10/24: New DNA Upgrades Happening Now


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October 24, 2017

Aloha everyone,

New DNA upgrades are in the happening right now as more light is pouring unto Gaia!

New legions of benevolent beings of liquid light are being sent down to help us individually & collectively.

If you find yourself going through physical discomfort, unexplained pain, dizziness, digestion problems, loss or gain of appetite, weight loss or gain, palpitations, anxiety even, blurry vision, restlessness, migraines, extreme fatigue or hyperactivity, flu like symptoms, or old traumas of all sorts coming up to trouble you, if you are already suffering from an illness & the symptoms seem to be getting worst etc.; YOU ARE GOING THROUGH HIGHER DNA UPGRADE THAN YOU EVER WENT through until now!

Rest enough, drink plain water as much as possible, listen to your body, absorb Sun’s energy as much as possible, if weather permits go to nature to ground more often, use essential oil, Epsom salts, binaural beats to soothe you & bring you an overall sense of well being.

Your spiritual body upgrades & adjusts faster than your corporeal self. It always takes longer for your physical body to adjust, at times your soul might even go too fast by skipping a few “steps”… this might manifest in your physical body in ways mentioned above.

Remember: AA Raphael is always ready to assist you & bring you an instant relief, without your consent he can’t intervene! You can always call for his assistance.

This self-healing activation meditation works wonders for me, try it & see if it works for you:


May my love flow to all

Indigo Love

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.