Today’s Reflection and Interesting Finds


This describes exactly how I am feeling today:

The energy felt jagged today.  I was able to do some excellent trauma release work.  However, much of the day was a challenge.  Packages lost and not arriving (both).  Mate is in a royally pisser of a mood and his energy is big and intense so I am hibernating in the bedroom tonight, listening to music and letting him be in that space – ALONE.

The evil parasites are really at it once again – upping their agenda – enforcing it more.  I did however go the local store without a mask.  I think I said last night I saw a sign posted on the main door saying exemptions were allowed – even though the huge sign posted out front says no mask no entry.  It is possible that is an old sign.  Whatever.  It’s there so I am going with that.  So today for the first time in months I walked inside a store showing my entire face in its full beautiful glory.  It felt awesome.  Physically I realized I now have a damn body memory of having part of my face covered when I go inside stores so it felt “weird” at first.  How horrid is that? Yeah – they know exactly what they are doing.  So….Got lots of looks but made no eye contact.  Just went in and got my stuff and left.  I walked with purpose and an energy of “don’t even think about hassling me”.

And wow – wouldn’t you know it?  The entire system didn’t crumble and no one died.

eye roll….

If people support this agenda – go live in China.  Seriously.  Go live in China. This is America.  We are a Constitutional Republic.  We have Freedoms. Liberties.  ALWAYS – even in times of (alleged) emergencies.  If that bothers you – go elsewhere – but do NOT expect those of us with critical thought and a knowledge of how this Country is supposed to operate to go along with you wanting to bring it all down and install government control including the removal of our right to make our own medical choices.  It is horrifying to me that some support this.  You cannot make up that level of stupid.

These big stores – namely Walmart – I have noticed something.  Twice in a matter of weeks – never experienced this before.  I place an order online for some misc. items like tissue, dish soap, etc.  Items never arrive – I phone up – and am told “your shipment was lost in processing.”  What?  First I ask “ok so when were you going to tell me this?  You’ve had my money for over a week.”  (collecting interest :::ahem::::)  Well there’s no answer for that nor is there an explanation as to why my items suddenly being lost in processing even though a tracking number has been assigned.  I got a little pissy today with them on the phone.  What was also disturbing is how they end their phone calls with you:  “Stay safe.”  Last 3 phone calls w/them in recent weeks they say the same thing.  A CAF moment.

I know Walmart is a horrid corporation but when local stores are out of these basic items you gotta resort to these online outlets – unless I want to spend $15 for a package of 4 rolls of the “alternative/eco-friendly” items they push in the smaller stores which is not in our budget.  And even if it was – hello!  lol  No thank you! Oooh be eco-friendly and cool even though such doing’s are mostly $$ absolutely unsustainable.

I heard today where our local Trader Joe’s has someone standing outside taking customer’s temperatures (on their forehead) before they enter.  A neighbor of ours saw it.  I’m going to have to see about that one.  They aren’t medical professionals so how in the H E is this possible?

So…….keeping my eyes open on things as to not be caught off guard.  Given I did not see this year playing out this way in ANY way – I had NO feelings or insights as to this nazi crap – that is REALLY bothering me as I am pretty in tune with such things.  So – you won’t find my head buried in the ground singing kumbaya.  I am focused on what I desire while keeping the mental radar alert to their filthy doing’s.  It is freedom or bust for me.

Love,   V.

Here are some interesting finds….Seriously searching for those finds that aren’t the typical headlines we see everywhere now.  

My twitter friend shared this with me (and it is much appreciated)….I have continued to feel military is how this gets finalized and had that feeling more confirmed when I learned Sidney Powell is licensed as a Military Lawyer.  So – hope is still a flame within – but I am still on alert….


military…..(for collaborating w/the enemy)


Got the nudge to gematria this one:


Wake Up

Law Order

MK Ultra (someone said we’ve all been MK ultra’d recently – totally agree – these damn masks have been part of that this year as i experienced today)

Bye Bye Bye

Freedom Day


I Am A Time Traveler (we know, POTUS)

Take Me Home


This one below is uhhhhhh….It has 3 messages said to be coordinates:

“The top coordinate marks Trump Tower in New York, while the one below takes you to a tiny, uninhabited island named Managaha in the Northern Mariana Islands, near Guam.

Bizarrely, the bottom coordinates lead to The Sphinx, in Egypt’s Al Giza Desert.”

Australia’s first monolith appears in Adelaide, engraved with cryptic coordinates  

I don’t know why there are coordinates or if they are meant to point us in some direction.  If I don’t know – I ain’t taking that path.


Now this is (potentially) interesting.  The FISA vaccine?  (he doesn’t say Pfizer but FISA)  Double meanings. FISA vaccine ends the “pandemic”.  It is possible he is alluding to FISA (FISA brings down the House – opens up the country again – removes the “invisible enemy”).  I don’t consent to vaccines – at all – so as always as I have been saying – holding out for my desired reality while keeping my eyes open as to what’s playing out:


And going with this one above a “past proves future” w/this new E/O:

Trump signs executive order making Christmas Eve a federal holiday in 2020  

From 12/12/17 Q drop 334 (almost 3 year delta):  Follow the pen:

May it be a season of miracles – healing, freedom, liberation, abundance and ever lasting peace – all of these in their pure, truthful forms.
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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