A Reader’s Experience Of Last Night’s Energies


Received via e-mail.  Shared with permission.  ♥

Victoria,  last night the energies were on the wild side. I had a feeling like all the dark or remaining bad ones were being removed. Then after reading Shrodingers I knew I was not the only one feeling that. Then after that it felt like the healing started. I felt someone working on my eyes, then my ears. This morning I noticed my eyesight is somewhat improved and my hearing also. I worked construction most of my life,so my ears and eyes took a beating. Anyways that’s the first time I experienced that. In love and light Rick G

Another (Brief) Piece on this Collective Sense of Change


Sent to me via e-mail.  Sourced from http://www.truthorg.com.  

I have never been so motivated to make so many videos before since my awakening. I sincerely pondered if this motivation is even my own Lol! These last few videos I’ve made recently have simply popped into my head with footage and music that I already knew about.

I think someone or ‘something’ is guiding this process because ‘something’ is nudging me to stay up late on work days and continue to churn these videos out. I don’t usually stay up late for anything. I hope they are enjoyable as I do put a lot of effort and love into them. Thank you for checking them out and much love to each of you!

Welcome to the Post-Historic World


Taken from here.  One of my go-to sites that serendipitously seems to resonate with my own experiences/observations/perceptions.  As I said in my previous Daily Notes piece, something “switched” last night.  Still ascertaining what the frequency reads in the charts below are about – what they measure.  While I do not believe this is The Event, I do feel a removal of dark entities occurred last night, likely in the 4th dimension/astral state. Intend wisely and keep discernment/grounding a priority.  I, for one, feel an inner excitement and calming anticipation.


Folks, something has happened. We’re not sure if what just happened was The Event, or one of them, but after tremendous energies last night (even the M’s were nauseous)… the dark beings/entities are ALL GONE. Completely. POOF. Even the dark being that was in the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is gone. And all neutrals who were leaning-dark or working with the dark are also gone. HEALING was done on some of the CATs; not sure about others. One had a clot in a leg removed, and another had some gut healing; another had their shoulder worked on. All are alive and well this morning.

As for the New Earth “rapture” everyone’s been anticipating… we have no idea when that will happen, or even IF it will happen (though we ALL keep having visions of it).  Eventwise, we saw a gynormous wave of energy coming around 8:30 pm on July 1st PDT and come it did. That was the strongest one yet, at least for us.

It will take some time for us to sort this all out, so consider this a working post.

By the way… this is how things looked just as it was happening:

We’ve not seen this before from this location.

Then, it stopped:

And now we have these six or seven high frequency signatures that weren’t there, before.


Must Watch Video ~ The lords of wars and hosts: On earth as it is in heavens


This video is answering and resonating growing awareness I am having, or either have had and wasn’t quite sure of (yet has continued to come back into my awareness) including my thought tonight about how much of ME is a simulation. We are Source.  In “Heaven” there are no rules.  No karma.  No lessons.  This simulation we are in was created as a space of quarantine, a containment system. WE DID NOT CHOOSE from a place of TRUE SOVEREIGNTY to have our memories erased.  We were hijacked.  It is our Spirits they are after – those Spirits that are One With Source.  It is our essence of benevolence. Very powerful video and I hope all who watch who still believe things such as we chose to come here into this matrix, that we have to learn x y z, that we are bound by contracts and karmic lessons until we “get it” is part of their dark agenda and has nothing to do with Source or Truth.

The lords of war and hosts: On earth as it is in heavens

Healing Our Inner Child


Something else to add to the healing toolbox.  Sharing this with permission from one of my facebook friends, Jelelle Awen, who wrote this beautiful piece.  Check out her website if you wish at soulfullheartwayoflife.com.  Much love.  

In the heart of the woman is the daughter, waiting to be adored by parents who feel and WANT her. This inner daughter sits often in shyness, cast into the shadows to remain ‘safe’, not able to come out and play. She is freeze framed in her sadness, ‘stuck’ in the scenes that bring pain every time they are replayed by her mind, which is just trying to ‘clear’ them out.

Her voice is suppressed; her innocence is buried under shame; and her self consciousness leaves her unable to break free from the protective energies that judge and criticize her. She is a child without direct access to the JOY and magic that lives inside her as a seed that needs the water of LOVE to grow and bloom.

In the heart of the man is the son, waiting to be initiated by parents who feel and ADMIRE him. This inner son has masks to wear that play at ‘being a man’, even as he feels very small and insecure inside. He pretends to be a super hero, although protective and critical energies judge him as a coward.

This inner son learns to hide his vulnerabilities and his tears and, eventually, his heart behind shields and walls. He is trapped in the mind; in compensations and addictions; in reaction to inner energies that bully and criticism him. His WILDness is tamed by a world that wants him to conform, to wear a suit of conventional life, to ‘play by the rules’. He is a child without access to his childlike essence and the goodness and magic that lives inside of him.

