical forces occurring within the week of the Winter Solstice between the Cosmic Mother Sophianic principle and her Solar Sun, which opens a gateway that emphasizes recoding and healing for the masculine wound and feminine reversals. The macrocosm event reflects upon the microcosm of our personal lives. Thus, this may bring intense levels of transformation and transmutation of shadow forces, Energetic Parasites and related dark entities that are being purged out of the earth body and the human body.

As we move into the next stage of the Ascension Cycle, the New Year that begins Morphogenesis, we enter the beginning of a new time cycle that is the game changer between those functioning on earth as non-empaths or empaths. This is redefining the state of being within those soul groups that gain access to equal exchanges of energy resources that are delineated between Service to Self versus Service to Others consciousness levels. In the previous cycle, energy distribution was weighted toward Service to Self entities for a variety of reasons, mainly because the planetary architecture was filled with alien software that set up closed source systems that supported mass parasitism. Currently, the energy distribution is shifting which changes levels of access into other dimensional planes, and which groups get access into the planetary field architecture. This is similar to saying that the planet has a new trinity wave access code within its Universal coordinate location, and those that are without the access code cannot leave and cannot come in from Universal Gates without being subjected to the Krystal Star Guardian Host protocols.  This transformation of access code levels into the multiple levels of dimensional planes that interface with earth is a form of planetary crisis management and is also the result of the new cycle of Morphogenesis.

Sourcing Parasitic Structures

Consequently, we need to return to the past to better understand how parasitism was established during the Final Setback of the negative alien invasion history. This set the precedent for Energetic Parasites to govern through closed source systems, thus defining the energetic distribution required for manifestation during the Dark Age on the 3D earth plane. The shifts that are occurring in the core template of the planetary architecture directly modify how all spectrums of electromagnetic energy are being directed, through human, nonhuman and technological means, into some kind of form and matter representation on the earth. Service to Self consciousness has worked upon NAA manipulated closed source systems that tend to produce Energetic Parasites. While Service to Others consciousness works on organic creator codes which are open source systems that act as energetic equalizers that produce more self-sustaining sources of energy.

Closed source systems of bi-wave, anti-life reversals and fragmented polarity consciousness within the planetary field are falling into descension spirals, and then being transmuted into smaller units and transited out. Therefore, these systems are losing access to the same energy resources that were being harvested from the artificial networks or closed systems throughout the previous cycle. Simultaneously, the open source systems of tri-wave consciousness architecture is pulling away from the dead energy spirals in the parasitic systems and gaining momentum through increased access to higher quality open source energetic resources. These open source energy resources are being transferred into the earth body by circulating the higher frequency Krystal spirals that help to build the blueprint foundation that is required to support planetary hosting for ascension.

This same planetary event, is also trickling down into the individual nerve cells on the planet, where the distribution of open source energy resources is quietly shifting to those people who embody higher frequency potentials. Those people that have evolved to the point they can circulate energy manifestations within the Krystal spirals and multiply them for the earth, those whom can exist beyond the parasitism of the anti-life reversals. The closed source system was organized through the intentional mass production of dark chaos and anti-life reversals that are used by black hole entities. More accurately described, these entities are Energetic Parasites that use advanced technologies to siphon energy resources from entire planetary bodies in order to survive in reality systems that are based on predatorial parasitism.

The gradual dismantling of closed source systems that are parasitic and have produced Energetic Parasites in our world, is occurring in the planetary field blueprint during this phase. This directly impacts how people on the earth co-create with the collective consciousness systems of energy, in order to manifest the sum total of their accumulated thoughts, that reflect the same consciousness level in this reality system. The way their consciousness-energy body interconnects to the collective consciousness body on the earth plane, in which to access the larger system of collective energies in the closed source systems has shifted. As a result, many people reliant on these closed systems may be confused at the ongoing break down of these parasitic structures around them and why this impacts the people and things in their life that are not yielding the same kind of results as before.

Evolving Beyond Closed Source Systems

Some of us have been given new lessons in order to adjust our thought processes into the next dimensional level of the law of structure, that governs the movement of energy towards open source energy systems within the collective consciousness fields. Now to align with the field where we receive the most spiritual-energetic support, we must evolve into the next stage of spiritual development, which requires we learn how to evolve beyond closed systems and manifest in the material reality without using, manipulating or taking other people’s energy.

We have to stand upon our own inner foundation, building core self and developing personal merit to support ourselves in the physical world by sourcing the energy we need to manifest from within us, rather than needing to take from other people’s energy in the external. The more advanced the stages of manipulation that a person uses for parasitic means in order to take energy away from others for Service to Self motivations, the more difficult the repercussion will become in the future. Many people are enduring this hard lesson of gaining more self-reliance and choosing self-sourcing in order to end parasitic relationships and stop engaging in harmful exchanges during this time. Even if we are upset at the perceived transgressions of others, we must not have intent to harm anyone including ourselves. In the final accounting, no one gets away with anything, all that has been hidden in this parasitic cycle will be revealed and seen in the longer term.

Rather than continue to behave in the parasitic ways that we have been socially engineered through implanted thoughts by the NAA, we must learn to free ourselves from Energetic Parasites and the parasitic control that is commonly used within the microcosm and macrocosm. This is the beginning cycle for phase transition that pushes us strongly forward to change parasitic habits, whether known or unknown to us. Simultaneously, as we take steps to end parasitic exchanges, we must learn how to generate balanced value exchanges in our personal and professional lives that are mutually beneficial, and not one sided parasitic drains based upon purely selfish motivations or with intent to harm.

To become freed of the consciousness prison on earth that is based on the principles of predatorial parasitism, we have to begin to evolve beyond it and learn new ways to sustain ourselves from our own internally generated spiritual energy.

One important lesson many people are learning now is that we must remove the concepts we had around money as the first directive to achieve in life and begin to see that the primary motivation for money lies in our darkest fears of survival. People should not pray for money, they should pray for their fear to be removed and their higher spiritual purpose to be revealed. As with higher spiritual purpose in action, dedicated in Service to Others, comes everything that you will need to fulfill that higher purpose, which brings unconditional love and meaningful connection into your life.

