Energy Update:The Divine Merging Of Our Authentic Self Through Soul Fragments Returning Now


Editor’s note:  I resonate very deeply with this piece ~ from how this experience occurred with me to the healing I feel and see is happening at this time.

By Diane Canfield 

Dear Beloveds,

We come to you today to tell you of the Divine merging of our authentic selves that is taking place in the moment of NOW. What does this mean and what does it look like ?

The energy upgrades that have recently come in over the last 2 weeks have been very subtle but very powerful in their manifestation. This energy is connected to the June 21st Solstice that is a Gateway Event of the Divine Merging. These waves delicately caress our souls reminding us daily who we REALLY are. They show us where we got off track and gently nudge us to get back on track and into the genuineness of our SOULS.

Many of us have lost part of our souls through this journey into the realms of 3D. This is called soul fragmentation. This can happen when someone else over powers a soul with their own energy and demands everything go their own way. The light workers soul is then fragmented because it knows the path it should be on but because of circumstances beyond their control they are being forced off their path.

Every time in life someone else decides for us what direction we should take, we can end up further and further from our true path. This is so CLEAR now, isn’t it?

Continue reading “Energy Update:The Divine Merging Of Our Authentic Self Through Soul Fragments Returning Now”

Powerful QHHT Session ~ Raising The Vibration of the Earth, New Earth, Ascension, Energetic Healing


Editor’s note:  This is a really powerful, deeply moving, beautiful video and I very much am moved by the last part where he begins discussing ascension and the new earth.   The healing/clearing piece is particularly amazing and beautiful.  As I have been saying and knowing and feeling “the reincarnation cycle is over.”  Truly a joy to listen to and watch.  May it move you/inspire you as well.  

125 Alba Weinman – Raising the Vibration of the Earth & Energetic Healing

Energy/Experience Update


Hand, Hold, Care, Help, Elderly, Old

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Hello Everyone~

I awoke last night at 1:17am to the experience of the bed shaking/trembling as well as my entire body.  I had this same experience about 2 weeks ago at the same time only with this previous experience my mate was in bed with me and also experienced the same thing.  I know I wrote about it here.  Just can’t remember the title post or where I put it. Aye aye aye…

Last night my mate wasn’t in the room yet and later said he didn’t feel anything. Unlike last time, the experience only lasted a few minutes and as I lay quietly, focusing on allowing the energies to pass through me, I quickly went back to sleep and had some new, interesting dreams.  I did awaken a lot though, trembling at times.  I just went with it and let myself return to sleep.

So…..things are processing quite a lot right now and I know are very intense for all of us – whether consciously aware or not.  It’s as though all of that “junk” inside is being forced out, at times seemingly quite blunt as Higher Self takes position again, saying “let’s get on with this process my beautiful human and let go that which isn’t US as I’m coming home to stay”.  Unity begins with US after all.

There is absolutely no more hiding.

Interestingly enough, when I awoke this morning and checked my social media, the first post that came up showed other people who also noticed a huge shift last night, some saying they were jumpy and trembled all last night.  Validation.

At least I can say I’m peeling more layers of the onion ~ and tonight, as I sat in my chair, massager wherever I could get it on my body (from what I read, photons were incoming today and that is the energy class that seems to cause pain in my muscles), I went inward to the sore, tender parts of my body and asked what needed to come out.

Many words and stories came to mind.  I did not judge.  I let them speak and share.  As I continued deeper, what came up was my loneliness and feeling of separation ~ from everyone.  What an awful, horrible feeling. The pain cut deep.  I wept big time tears over that one, then thought back to my experience earlier in the day….

After a trip to the store, I drove my daughter and I around before heading home.  As we finished up listening to one of her stories on CD, I decided to turn on the radio.  The U2 song, “One” had just started playing.  A beautiful moment of synchronicity as I have been thinking of this song quite a bit, especially hearing (and using here in my writings) the line “We’re One but we’re not the same”.  I knew I was to listen and absorb the song, which I did.  Lots of tears were released, cleansing me.  I looked around at other people.  The construction workers working on a house. The young guy driving a bit too fast in his car.  The mail carrier delivering mail.  I sent love ~ the real deal ~ to each of them. I saw and felt our connection.  I saw Source in each of them, all playing out their physical roles as we each do, day after day.

I have had these experiences before so it wasn’t new to me.  However, tonight in my chair, massaging my achy muscles, I got something new:

We are meant to have this as a way of Being and not just in moments here and there.

Wow.  !!!

You know when you hear words and know they sound true but you need the rest of you to catch up for it all to Align?  That’s what happened to me tonight upon receiving that message.

I thought back to a conversation I was having with a friend earlier.  It just felt flat.  I wanted so much more.  How painful it has become at times to have those kinds of conversations.  How I long to have juicy, in depth, vibrant (or quiet), completely connected conversations.  The kind of communication and connection that fills every fiber of my being with Source yumminess.

Do you know what I mean?