Feel with tenderness this daughter or son inside of you. Invite them out to play with you, to leap with JOY again in every bound. Hold their hands as they cross the inner streets of busy mind and activities. Pass tissues to them as you FEEL their tears and sadness and their fears. Be interested as they tell you their stories. Bridge their hidden world with your outer one, making it safe for them to grow and learn.

Feel with openness where this youngness lives inside of you and the ways that it shows up in your ‘adult’ life. BEfriend this BEloved aspect of yourself as you BEcome what you have needed the most and didn’t have. Bring in Divine Frequencies of Mother and Father to provide Infinite Love energies to help re-parent them. Let Divine Mother wrap them in Her arms. Let Divine Father hold them in his protective embrace.

As you ARE the loving parental energy that these parts of you didn’t have in the way that they needed IN the painful moments that they MOST needed it during your childhood, the energies of your wounded child transform to health. Shame becomes innocence. Anxiety becomes trust. Shyness becomes humble confidence. Depression becomes creativity. Disillusion becomes purity. The wounded 3D Inner Child frequencies vibrate higher and higher, transmuting into the Magical, Star Seed 4D child and eventually into your 5D Crystalline child, who occupies the seat of your Merkabah or light vehicle.

Places of immaturity in your gender expression are then able to mature INTO the mature Queen and the mature King. As the child energies vibrate higher and you show up as an adult more and more to SEPARATE from these energies, you mature in your emotional body, your sexuality, your capacity to transact intimacy in all relationships. BEing with the youngness inside and loving it is what frees UP your mature feminine and masculine, along with letting in frequencies from the Divine to template how to embody and BE this.

Feel the Inner Protector who guards your Inner Child. With fierce loyalty, this protective part of you had to show up probably very early in your life when life was deemed ‘not safe’ for the innocence and purity of your heart. Negotiate with this Inner Protector, get to know them, form a bond and invite them to rest eventually. As they feel and see YOU there being with your Inner Child in a NEW way, your Inner Protector will start to trust and let go more, drop the guards and the walls, allow more LOVE into your BEing and life. Here is a guided meditation and teachings from us to connect with Your Inner Protector, which is necessary before accessing the DEEPER frequencies of the Inner Child: https://youtu.be/yP0OmxcSScc

This inner family of yours is waiting for your connection and for your attention. As you embrace this INNER union with different aspects of yourself, you are more able to BE in your authenticity, open heartedness, open mindedness, feel Divine Love and love with others. As you open YOUR own heart, so does this opening flow out to and WITH others. It is from this overflow of SELF love with ALL aspects that allows for TRUE service of love that comes from humble and surrendered desire!


This writing is inspired by my OWN inner child, once named Evie then Aurora and now an integrated aspect of my higher vibrational BEing. It is also inspired by the BEAUTIFUL (although often initially very sad) inner children that I had the honor to connect with during session space over the years.


Thor Message for July 1


Received via e-mail.  Third time today I read a similar “it’s a go” message. Intend well!  Original source here.







Terran note: That’s also a message to all of you! ❤️

Ambassador of Agartha, Tamarinda Maassen, to Speak in NYC, August 2017


Hmmm….  Anything and everything is possible.  I have had 2 dreams of being in Inner Earth as has my mate.  Certainly felt it was a future timeline.  A large gathering of a variety of people ~ felt it was just a stop-over/visit for me and my family.  A transition, so-to-speak.

Ambassador of the Inner Earth Kingdom of Agartha

Universal Lightworker Request ~ A Shift in Abundance For All Is Necessary…NOW


Editor’s note:  I absolutely utterly LOVE this piece!  Makes me giddy with excitement at the possibilities of this request to the Universe.  It is so in alignment with not only where I am/have been but others as well, based on what I have been reading, today especially.  I know such a piece will make some people uncomfortable at this request. Certainly there is a real “unspoken” truth in the ascension/spiritual communities about money.  Some claim superiority because they have mastered the monetary system and some claim they refuse to touch the stuff believing it to be evil, dark, etc.  Balance is needed as well as a real world view in this NOW moment – and that is that while money is corrupted in how it is distributed and controlled, yes, it is STILL required for us to keep ourselves sheltered/healed/fed/clothed.  Yes, there is much talk about a variety of prosperity programs coming and of the elimination of money and the like. However we are talking NOW and as I have long believed, much human suffering is unnecessary and this money struggle for billions of folks is by and large in that category.  So…..Let us all intend this to the Universe, not just for the light-workers/healers/truth seekers but for ALL who are struggling financially.  It is time NOW to bring balance back to the area of Abundance ~ in particular financially.  What a beautiful way to help us all remember our inherent connection with Abundance.  I intend this and I ask you do as well. So be it!  



Image result for abundance images

by Deane Thomas,
Guest writer, In5D.com

Last evening there was a significant shift in energies, and one that lead me to making some demands of the Universe on behalf of the collective consciousness.  Perhaps a merging of the masculine and feminine energies is underway, but for sure something shifted.