Most people are unaware that satanic forces are actually hiding behind an astral mirage made up of a colossal field of ravenous Energy Parasites. Satanic controlled systems are also closed source parasitic systems that a few people benefit from. Taking the overall energy resources for their personal advantage at an extreme energetic cost to many others, generating severe imbalances that contribute to energy wars, poverty, disease and world suffering. We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism. Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the surface as this transition occurs on the planet.

Transdimensional Parasitism

Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. During the Dark Cycle, earth became a consciousness prison based on the predatorial parasitism of the life force energy of all living creatures, especially when they die. As a result of the transdimensional parasitism of the planetary body, the human race became infected with Energy Parasites and implants that are designed to siphon the higher consciousness energy and vital forces from out of the body. This means that as a result of the parasitism of the human body, this generated severe energy depletion or entropy, which made it very difficult for humanity to embody their spiritual layers, such as connecting with their soul, monad and avatar consciousness bodies.

Additionally, most people on earth do not have access to their other lifetime consciousness memories, and thus are not aware that they have spiritual bodies that are made of electromagnetic frequency and pure intelligent consciousness energy that exist in other dimensions. If these spiritual bodies are ignored by the person while they are incarnated in the physical reality, it means that predatorial people and parasitic entities can use the consciousness energy of that person without their consent and awareness.

When the human body is weakened and the mind is in amnesia, it is easier for the NAA extradimensional parasites to gain control over the mind and body of those they intend to siphon and imprison. We must better understand the concepts of energetic parasitism that are designed to weaken all the layers of the human body, and how that weakness is exacerbated through the attachment of many different shadow creatures, spirits, implants and microorganisms that exist in physical and nonphysical dimensions. When we are weakened by energy parasites we can get sick, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, thus making it easier to be controlled through an assortment of attachments and possessions. Energetic imbalances weaken the body and produce energetic parasites that when they remain uncleared, the demonstrated effects of parasitism will eventually show themselves in the physical plane and reveal as illness in one or more of the layers, within the physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body.

When Earth was Invaded by Predatorial Parasites

From the Guardian perspective, the Luciferian Rebellion reached its culmination during the Atlantian cataclysm, which set into motion the darkest of Dark Aeons, the cycle in which the fallen predators in this Universe would rise to rule as the False Gods on the earth plane. The last 26,000 years is delineated as the darkest descent into the phantom and underworld realms that are upheld by predatorial parasitism, blood sacrifice and consciousness enslavement which was enforced by the False Alien Gods or Archons, under which the entire planetary soul was imprisoned in a closed source system. As a consequence of these events, the earth and her inhabitants would experience the furthest separation that is possible from the Universal Godhead, as the Archon predators built frequency fences and bi-wave machinery around the planet’s body that would continually recycle souls and continue to harvest all living things on the earth for energy and food source.

As the planetary body became more infected over time with the bi-wave architecture, which includes the lunar matrix, alien machinery, alien genetic modification implants and assorted technological devices used to siphon life force energy, this fed and generated an assortment of Energy Parasites which digressed the earth realm to convert into a material reality based upon predatorial parasitism.  Parasitism of other’s life force is needed by those who are inherently parasitic, such as these black hole entities that are unable to generate life force themselves. The invaded earth became designated as a playground for these fallen predators in order for these NAA groups to stay at the top of the pyramidal scheme as the Power Elite in order to maintain control over the distribution of energy upon the material plane, directing earth resources to power up systems in other dimensional realities. The Archontic Engineered Parasitism escalated in the last hundred years into the consumptive modeling, psychopathic corporatocracy and the continual efforts made in social engineering to mind control the public into accepting and normalizing the inverted systems of the death culture that we can see operating on the earth today.

Introduction of Predators into Food Chain

In order to maximize the life force energy harvested from the death of living fleshly creatures, Energy Parasites were introduced into the genetic network of links in the planet earth’s food chain in order to further engineer the predator-prey behavior. This introduced cannibalism and the consumption of flesh into the food chain which mutated the genetics of all earth inhabitants to better conform to the predator-prey archetypes and the parasitic habits of the invading reptilian species, also making it easier for them to control or inhabit human bodies.

The Energy Parasites use violent predator-prey methods to stay on top of the food chain, thus they started consuming the life force and resources that the planet and all of her life forms needed in order to be healthy, nourished and balanced. This lack of available life force energy mutated the many species of plants, animals and humans to succumb to genetic digression, and then diseases, as well as influencing increasingly violent behaviors by manipulating archetypal mind control that generates the predator-prey struggles within the multiple species.

The predatorial insertion into the top of the food chain was used to genetically mutate human DNA over the dark cycle, in order to harvest more energy from the predator-prey archetypes when living creatures and people were killed. When any plant, animal or human dies within the predator-prey archetypes of the food chain, more intensely heightened energy is released by both parties who act out the predator and prey, and this intensity of “the kill” maximizes the energetic chain reaction for harvesting. The predator-prey food chain manipulation has also been used in many human war and holocaust timelines, to maximize pain and suffering that is fed off of by the same parasitic extradimensional entities.

In areas of the earth where there have been histories of atrocious massacres, torturous death, rape and killing, there are swarms of extradimensional parasites that can be sensed and seen at the exact location, who go there to feed on the negative emotional energy. During the exact moments that bombs go off to kill an assortment of people in a terrorist attack, there are swarms of entities waiting right there ready to feed. The parasites act in the archetypal predator role, while the living creatures that are being killed act as the archetypal prey. This anti-life reversal will not stop feeding predatorial parasites until humanity chooses to stop war and end the blood sacrifice of humans and all the living creatures on the earth.

