MUST READ! Excerpt from Ken Carey’s Book – The Event Illustrated

Editor’s note:  Thank you to my friend Rick for sending this to me via e-mail.  I cannot begin to express how deeply and completely this one resonates with me – one of the best pieces I have read yet.  It validates so much of my own inner knowings and feelings on our Awakening as well as the event – the flash – the wave. Whatever you want to call it.  The awesome fact is that this was written in the 1980’s.  The dream I had – seeing this “flash”/event – validated in this piece.  There is so much Love helping us.  We are NOT alone in this journey Home back to Full Consciousness.  No worries.  Be in the NOW.  Come from the Heart space. Relax.  Love yourself.  Share that love.  I really do believe it is that simple ~ something I keep returning to when I find myself feeling lost and confused or afraid I’m not doing this “right”.  Let it all go and just BE.  All of the answers will be forthcoming after this transformation event for all of us.  (15 minutes later – got called away to go check out a craft in the sky.  Thought that was a nice little affirmative “hello” after deciding to share this piece.)  
Excerpt from Ken Carey’s 1991 book, The Third Millennium

Chapter 14: A Moment of Quantum Awakening
At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth’s gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present changes are, they will occur within the span of just a single life.
Properly understood, these changes and their coming have the ability to inspire a degree of hope and optimism unprecedented in the history of your race; for they spell the end of mankind’s subconscious condition and therefore portend, as the scriptures of the world foretell, an end to bloodshed, starvation, warfare, exploitation, and needless suffering.
Within your lifetime you will witness revelations that will show the foolishness of much that was once deemed wise. You will watch as traditions and historical habit patterns once assumed to be survival imperatives are discovered to be detriment to a healthy life and to a healthy society. Behavior that made sense for creatures who imagined they were islands of individuality is abandoned by those who experience the interconnectivity of all life. The consciousness that is awakening upon this world is no respecter of Darwin values. Its perception brings new values and new ways of being. During these decades you are seeing the descent of the Angels of Healing. Even now, all around you-and perhaps in your own life-they are incarnating. In some cases these are beings who have not known human form since before the decent of historical time.
It is possible that you are among those who have held only a tenuous and flickering connection with your incarnational successions. It is no matter for judgment. Those who incarnate now, those who bring the fullness of their eternal talents, attributes, and perspectives into today’s people, are the agents of healing. They alone have it in their power to experience this awesome time of transition as glorious or traumatic. All are invited to remember their essence, their purpose, their reason for being here, and to bring through into this age of transition the sense of celebration that invariable accompanies such remembrance.
Our numbers upon the earth have grown rapidly since our first large-scale arrivals began in the late 1960’s. Yet it is not quantity, not numbers that will make the difference, but the quality of our compassion, the quality of the love that radiates from our hearts. Every individual who becomes a clear and undistorted channel for eternal love into these times offsets a thousand who remain locked in the dissolving values of the old.

We are rapidly dispelling what remains of human illusion, helping all to identify with the growing currents, the energies and the forces of love and life. You are already living in the dawning of the age of Planetary Awakening, the age of peace and community building. It is here now for the most sensitive to its fragrance, texture, majesty, and vision. The age has begun when the earth is to be cultivated like a flower garden and her gifts presented as conscious offerings to the gardeners of eternal beauty, the age when humankind return its gifts to the earth, to her soil, her streams, her mountains, her oceans, her creatures of water, air, fire, and clay.

The future, as always, holds an element of surprise. Yet some things are as certain as the movement of the stars.

A mother never knows exactly what hour she will give birth to her child, but since she has a “due date,” an approximate time when the baby is expected and will most likely be born. For millennia now there have been those in various traditions of both East and West who have known that the earth has a due date something during the second decade of the twenty-first century. Though there will be much awakening of individuals prior to the first unified movement of the awakened planetary organism, this movement, like a first breath, will occur in but a single moment. It is then that the Star Maker will consciously awaken in all systems of human biocircuitry capable of sustaining universal awareness.

Babies are sometimes born early, sometimes late. So be aware, be vigilant. Do not discount the possibility that the moment might come as a thief in the night. And do not be among the foolish who will wait until the last moment to come to terms with the rising awareness. This is to be an important occasion.

It is the event that is central to all of human history.

Our emphasis for many thousands of years now has been and continues to prepare you for this single moment. For though the changes will be dramatic, they need not be traumatic.