So here goes!

Dear Universe,

There are many of us light workers who are in very uncomfortable positions at the moment, I do not speak of future or past, I speak of here and now, at this very moment.  It is the truth of so many, including myself, and yet we continue to do the necessary work within ourselves, and the collective consciousness.  We have fought many a battle before, the most important to reach a place of Being, we have discovered our true authentic self.  We do not complain or lower our vibrations, we simply soldier on in love.

Amongst us there are many who really do not have the means to provide for themselves or their families on a day by day basis.  Yet we continue to have faith in all that we are.  We observe others who are intent on causing chaos on the planet. We observe others who continue to manipulate and prosper in their own worlds.  We observe others who really have no concern for the ongoing survival of this planet.  We observe others who quite happily take advantage of the few.  We observe others who exercise their control and power through propaganda and laws.  Yet we, the few, continue to have faith in all that we are and will ever be, for we are love.

We continue to share our unconditional love with our fellow man. We continue to help and guide others so that they too may see what we see.  We continue to stand up against the others who are determined to spread illusions.  Today, us few, are struggling to survive, yet we make do with what we have.  This is what you, dear Universe, have shown us is the way forward, in love and compassion.  In peace and harmony, with a common voice and determination to change the dynamics that are presented on a daily basis.  We are BEing, because we are LOVE.

We continue to appreciate all that you have shown and provided for us, yet we sit here barely surviving.  Many of us face dilemmas on a daily basis, yet we continue to hold faith in all that we are, that all is well, and the path we are going is meant to be this way. We have detached ourselves from all expectations and possible outcomes, and here we are today.  We bear witness to the struggle of the billions who have no basic means of survival.  They have no water, electricity or food to nourish themselves.  Today, for the record, there are many light workers who too are in the same position.

As I, the creator of this message, stand before you, in my full vulnerability request that you help us to shift the flow of abundance to one and all.  We are at the stage of being barely able to survive within the framework today.  It is true the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  It is this imbalance that needs to change.  So I request of you, the Universe, and the collective consciousness, to help all of us light workers.  We have done a tremendous job of clearing so many aspects of our existence.  We have vigorously protected the one essence that is of more value than all the gold on this planet, Love.

Throughout our journeys we have endured so many things and situations, that only our belief and faith in the love that exists within is the way forward.  We have had the love beaten from us, yet somehow, throughout all of this, we have discovered the love remains within.  We have carefully and meticulously examined every nook and cranny of our lives, and that of others, to reignite that eternal flame.  Yes, we are the frontrunners, the trailblazers, the twin flames, the advanced souls.  Yes we have dedicated our life to revealing the Violet Flame that exists within each of us.  As front runners, we have sent a message to humanity that now is the time to wake up and enjoy the ever present love within.  We are the catalysts for change, and we believe wholeheartedly in our own missions and path.  We are love.  We are proud to be love.  We have nothing to hide.

Today, I humbly request that you shift the dynamics of abundance to those that are leading the way forward.  It is time for this shift.  We have endured and worked hard, and we are worthy of everything.  We have demonstrated our commitment to a common cause and goal, of sharing unconditional love to humanity.  We have an understanding and will always carry the wisdom to effect the changes necessary.  We are rich with love, yet we live in a world that requires more than that for us to survive and prosper.

Now is the time that we all come together, the challenges we face are now very clear to see.  It is our duty and responsibility to continue this transformation of Gaia.  This is what you, the universe, asked of us and what we agreed or volunteered to do.  We made a deal, together, that this is our task and role today.  I ask that you now to provide us with the necessary financial abundance so that we may effectively begin to live our true life path.  I ask you to unite each and every one of us – especially those souls that are predestined to be in union during this incarnation.  Unite us one and all so that the pure love essence be spread amongst those that cannot see or feel it.

We are ready, we are prepared, we are willing and we are now more than able.  I ask you to trust us completely to continue this quest, so that we may once again prosper, as we were meant to.  It is time for the flow of financial abundance to come to us all, because we all are worthy of it.  To survive is one thing, but now it is time for us to live all that we know to be true.

Thank you for all that you provide us on a daily basis, we are truly grateful.  Please trust us, and provide for us the necessary abundance needed to continue our work.  There is no need to break us again, we have learned our lessons necessary.  We accept full responsibility for humanity, and kindly ask you to reward us in a way that we can now live in our true capacity.  Allow us to reach the hearts and souls of the billions on this planet.  Allow us to light the lives of the 3 billion who live without power and water daily.  Allow us to teach all there is about unconditional love, and allow us to share it freely amongst us all.

About the author:  Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth! You can find more of his work on https://www.askdeano.com.   Deane will also be visiting the USA in the summer of 2017 – event details can be found here.

 Sourced from here.  And thank you Deborah for sending it to me!  ♥