Additionally, the representation of the cannibalism of Christ that is made through violent religion, was intended to defile the original androgyny of the Eucharist lightbody created by the progenitor of the human species, and thus became introduced through the NAA manipulated version of Christianity. Christ is a cosmic sovereign human being directly linked into the Godhead, if we cannibalize Christ, we effectively destroy our own species, destroy the earth that was made from Christ’s body, and lose our spiritual sovereignty. Cannibalism and eating live flesh is a very important principle in generating anti-life reversals, and thus it is used commonly in SRA and in satanic baptism. If it is acceptable for us to destroy our own species, then we are unable to differentiate an invading reptilian species that is cannibalizing the human population, while it hides behind the chaos generated from world wars and senseless killing. The reptilian predator consciousness can live among us, and humans that accept predatorial parasitism as human nature cannot tell the difference.

Technological Extraction of Earth’s Life Force

Several parasitic extradimensional species that combined to become the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) required energy sources in which to continue to exist in other dimensions, as well as extend their life spans. They developed alien machinery that is designed for the technological extraction of earth’s life force, and as a result to protect the energy that is harvested, they have methodically cultivated a consciousness prison on the earth to maintain control over their primary food-energy source. Some of these groups have also sent their undesirables to earth as punishment, apparently defined as criminals or laggards, they have banished some of their own species from their hierarchal social structures to exist underground. Additionally during the wars between Mars and Maldek, many of these entities came to earth as refugees, and thus this mixture as well as the alien genetic modification programs, have also contributed to other species referring to earth humans that live on the surface as hybrids. In the context given, this is generally considered as an insult to infer that earth humans are genetically inferior, that we have been mixed with cast offs and criminals from other worlds, and therefore should be classified as slaves.

However, through the intended introduction of multiple species genetic alterations made into the human DNA to create hybrids, they were intentionally creating slaves on the earth. These modifications were designed to shape humanity into related animalistic behaviors that would maximize their specific needs and energy requirements, and that could be siphoned out from the interdimensional planes. Extracting energy from the killing of living creatures that experience intense levels of pain, terror and fear at the moment of death, would release hormonal cascades which released even more energy for harvest, also imprinting the energy released with complex sensations.

Thus, through mind control and social engineering programs they developed genetic modification that would yield the maximum energy supply, based upon intense sexual release and emotional release, as well as producing the greatest levels of fear and suffering in living creatures. The more intensely violent the predator-prey behavior involved in the death process, the greater amount of negative energy could be harvested from the planet, and that energy quanta would be available to continually generate the food supply. Clearly, the Ascension Cycle is a definitive marker for the choice to end this predatorial parasitism that has flourished on the earth during the Dark Age.

Miasma is Dead Energy Pollution

Through the technological extraction of life force made through mass organized transdimensional parasitism, the continual effects of world parasitism simultaneously excrete massive waste products and toxic residue to circulate back into the earth body. This is known as dead energy and black miasma that further pollutes the planetary realms and therefore pollutes humanities DNA, further weakening us. How planetary miasma pollutes human consciousness is that it is carried over intergenerationally through the family of origin and into the offspring, continuing to propagate the previous forms of emotional aberration and dysfunction in the ancestral-genetic-collective human gene pools.

With every generation, if the inherited disturbance of miasma is carried over into the future offspring, or the consciousness is stunted and unable to shift out from the inherited patterns of dysfunction, then an assortment of genetic breakdowns occur. With each future generation the previous load of miasma is increased if it’s not dealt with. In order to clear inherited miasma, we have to patiently purify ourselves in order to transmute it, then evict out the energy parasites that feed on the miasma. Worldwide disease is a result of these impurities and imbalances that relate to the genetic digression of a species and is manifested from energy loss, pollutants and traumatic blockages, to which many lowly spirit attachments and energy parasites are attracted.

The pollution in the energetic layers of the earth accumulates into severe collective consciousness imbalances that increase planetary body miasma and then this starts to aggressively manifest those same imbalances into the macrocosm of the physical realm. As a result of the last Dark Cycle coming to conclusion, we can observe the massive increase of pollution of the earth, the air, fresh water and oceans, as there has been an aggressive increase of those pollutants, toxins and diseases from the continued unrestrained predatorial parasitism and the resulting energy loss that has manifested on the earth. This pollution is not directly caused from overpopulation, this is from predatorial parasitism and energy parasites stealing life force energy, while hiding highly advanced healing technologies from the people. The war over energy and consciousness that is waged to intentionally harm human beings by those entities who consider us their property and slaves. In this cycle we must face the darkness that has controlled the planet for so long, in order to see rightly that we may correct our social structures from predatorial parasitism, by placing value on protecting living creatures and human beings.

It is important to understand that predatorial parasitism is used as an energy extraction method that generates massive waste products and pollutants in the instruction set of an energy field, and this damages the blueprint of planet earth.

Damaged blueprints generate damaged bodies and material life forms.  Everything in matter has a blueprint from which the consciousness units will organize into matter and form into some level of manifestation. The damaged architecture in the planetary field cannot run enough life force current or the proper frequency tone keys because of accumulated miasma and continued mass violent behaviors, the waste products from predatorial parasitism that accumulates and damages the earth body, creating dead wiring and dead spaces. We help clear miasma when we choose to self-source and not be emotional vampires or parasitic to others, cultivate loving kindness in our heart, and commit to act harmlessly, as we strive to continually purify our body, mind, emotions and spirit.

We have been brainwashed to believe that the current age is humanities modern evolutionary achievement. When in truth humanity has been digressed considerably, losing consciousness and having lost control over the planetary resources, which in itself is a superior organic technology. That superior organic technology is what makes up the human body. By learning to listen to the internal landscape of the human body, if we pay attention we can acquire wisdom that guides our direction forward in the most positive ways. First, in order to re-circuit our body’s energetic connections within, we have to get the parasitic imbalances out of our physical body, mental body, and emotional body. If you start here, this will greatly help to free the spiritual body from extradimensional parasites also.