And it serves me no purpose to expect others to make the first move.  I have to start making those conversations happen by being Me.  At the very least what I can do is be honest and say I’m feeling disconnected here from you and I want to try something new to feel connected right now as we talk.  Yeah, sounds strange.  Who talks like that?

Pure, honesty does.  Scary!  But that’s what I am/we are here to do.

So another layer of the separation was peeled away tonight.  And oh god, how extremely grateful I am for it.

I thought back to how many lifetimes this has been missing, not just for me but for ALL of us.  We sure did become good at faking it.  But we can’t do that any longer.  We are returning to Self, to Source.

The feeling I had in the car earlier today ~ feeling ME ~ feeling Source ~ feeling the connection with everyone I saw ~ is the most beautiful, wonderful, natural feeling/experience I can imagine having.  Came straight from my heart chakra area.  And I give deep thanks to Source and Higher Self and all of the assistance that is here right now as we make this transition back to Unity Consciousness.


Energy Update ~ Huge Clearing and Healing of the Old

Oh most definitely…

by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

So much shifting and transmuting was happening in Spirit in the last 18 hours.

Energies that felt like one may ‘self-combust’ in the human

Divine Love, Guidance and Assistance came through to help us to help ourselves with this Divine Healing and so much more

So not only were we feeling and dealing with this in the human but we were also feeling this in Spirit = BOTH.

A ‘balancing out’ of recent Ancient Family Shadow energies that have ‘come through’ or been allowed to now be fully exposed energetically.

Depending on how ‘conscious’ one is in the human in relation to what occurs in Spirit…as this is creating a VERY NEW LINK in those who are needing to ‘own’ their shadow sides…in a very new way.

Yet to do so, there is much clearing and healing of the ‘old’ that was occurring in the astrals/multi-dimensions, as that is what was ‘happening’ in the last 18hours.

Much will have occurred and came through in ‘dreams’..and again, depending on what one has cleared and healed in the human, will be felt in many various ways for each soul.

Either way, it was a very huge healing and clearing of ‘old’ energy.

The more one has ‘old’ energy ‘built up’ in the astrals, the more one felt this ‘pressure’ in the human that was being released.

This is still continuing to be released in the human right now at the time of this sharing.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love and Truth


Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit

About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

Sourced from here.

Out Of The Mouth Of Children…


Or shall I say out of the heart from a child directly connected with Source?

Last night I linked James Gilliland’s latest video ~ a conference he had at his ECETI Ranch in Washington State.  At around the 1:25:00 mark, there is a graph he displays showing the different colors of the light spectrum. In time he speaks of the colors on the far right – the white in particular – which will be coming in (what many are calling The Event, The Pulse, etc.) and which will awaken all.

Our child was in bed asleep when we watched this video last night.  We did not speak of it with her.

As I was putting dinner together, she walks into the kitchen and quietly places a group of lego’s into a graph-like format on the table.  I ask her what it is and she says this:  “Well, you see right now this is the energy field we are in (she points to the darker colors on the left) but when this (pointing to the white tall stack) comes in, we will all be hit very hard and mama, you are going to do nothing but sleep.  That is the energy of the new earth.”  She smiles.  I smile, in a bit of mild shock and amazement at what she had just shared.  How does she know this?  How does she know about energy spectrum’s and their associative colors?  We have never discussed this with her!

Here’s a picture I took of her display.  While it isn’t identical to what James presented, it is close and the overall message very much correlates with what James said in his presentation.

James Gilliland Speech From Ececti Ranch ~ Disclosure and Making Contact


Editor’s note:  Another validation of this “quickening” message ~ around 45 minutes in he speaks of this phenomena occurring now.  

Disclosure & Making Contact with UFOs & ET Extraterrestrial Event yo be held in Trout Lake WA


Synchronicity In My Mailbox ~ And In A Youtube Video


Editor’s note:  Doing some serious heart-felt drooling over the scenery. … Earlier today on my walk to the sacred tree, I heard the word “quickening”.  Hmmm, so I asked again.  Really?  Quickening?  Yep, heard it again.  Entire left hand vibrated (my receiving hand), extending down my back until I was trembling all over.  I knew this had to do with the energies, how things were “quickening”, getting faster.  Certainly I am feeling that and having some experiences validating this, affirming how important it is to be so Aware of my thoughts and Be/Create who I want and what I desire from my heart-center.  Still…I like validation at times so I was not fully convinced of the message I received. (I know, I know – an issue needing healed/released.)  So….  A little bit ago I open up my e-mail and see the latest post from Kauilapele and a video he shared on youtube, talking about how the energies are now such that what we put out there energetically is coming back quicker and quicker.  There ya go!  (See Victoria – YOU CAN TRUST YOURSELF!)  Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the video below.  

