10.12 Reflection/check in……


so today is interesting.  i’m feeling “home”…..  in the last 2 weeks i’ve been drawn to put my hair into one long braid to the side.  a few years ago i had a vision of myself – perfect.  20’s – on a beach – in the new.  mate was with me and he too was young.  in the vision my hair was very long (even longer than i wear it now) and i had it in one long very thick braid off to my left.  it felt so right.  i felt amazing.  anyway – so it’s interesting that in recent days/week or two i’ve had this sudden desire to wear my hair in the same style.

yellow rose had some interesting comments on gab (as i type this my word count is 111) to share:

The timeline jump was successful.

AF fixed the raid.  You all made a difference.  Ty.  Mass arrests about to happen.  Stock up BEFORE FRIDAY. (15tH)

Am getting I miss worded the last post.  Focus your mind on “Being already Home”.  Otherwise its like saying focus (and reveal) the time of our exit.  My bad.

i asked her if that time line jump reference was shown on the schumann – sunday into yesterday – and that lift i felt.  things feeeeeel different now.  and i did say i felt victory yesterday for the first time – i could really sense it.  the stocking up part is interesting – she’s never said that – always just do what you feel called to do.

earlier today as i headed out, i asked for some songs from Home.  first song – sweet home alabama – lord i’m comin’ home to you (that line was playing).  next song?  JUMP.  (again – lol)
i am sensing the last two days – JB is the first public arrest.  (obviously he’s been taken care of – just for the normies – i guess.  eye roll)…
here’s some humor:  our girl lost a tooth today.  she’s asking for $9/tooth – JB’s economy rate.  i said outside may JB’s economy – but inside this house we are still on T’s rates.
i hope you’re all well – wherever you are.  this is almost over.  finds will follow later tonight.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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