To clear and remove all problematic issues concerning inherited miasma, and the interconnected problems of attachments, negative forms, energy parasites, demonics and possessions, the most important thing to understand is detoxification and purification of your body to clear out parasites and pollutants. Accumulated black energy, parasites and possessions cannot stay attached in a strong, healthy and energetically balanced body. If you have attachment or possession issues, the first place to start to free yourself is an integrated wellness strategy to restore purity and balance to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers.

Bio-films, Targeting our Guts with Parasites

Energetic parasites are one byproduct of alien implants and other soft kill technology used to maintain the closed source system for the NAA, and eventually this can manifest and turn into a variety of physical parasites that weaken the human body. If we can perceive the larger picture of Negative Alien Invasion which led to the infestation of energetic parasites in every layer of the earth body that we are still coping with today, this will help connect the dots to why every human being has some level of imbalance or dysfunction that is manifested as a result of parasites and parasitic behavior.

Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and commonly can induce negative thought-forms. They can induce emotionally hysterical states as well as promote disconnection between the multidimensional layers, separating the inner self and spiritual energies from the physical body. When people are internally disconnected in this way they do not know who they are and they more easily accept a false identity that is handed to them by the mind control system.

When we act out parasitic behaviors, we attract more parasites into our internal landscape. Many of these pathogenic organisms attract parasites that also attract demonic energies into the weakened human body, and this is a primary reason for this particular NAA strategy to spread parasites.

If the body is heavily implanted and heavily parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses, fasts, meditations and prayers are highly suggested to help regain energetic balance within the homeostatic functions of the entire body, mind and spirit. It is also necessary to stop consuming all genetically modified foods, which are designed to radically increase parasitic invasion into the human body through the digestive system.

Over the last fifteen years an introduction of next level electromagnetic technologies have been used specifically to target the public, in order to stimulate the production of toxic bio-films in the internal systems, especially the digestive system. Many of the biofilms are not naturally induced within the human biology, they are technologically induced. Why would they want to send frequencies to our gut to generate more biofilm?

As we have discussed many times, energetic parasites produce physical parasites. That is why empaths, gridworkers and Starseeds usually have to deal with the more serious byproducts of digestive and elimination problems, bloated and distended abdomens, and parasitic symptoms that require more support in a variety of ways to help restore balance. When we have energetic or physical parasites this greatly weakens our immunity. The direct correlation to parasites in the body, usually sourcing in the gut, is designed to weaken the physical body and etheric body so that lower ELF mind control frequencies aimed at the solar plexus are more effective in controlling the person. There is an agenda to target the human gut, to eliminate advancement of the second brain and its neural plexus higher functions, which are needed neural centers for developing skill with direct cognition and cellular knowing. Thus, this is the intended destruction of empathic feelings received from the environment, to block the signals that are sourced within the bio-neurology in the second brain energy receivers, which are located in the organs that make up the entire digestive system.

How is our Gut being Targeted?

  • By controlling the food and water supply through mass production and corporatization of commercially processed food products, the preservatives, bio-tech chemicals and genetic modification (GMO’s) added to many foods are engineered for gene editing and to attack the healthy microbes in the gut. This results in the common dysfunction of leaky gut, and vulnerability to biofilms, intestinal plaque, and pathogenic microorganism growths, which spreads into the blood stream and generates toxicity. This also destroys the nerve cells and etheric webbing in the intestines, impairing overall immunity and damaging the second brain and receptivity of our center of personal will.
  • The Solar Plexus is the main energy center that regulates our conscious mind or personality matrix. When our solar plexus is being accosted, energetically and by the foods we eat, it is weakened and it dissipates our center of personal will, which forms our actions for improved self-determination. The control over food is designed to attack our gut and second brain, in order to have more effective mind control results through the ELF targeting and other AI sweeps, including the Chemtrailing and vaccinations, that are designed to interact with the body organism to achieve breakdown of the solar plexus and interconnected bio-neurology functioning, as well as breakdown the digestive and elimination channels. Currently, this agenda to feed people bio-technology laboratory produced chemicals labeled as food is much more severe in the USA.
  • The intended over-processing and chemicalization of fast food is extremely effective for the use of mind control programming, and in some cases even conditioning SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) into the nervous system and human brain.
  • As an example, diet soda and fake sweeteners, such as aspartame, are engineered with gene editing capacity that is used to attack the RNA messenger cells, this disrupts the RNA and DNA communication link throughout the body’s production of uracil. Why manipulate uracil in RNA? Because uracil controls the transmission of hereditary information that is passed into the DNA.
  • Another example is glyphosate, which is used to break down the cellular wall and tissues in the entire digestive tract, in order to breach the security of the body’s defense mechanism against infections, toxins, and other waste products. Glyphosate has been gradually introduced into our food supply and food chain over the last forty years. When there are small holes in the gut, the toxic waste traveling in the body gets into the blood stream and even other organs and these toxins can get stuck in the joints, muscles and this contributes to the development of many clinically labeled diseases. These diseases could be prevented altogether if they were not being intentionally created by the anti-human environment in which we live on the earth.
  • Additionally, bio-tech companies are intentionally putting human DNA into mass produced food, such as the addition of human embryo kidney cells (HEK293) that supposedly are additives that are used as flavor enhancers. They describe that these taste receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells. Understanding anti life reversals helps to comprehend the larger purpose for making humans unconsciously eat their own species through the DNA of human children and embryos. This is purposed through the NAA and Satanic based agenda to corrupt human DNA and to keep the world wide child blood sacrifice, child sexual abuse, pedophilia, and SRA networks thriving on the earth. It is important to know that this is put into mass produced fast foods, such as soft drinks and potato chips without direct labeling. This ingredient is also put into many vaccines, so clearly the agenda is to get this into the bloodstream of the masses. Naturally mainstream media normalizes this as if it is no big deal to be consuming cloned human kidney cells in our food and drink. How do you think this effects human kidneys? This is another example of genetic modification, emphasizing both cannibalism and child blood sacrifice as components to promote the death culture consumer-satanic based materialism.
  • Technology that is targeted to mind control the masses also has specific sweeps to directly attack the solar plexus area, which has many purposes. This weakens organs and glands that need solar plexus nourishment, attacks the second brain wiring in the gut, which replaces empathic feelings with pain, generating biofilms in the body. Biofilms impulse parasitic signaling that can take over the bio-neurological functions in the body, and operate as small parasite communication centers inside the body cavities. Biofilms attach to mucous membranes, intestinal walls, genitals, urinary system, and even in the mouth and gums. They form pockets of tissue that protect the parasite growth, toxic and metabolic waste products, as well as heavy metals that are also used to attract more parasites into the body.
  • If the average person has extensive biofilm, gut and intestinal problems, mind control and parasitic invasion, we can see how the ability to extract life force energy is made much easier by compromising the body’s integrity. Biofilms can actually be electronically controlled to perform gene editing or genetic modification in the human host.