Though they will bring a fundamental human revisiting of reality’s nature, this need not be perceived as threatening. Essentially, it is a positive and joyous event. The consciousness that will eventually emerge will be the consciousness of the Eternal One, the Creator, the Being of Life, awake and aware for the first time inside a material universe. Human circuitry is designed to accommodate this consciousness. In much the same way that your individual cells understand their relationship to you, each awakened human being understands him- or herself in hologramatic relationship to this unified field of awareness.
Since this perception of self differs significantly from historical perception, its emergence in collective human consciousness presents the potential of disorientation in those who might react to its coming in fear. We have much to do before the preparation of human consciousness is complete. Still, even if the awakening were to occur in this very moment with no further preparation, it would be an event of unprecedented beauty. However, in that case fewer people would be in a position to appreciate it. We wish to to maximize enjoyment and minimize discomfort for all concerned. If human beings understand more fully what is occurring, they will be less likely to react in ways that would cause them unnecessary discomfort.
Regardless of whether one accepts this change or attempts to back away from it, this event will be of greater power than any the earth has ever seen. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.
Though this unprecedented time of intensified energy radiation still lies a few years before you, you are already near enough to it and the event will be so powerful that time is behaving with increasing subjectivity, bubbling and warping, creating islands of the future wherever there are those who deliberately invoke the energies of the emerging consciousness and demonstrate willingness to live their lives in love.
These are not disconnected islands beneath the receding seas of historical illusion. They are united in a veritable continent of rising awareness. As the new reality comes fully into human consciousness (at that moment when the Creator’s luminous field comes into perfect alignment with the Earth Mother), all illusion of destructive nature will be dissolved. Though there have been many centuries leading up to this moment, when the moment comes it will be decisive.
There will be a great shift then, a single moment of quantum awakening. In this moment, the smallest interval of time measured in these dimensions-this interval that occurs in every atom between each of its billions of oscillations per second-will be lengthened unto infinity. An interval of nontime will expand. Through that expansion eternity will flow. Some will experience this moments as minutes or hours, others as a lifetime. Still others will experience this flash of nontime as a succession of many lives, and some few will, in this moment, know the Nagual itself, the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
In the expanse of the non-time interval, human beings will have all the time they require to realize, experience, and remember full consciousness of their eternal spirits and to recall the origin of their individuality in the primordial fields of being. All will have ample time to recharge their form identity and its biological projection with the awareness of who they are, why they have individualized, and why they have chosen to associate with the planet’s human expression. Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of disincarnate awareness.
Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be put partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures, sharing the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will then know themselves to be.
Subconscious orientation in fear will be replaced by conscious orientation in love. The sudden release of power, as the polarity of the collective human emotional field shifts from outer to inner orientation, cannot be avoided no matter how smoothly we seek to guide the transition. All will feel an unmistakable surge of power in the instant of quantum awakening. This is as inevitable as the daily rotation of the earth’s continents into and out of the light of the sun.
But the effects? The implications? There is no way to predict them. They depend on the choices you make today. By extrapolating current trends of consciousness we can establish a probable range of effect. But there may be as many as eight billion people incarnate at that moment, each with complete freedom of choice. And though the choices each one makes in his or her lifetime prior to that moment will certainly predispose that person in one direction or another, there are no guarantees, no assurances.
The spiritual polarity of collective human consciousness did shift one before, triggering a reversal of the earth’s magnetic field, a shifting in the position of the poles, and a great deal of destruction. However, that shift was a shift from consciousness to subconsciousness.
We will have a degree of control during this conscious shift that was absent then and so do not expect the same sort of cataclysmic shock waves. Still it would be underestimating the variables to assume that earth changes will not accompany this event. Almost certainly some will. These will be for the most part of benevolent nature-a melting of the polar ice caps, for example, bringing rain to arid regions and helping to cleanse toxins from polluted lakes and rivers, a warming and simultaneous moistening of climate that will open to agriculture the extensive plains and fertile river valleys of Greenland, Antarctica, and certain of the world’s deserts.
To minimize the trauma of this moment for you and others of the human family, it is important that you prepare for it well ahead of time, establishing the habits that will leave your self-understanding fluid, relaxed., And trusting in the overall benevolence of the universe and its resident intelligence.
The best way to prepare for the future is to be fully in the now.
The only habit you must cultivate, though it may go against the programming and traditions of your society, is to allow your consciousness the relaxed flow of attention that brings you a clear and accurate picture of the phenomenal world and continuous awareness of the Eternal Presence from which it has unfolded. Such a state of consciousness will allow you to enjoy the rushing energy currents and heightened awareness that will sweep through the earth during the expansion of the nontime interval and will maximize the stabilizing influence that radiates from you into your local surroundings.
Long before the moment of collective awakening there will have been established a sufficient core of people functioning on higher frequencies of awareness to enable the harmonic currents of their respective amplified radiations to displace the influence of those who may react in fear, both at the moment of collective awakening and beforehand. The frequency radiations or vibratory emissions of fear are not harmonious. Their effect on collective human consciousness increases at an arithmetical rate (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) for each additional person whose behavior is centered in fear, but they do not build in the kind of geometric progression (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) that is characteristic of the harmonic radiations of love.
Before the final instant of final awakening, the radiations of love will constitute the predominant vibrational influence on collective human consciousness, even while a numerical majority remains centered in the historical orientation. That condition is now very near. You who have motivated by love bring to bear on collective human awareness an influence much greater than your historical reason might suppose.
Individually you have an impact on the collective predispositions of your species far greater than that of those who are merely trodding the time-worn paths of self-centeredness. You who do your best to make your decisions out of love, who refuse to be controlled by the subconscious machinations of fear, who take time, if necessarily, in difficult situations to proceed slowly, consciously, lovingly, are truly among our own. Your awareness of these things will soon be in full. You are the ones upon whom we can depend during the coming shift.