170612 Hāpuna Drive Message… “Throw it Out and Back it Comes”

Beautiful Message ~ We Are Masters


Editor’s note:  This is the first thing that showed up on my media feed tonight and I just had to share it.  We ARE Masters ~ we are all Remembering this – removing the shackles and blinders of lifetimes of control and unconsciousness.  I don’t know about you but I am feeling very new energies, literally forcing up and out all of my old “sheot”.  A “quickening” if you will (which interestingly enough on a visit to my sacred tree today, that is the word I received).  On a walk today I got triggered by seeing the house of someone who was part of a difficult experience I had (the person – not the house – lol).  Anyway as my mind began to go down that road, I stopped myself and said “this is just a story you are telling yourself.  it is not Who I Am Now.  BE that instead.”  Immediately, my inner experience changed and I felt peaceful and centered again.  Enjoy…  (the bold/italicized section is my emphasis)

Monday, June 12, 2017
Arrow of Light, NESARA by KejRaj (Era of Light)

Arrow of Light, NESARA

Greetings Souls of the New Earth! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

There is not much new to report on the Global Currency Reset. Though we will say this; It is not coming, it is here NOW. The same applies for NESARA also. NESARA is NOW. It is just a matter of making it public, being announced by the president of the Republic, which has been fully restored. The stage is set, the lights are shining bright, be ready to receive your gift.

Now we would like to change our focus to the energy that is increasing by the second and washing through and around everything on Earth. Some are collapsing, some are running in a circle feeling lost and confused, but the majority are ready for change, demanding change and are rising and raising their vibration with Earth.

The arrow of light has gone through the hearts of the majority of the people of Earth. What would have taken the collective hundreds if not thousands of years to create is being created NOW. You are all ready seeing the great changes, but this is only the beginning.

The light of the collective is growing like a snowball down a hill, and gaining speed. It the expansion of awareness of the collective that is bringing about the new reality.

As we have said previous times this is a collective effort. Also, it is imperative that the ones all ready with a higher awareness share their light with all whom they come in contact with and with the collective of the internet. So it is there for all to find and see whenever they may choose to seek.

Starseed, it is time for you now to start walking as an ascended master. For you are and were one before you even came to Earth.

You are not here to achieve anything, ‘enlightenment’ in particular, for you are all ready enlightened, you all ready posses everything you need to lead the way and bring the change that is needed now in this world.

You are here to give the great light you all ready hold within you, and uplift this world to a higher plane of existence by being the master you know yourself to be. The brighter YOU shine your light, the further and more people it will reach, and more will awaken.

That is all for today. In every thought, word and action let love be your intention. The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, I am KejRaj.

Source: Era of Light


A Little Insight on Unity


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We, Me, Us, One, Individual, Separate

On facebook earlier, I noticed really nasty comments on Corey Goode’s page.  Even though I don’t resonate with all he says, the comments and attacks are absolutely unnecessary.

On a youtube channel tonight on Ascension, some of the comments showed the same level of judgment.  Criticism.  Over-power.  And most indeed this energy of “I am more awakened than you.”

Words have power with their frequencies – even when typed on a screen.

Seriously, do we need a remedial course on humility and tact?!

People’s inner stuff is coming up, showing their true colors.  All of us are experiencing this, some more than others indeed.  I would much rather surround myself with those whose intentions are pure – even if they miss the mark of truth here and there – than those who (think they) have figured this all out but remain in the energy of judgment and criticism.

We’re all on this journey together.  Either we accept one another’s personal journey’s or we continue this game and illusion of division.

It’s going on in the political arena.  It’s either the Democrats or the Republicans.  The left or the right.

It’s in the alternative media – this outlet is truth this outlet is fake/false.

It’s going on in the truth movement with the same message – this outlet is truth, this outlet is fake/false.

And it’s in the Ascension community – here on my site as well (although I do not publish those comments and have to wonder why some continue to visit if my words don’t resonate or induce gastro-intestinal upset).  The message is the same – this path is truth and that path is false.

It is my inner experience that this journey of Remembering, Healing and Returning is one of Unity.  What this means is even though our path looks different, we all get to the same “place”.  We all return to Unity Consciousness by Remembering that while we are not the same, we are all indeed One.

Not a one of us has the full-on 100% truth (if this actually exists – one truth for all).  If one really does, well apparently I didn’t get the memo on that one when I incarnated.

Individually.  Collectively.  Each of our choices are unique.  Each of our experiences, the same uniqueness.

I for one am choosing to focus on Unity.  Where there is division I am having to fight my ego (like heck at times) to keep my tongue quiet (a real challenge for me – but recent experiences are making it easier for me to do) and my words, heart-centered.

As my mate says “this is not a video game.”  He’s absolutely right.  These are people.  Attacking, condemning, criticizing, over-powering, judging – do that to another and you also do it to yourself.  We’ve all done this.  All played this game.  Isn’t it time we stop?  Go within and let others Be Who They Are…

I value and respect everyone’s journey, whether it resonates with me or not.  This hasn’t always been easy for me to do, but when I go within, this is what my heart says is best for me.

For you.

For us all.