What is Bio-Film?

A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and often also to a surface, generating slimy, stringy tissues in which these microorganisms live and reproduce. Think of a clump or tissue, similar to a webbing of tissue holding a pocket of toxic infection within it, which is living inside a cavity or mucous membrane within your body. These adherent cells are frequently embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular substance, which may also be referred to as slime, although not everything described as slime is a biofilm. Biofilm is a molecular substance conglomeration generally composed of extracellular DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides (sugar molecules). Biofilms can contain many different types of microorganism, bacteria, archaea, protozoa, fungi and algae, where each group performs specialized metabolic functions. However, some organisms will form single-species films under certain conditions. When the body is afflicted by recurring infections and wounds that are hard to heal, it is highly possible there are toxic biofilms in the gut and intestines that are reinjecting the weakened areas with the toxic waste of the parasitic life cycle, or there are microorganism infections living in the tissues. All kinds of parasites seek refuge in the body in a well-built toxic biofilm.

Essentially biofilms are microscopic bugs, which are found everywhere inside and outside the body, that create biological homes in their human host using a mixture of sugars and proteins. For example, biofilm in the mouth is dental plaque. The sturdy protection that toxic biofilms provides from actually eliminating pathogenic microorganisms is one reason why some infections are so difficult to resolve. Yeasts, parasites, and bacteria find shelter in the toxic biofilm matrix, evading an onslaught of even the strongest of medications. Unhealthy biofilms in the gut:

  • Prevent the full absorption of nutrients across the intestinal wall.
  • Protect the disease-causing microorganisms from the immune system.
  • Protects disease-causing microorganisms from antibiotics and antifungals, this means both herbal and pharmaceutical-grade.
  • Promotes inflammation and hyper immune diseases in the body.
  • Houses toxins like heavy metals.

Unhealthy gut biofilm is a refuge for many pathogenic or disease-causing microorganisms. This means yeasts like Candida, as well as the varieties of bacteria that are related to digestive and elimination issues. Unhealthy biofilms accelerate aging and promote diseases such as:

  • Parasites.
  • Systemic Candida and fungal overgrowth.
  • Heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux).
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, which are often thought to have an infectious root.
  • Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which includes symptoms like heartburn, bloating, gas, abdominal cramping, brain fog, arthritis, acne, and other skin conditions.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
  • Unhealthy biofilm allows some infections to persist for years. This means that the body may become more susceptible to other infections, or co-infections, as well as other chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Attracts an array of energy parasites and demonic homes that set up attachments in the aura.

To clear out unhealthy gut biofilm requires some research and special care to determine the most harmonious method for detoxification and restoring balance to your gut. Consuming only high quality nutrient dense and organic foods as possible, eliminating sugar, alcohol, drugs, processed and commercial foods, is an important part of the purification process.  Also, proteolytic enzymes can help to break apart the structure of unhealthy gut biofilm when taken on an empty stomach. There are anti-parasitic and antimicrobial herbs that are effective because they naturally bust through and degrade biofilm. In most cases the most effective way to eliminate toxic biofilms and the parasites they harbor, as well as entity attachments, can be greatly assisted through applying oral cleansing at the same time using natural therapeutic based enemas. Prayer and meditation should also be integrated into any detoxification and healing process.

All energy workers may notice how much more content that is processed when you eliminate, realizing that the waste content is not all coming from what you are consuming. Many of us naturally process obsolete or negative energy which is eliminated through the bowel, and this is the reality for many gridworkers. This is also why this is a good time to cleanse our liver and bowel, as well as remove biofilms, as this supports the release of ancestral programming in the physical body. As well it keeps us clearer from the effects of mass technological mind control from impacting our conscious mind and breaking down energy receivers in the gut.

It is suggested that some careful research on bio-films and parasite detoxification be completed in order to develop an appropriate wellness program for purifying your body to be resistant to biofilms and energetic and physical parasites. A Starseed that has developed the antidote to the mass problem of glyphosate in our food chain that destroys the gut lining and intestinal walls, Dr. Zac Bush, can be found at Additionally, MMS and CDS oral and enema protocols as developed by Jim Humble and Andreas Kalker, have proven effective for many people in eliminating toxic biofilm and unnatural AI related organisms, like large intestinal rope worms. MMS also can destroy heavy metal compounds in the water and many different poisons. There is a heavy disinformation campaign against these caring and courageous individuals, so carefully discern the reasons behind why there is so much aggression directed to them and others that promote natural therapies from the medical establishment. The estimated third cause of death in the USA is medical negligence, hundreds of thousands of people die from doctor and medical malpractice every year, a much higher risk than MMS and CDS usage. As with any protocol, you must do your own due diligence and listen carefully to how to administer the best care to help your physical body regain health and balance, to strengthen your overall immunity and ability to deflect parasitic infection, at both energetic and physical levels. In most cases, go very slowly and test the resistances in your body, be smart and aware of how you treat your body, which should be with loving care and respect.