Sourced from here.  And a big thanks to this blog owner for sharing as well, btw!

Huge Ascension Acceleration


Editor’s note:  Little last-minute, late night post that I had to share as earlier today my eye began to twitch – a highly unusual experience for me. I wondered what was up with that – until I read the article below.  Just another symptom of DNA upgrades.  Overall felt very up, joyful, blissful after much purging, clearing and understanding of the previous day.  Sacred tree today told me to get into harmonics – get on the piano and play – which I did for over an hour.  So soothing!  Blessings soul tribe.  

Huge Acceleration of Ascension IN Effect Due to Frequency Wave  

By Diane Canfield 

Beloved Light Tribe,

We have had accelerated timelines in the last 2 weeks with the manifestation of a HUGE energy wave that took place last night May 24th. We are still in this Ascension Corridor/Gateway. You can find my post here

You may feel discombobulated and detached from 3D reality for some time. These sensations will only increase. We are also seeing an increase in psychic clear sight. Many more other dimensional beings and objects are appearing in front of me and this is always goes hand in hand of ongoing frequency upgrades.

We need to continue to stay in the moment so we can feel these upgrades when they take place. If we are focused on a future event we no longer exist in the moment. If you are focused on predictions of other events , this takes you out of the moment of Now.

If you want to FEEL more Waves and more ENERGY you will need to make the jump to fully be in the NOW moment. How do we do this ? We are fully present in everything we do. When we focus on one thing, we are fully aware of the specific thing we are focused on. We do not multi task as this is a 3D slave system attribute put in place to lower our consciousness so we are not tuned into the workings and inspiration from the Divine Creator.

Ascension is ALL About FEELING the Waves, downloads and upgrades as they come in. The more we expand our consciousness the more we feel. One does not ever phase out of feeling the Waves-in fact it is the exact opposite. The more tuned into the Universe one is the more they will FEEL the ascension taking place.

There are many steps to this process and the first one is to practice being in the moment of NOW fully. Give whoever you are talking to your full attention and stay focused on your thoughts being in the now, not the past or the future. Whatever project you are working on do that project fully and completely. Ground and make sure your thoughts are stable.

We do not ever evolve out of the symptoms of ascension. Each wave we feel is encoded with its own dynamic upgrades to our DNA. No two waves are EVER alike.

Everyone is at this own level in this ascension process and the waves will give you exactly what you need. If you feel the same symptoms as others this shows your vibration level is close to the same frequency.

The goal is to feel more, not less. Those of us that feel the waves as they come in have done lots of work to get to the point of being able to feel these and it is no small task. This is the Ascension process, FEELING.

Ascension is a rebirthing process, so this means as in birth it will sometimes be painful. Ascension is not graduating to pure joy while we are in this process. We will have times of pure bliss and other times of feeling the symptoms of our DNA activations coming on board. The more you feel, the more you are advancing in the process.

The Wave last night was one of the most INTENSE waves we have encountered. There was a manic feeling that went along with it and a feeling of not knowing what to do with oneself. It lasted into the night and into today. The effects are still coming in.

Some felt they had to go to bed because there was no way to otherwise handle  the wave. Some felt like scambled eggs for brains. There was a feeling of not being able to organize ones thoughts. Body tremors and sleep issues. Intense body pressure. Involuntary muscle movements. Eye twitching. head pain. Some experienced depression and sadness while others intense joy and happiness.  Vibrating and seeing objects vibrate. Heart race increases and increased blood pressure. Intense Hunger.  Body Heat flashes. Heart Palpitations. Today we are still feeling the effects of the energy increase and it will continue. 

