What is this flying over England?


I first saw this on the Cat’s latest update

I went to the linked twitter FMI:



  1. Weird flight pattern.
  2. WTH is a COVID “Research” Plane?

People in England in recent days were seen en masse protesting the CV Vaccine.  For the love of Source and every one of us prisoners here – END THEIR AGENDA NOW!  For now – Empower Thyself and One Another.  And don’t feed any of their fears that speak of keeping us disconnected and isolated.  Reach out to one another via social media.  Texting.  I feel strongly it is important to keep in touch and in communication.  White Hats and Patriots we keep hearing are In Control.  If this is true we WILL continue to be able to stay connected even when scattered all over the realm.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.