When we better understand how parasitism occurs, and begin to flush parasites from our physical body, we’ll want to evaluate our relationships and pay attention to those around us which are unhealthy, imbalanced or parasitic. A critical part of becoming healthy and balanced is to not engage with psychic vampires, their manipulations and dramas.

Psychic Vampires are Parasitic Emotional Manipulators

One principle to remember is that controlling and dominating people and the nonphysical entities that are parasitic, will always use manipulation to get what they want. Usually it is to maintain their attachment to siphon energy or to use someone else’s energy to get things they want for themselves.  This may be a person who doesn’t want to put forth the effort or energy to do things themselves, so they manipulate others to do it for them. Or they feel depleted so they seek out a person that they can suck energy from, usually by drawing them into some archetypal drama or crisis. In these situations it is noted how the vampire appears to be suddenly reenergized by your presence, while you feel excessively drained and tired. If we allow ourselves to be continually siphoned by others, we can feel depressed, confused, irritable and even physically ill.

We all need to evaluate relationships and set healthy boundaries in order to generate mutually beneficial exchanges with other people.

This inherently manifests as imbalanced exchanges of parasitic and codependent behavior, and many times the party acting as the psychic vampire will become addicted to their target host, because they are used to getting the energy they want from that person. When you place boundaries and cut off the siphoning attachment, in most cases the parasitic person and the energy parasite will have a control oriented emotional tantrum, or fly into narcissistic rage. This principle of exerting energetic control works the same way in physical people and in nonphysical entities, as well as all negative spiritual energies that are parasitic in nature. Over the years in observing dark entities and their tendency to have control oriented tantrums, this helped me to see how they manipulate people in the physical realm in order to gain access to their energies.

It is a fact on the earth that many people are being influenced by negative forces that they do not comprehend, which has reinforced a lifetime of negative habits, low self-esteem and parasitic behaviors. When people feel unsafe and insecure in themselves they will easily resort to controlling and manipulating behaviors to suck energy and this is commonly referred to as a psychic vampire or emotional vampire. For this reason you should be able to clearly identify various types of personalities that are psychic vampires.

A psychic vampire is a person who carries energy parasites, will drain others energies and may intentionally drain any positive energy or happiness in another. They can commonly show up as narcissistic, controlling, victims, incessant talkers or drama queens. They generally have a black hole of emptiness within that seeks to be filled by someone else’s energy. As a result, they have a big wounded pain body and generally never feel satisfied, need constant reassurance, and take little things as personal offenses. Most of the time these are not mutually beneficial relationships but one sided parasitic drains, they are friendly as long as you do what they want, and they can suck your energy.

Manipulation tactics are used to make a generally content person feel put down or to take their positive feelings and energy away, to erode self-esteem. The vampire may use condescending, critical or belittling behavior, they may use intimidation and bullying to make another feel unsafe, or even guilty so that they are completely dependent on them. Generally these people put others on edge, where one feels they must walk on egg shells to not upset this person, or get their wrath. You may not know what can set them off at any moment. If you notice the energy wither away whenever a certain person walks into the room, you should protect yourself and amplify your 12D Shield. Most of the time, people that are vampiric are not consciously aware that they are sucking energy from others, and are often totally unaware that they are disconnected from their soul-spirit. People that are soul disconnected feel empty inside and therefore will naturally try to make up for the energy loss by sucking energy from other people in the external. Staying away from psychic vampires and one sided parasitic relationships, instead fortifying your energies as an act of self-love is a good practice for beginning effective spiritual hygiene.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Wishing you many blessings of love, peace and spiritual fulfillment during the holidays and as we move through the chaotic nodes leading the planet into the next higher harmonic. We send our blessings of Perfect Peace to each and every one of you!

Beloved God and the Holy Ones of our Family Christ-Sophia

whose love restores the brokenhearted of this world:

pour out your love as One heart,

upon those who feel lonely, abandoned, or unloved.

Strengthen their hope to meet the days ahead;

give them the courage and bravery to seek truth

give them the ability to form true life-giving loving friendships;

and bless them with the comfort and joy of your eternally peaceful heart.


Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

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Lucia Rene’ ~ Steady as She Goes


This is a much needed read.  I am releasing the physical energies of frustration I feel towards money.  (I do not, however, hold a different feeeel on the topic – just a good reminder to see the trigger, feel it, love it and release the energy attached. Part of this issue to heal, for me, for many of us I feel ok in saying, will be the freedom of us all from the financial slavery system.)  


Steady as She Goes – Update #1

Things have been a bit shaky today (Monday, 18 December, 2017). But that’s because there’s lots of solar flare activity. Tomorrow as well. Easy does it. It takes a toll on the embodiment. I generally caution myself to take silence until the chaotic energies pass.

These solar flares are good. They are shaking things loose. Both at a planetary and a personal level. So let them shake you up, then process whatever arises. This week is going to be intense in terms of clearing.

I’m watching the most marvelous military strategy in alternate dimensions. Last week was all about preparation: updated intel, plans being revised, troops briefed. So many beings from other star systems—those who originally contributed star seed material to jumpstart the experiment. Here to assist Earth this week. Here to turn the final page of the book entitled, “How to Derail an Experiment in Consciousness”.

But that’s okay. We’ve learned loads as the result of the derailing. Much more than we would have learned had the original experiment been allowed to unfold. So, many thanks to the Anunnaki, et al.

This morning, the energy shifted from preparation to ships loading up and moving into formation. What formation is not important. They know exactly what they’re doing. They’re masters at this and, now that we’ve made it crystal clear we’re open to their aid, they are going to take care of what’s on their plate with the utmost impeccability.

Everyone in the galaxy who is anyone is here! The cosmic bleachers are filled to capacity with those who have come to witness the grand turning point in the experiment, the day the limiting construct in consciousness—the Matrix, the artificial diety construct, the hell words, etc, etc—gets dismantled. And once that happens, watch out! The Eden energy of the original experience comes fully back online. Now that will be a day to celebrate!

But coming back down to Earth. Boots on the ground. The more practical stuff. What about you? What is your take on all of this?