During these intense waves, it is best to relax and accept the wave coming in. Grounding works very well for symptoms and drinking extra water. Do not resist the accelerations. Relax, find a happy place and ride out the wave as it comes in. Every wave I have felt since 2010 have all been unique. They must all be appreciated, honored and respected as these are the very WAVES that fuel our Ascension. We are the Guardians of the Ascension Process and we are here to complete the mission given to us by the DIVINE CREATOR.


I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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Energy Report


I had a serious case of wonkiness today.  A first.  Suddenly I felt I had been someplace else – not having a clue where I had been – and then I had to balance again, ground out, tell myself where I was NOW and what I was doing. 


By Lauren C. Gorgo, 05/24/2017

We’ve all been thru some major changes since the last report…changes that have effectively created a level of instability and unpredictability, in some cases those changes may have been life-altering and/or even resulted in our deepest/oldest fears made manifest.

The good news about a fear made manifest is that once we can see, feel and touch it, we can finally and officially move beyond it. For good.

That said, and for those embodying, the next two weeks ahead promise to take those core-level transformations to even greater heights (and deeper depths) as we approach what is being called the “holy fires” and the climax of our rising life force. 

Kundalini is to transmutation what Holy Spirit is to transfiguration.

Life has been anything but certain lately, but what IS certain is that our release from causality has been enabling us to ground so deeply into unity that “certainty” is finally losing it’s luster. We are finding that as we grow in our stability, strength and endurance to maintain a unified state of consciousness at all times now, that we are learning to adapt to the present moment with aplomb, with spontaneity and full trust in our new human capabilities…confident that the road will rise to meet us now, even and especially when we get (momentarily) stuck in those remaining ruts of our past.

Yes, even tho we have officially transitioned out of the lower world and crossed the threshold into the new, the (empty) patterns continue to present…we still carry the imprint of our old template even as those past parts of ourselves and lives are being uprooted from duality and re-rooted in the heartscape of The Garden.  NOTE: when we find ourselves operating from the old template, we just need to let go now…there is no more “work” here, just the acknowledgement and release of old patterns that limit the higher template experience.

This uber complex process of rooting ourcellves in The Garden is so comprehensive, even dis-orienting, but in actuality it is serving to re-orient us to life in the complete opposite (right-side-up) way by which were were accustomed to experiencing life in 3D (upside-down).

The “rooting” (hello relentless root chakra ) is actually a merging (of spirit and matter) as those ensouling have literally been uniting with all the elements of the earth…a process which is bringing our bodies into deeper union with life as our personal and Universal life Force become ONE.

Our sacred Hearts are also activating…aligning with both with the Cosmic Heart of Creation as well as the Heart of Gaia…which means we are right now evolving into the Sacred Keepers of The Garden. This also means that our memory of why we are here and in what capacity we came to serve at this new level is now returning as well.  We are remembering (thru the visceral intelligence of our body) that WE carry the (Eden) blueprint in our Hearts for all others and the planet, a memory that evokes a deep feeling of assuredness that ALL is well…despite the horrors of the dismantling world.

As a result of this merger, our bodies have been assimilating to a much higher frequency which means panic & overwhelm a much higher fuel Source will soon be needed to regenerate and rebirth our form.  (more on that in the sections below)

Simultaneously, or perhaps consequently, we have also been enduring massive body template upgrades due to (or as the result of) so many personal timeline shifts (ultimately convergences), that the concept of time and space is r-e-a-l-l-y warping our perspective…on purpose…both in waking and dream states.

Past, present & future have officially converged into one continuum making it nearly impossible to make distinctions from within that context any longer.  

Parallel timelines are now more clearly perceptible which means we are able to more consciously shift, or jump, to change the course of the past from the present moment.  There’s a learning curve here, and if you are familiar with that which I speak know that while this will take some getting used to, it is also no longer uncommon to “run into yourself” in a different-adjacent running timeline/reality program…or even to join with that alternate timeline to consciously redirect or alter events and outcomes to suit us in more personally empowered ways.

Time is now becoming of a function of the Heart and as we learn to work with it in this new/higher way, we (those of pure heart), are literally rewriting history, rescripting the human story to include the Truth of our existence.  

As I gain more understanding of this new operating system over time I will report on it, but for now just know that bizarre is definitely the new normal.  ©As LOVE, Inc. 2017 All rights reserved.

Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

Sourced from here.

Little Tidbit ~ Maybe A Sign?


Today I suddenly had the urge to go around the house and say “good-bye” to all sorts of things.  I looked at some of our stuff even, said “good bye”. I had this heart-felt feeling to enjoy deeply the time we are spending with a particular neighbor who has been like family to us.  Enjoy those moments deeply.

I looked at old pictures, reminisced, thought for a moment, would I want to go back to certain times?  No.  I knew.  I knew I was ready to go on.

It was a strange experience and I cried some.

I feel the Event has already begun.

Just putting this out there.

Anyone else feel NOTHING they do in this fading reality works?  It’s this feeling, that continues to grow but also becomes more, what, ingrained within and thus easier to relax into…if that makes sense.  It’s just this feeling that we’re in a holding pattern and we have shed so much and are just waiting for the moment to take the next step into our experience, individually and collectively.

I feel it in my body.

What say you?


More Interesting Changes/Disappearances In Our Eco-System


Here’s my own note to add:  My neighbor, who has lived on his property for over 40 years, has a bush w/red berries all over it.  Every year a specific species of birds come and eat all the fruit.  This year?  Not a single bird and all the berries remain.  A first.  As far-fetched at this seems, I feel many of these species are already on New Earth.  No baby hatchlings??  Nature Knows – often before we do.  Obviously, I am very well aware of the poisons and other crimes against nature/humanity that have been perpetrated for decades.  However, I am remaining positive and having faith in New Earth and Ascension.  

“No Hatchlings”- SE Michigan (Rare) | NJ Farmer of 20 Acres “No Flies”!

James Gilliland Latest ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 5/20/2017


Posting for those who like to follow his video’s (and they are really popular on here, according to the stats that is).  Normally I like his video’s, very much resonate with his overall message, but this particular guest was not aware of the spike in the Schumann nor was he aware of the awakening/rise in frequencies humanity is undergoing.  I had to stop watching 20 minutes in for it did not resonate, but it may for some of you.  Enjoy.  

The Original 11

I have heard this term, “The Original 11”, a few times the past couple of years but never gave it much thought.

The past few months I have been guided to several new people to follow/read.  The term recently returned to me and as I saw some of the names of these Original 11 folks, I saw a pattern.  Many of the new people I was guided to follow are (said to be) of the Original 11.

Coincidence?  I leave that up to you, but given I know there is only Synchronicity when searching for higher self truth’s, I believe I am opening up another door in my Awakening Journey.

Here is a link to a piece that outlines who the Original 11 are said to be, here in physical form at this time, to help us as we transcend out of the experience of separation and return to Oneness.  They are not above us. They originate from Source just as you and I do.  This is what I was told.

Still trying to understand it all.  Just thought I would pass this along.


OWS Explains “The Event”

One Who Serves Explains “The Event”: A Galactic Pulse Of Energy Is Released, And Then This Happens!

Q: What do we mean by The Event or the series of events?

OWS: The Event is when the Galactic Pulse of energy is released from the Galactic Central Sun and reaches the Earth and spreads a consciousness wave, a shift of consciousness across the entire planet all at one time. And from this there will be many other shifts and changes that will come as a result of this. As to the exact sequence we cannot say yet at this time and as to the timing of this no one knows but the Prime Creator as to when exactly this will be. This is even in your Bible that that was spoken of here.

Sourced from here.

Editor’s note:  I have come to believe that I saw this in a dream earlier this spring.  I walked outside, looked to the south, the skies were weird – very white.  I could see the faint outline of other planetary bodies.  I felt like I was in a very calm, yet foggy state.  As I walked up the street, I saw some neighbors who are not particularly friendly.  Certainly they never smile.  And yet, here they came out of their home, smiling at me and my child.  I remember feeling surprised.  I woke up and thought there was something significant to hold onto from the dream.   Did I see the result of this energy pulse?  Time will tell.  

Energy Report Update ~ Tiffany Stiles


Editor’s note: Another resonating energy-update piece.  Those gamma rays pack a punch…

FB_IMG_1494893466508Over the next three days, (5/15- 5/18) we will experience high gamma rays coming in. These oscillate​ all within, and turn one’s thinking around, inside out and upside down to gain higher perspectives through the higher self.

Understand that through these high vibrational frequencies change occurs; emotionally, physically, spiritually, through DNA rewiring and connections. You can expect things in your life to “change” through this energy signature; residential moves, relationships, your job or career may take a different form and shape in your coming days. Be open to the new as gamma rays oscillate in and through, they allow you and assist you in releasing density. A feeling of lack will change to a feeling of abundance as the connection​s keep taking place for you, and the dots will keep connecting.

Continue reading here.