If you are an energy worker who has come to serve the planet, you’re jumping into the air, clicking your heels. How many people, in the past week, have I heard say, “This is what I came for!”? Definitely a week to minimize activity and hold space for what is transpiring at a planetary level.

As one who is here for her second tour of duty, I’m ecstatic. End game. The realization of everything we’ve worked for. And then some.

I just keep inviting things into my field and watching my consciousness expand as a result. My mantra is “Resist Nothing”. In November, it was all of the dark forces and evil on the planet. More recently, it has been the entire limiting construct in consciousness.

The vibration of these things is horrific. They feel awful. But then I remember my mantra. I acknowledge the presence of the energies, welcome them, allow them to merge into my field, let the energies change and move, and, finally, watch them melt into Nothingness. Then, with time, the bliss of expanded consciousness.

Long years of emotional processing to reach the point where I can do that. But now-a-days, it’s super easy. When you get triggered, just stop, sit with it, feel it, and offer it up.

Say, “I don’t want this emotional baggage/egoic structure/control issue any longer. I own completely that this is mine. I own that it is my conditioned response. I take full responsibility for my process. But I offer this constriction in my body to the Universe. Please sweep it away this week, along with all of the other debris, that is not in resonance with higher consciousness on Earth, that is being swept away.

That’s what this week is about—clearing, purifying, releasing accumulated baggage. Final clearance sale, my friends. Everything can go.

Sending much love & support…
Lucia René

Denise Le Fay ~ More Homework For Embodying Forerunners


I realize this was written in July, but it has useful information (personally speaking, good reminders for me), especially with the upcoming powerful energetic shifts said to occur this week (18/19 are numbers I have been “hearing/feeling” as well)…  And I somehow missed Sandra Walter’s piece saying Saturn had been hit by 7 solar flares earlier this year (knocking out the dark team’s controlling/monitoring antenna’s I am thinking…Denise gives an awesome description and one I not only believe but am seeing as we all are…)


• Ascension Process — the current Universal evolutionary Ascension Process (AP). On Earth, an entire physical human body and physical Earth world evolution from a third dimensional (3D) carbon-based frequency up to a fifth dimensional (5D) crystalline-based frequency; increasing Higher Awareness; evolving consciousness; increasing conscious awareness of ones multidimensional Selves, realities and other dimensional Beings; increasingly evolving beyond linear time and space and the consciousness and external reality that was a frequency match and reflection of it up and out into multidimensional reality and quantum or Spherical Consciousness and much more.

• Standard Embodiment Process of the AP — those humans currently living the Alchemical evolutionary Ascension Process and experiencing ongoing embodiment of greater amounts of increasingly higher frequency Light Energies into their physical bodies, consciousness and self. This energetic Stair-step process naturally increases their Inner Body vibrations, their “Light Quotient” in their physical bodies enough that they vibrationally/energetically “ascend” from one state, level, dimension, world and frequency of being and reality to a much higher, faster vibrating frequency and state, level, dimension, world and reality.

• Expanded Embodiment Process of the AP — what has been and continues being experienced by most Forerunners/Embodiers/Gatekeepers/Gridholders/Wayshowers/Pathpavers which is Embodying much more and much higher Light Energies into their physical bodies to go further with this Process and merge, Unify their Lower Self with their Higher Self in their current physical bodies. The Lower Self  incarnate aspect of “you” has been and still is Working very hard multidimensionally on ascending high enough vibrationally to come within range of and re-unite with your Higher Self. Like the Standard Embodiment Process, this Alchemical transformation is taking place in and through the current incarnate physical body, self and consciousness of these individuals. [Terms like Standard Embodiment and Expanded Embodiment Process are necessary so we can communicate highly complex transformational processes and events. They’re just words used to define what we and other people are currently living, doing, anchoring and holding vibrationally via the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.]

We’ve all known that 2017 was going to be different from all the many long and difficult AP years that got us all to this important changeover or Shift point. As usual with each of these AP years, the first-half of the year is prep Work for more of the NEW energies that comes in and anchors into each that’s capable of Embodying more NEW higher Light Codes/templates/blueprints/DNA etc. throughout the second-half of the year. In 2017, this process has reached the elevated level and stage the Forerunners have Worked so long and hard for where big, obvious, physical changes will be visible to and felt by most everyone worldwide one way or another. Said another way, now that we’ve reached the halfway point in 2017, the second-half of this year will physically manifest more of the NEW higher Earth World energies and consciousness in more and more people due to the physical Separation of Worlds taking place now.

Now that you’ve cheered and hollered, reveled and congratulated yourselves in well-deserved giddy joy over finally reaching this point, what’s up next for we Embodier Forerunners is a whole lot more NEW responsibilities and abilities on the higher/highest Ascension side of the Separation of Worlds. This is and isn’t as big a deal as it may sound at first, but, we each need to be very consciously aware that things are quickly going to be even more different for us than they have been, and that’s saying something after all these many years and decades doing this!

I do my best to be aware of all the subtle and not so subtle things that take place in me, my body, my life and consciousness throughout the first-half of each year but because we’re in 2017 (1 energies but at a NEW higher level than we’ve ever been before), I knew this would be different and to expect the unexpected as best I could. What I’ve perceived and experienced so far in 2017, I’ve written about as usual, but because we’ve reached the physical level of the Separation of Worlds everything’s felt and been different.

One of the big clues about all this that jumped out at me was when Sandra Walter mentioned that seven Solar flares had hit Saturn in April 2017. To most I suspect that statement and event sounded like not much more than a cluster of Solar flares all hitting Saturn but to me it was a huge clue that physical reality, which Saturn has ruled, and which Team Dark had taken advantage of and distorted and used to create inorganic/synthetic systems and structures and physical realities on physical Earth and in mass humanity for many thousands of years, was about to change big-time. To me, hearing that Saturn got blasted seven times by Solar flares in the first-half of 2017, told me that throughout the second-half of this year the great freeing of hijacked Saturnian energies—and therefore physical Earth reality and hijacked humanity—was going to become increasingly obvious to more and more people.

Another big clue for me was a sudden explosive-like change that took place the first few days of June 2017, that instantly pushed me out of where I had been and what I’d been doing. I suspect that the more Forerunners review their personal lives in the first-half of 2017, you’ll discover just how much your AP and EP trajectory has changed and/or been course corrected when and where needed by your Higher Self & Co. ❤

Another thing I’ve experiencing increasingly since 2013, and actually started an article about it but will include it here briefly instead, has been how certain other Ascended Masters—my beloved Master Hotei being one of a few—suddenly manifesting in my Higher Awareness to give me a look, an expression, a slight facial gesture and eye contact that speaks unspoken volumes to me in that timeless moment. Such are higher communications much of the time now at this NEW higher level of my current being and consciousness.

Some of these ancient Ascended Masters show up like this when they want me to better understand some aspect of my “ascending” into their old jobs so to speak. Many of us Embodying Forerunners have ancient “Elders”, other Beings, including other aspects of our greater Selves above us vibrationally like this that assist us at this current level because they’ve been there, done that” which we’re currently stepping into on the physical level as the NEW global spiritual and energetic teachers and guides on the AP and EP and related topics in the NEW Earth world.

Of course when this happens now with my ancient beloved past-life Master Teacher Master Hotei, all he does is project his image to my awareness with one of his endlessly comical facial gestures that radiate pages and pages of information about the fine art of being a spiritual teacher.It’s funny actually that these amazing Beings are communicating with some Forerunners now with just a split-second subtle look, just a single emotion radiated out of their eyes at us and our HighHearts across the cosmos that informs us about the “How To” of this business of becoming better NEW Earth teachers and guides. Not one word has ever been spoken or telepathed from any of them to me and vice versa, just a visual of their face emanating specific information and emotions in half a second’s time and me smiling and giving gratitude to them for that abundant information. HighHeart to HighHeart talk. ❤

What they’ve done with me, and many of us I suspect, has been to further teach us as we evolve into our NEW roles of Ascended HighHeart 5D World Teachers in this very NEW and different way. I’ve Worked on etheric levels while asleep and out-of-body with certain other humans, many well-known worldwide all my life as many “old souls” have, but this is very different. This is my continuing to be educated by some of these Ascended Master Beings but now about certain aspects of being a spiritual teacher. It never stops, only expands into something larger, higher, more complex and amazing for all the players at all the levels and stages.

Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC in November and December of this year, and then two days before the December Solstice Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while simultaneously it all just unfolding like the great Divine evolutionary event all this and more actually is. Just another heads-up in a growing list of coming changes all related to the Separation of Worlds on the physical level finally Forerunners. There’s no fear here, just greater awareness.

Point is with all this that as the Separation of Worlds increasingly manifests this year on Earth on the physical level, it means that each Embodier Forerunner specifically are entering another HUGE level of individual personal change and also collectively too from an individual level. We’ve always felt the human Earth collective and much more too, but, as the Separation of Worlds becomes increasingly physically obvious to more and more “regular humans”, how we deal with that and other things too of course is paramount for multiple reasons.

One of the many NEW responsibilities and abilities the Embodier Forerunners are getting better acquainted with this year and beyond is CONSCIOUSLY realizing and never ever forgetting the fact that we are, you/me/we are the ones that Hold, that Embody, that Keep, that support and anchor the NEW into the NEW Earth world, the NEW grids etc. the NEW Codes/templates/blueprints of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. We’ve marveled over the ancient Elder “Keepers” of Earth and on other stars and star systems for Keeping, Holding, Embodying and Maintaining the energies and codes of their times. Well, guess who the NEW Keepers, Holders and Embodiers of the brand NEW Codes are here on NEW Earth? That would be you/me/we Embodier Forerunners—aka Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Gridholders, Gridkeepers, Lightwarriors, Lightworkers, Energy Transmuters, Duality Dismantelers, Team Dark Evictors, HighHeart Conscious Creator Beings.

Take a deep breath and come to CONSCIOUS terms with this fact because you/me/we each need to own this and wear this now like never before. You know what you are; now be IT, live IT, radiate IT constantly, even when you’re in the grocery store buying toilet paper! Own IT and wear IT NEW Ascended physical 5D and higher Master HighHeart Beings of Light! Why? Because our ability and responsibility to do this is much-needed now and going forward. Who else is capable of Embodying and anchoring the NEW Codes and Energies into the NEW ascended Earth world but us? The more you and I consciously exist from this state of awareness and being, the easier it is to do it for All else. No pressure, no fear, but do pay close attention if and when an Elder Ascended Master Being shows up in your Higher Awareness and smiles at you, or winks at you, or furrows his brow and cocks his glorious etheric head slightly to let you know you’re energetically off course a tad bit at the moment. Just BE what you’ve Worked so long and so hard to become because we’ve reached a totally NEW level and phase of the AP in 2017, and now that we’ve entered the second-half of it, things are going to unfold even faster and more intensely energetically for those of us Pathpaving the way.

know that things are getting more intense when the hot flashes side effect returns. That symptom alone means that I’m burning away more old lower density/negativity of the past lower everything, personal and for the human collective, and they started back up again a couple of months ago. As the Separation of Worlds takes place physically this year and beyond, we Embodier Forerunners are and will continue to be affected by it physically and also in NEW and different ways. Some will be side effects we’ll feel in our bodies and other aspects have more to do with our NEW abilities and responsibilities. All-in-all it’s going to get really interesting, which is saying a lot again considering what we’ve already been through! Just own IT, wear IT, radiate IT, be IT and be consciously aware that you are IT so you never again make the ridiculous error of thinking or believing that you’re just a human. 😉 You and your hard-earned energies and abilities are and will continue to be needed as we step across this invisible line in the cosmic sand that is the amazing, evolutionary Separation of Worlds & Timelines.


July 11, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included.